MONDAY. MARCH 2. 1942. IEWS OF NORWAY K. v. Quisling came (o the helm jSNV.u.iy onie rather odious jgL sic been enacted. One will jp'jt ull Norwegian boys ami' :r wren 10 and 18 year tn-J" enrol "for active ter-tak the Quisling - sponsored irr new law compels all f.-hool teacher to Join the . trolled Norwegian Teach- BASKETBALL PROGRESS INEW HOUSES 'CRIBBAGE Studied Art AT SIMPSON OF A.R.P. 4 l "$rrp i hation. AtMetk Club'a f these laws rwjulre. alt Anifu, Mju.PhN. wa5 : , ,,nng to iage In Pjib- ptoced by MAcDonaki bul j, to i iin the Naai-eontroiH rul a nut. ik rlcirv anM on Publishers" AMOcteUw aftef p' P three fast bkta. Mac came f r mn.iu.M.- w, "" .a to steady Saw p a Mule. j rurniui wr i unt. i The StAT Ol th iASV wax Oliimr .J Adams who learned his basketball i Ci. i s . . .. mi. Mi-KtMcroi Krm-ikitiii fc uw uis co-siar was i nil miii i nuiiiiu, ijwuu iw ajto. niui Arney, mkt ,,,l4,ih. " iiwrti.iii Adftow and Oar Taylor on the c iii. Maiier o( ikr iiai .Iwwasd line and the veteran M.-wni null, irftirmi kiHian BtyooD and MacPbee at guard. iv-t iic 'r itrm-n,. i tK. cMr hula n litu Htti ino : E Of lUm tc . - raueh for . the . . (i ut i homesters With af Bmi cotumbt m Angus MacPhee banished on per- . f 'ZJLD JmtJ 0ou Adams Orlng a little urria o. oMMr-.the Stmpaonltes aoqsUred some PfTTS nw le tn the lavst quarter out r l0 oQme the lead t :mtr m twiuifa ut pUed up by the first string Savoyt w tw MMMtml sown v tr..- rmimT Mriftad Under aareement the 8imDaon ,J f Af l"'.team was to be entertained lure A WATT U' Adtnttilamtar Prior v Hu(. B C bill MTBtMi: OI KTOI IIBIII.-II MlLIMIlll J I'lUIUUt It:? t:!!Pf of ltn dmlnl.lrton mly if K hsBt the locals or came within S points of them. They beat tste six point margin so will show here soon. Hlthlichts of the Trip Sonny Beynon. once the finest point maker In twc parte, played 3 t'j, Maiirr f (t r.uu of I guard and was greatly appreciated brOrtkr of u.lhKt' Dominato and Houston could ! .Urr oci ttm 2m 61 I not make the trip Fans will really go for this Adams lad wtten be plays heme r.jrs Am. tMStia ouu games here. Boob he and Oar i cxj on w mkmi w TayW are fine additions to the t ; ir mM rti aavoya Tney pamjeu on me tofwd ttrm u b ti I loop in High SchooL J'JESTL'S; Mentioning Adama-.Tayior says mrvd u pit to tnoiwhen he pasaes,t: one Is not 111 UtFir luAtbUASWM' K Ma In a It lu Milt, iiul mtmkta Mr fv w a v, a tmimm piwi r . mirfc n c. mul himself. rvrarT a D isii ! Angus MacPhee eJeated to drop ??c ,ys the forward line was too fast and nlg chCk pujM on the back ir. m rni Mi: c oi iit or nitimiiiceurt too much. toil miiiv iv rKoiMir. Orrhlda to Lh vouMBtera Arnev. Art ami uul v Mat irr t the iti of Jet), one of the hbxb point men and -J?'. 1""' '.TV?1 . , with hU suture that's an accom- -2 f. 1 1 ;iiat bf Order of 111 ... . , ,k. He claims the v c r?rr mwM on th Mh phahment. way I J- -An iu) T tru an.' Irlimi stvrf Taalnr in ! art tn hln r" rj aruuMt the mm Buijevrr mnaea. ' rr nrrA to Mrriirth Mme.l Th leasi asetit the nllfht at l1 ( i ' Mrrh. AI. 141 l 'trd to the fUc fxn " " r-.v t)i MnoMM of Uvir a 'tot fonhIU C r Pi : .. Rurrrt. B.C.. UU -7 f rt A D l. L" Tl U' KAY STETN8 Pr'.ore nufjert. B.C. I ecu tor. Sonny's TILLIE THE TOILER DO WOO THIK1K THAT iOVECTO BUBBLES nu OIVIMCaHEt? VOUW ROLE IA4THE PLAV SOU AKt FOOLIWCf AKJV- FEELIK1G5 FOR? HtM? n father. Tbey returatd Sunday jnoming. The bay reported a vary cordial reception and very clean fair ireatment by the P. S. A. C. thanks to ateve Morrison, the IT'S DAVE PERCYS FEELU4GS THAT I AM COMCECWED iABOUX OF BASCpM I "Via HAArfl ffm vtsifA n4ltrA bttn. Will VllH a4 t. t-Hrf I T'Vi ao-a yin14aiM Vvia l. ..