‘agi Tatialstivg Library x/ THE DAILY NEW er ain ie the paper *D wu, | Fecamaiy tn sate ine im % rm grince Rupert... .Monday, # LL ~— Lm ~~ Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist : — “ oe ean yoL. Il NO. 185 DETAILS OF DOM PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1912. ON DAY SPORTS OUT PROGRAMME OF EVENTS FO DOMINION DAY IN RUPERT Fine List of Athletic Eaeeitacitiee for Lovers of Sport by Land and Water---Ten-Mile and Five Mile Races---Various Flat Races and Dashes---Numerous Events for the Young- ( sters---And the Fat Men Are Not rage STRANGE PHENOMENON. Commencing during last night and con- tinuing al! volcanic ash has been falling, lightly some | covering the townsite with a F time day a grayish dust. Captain Bar- ney Johnson reports that the Prince Rupert encountered the dust at sea while enter- ing Queen Charlotte Sound. The wind is in a west north- | | west direction and the pre- Las night's meeting of the/the situation Various telegrams] Hazelton so as to act with that ' . : , ' nomenon is attributed to . , er tOUDIE Ni ; Canot sERCU p. ™ Children’s — drill soard of Trade of Prince Rupert| have been exchanged between the} city’s Board of Trade immedi- \ s lo Commence doubles N ( f mixed le iuspices of Salvation Army} what is probably an eruption deall principally with the prob-|boards, the members of the Prince] ately a practical idea presents it- in) ; ul gi N hree or} on Seeond avenue. {| of one of the volcanoes on lem of transportation of freight|Rupert board feeling that the}self and requires concerted sports to cor {20u : ? ib race; No, 9 Land Sports. the coast of Alaska. Three from Skeena River crossing to| Hazelton people being nearer the|action to carry it through. Mean- ‘ ' | @1Xx “o ee cr lane SDOrLS ‘ Ceo wnes “nt 1 E 9:30 a. mn, on G ) SIX Oared ra 1 sports t mmen al ndre i mil Hazelton Owing to the faet|seat of diMficulty can act to more|time there is prospect of the . u Ae hundred and. sixty es { I I ! ae . | sy ? ( ve I Pol ind | sm ee a Se northerly from Rupert a that Messrs Foley, Weleh &/advantage. From this end, how- situation being improved shortly assemble at eta a Ail-entrants are requested rie niiel’of volenes Stewa have chartered the In-{ever, strenuous etforts are on|by the arrival from the Stikine i 0 Judges il S.|1 the starting point as eac | | } , , , Qj mmence at 11:51 Jude W. C. C. Mehan, I a h tarting point a ach 7 . ° lander, the only river boat avail-| foot to provide a solution of the|River of the steamer Port Simp- Long, Captain Saunders, Captain} race is called. Each race is to exist, principal of which are able on the Skeena at present,|;roblem. One of the most prac-|son. | s to commie MeCoskrit re n on schedule time as nea Mt. Crillon, 12,000 feet, and freight for that firm is, of ecourse,|tieal suggestions was that a ferry —— 2 . eid oft tt \ ¢ b ew . 1) ~ ple ma a I eet Ww i hi : i y « | Ps fr ‘ i < . : . : ! ind to be held fa ' Ls ne ; Oe eee Mt Mt. Fairwell, 15,000 feet, he y stuff handled, and freight|should be established so as to Stalker & Wells’ butter is the g e between Fifth \W Pobe Fr, Bodwe | I aiting for these who ma both near the big Brady gla- for other concerns is piling up|eonnect with the wagon road|pbest, 40c¢ per Ib. 1t at [ I F@g r Ss : : lla he eroessing at a ilarming!/aeross the river leading inte} : Fs wim, 4 Meh gad aa Sel quested 6 h ey ee re oneee de } rat The G, T. P. until the big} Hazelton The road is said to aes Camy s toba s or M sh ttee that a Cross Sound. Nothing has b| bs dge is completed is powerless] be good shape for teaming in Modern Equipment, Ch avenue at { Gay Babine Capt M b to the seecreta been learned from the north to help matters. freicht,. By the installation of electric harp ave and Major Gibs W. Godson, Government Dulld regarding the strange oc- Joint Efforts on Foot. G. T. P. and Deliveries. oe te ene OCueene 7” ag Water Sports. 