FAOS TWO I EDITORIAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rate tn City Per Year. ti.W: Half Year. $2.59; One Month, 56c; One Week, 12c. Out-of-Tnwr. Subscribers by Mail. $3.M a Year Advertising and Circulation TelfJwne 98 Member of Audit Bureau of CfcAtions DAILY EDITION MFrz MONTjiV. MARCH 2. . Why No Camouflage? While great stress is being laid on a number of breaches of A.R.P. regulations, a number of reports have been made of discs facing the sky which are said to make perfect landmarks for planes passing over the city. They could easily be camouflaged so there does not seem to be any good excuse for allowing them to exist. They makv a perfect lead toward the dry dock and are the subject of remark by all visitors when they hear of the blackout. Who For Canada? . . . Germany is said to be preparing men to rule Great Britain, United States and Canada when the war is over and the Reich is victorious. We wonder who is the man preparing to take over the administration of Canada. Also we are wondering if any local people are to help in the administration of affairs under the projected Nazi administration. It is just possible that Hitler may be too confident of success, and the British air fleet and navy may have something to say about it. Turkish Difficult Position . . . Turkey is in a difficult position with Germany using pressure to force her to join the Axis in a big spring offensive against the Allies. Doubtless, the British and Russians are also using all the arguments possible to keepj her in neutral position. Russia will be a strong factor In holding Turkey back from commiting herself in favor of the Nazis. A Pat On the Back .. . So many people seem to think it is the job of a newspaper to get after people or organizations or parties they think are not doing their duty. They forget that more can be done by giving encouragement to those who are trying to do things than by slamming the workers who find for themselves a job and do it. Did you ever realize how much a word of encouragement can'do especially if the encouragement is given to a person who is trying to carry out an uphill job? Most of the big jobs are difficult and more encouragement is needed for the men at the top than for those who have nothing to do but carry out orders planned bv someone else. Money-saving Minora Blades ' UrenL nil Ct ..... .!. Service it N -aL retoras lor economy blades. HT DOVHt-tDGl lAZOtS FEBRUARY CLEARANCE SALE Broken lines in Ladies' Straps, Ties and Pumps. To clear $1.95 "Onyx" short and broken lines. Reg. 3.50 and $9.00 values $4.95 FamilyI! He ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" When l'ou Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI ni Zl-llour Service at Regular Rates I - PRINCE GEORGE Plans hare been made for an Intensive final drive in the Sec nd Victory Loan campaign ia Prince George district. The objective for the district is $67,650. An outstanding winter event in Prince Geosge was the ice carnival staged Saturday stfiK by the Jocal Red Cross Society. There ras a great crowd and a substantial asm was realized. Benjamia Teed of Fort FraMx has been brought here to sewe four months' imprisonment for violation of the trapping regula-ttoas. He oafewtaBy aet traps fr nixat6 during the dosed season and trapped without a licence Joe E. Brown, noted screen comedian. was a notable visitor in Prince George last Wednesday. He spent a few hours here while Ms plane was Weatherbound. He -was on his way from Hollywood to Anchorage. Alaska, and will spend two weeks in the north entertaining men of the armed forces. Boys and girls of grade two of the Prince George pubite school recently visited the local fire hall and later wrote essays on fire fighting. A trial blackout will be held In Prince George