" THE TOTpgH? racy-:.. R Shr" 1 LMBER BAZAAR IS SEAS WAS FINE PROCEEDING W eat her be datiec on flirlt- Kept Up Good Record of 1912 as Annual Affair of Catholic LaC'ri n 33 r iH Avoid Fai a Weather in Prince Opens Wednesday and is here lilnfs Rupert is Concerned CtHtt!llitrtr Today Ssk' ' ' crc: K rnnee uupert, consistent witn t f WrPer uie rest oi vie current year, bad me usuione sertoor mi! u ine W pn run- a very pleant month In 8eptn- att.actWe seWne Jf trie- arirfdsrl ..it.4 her from the weather lUndnoint. Oasaar Of the Oairtotte vrt)mrt Uft- '-r ollffl BUIWIllllC VUltinrU liO.O noun, as uc rcKurriwrip u iia. is. flame- npared wUh 117.7 hour m the n which opened yesterday- af ni a hev mar ftme nntt year, bringing ternuon aM carrlctt ofl ,rtie rJif . ol- the total unahine for the year up evening. rJftWeedfHf agln thia af rrowf 6055 hour Malrwt 1071.1 teincon arid eOfretudms tonight. h ,wm vat hours In the first nine month of The mll has Wen attractively dec . 1941. Thla September the rainfall o'td the dtlon of Mrs; lstma art"1 to on'y 3-5J inches, com- WUllart Uraas. r L, ,n. pared with 12X11 Inches in Sep- kS awW jeatefday L , tember. 1941, making thU year's and " " reived oy Mre, tftaM. , v,... aggregate of precipitation to daU) Tne ,talh rwwlttf tehfijtt " '. mall t.i2 inches at compared with meaaure of patftmafe- a did tb 1 refreshment tatted, inchea fcut year ' t fa. .mate weather taramary for that Per DeJong 1 in charge rite .: expert 's con- . urfl other al said, with tins Id foods' me adrift ery ujy u affected by severe fd And. heat. Chocolate candies are likely ( pertoh-'to suffer damage, for Instance. :!y caiiM. Luht cardboard boxes not pack- nr ' "tn chll-i l .u ai of of the the tea room with Mr. Hilton r wise e- """"" be "fnl and , ,. J Miximum barometer. 10.41 (Saptmber 21. .a .,Mmmm- MhUmnm barometer, . want U September 14. " Maximum temperature. t is want r ilc and ' , oniw cme MlnlrAum temperftbrt. JW on 71. onr 4, on e., can f Mrtn tmperatre, MJ. - una the r broken K" Sun. mJ-i d every-' either Maxtrmim wind Telocity 'lotrth-mueh p1- 18 niUea pet hour, on 9ap- Chriatma J mrnenUA STAin CjF SWISS ..... .. The history -' of awltaertandu a - t it i irr ik. H raralullv rlv trouble Whnl1 I olaced with other parcels they are. li loosened and falls off. Next the rtdrp4t HaB(l port tf-mas or any a new problem an Its r fflT. . ru1 a anMtr mm without ha ( Urtttmas thf he expected. e are Offtelal uinevaia Hate rtBTr this wis bit on oi of Ksndlj r- . : IU- :,t fi a rounsel for lhc who are fun of. ;cr siroirv i ni.niun. anH inmUmi fall an -t dam- tinn nut nracticallv al- 1. If we have ways he will receive the promised ni, .ne parcel lD4rcel If you ten nan st is coming proper dea- only after It has been mailed. If rt n the letter Dromialng it af- hatr of the icr it ha? been received, then no na' hes and. harm Is done." ;iinRS noi - the of ficlal about 20jOOO bees. rilE T01LRK 't'D LIKE "TO WH CAM WU l UOMCeEC PAL ADOUMD JTOG E.T H E C Y iVOU "v-rw AT land Mrs. A. OOnfnatd dirrtiKH z1 the preparation of tne refUMh- ownts. Mfc. 3. A. 8ntH and' Mra. M. P. MeCaffety poured yesterday' afternoon and Mri. Frank 3t. Aiiiour and Mrs. C. P. Balagno are pouring ui itiuinAJu. m -eu. c-s.e.day were Ws. Lamon-Ugne; Mrs. Onllmet. Miw Robin on, MHa fSHufi si Aaswl attdMlii Olive Van Cocten. Cashier U Mrs. Jasftet MaeaHy the honK Nkstig,.tabe Is in charge of Mrs. James Forman white the Victory Clroie UaCpn . In charae of other deparUnerl of the affair are Ice ' It WTUie SJWlnnv .Mrs. oincwrrr h federated leTeftwmtt began Ak- nd Mrs. Ted Smith. r Shfat wWl ' "fnW Fish PorJd Mm. Lotfta Amsdlo, 1,nf a hurry Stuart. "I hidii,! , , u .... M uofja .mm. neo Kinoo ana - r rnrco! parcel U w ttkJ. ha. bean tat! mny,Mr, jTo,. I In nf thf dmwinn. IT MOST 96 ABOUT MV Tventy-Five Years Ago rikrtr to w crushed and me siring, - , T 7u awisiii iuivujk ariatru ;Mfs. Bod Harrfe and Mrt WTHIarrf umea. wk tnef swi mm up in of WpT) wag ln cnflrge pareeU oecastooaUy." ijohnnv Corrtadlna and Theo Oull- ?r '.wi.. 