-II yT. PrlnT Tlhif aj I. . iwi ifvtn urc varmui au wiurijLsCS ; c was 6wi-, iiii-w iuc suimnuux'u as luiiows: -mim wt -uwimi, ivlisvs naiv vjw n -Vw.. . . P"lndal and Dominion - ering of citizens at Haj Cove A. Ronald 'Eagles lhYVL y received tn the prorldlng of necessary Up- Circle Saturday afternouto at- R. E. James 'Operator . .... wu 7uu- Diie. and financial arrictanr.. tn'Una tne Official ODenUUt VY CltV S. Jensen iRarWi a. organuauoii. mi . er Savoy tm a-.... ,u. I. " " R2,-m i.t the first session of thei M ni TV n .. : ' "r1""." et - work " done wu OTtBal one of IA ' government, become ef- M.irch 1. lilt- the ..mpaon. The Savoys, carrying Ted ... .... Arney. Alex Bill and " Don Mac- Z-ZL JZSTr -.i. rV,, , frm . weekly meeting of the executive h ttie Intermediate nalri m,t . u of the Prince Rupert civilian Pxo- :71T,,:,r".''m; "on Organisation A.R.P., at " "Wi the week-end c7rmjBu imu tne game out of the fire. Savoys were leading by 14 point la nlre martin a t ih .. In connection with the digging. of water holes In the city, It was reported this was being proceeded with and coverings for these were being built. The support of the city was very gratifying. The possibility of having adequate fire protection along Ui e ymtorffoni was being taken up and inquiries were bemc saade with site vm- of having a ftrefeoat equipped. RepreaentattODs are being made to have a fuMy prepared etner gency nospiiai reception room ready. The health department under Arnold Flayton. will try to get action in this connection. The isslstance of the Canadian Red Cross In providing supplies and making arrangements for told supplies and extra clothing were being pushed with vigor. The need for greater water con nection with the dry dock was onsldered. Camouflaging of oil tanks was being planned. The activities of (he district wardens were very pleasing, it was reported. These people, with their police wardens, were continuing the equipment available In the ARE OPENED SCORERS Commissioner D. i. Matbeson of B. E. Wermig Operators! the spacious dining ball and two J. Slmondson iFaleons) . commoaioua iun nouses wnlch J. R. Miner (Old Emnmi 63 have been erected '.by yTartime K. Slatta Smlles Cafe .. 62 Housing Limited for the aceommo- J. Howardson Pioneers) 62' datkm of employees of the Prince U. Ooodman (Falcons) 62 1 Rupert Dry Dock. The visitors. I. Moe Savoy Hotel) 61 ! were given full opportunity to In- H. Arney lOperators) 60 spect the new buildings regarding p. Czyz 01d Empress) 60 which numerous complimentary c. Aune i Savoy Hotel) 60' remarks were heard. Following R. Frederic kson iQld Empre) 59" tne opening proceeaings, refresh- h. Heinrich Pioneers) 39 do much to rcllevt the acute a Anis iRavov houssng sbortage which bad de- e. Hann Pioneers wopea owing to inausinai ex-1 a. As tori Eagles panaion. won ii nouses Jocluded in the present program. 