4 ‘ re ‘ mus iand os ater than noon n Sat- sihed ; aris , tana i Oe tal offices of Dr. William 8. Hall currence. | Between the Boards of Trade The idea that the G. T. P ‘ Distance 12|]names t | lges be e g xe es oe: lof Rupartoane seeeeltei mbined| ¢} , ig ; ‘ in the Heigerson block now enjoy | ups aus aLero oOmbpImnea) should appoint an agent to loo , : ; foatant time over A star p Judges ‘ ; BO tie ie ; ; the position of being probabl fa | t 4 a j Continued on Page 4. : eens | forts are being made to remedy/after the freight at the end of the aeat modern in at oity hike thy years - I i | ttenc » its reconsig : ; : ° 1044 Iwo prizes}! he starters eas : ie ‘+ We ts reconsigN-)very Jatest facilities usually siti canis Children’s » Sports. nent into azelton. was mooted found only in the largest cities but is likely to meet with small]... ' aH ; , AT? daundhescauus ; . se c MeMaet are in use and patients of the eka? Mine 0 wands eer ant h i aaa a well known dentist can depend ( 3 re | loca trafic” superintendent Of) on hetter service than ever be- 2 a ‘ oe Oe ee pew G, T. P., stated that the com-j fore if such a thing is possible nder 25 fe v ( irds | : ° ‘ ‘ ; ° a * pany had had under considera- | sada sl tnince it ne. 00 PONE Hospital Board Have Again Before Them the Proposition to Re-)'% '% es of appointing a four entries. One irs ge, 50 yard | eS) a oar ave g P 0 | checker at steel end, the under Says hury Elevators. are not four entries Girls’ race, six and s us| : W k P : Wh H Paid R | | cleric vides tees bees heels ‘ ra fe he ie ceive orkmen atients 0 ave al egu ar | standing being thatthe river boat J. H. Jones of Saskatoon, \ si be ready al e e . . management would accept re-|largely interested there and owner e ee bale aes is oe : re ae Contributions During Good Health sponsibility for delivery into/of yaluable real estate in Prince ils unde ~v ars O1 &5 i | Hazelton. The Inlander was|Rupert, in a personal letter to ! : ra Gris Se : . Consideration of the matter of; hospital might find the contract;board aceepted the report andj}under contract to prefer two Frank Reynolds of the firm of 4 » mu rat irs 16 ards | ract patients from the cily|system an unprofitable one should] adjudged is satisfactory. jear loads of freight for Foley,|Collart & Reynolds says that the I he above races Boys , ? : pay it arate of £1 per month,| there be a large number of cases Mention was made by the} Welch & Stewart, there being|farmers of Saskatoon district ed to Mr. Pe \ years if » yards paya by the usual system, is|to-be treated by doctors employed Mavor of. the tardiness in arrival then room for more as long as|ecannot possibly ship the enor- : ( ce, not la Ms ws , a committee of the} under the present arrangement ‘ pio al ei a there is depth of water in the|mous crop of wheat expected this ta, 90. thal a : oe ares. lhospital board appointed at the] The committee will confer with of the ambulance the fast time) vier to allow of the boat's be-|year. After twenty years’ resi- Aig vt ade ! s hirtes = yesterday afte the Medical Association on the} if was requisitioned for a City/jng deep laden. dence in Saskatchewan the pres- ' £ d ‘ 100 vards | wine are the mem-| matter ha accident when Harry W ard, | Board Council Attends. ent year promises to be the best hi No boa Girls’ ra hirt irs OF } P a window cleaning prisoner, fell] After a good deal of informal}he has seen. fe says further: se Patients’ Meals. ; nt ag é as ; says ‘ va g i yore : j G8 _ jand sprained his wrists. The|¢jseussion the matter was left to|“Hurry up and get elevators sack rat | cha P. TI. Palm Managing peotervers Wright) suxwested acceleratio he at ihe charge of the council of the} built at Rupert for our grain, ices——N / | ra \. Kirkpa Oo. H.| brought i est a report on/hulance service was ed lOlRoard of Trade. This body will) which will be ready to ship when \ skiff sing I l 4 Nels the s veyving f the} the ambulance committes Rules | Ke p in close touch by wire with|the railroad reaches us.” bles: No. 4. ski { g ea} i It was|#overning the staff we ado pled | No House Surgeon. Paes Sree” eee lon recommendati f the matron ; re a the institu. | detailed in this report that the} 94 approval of i house com- | ished and easy style, was an ar- oo or!) drawbat tite I ‘ | or ‘ CONSERVATIVE CLUB MEETS 3°" " . | er vet _avstem when{cost of each eal for the past] mittee rhese will be printed | by tistic treat that fairly cartied i RES vas previously suggested tofmonth had worked out at about leontract, tenders to be called the large audience into the old Inner Circle Holds Caucus at lthe hospit yoard was the fact|25 cents his charge