'mH laat nlaht. Canadian M authorities u havei potfal r ,hh k- th mav. gm NTueo i rum uifianD inn ' parealt to Canadians in the Middle Vm mi a In P.vIam iIuihLI llAt bad Play world, an co..rlnjt uiklaasi the ng of the World Series at Key,. kne time mfirVT-it... mcrvm wHh- . u the f. York- Yok Ben Ben Self Self Jocularly I ocularly remarks remarks that they ought to transfer the big show to Prince Hupert where it is ao consistently fine these days. The series is between New York OlanU and Chicago White Sox. m ;nre td ,A ,M . ..,-. Mra. J. C. Knltht has. receive! if dlr I '.ri a a man ovfNtU ward usi ner Dmnfr.'rnme nil " I ntyins; you air vriiuiits uuii y i m ";e package' , untu lt actuiiy mailed. Dls-'at the BatUe of Una on Auguit lor with thefanKiMn4it ur y.iuaed to a man 26. L af'acHefl." a I wfl( r-jtrtf a letter saying a par-1 aui v.e v aiso cel ce, ij u on on the mi way y and aiiu who wsiu 1ST kr . Tn Prmee Rupert Trades ana ng par-ipatiuy and then falls to reeelw cwmc has appolntrd a Ide 'he pack-!lt riltion to confer with the ui mic kiiu. . auanecia U lias urni wm E"om it is . nP haa bn loai. and has a feeltns; OanadLm Pish it OoW Storage Co SBC6CAVJT with a view to settling the strike of clerks. $54,000. foYSTKKS OF I'-E-I- ifc'v of the' morc ovKR-CRowniNr. Prod';cUo"lufo! en .he entire i The Prince Eawara isranas uj&ici . rrodern bee-hive house w- - 1941 totoiled 5500 ' marketed value of I ( r RANK DISAPPOINTMENT i i n-ifrn TOO jAn "that men 'I 1.1 Wdi,Job fa the R.CJV.F. V uKdn' DiTisiaa, xeleatina men lot oit etW dttiUa. Recraita ors i 18 U 40, phynoany lit wrtk at least Hitjh School otiuncc. Many tueinl and lasci-aaraq joE await you. No ep-. . .1A . TK. Air Force Ml! traio you tiuiekly to take ur place with Canada's air-wooden. Full Inlonnatfon at any H.O.A.F. ReersMtag Centre, or wrue" oddresr bekjw lor booklet (11 Hundreds of mileJnway, through clouds and mist, lies the target for which' the tons of bombs Vt their racks are waiting. The skill of the Navigator brings the plane tohe spot where the deadly explosive will tear Into too enemy's vitals. The training e got in R.C.AJ. navigation schoob quahhes him to set the course hich brings the attack to the objective. The success of the flight is largely Vi his hands. Not in his hands alone, r each of the other members .of the ail crew does his essential part. ThafsWhal air crew training in the B.CAJ. oeans-the development of a teal with periect coordination and deadly striking power. , They are real pals, these Aung teams, sharing a great adventure. When their present job is done anc the enemy is wiped out they will share in the future which awaits them asynasters of the air. R.aAF training in CanadaXis expanding steadily. More planes, more schoolsmore inductors are Aow c i cepted for air crew at R.C.A.lT Recruiting Centres throughout Canada. It vn,i are over 33. but hare exceptional qu.u. w,.., , . BY WEST0VER " ll-l I... m.inf I VPC.4B I fft I HOPE VOO 6ET THE ILLIE. H'5 A v.ELL rr BUT IP VOL) 1Q CAPTAIW PlXtOVJ - BDT i GOOD ffVE. . vj kasssff . i 1 1 .-ria i i t.sui'rtkfcwr ' - v t ii ii ix v 1 1 rrv-.'in i P ip f BETVEKN TWO FIRES . 7-.r "I Pil JOMES L-lLo I Ql MQ. J13ST BACK I lasssH IMV'.CHHOPBSr.OP tfv Ia owntl UTEP J I . Bslssssss iysssssssHicoMMwoM Avi& v- ti irr-rnr i n&a s gjgll4jgl Jl Lac k of formal educatiorhit brr no lonft a bar to erUistmem. A" FIGHTING COMRADES OF THE SKIES full information, rife:,. ' - - , . re-ilUttwrattHt booklet fSivirii if ; , . - - -r . f-.l.fc- rHMmlrar MCkflKlCBl. r.fDIK. nausvi f - . ..... j,.wwnt ..r"' - ' rvV,ir. Monetae UoBlos. ..ut:1:) .;.. . ' f" r VF,P-1 nEU(ilOU5llNDED ! About aviii lii'n two hUTinn billion people rieoDle? I oBo nf Hrard u the in the large rhinoceros iguana of tropical world profess some religion. America. .' ; i IMGG1SI1 SNArPEK I KEEP BEES BUSYj "The snapping turtle of the M- ! Beeswax Is used ln the manu-sfiSinpi has laws, powerful enough factu:e of ammunition, cosmetics to s&ver a man's arm. and medicines. Pionkw Canadian Dry Cleaners We wish todraw your attention to tne laci inai we PIOK UP AND DELIVER jour wearing Snparel for drjcleanlng and pressing wS BEFORE We ha ve'S been fo-itunateYi adding more experienced operators-" J from theouth to our staff AND ARE STILL MAINTAINING 3 DAY SERVICE ON ALL DRYChEANING Phone 1188 " I. 5 ill a