f1. to-' . . : i 1U r 101 TWO THE DAILY NEWS 4 i A1LT EDITION ttjE rfT fV Dangerous Situation . . . Thursday, October 8. 1942 EDITORIAL ''r'even predominantly among men of the services. . ine oiner nignt mere was a sucuien black-out as iney aui tnat nignt. It is not good enough to condone drunkenness in Prince Rupert because there is nothing else for people, particularly the young, to do here. Drunkenness and disorder cannot be justified on any such grounds. To do so is to tacitly prescribe getting drunk as a form of entertainment to be resorted to because no other less evil entertainment is available. It would be just as reasonable to excuse more disreputable or diabolical diversions should liquor suddenly disappear. Such excuses are nothing but red herrings, no matter who may offer them. These are trvinir times and. instpnrl nf insHfvinnr drunkenness and immorality, filth and indecency, Aye' cnuuiu iu uc uuniK wiiat we can 10 prevent 11. ior snouiti those responsible be allowed to laugh it off or minimize or ignore it. 'v -i Whatever the cause, hnwpvpr. thprp i? n fpcrpr nfi ! in i Prince Rupert. This was evidently the sicrnal fb'r th6 dumr- ing of some considerable numbe'r of drunk' oi hajnk men and women into the dark streets, there to shout and jostle and get themselves generally in the way. One could not help but wonder what would happen, what panic or chaos there would be. should thf pnpmv hannpn tri rnniP am 7 - - - . j i 1 fcv fto Prince Rupert with conditions existing downtown such 11 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 Prince Rupert. It is high timerthat sinhrngf-bet nift- S " ouuui ik, uciuic inuie fcenuus consequences en- k sue. Even if there were no women or children here, no ,r ji4, quiet-living normal citizens, only soldiers, sailors, airmen ' and essential workers, we cannot see where the war ef-' fort COUld lUStifv Sodom and finmnrrnh rmvliHrmcs Tf is, -V Jfc 110 use telling (is this time that we ought to remember -i that there is war on or remind us that there is nothing 'k'plfei eIse to d0 in P"'nce Rupert. , u Wp ' w " (luniv.umiy UUUICI CU clUUUL WllUllltJr UT not oUr remarks hurt J v uu UCHCVC IS tlitlt, f'Wi it i 10 1 hirrh t timn ,. fn . .1 . i. nr 1 i a-fflr "" iui n-uuii ami inipruveineni. we Deiieve. W-fe at it should be possible, if the situation is handled ade-j ' vj quately and competently, to bring about that improve-'' M:f ment. Conditions are not only intolerable now but they! Tifc are downright dangerous and there should be no further r Ji delay in taking the full measures necessary to clean them' kmi "P- To say that things aren't too bad and that nntbinrr! ft 3ft can be done about it is merely justifying indolent inaction or authoritative incompetence. There is no reason why Prince Rupert should not- still be a decent, respectable, orderly and law-abiding ' town even if it is doubled in population, ove;-crowdexl and lacking in recreational facilities. And the fact thaWt is! ?i 0.r-r lKe front line makesit all the more important! that it should be so. A little greater sense of-sobriety andi responsibility would not be amiss in 'Prince-Rupert's wai ciiuiu even imanciai considerations should not be allow, ed to prevent a clean-up being made. Now, dear reader, do not let yourself Jie carried away by anger or resentment because you may not agree with some of the above remarks, unless, of course, you are quite satisfied with things as they are.. k The VicHy Radio . . . T mi it;. , i . . . ;,f3 ine vicnv radio is mnrh nnntnri in mah ,1 Bnnii, im'. " " 1 w. ?n "l't:iic n rr a. . , n&iV. :r?, ua-yB- 1"e luVbl 01 us are not deluded about any of 'JTr. the "news" that mav emanatp frnm fnnf vve migiit Keep in mind is that neither Vichy nor any of VJ IllUWbllilUMU UiC 111.UL1 111. V I V. VV 1 1 1 I n 1J V UTf! hf1,l .... .. , 7 ' ""v,"vl v iiaic tu believe it or4 hot, .... is , but . a mouthpiece, willing or other' mien f Mo? flhtoinHi Avi..iU.'