took into] Recommendation that a nurse be | world scene depicted in the play. he 1 pital board a \ Savoy When Regular Meet~ I that her s no house sur-jaccount cost of fuel and kitchen] sceured to take the place of one} Mr. Jack Reynolds, a fresh ar- Looe hat as there hou \ | } P) ing Falls Down. ae uttached to the institution}expenses generally, includingiof the staff leaving was also} jrival on amateur night, covered National. | h wan a pase hilily that the}/wages of kitchen help The adopted and will be aeted upon, | ree himself with glory in his coon \ x of the Gonservativ ecuniciarn Chicago 7 | Excellent Entertainment Given!) songs and dances. Altogether, Club illed for last night al Philadelphia 5, St. Louis 4 Last Night Before a Splendid) |; was _a good all round entertain- s, but not a suf Boston 0, Pittsburg 4 | the Pacific end .of the Grand Audience—Attraction Keeps on|ment and well sustained the of members .at- New York 7, Cincinnati 6 TRA Trunk. Freight is to be carried Pulling Crowds. reputations of the local artists ded hold a regular meeting A on separate trains hereat _ who will always be assured a merioan. r 5 a number of the | Dp) | hia 9 a \ large and appreciative audi-| good house whenever they come embers of the “Progressive’’| mets st ms Ree ys IN HONOR OF MOTHER ence fostified by their applause] before a Prinee Rupert audience. fant | cago 8 as ngton 4 . | j A he Conservative party Chica 3 ' \ ‘ | and encores to the suecess of the Sg a a eer a a as 1b (he teen poneat Oe ee ee i oe ae ee |Mother’s Day in Empress Thea- perce amateur vaudeville entertainment} a . dant : ; : oes to Granby Bay. heir grievances, It is said that] Bos Detroit 4 Today the First Passenger Train tre Tomorrow Evening Big Engines at Mammoth Plant), ii. \Westholme Opera House a as : J ‘i ley decided {to take up their] Coast. Pulled Out for the Scene of the | of Canadian Fish and Cold last. evenings ‘“Mésare. Whitley Fr, M. Syivester, managing di- ubles with Premier MeBride acramento 6, Oakland 9 Great Bridge Building Enter- The Presbyterians are holding Storage Company ee UP} and Oram, both in their individual|"ector of the Granby Consoli- pon his arrival on an expected | Los Angeles 5, Portland 2, prise That Wiil Open the Road a special service in the Kmopre ss| Today for the First Time. turns and in their short act to-|dated Mines at Granby Bay, ar- { nee Rupert, | San Francisco 0, Vernon 4 to Hazelton. Theatre on Sunday evening, : oe eether, were at their best and|rived from Spokane on the Prin- eee when every man will come wear- | Every thing will be in readiness received hearty encores, cess Royal, He will proceed by Sta & Wolls':tutGae te: dhe New Cable Proposed. At 41 o'clock this forenoon theling a flower in honor of, or in] fOr ae dela opening ee Mr, A. Sowell, who has a par-|the Prince Albert to the mines host ‘ storage i f Set 4 ) , . ~ & raater he j Dest, 40¢ per Ib. it Ottawa, June -8 A) proposallanc: (pain for Skeena Crossing|memory of his mother, it any| 5 i GL cai . "CRN ticularly fine baritone voiee, gave} today. Mr. Sylvester had nothing " 8 f aug e Cana- ts yer i ‘ ae eae ieee that Canada, Great Britain and ulled out from the G, 'T, P, depot] arrive without one, a supply will) i _ : pata” aida a splendid rendition of “My Ain further to say other than a con- \! the departures on the} yy West Indian possessions co- ! ; Hh mE the: Abo! Av appropriate | « ian ish ¢ Old, SLOrags ‘OM~| Pireside,” coming on for an en«|firmation of the recent despatches Daingac r the Cs ig: alt the whart lhe start of this . yany, owners. of the big enter- bare : Se i in Wha ily ‘ Ing May southbound this operate financially toward link sermon will be preached by Rey. |! " core with “The Galloping Major,”|published in The Daily News ENO ere Mrs, Anna Sim-|jing up the British West Indies| train heralds a new era for the FE. W. Kerr, who is leaving ne xp] BEESE, will not attempt to do a which brought down the house.|regarding the smelter and other Hons, F.C. MeParlane, H, Levine, | rs eable is under consideration.