VOL MARCH 2, 1D42. THE DAILY NEWS PAOl TWlBi II We,fc r the ana's sake. . V Mr. Churchill himself LOCAL VICTORY LOAN HEADQUARTERS Lome ritiht w : JUST suppose Mr. Churchill himself called upon you and he sat down and told you the "inside story" of the war and of the glorious part that Canada is playing in it and he ended up by saying: "You see now why money is so urgently needed. Will you buy as many Victory Bonds as you possibly can?", . YOU WOULD! Well, then, when you are called upon to buy the new Victory Bonds, buy them with all your might. You can buy the new Victory Bonds for 50, 100, 500, $1,000, 5,000 and 10,000 according to your means. Buy as many as you now have money to pay for and as many more as you can by instalments out of earnings or future income. T"",,)Avm,E i "i . T" ': ' ' " j s j : A17 vif mitaiiv nniinp vibiuni uunuu National War Flnanc CommiW4 Ottawa, Canada V. .Mi : : j . J i