.. n.i. i . .wow, H1 y""1 viviiuanjf. niiiuiiijj mat comes over tm Vichy radio We mav rest a&surml n as the intent may be, to mitigate against our cause. Vichy 7 (liiiiuujiLUJiiuiiLn iiitiv ijii nuiiii' sirinu nnnnn v tA - 11 tvj Uw VUill- forting to us. The fact is that such announcements are merely just a little more subtle in their meaning and effect. Vichy, of course, knows like Barnum that "there K is one uorn every minute.' ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.G.A. AND Y.W.C.A. Hy DOROTHY GAnBUTT, Hostess With the appointment of the two t i cw xuun Aien s unmuan Asso .t" HC 1 f 1L. T Tl i. -! 1 - i i . .., . meinueis ui uie i mice nuperi (jfiarauer oi om- eiauon men 10 me Forts and the L A 1 ' A? A 1 1 1 .1 1 I i 11 'nutArlla Grenadiers T iKlnU think 1 t- A merce, at their meeting this week, did a good deal of talk-j i perhaps that inn- nhmif. tVip r1irpnntnhlp stutp nf nffnirc tW nno finrlc a restatement of where we all work -.by night down town in Prince Rupert these .lays ,le to Vtlfl' 5cxcessive indulgence m liquor by both men and women. 'The Area supervisor u Bob ,.'It was too bad that the Chamber should have let it golson he hows the reins and directs .with only the talking and failed to follow it up with some al the y.m.ca. activities in this !sort of resolution to officially draw attention to a situa- T . L l"a' ,n ."arge 01 ine V&tion which, in spite of protests and representations thatUd so forth, m fact is more or ' . have-been made in the past, is deteriorating rather than less of a "Pooh Bah" if hen ex- cuee my saying so. jock Aiorse rjiiipiuvjug. ' .There are abundant signs of increasing lawlessness I-0'1" hair of the Ports and oeordie j and disorder in Prince Rupert and it is not helping niat-!1 , , , son at the other Ports as well as i t0 haVe the streets ful1 it of i foul-mouthed P LteiS an' reeling, jFairview Camp. Ivan Mallett looks f'i , drunks, leering, pursuing and accosting women, making i after the Navy's wants and also 'intny nuisances oi inemseives. we are not sug-ves inai ine snows ei 10 m,r ing so obvious on the streets here is confined to or is ' in their r,ght order 11 sounds sim- .1 uh l r J4; !!: . "si ! , the BPtgMtB.ws; lot can happen to a schedule be tween thf Utrfe It la all nicety! written otft on papervand when it Is put In practice. Hector Macken- lie" iriaKeJ things hurrf aronnd Hie Midland Camp and puts show-; cm at the Dry DocK. Harvey Or " wvv VYS w u. : men's wanU. PereyVPoultfln: jtarU your iASUe of 3eptrmber so regard- ;a sufgerti t in with the" OrerftiSMtVtiWlll!11 llne"up ut lh cMii BtHt rooms regjtrr, oipife; KvJw lastbut not leasCthian TOii"' lf sL2JTJ On the catering, side oi the r"""'1 " u"um 'iHHRp in lfWIWCMOn -nrt . ' YAI.C-A. work there is' Mrs. Wood side, who runs the canteen at the Hut. As the pressure;ol work' in creases mere she threatens daily to fire herself but ntwe can help It. At the cafeteria 'Pat Trent U in charge with MriDeHlsle and Audrey Burnett ascashlers and Mrs. Moon Is ln phaje of the Staff House and jersonnel. Remember, boyJithe time limit on library books il seven weeks. , n - . a 1. '...kII UJiT even days not OLD HUMORAL1 Letter Box SKKVICXS MJLDtil) Editor. Dally News: The "Job Patient" letter Umelv Of Him Canada Asks in Alia Man Can Give .Mi!0" mi?ta this is a oZ war i ;ffiKKvfr fa'dfe- fanatical, ruthless, (!