| track now laid’ for nearly tWO] week to visit his own mother in ishing wid ae tee eer Mrs. Jack Chisholm furnished|work in progress at the com- Major Gibs nm, J. 8 Smith, A. B hundred miles out on its east-lipe Bast Everyone is cordially | Ut! the Baer or a aa “ a new and delightful number in} pany’s mines in which an expen- Yohne ind Ry, Seott, Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners.)ward way from Prince Rupert. invited to attend the — seryiee.|™ eee gtr ne as Pepe a dramatic selection from that}diture of a half million dollars shined iat 'Phone 4 \ large number of people: were} Mopning Presbyterian service jg) due toward the end of th ai famous old play “London Assur-|and a pay goll of three hundred vi Mrnest Hall's meetings, M Dunean Ross arrived on down at the wharf to witness the hele in the hall, Fourth avenue [On July ist, however, they ae ance Her impersonation of the}men_ is contemplated for this *aturd ind Sunday, will be ut-| ay this morning}outgoing Gf this train, as on the Se aie be prepared to accept Custom) dinosent characters, in her fin-| year. lends ¥* ‘ the Prince Rupert th et ee cold storage business and begin led by } f the start of the first i} hundreds, Don't miss) to join her busbar d occasion Of the stark ¢ . ' Sale 4 Apples. the: MahitAeeEe Ot 106 . . ——$—$—$———— Hem bah. gA yassenger train to traverse the e pau sale of apples . P } Launch Alice B, W. J Phomas, | BESS ' ( a Ma ¥ , rh velit ) pp a ani iaeiiisiesned. inion the | DOMINION DAY ARCH, 1910. | ; “hs if first “century” of steel miles laid} without reserve takes place this ARERR AMA fire te.a Made “ i Phone Green 1 at this end of the Transconti-} pyening at 7:30 These will be engines today for rw irs ime, PF rom fresh, pure, riot | If you want a ¢ hoice steak nantal id ab’ per box.t juve aid wp and a general preliminary test of & A ae ® a . ( al, sole f « xX, 0 an O ‘ Ween. ic®@ Cream at Keeley *| call at the Royal Cafe. tf Phe new service, sanctioned by] ,,., it the miles of piping undertaken, macy, / ore ‘ ; ’ line anager for Semen,” the Railway Board, will be an ex- FRANK A, ELLIS, Auctioneer, Mr. G. H, Collins, manager { I ¥ oe feeetipomely useful one in developing : cbe company is at present in the the interior this season, Tt wiil i te te. | uth in ¢conneetion with the new PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO save days for many who are Btrict!s fresh Eggs ae itn ®, earning and fertilizer plant, work ; a 745 Fifth avenue, corner OF 2AY-) 1.0) whieh has already com- ’ laboring to open up traflie to lor atreat tf | ea ; ' ‘ yeneed, Four well known fat men commence training for the race Hayellon and beyond, Bul of MeNCE On Dominion Day , course the importance of this ct aes if th Powder b ra 1 all talkin eed and endurant new streteh of opened steel is as on rhe Camosun -sallec t a ni ¥ Wale Of . A gw speed ana en 4 . " . . r ’ Ww Mid tuning bie Once ., x3 = the quiet nothing to the effect of the open- FREE! FREE! FREE! south this morning with a few ‘ ons 0 e qu =. “S . : . zi Faint Ry nema ease te re litorial pl nets of ling of the bridge and the running —ostneree passengers from this Dems - th 8 ort ews ’ ‘ ing . * ow ry the Kinpiy ? fee. Peery Seem fh Mt lof the first regular trains into A big beautiful 88 key ee — ‘and ire offi ee ; heelan ¢ ‘s 0 i Hazelton i te I { nsider the p ibilitie Hazelton rhere will be greater electric player piano, worth Wheelan aad Mrs, eRe, we / 0 . , ror sons , ‘ a . | Of t} ; a SA TARR MOST 40 1 | xcitement about that day than $1,200 given away to the I, A, Burton, Mow oplane ag a freight transporter, tf thi pool players in the Base~ RE r “rely Mabel remarks that while the decorali Tees " . Walk Over st in mny styles s c ; ) @ 0 Ire assenger a ver shoes in y sty ; ’ ' 's contemplating Dominion Day arches, she is cultivating D a kee ae ‘Arst ‘solid Theat euilaaae rane Best fitting shoe in the world.| Decoration co. anitteemen toiled to some purpose in those days, Minio : were booked 0 ) : eatre . rds i Ye : fear’ 5 j j / , n Day arch glances, | passenger and express train from . See Scott, Froud & Co, it li’s up to this year's committee to, beat this for 1942, (roe mew) TWO BOARDS OF TRADE ARE EXERCISED OVER FREIGHT ‘Prince Rupert Business as and the Merchants of Hazelton | Through Their Respective Representative Bodies Endeavor | to Improve the Position Regarding Transportation of | Goods From Skeena Crossing to Hazelton District te er a ee a Bix 4 cn tet a ee ee eS ee ee ee ae