66 being already completed and occupied, the City Comsnisaloner stated that he had been given assurance, that, f more houses were required for the war industrial workers here, obey would be provided. Incidentally, be revealed that some $4000 per year laces was being derived ftvim Utfarttfn UnJisina T iA t m log oonstructlon throughout the riMMlHlAfi A IMMmMM n f T AAA the listing of occupants of houses.' r""" w a v "I"" r w eu u ncccwiry ana unptiu rrrrMn.-. Mta. Rtnnrt formation. There Is stfll a saart! . .K . rf need for more voluntary worker: Lettets will be sent to T. D. Pat 11aaW ,M1H.n t I tA In thai tlM. vinraal lMlaiattife. and to iMas!l In the absence of J. J. Little, the chair was Uken by H. T. Lock. Others present were Inspector Ernest Oammon. J. S. Wilson. A. manager of the team. 8l!apaon-Weay 4, R. SiMnfwea 5. H. Sampaou 17. Ross 16. O OS- maw vase asaeaasv ivi MS'X, aaaaifc- jaesidi flng of the KinR." O Canada" and "God Save Sa4ous Buildings be oiiexated caieieria style, the THAT'S CONSIDERATION ! WHAT'S THE) r4 DAVE PEROV IS fl OH ttPft WUAT DO vOU IDEA OF 1 JEALOUS OP HIM AMD Jrr V,,? J! L MEAKJ BV TWAT V TUCW1KJG JIMPROVIlvJGTO DAVE LYMHy ! rTTTN 7Z 8ASCOM 1 THAT BAS03M. MEAK1S WT-J M 2f OVER TO ) UOTi4WG TO ME V f fW f? T'A ' BUBBLESV n h T ' vVA VOU SUBSTITUTED VOUPA SELP. FOB BUBBLES 1K1 THE CAST WHEM THE SCRIPT CALLED POR A KISSlMG SCEXJE. WHILE SHE AMD BASCCW aECE REHEARSIMG TOETUE JUST TWO OF A KIND ' ' ' I'LL COMFESS 1 ilVSIH5J BUBBLES. 1 DID ( I !WER WAWT TO FIWD Cfl OuTBASCOMyipV PLAV Canada at War 25 Years Ago in 1940. DCWT BE 13 SILLV, WHEMWE REHEARSED THE PLAV TOGETHER THE SCRIPT CALLED FOR TWO KISSIWG SCEME-S O0E AM ARDEMT KISS 4MD THE GET OWN BACK LONDON, Mareh 2: O A dud German shell, fired from the Hanson. represenUUve In the fed-' The opening ceremonies took.cruteer Leipzig at a British ship pJaee the hw haD 191- ben 6ent 10 a munl eral hosvM. uretatg ttie twd far J dtaing lmmedisrle and eomptete recflgnl- weHcb measure 108 fir 5t.Ieti and 119115 "ctory. Uon of the local aitwUaon a a deorUains fifty tabW- provWing ' '1 pronuuH vi ttrwMiy iui PwinnonN iVi ttrUJnf with rnmml.irr . room wlm commissary hi t h.v. the work done. ! hundred men. The dinine hall wilWrlUa f0001 - - . " i. . . . . . oounter. mere are. eient snower 7 SA ill rat n MnVAA1dk stnlA IHa baths in each house. the Sunrise Grocery interest. . JhI 1! flaten. K. J. FUatwUstk aad Wan jao was -of particular interest to Lambie. G 0 1) I) IJSS WELL-INFO IIM I J) All maloc ovtbpmecitB irmav- Ibe .equipment tor the storage, j " ,UUI "uu" handling and preparation of food;,.. as vMl as the victualling utensils I ' V" " , aompleteiy modern and efficl- "ri "'c r igni oj ;. ing Japan ace reported ta (he Munimt. Xbe furnishings are substan goddaas at the shrines of Ise by,tialaad attractive the Japanese premier. Thai onlan4 ilw a nnnintarl V-IvmV i at7 frl u.tsswaa U4 OtileS'C I KAJllia9 the lady vialtors at the AZu:i,rZLTl - g- tiaiiii wa w ii COUPONS i 1 Each of the two staff or lodir- '. for Useful S 'ing houses contain firty-two Household Items. ,rom. stane douMe and some j! call In and let as explain .ainada Mrh havin iurmimvlatlnn ' this nlan tO TOO. Savoys-Taylor 9. Adams 14. Ar-for 9J men. Bsdroom furnishings : MUSSALLEM'S ney 12, MacPhee 14. Beynon SJoogauit of single beds, table, chair!