(, niined enemies: We shall defeat them m.lv 1 1 if Valour irl 6ut fighting ieU is matched by self, denial and- effort on the part of tho?e at home. Canada does not of vu lui th-mhUi ur age that she expects of her fighting mmi, l,t 1 ic doesf place on yon a grata responsibility Over and ahove the rtloflcy raised through taxation she must epefid crei-y single day Six Million Dollars to carry ort the war. It ni,iHl come from volun-tary loans from yotl and .people like you. That is why you are asked to gt ready to hUy Victory Bonds. iWs Canada" doubt that yotf will do as she afcks? Nb'ihdefid: Slib trusts in the sincerity of your patriotism irt your deep-rooted pride in ( Uw and' all -she stands for. She helipves that yoi J . it doiVno go isr MWsariLnuf viia uw Mi pro- local theatre after hard dayaiardv - - ' j3L oZSii j . oi r.ev:iuswi msrv W i. other MrtMi reqsJIWe to Uh fnnWttTof propl? vrtto rtwl tbs care o: ire uicre&s - in - PODUlaUjn mi ml. i ma Aim iuii full" ai aware tlut m kawii Lhelr vwrt ano woat Jc,jo again be-: nwniiliir. .vey ftrt helps Kit reus I sign myaelf 4 tier ' Hat iter. T- U)?Ki 11 rk rniiVKirrnw H,nri' 7 X prtTa e ret,- natural condition as the dence of British in1 sovereigns ordinary person may live hi. al- p,e bu, .van .Ul m m W a WM " ""n.ir.nT"..,' . C!;y Hre OnwCanadaLaysa 1 GmieRespo ' - X wotlld .cornVo do lia t1.nn refuse to lend vrV ing their lives. THURSDAY OCTOBER the Dimif nM ..iil . . i- ..j.- ..j --rw more . ii quraitun mm - Hinu Ifltt) aq other iMr the public be imerMU ift rim 0B, rwnfiy lunu f.re preveiuun. u ftjuw 'i.-Wrj mwBf , r obvious. '" , tt'rMiy .,. r st?" Ih" 'Nlmun .. . .1 .11111 t. iriMu u jik - but I venter tiUoWlte.' . . pumt nra tjier, rhI JLI'",?1. r!M- In M-.irv 5fcwo Uw whte id. i which there is anipie evtdeitee Hihoiae of placr of tiMMs-tMere to 'rf p'nt f'f irrive he e soon. iat itL on ijh which meda do. CnfprnT Srrtnnt' Mw i rioc.i inr over an nour at tni'.n a nnwtM mm k, . vn. wtre s yUbniiiea; Kt ur , . Hr. 'lo lldf of gtior.-, , , WWtsaai '-"'mill C. W. II HR1 m." 1 stMp2f WlKN'PFG wwih -man or woman has little t f'i't'Vr'if nomiedre of fi-es or fire causes Itnra-irtriirTVB Th 1 H " 1e of Th- wrrd lo'" Wini.-v,.. ::,. v".i men rf jrlmen- .f m!norlty oartl"! whlc-h ieni"ri!d inlajil ..-i Hsi "r1f y r than any othei unit, emerfed lron JIKW'Tn 181.' mibilify - j hm.iv uim.10 UIU Ulltl" '.! .'i.'l; , , how yoijVan no iir tH!i i.Jirv tliil. IA. Of late the total cariiina that go intothc nation's pay envelopes haveJecn cnormouMy :. ...1 mm v . ...r. iiiousainis arc earning more than they have ever done. In countljJ homes sons and daughters are earning money for the first " time. This may or may not he true of you aridr ,m.i v ;,st your (i ut v )& clear. It iXtO m;o tliat each and every one in vour homn I.. gets his or her expenditures week by week to anow regular and consistent saving. Every item, of needless spending should he ruthlessl'cut out every spare dollar invested iir Victory4 Honds. Make this the motto of your housed NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE mutt, 1 42 f. 'Ik-