probably within Uve next week. The whistle of the Canadian National Railways round-house will sound the alarm and aU lights in the city wiB have to be compkieiy blacked out. There will be a house-to-house eheck-up by air raid protection wardens. The final game of the Gow cop hockey ptay-ofls took place on Friday night between JuJtor Chamber of Commerce and Merchants. There was a fine brand of hockey and a large crowd amount of general Red Cross work, has undertaken to provide each South Fort George boy in the overseas services with a monthly oar- cel. The Prince George Citizen has been conducting an editorial con test for school children on the subject "Why Canadians Should Purchase Victory Bonds." Municipal employees here have petitioned the city council for a cost of lhlng bonus. The Prince George Conservative Association has elected officers for the year as follows: PresMmt Alex McB. Young; vice-president. Mr, w. Graham; secretary. J Quayle; treasurer, O. N. Havdon: executive Dr. R. W. Alward Nor man Radley. Boyd Halfnlghts, Levi uranam, Mrs L. Oraham and J. Masson. Sergeant Murrav Crrwiror S2SWI 4T - w w-m , wit of Major Crocker. ,now stationed at Prjnce Rupert, was here last wees enroute to HalUax. SHOW UP ONE MJNGKKS LONDON, March 2: XT British Army doctors have devised means of detecting cases of men who have one lung collapsed Just before enlistment examination to avoid military service. i THE DAILY NEWS MONDAY MARCH ! ! ' , aaaaBBBaaBSBaWSlBBBSSSBBBaBSBaSBaaaBBSBl WWMOMMBHSSiHMHaSlSWSHHaBSiSSlMHaHBiaHHMMSSaMSWSSMNMSMM ' DESIRE TO ARC s111' Jr ! Fountain Pens Hockey League here is under way. The final game wHI be played tonight after which there will be a banquet. The Prince George city council last week passed a resolution fav oring the removal of all aliens from Pacific Coast without further delay. Leonard Prther, son of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Pither of Gls-come, in his capacity as radio operator on a cargo ship on the Atlantic, was instrumental recently In saving the vessel from destruction by enemy action. The vessel had become separated from her convoy. Prince George school estimates for the year 1942 amount to $32,-775 as compared with $23,500 last rear. The -increase Is due to salary raises for teachers and a government order requiring the board to pay seven percent of teachers' salaries Into a pension fund. The South Fort Georze Red Cross unit, in addition to a large liKAI'E, Queen Chailotte Island l-ojgers Seek This Itather Than Go on Strike. Conciliation and arbitration proceeding atteoUrw 850 leoasrs in' Queen cA.te Island camps majr be Initialed eoe by the In-temational'oodwofkess of America. According to union officials, protracted negotiations with the employing companies hve proven fruitless and arbitration proceedings are the last recourse. "Despite the attitude of the n-pteyerc," s4d a loggers union spokesman, we have advised our members to remain at their Jobs because ttiqtvare producing airplane spruce which is vital to Canada's war effort Union officials seektog to negotiate union agreements are said to have been lurbidden access to the camps. Native Women Name Officers Mrs. Peter Angus Elected President of Sisterhood at " 1 Klspiox. The Kisplox branch of the Native Sisterhood of British Columbia has eted officers for the year as follows: President Mrs peter Angus. First vice-prwsdent Mrs. Chris Harris. Second vtte prestdenU-14 rs Mo ses Morrison. j Third vice-president Mrs. Lou isa Alexander. Financial secretary Mrs. Philip Crosby. , ' Recordlng'ecreUry Mrs. Kkte Jeffrey. Messenger Miss Harriet Oawa Are Frozen At Prince George PRINCE GEORGE. March 2 The Victory Loan campaign .v. Prince George is "not so hot' u. one way at least. John Wert thf organizer, reports that, when hr went to the airport to sell a bond, he bad to thaw out his fountain pen In his nWuth.' It was 26 below zero. .NEED COPPER COINS LONDON. iMarch 2: Inert! wage are reported to have caused a shortage ,or copper coin in Britain. There has been a larger demand for japer money and a corresponding 'rise m the call lor small change. SM1THERS CHAMriO.V KAT-KII.LER i LONDON. March J: Ntgae. a .Btrfltagton belonging to Patrick Oallagher of Paisley. Scotland, u , Otat Britain's champion rat-killer having killed 960 rati, an average of more than six a day. His owner was awarded a 10 H. prise. SEND A TO HITLER The New WONDER BRA with the Diagonal Slashes 11 fit every f5ure type because the new Dlaiona) Slashes open or cJom! to meet figure requirements and permit the breast to adjust Itself comfortably In the cup. Tearose and white. Sizes 32 io 41. Annette's Ladies' Wear J. W. Tamer has bean chairman of the Sasfcfcers Puo- ftr Library tah H. B. Cwsi. ' secretary - treasurer, and C L. Dimock. librarian. Other members of the executive committee are C F MmLomi and Mrs. etaniry Jones. Private Boa Hagg f Use Caua-dtaa Sootttsh wturmri to Prince Royert last aek after a brief visit to hii home here. He expects to be leaving Prince Rupert soon Mrs. I. A. Anger was a recent tea hostess m honor of Mrs. Donald Simpson. Mrs. J. Catpmier tad Mrs. J. M. Oraham ware winners in a drawing contest Stanley .Volte, formerly eJerk in the Canadian National Railways office bete and more receattjr ia Edmonton, has Joined the Ray! Canadian Air Farce. T. C. Jones, who Is leaving awn to join the navy, was host to many friends at a stag party. Mis friends took the opportunity to present htm with a raaor as a farewell gin, j Mrs. E. Load wfB be eonflned to her home for several weeks with a badly sprained ank le as a reaalt of a fall while skiing II u llKV next, PCTORY BONDS THK CONSOLIDATED .MINING & SMELTINfJ CO. OF CANADA LTD. OVERWAITEA CO. rnoxi: sia FIRST GRADE RtTTiat 3 lbs. ItEII S.VLAION 'lb tins GRAI'EFI'l'IT jriCI'- each MATCHES S Urae btixe comx per lb C.I1EIA IIL.WS 2 Utu 15c 25c 39c SWIITS EGGS Orade A LaiKf it dos 10c 19c swANsoowN noru- r.rt 30c LA It tig OKANGES- ritit: Dfj.ivrity nn - 81.14 10c WlltK AND HEANS. Aylmer. a s uua A KAUIIIN 4 tin MIU.KTS per tin 3C 25c 14c 40c " CORN STAItCII- i 1 UII per pat lit per nkt J5C TUNA IISII- QAA IOI n t-lb tin Ul Dr UiUxJ v , yQ. JELLY POWDEUS- OQn AVLMKB PCICIIIS. iim 2jo CHOICE I'LIMS- Ap ItAOR IIUUES- TfT 1 tin i-lFl Utt IOC LHEUt'OV SOAP 4 bars IMCEIi BEETS uiu CASH SPECIAL 29c ItlCE KltlSPIS. 3 nku 25c 25c (rOIJ)EN UA.VTAM C0HV 2 tin n. for 2DC Jt'lCY OltANdUv ier dtw NO. 1 GltAm iU IT.fl- 8 lor SPECIALS COOP MAItf'II I TO MAUfll C 15c 25c Banish Wash Day BLUES Modrl 30 Vacuum Cup Type Other Types From .so.7r A good mattres.s at a low price rilONK oooooooooooooooooocooooooooooooooooooooooooooeoef " ior ijmck, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SEKV1CE PHONE 235 MICN'S SUITSV Indies' and Genls Knrt,T Spring Suits jUCi and up M. T. LKE Tailor 1 f "- 975 Phone Gr, D0 Forever ... with Time Tested, Time Proven EASY . . . the Washer that mcaih what it says . . . EASY All Ways! Arrange for a demonstration and know the superiority vi genuine IIXSY Washer from MruMvsMd A. MacKenzie Furniture Lid. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" 15 5i,lEUT!A snB-Flcd MATTKKSSKS- ZZST colton 29.50 a ai h bjirinu.Killwl MATTRKSSKS 19.5U 327 Tlllltll AVESt OOOOOOfl OOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOODOODDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO f tFrcsh Local Kaw and Pasteurized MM VALENTIN DAIRV rilONE 57 Wanted - Raw Furs , IIIC.HFST MAKKirr nicies rsw Kcprcscntlnjt IIUnsON'S HAY C0MIANy Ship to J, i:. OHMIIEIM, Cow May, Prince Hupert, H.C., rhowjl i