-. r c . BUI 4. MacDonakL Tetal. 5. and cupboard. Single rooms are't t-COnomy Otore 8 bv 12 fat and rtmihu. rnftms'!. "Where Dollars Have More twelve feet square. Each staffj' OTHER A COLD MATTER-OF- FACT TP 7 KISS ,r I ! II 1" J' Cents'' i" 7 r.u. box ai3 i nones is, is neU ., 4, . Oreene . 3. ..i, Walls A. Total. ., 54.'iue has comfortable .-. . lounge and . I VV.V.V.V.V.V.VV.W.V.W At 70 Years Excellent Accommodation Ii Pro- Andy Ronald Leads Individual List MANCHESTER, Mareh 2: . vided FjorJJnr Dock Worker ' for Season. ,Mls Eleanor .Laura Hart Dyke. ' City ComntKjjoner' OfficUteSr j Idaughter of the late Sir Pefdval t fcUUnauRuraJ, Prince Rupert Cribbage League Hart Dyke, died at her SnropihJie. , individual scores for the season iiome At ihe Ate of 101- CAtUvc. 71 ' was an Arttfet of some note and 63 attended an art school when she 67 was' 70 to keep her painting -eeh- 66 .tfique up to date. j 63 er sunk by mine in the North Sea. 1 "cwa MARKS BIG GAIN Central electric stations in Can- homes, nearest fire hydrant and tmnAt , CTT fC 'ada nroduced 33.445360 DO0 kilo- CUssiFiio FOR SALE menu were served to the caller. 'Albert Eyolfson i Falcons) 59R SALE-Fawcett Ranse with i i w..n4 J nil hum pr Knite R Wa Ihm in oecianng me ouuaing open, f. Barber Operators) 58 Mr. Matheson described them as a o Royer Smiles Cafe) 57 Block. Apartments. Suite 4. FOR SALE OR RENT BASCOM IS MV SERVANT. LOST 53. 1 credit to the city. The program of Arne Eyolfson Falcons) 5 FOR SALE Boat "Dundas." leneth Wartime Rousing Ltd. here would w. Reid (Canadian Legion) 53 53 51 49 33 ft., fully equipped halibut gear. Snap for cash. 1141 Beach Place. (56) HOUSE FOR SALE 336 Sixth Avenue East. Phone Biaek 010. 53 result of the erection of the flewj", r Gefmn plot JfOR SALE Door with complete bursas. Mr. Matheaon gave seme I"'co orm 2X1 oi' ntttaga: large stock of windows statistic of Wartime Housing ; !falany re"l and large stock of iron pipes. M mI - - - -i li . I lis bilC WilltCU ObdiCO. a-' wi. nmiM inun avxjvjviMtr aiwiV" FOR SALE 1931 Ford coach, rc-bored, for cash. Phone Black I- 965. (51) jFOR SALE A few bundles of old March 2, 1917:-Brttlsh destroy- newspapers, ehea p. Apply Daily WANTED if) extra heavy steam pipe up to 4-inch. Phone Black 324. B. C. Furniture, Third Ave. alarm boxes Some 9t the war- V, ANTED Appiy Jnd w p gye admlrii5tnitor hre watt hours of electrical energy in Housekeeper. den had Urge-scale street map f WBrtw m,,im tmi 1941 compared with 30.080.248,000. 10 Sixth Avenue West. Levine r30) WANTED Weight lilting set. Will pay cash. Phone 537, 53 WANTED To trade Vancouver revenue producing property for similar property in Prince Ri-pert. Inquire Dybhavn Si Hanson Ltd. 152) HOUSEKEEPER for small family: room, board and good wages in pleasant home. Phone Red 879. 55 WANTED Immediately, three used air rifles. 206 Sixth Street (tf YOUNG Couple teokirrg for a house or apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Willing to pay $25- $30 monthly. Steady Dry Dock worker. Apply Box 216 DaUy News. 1 55) LOST Small bunch of keys. Please return to Dally News. BY WESTOVER WOULDN'T VJAK1T HIM KISSlKlG 1MG MV BEST FCIEMDJ -aT J iDd.'r9sW. I ii iii.iih it.iu bum in m tit naaA VAJEU BASCOM P&k KISSED ME ipU-s. ' 'M THEV VJERE JJr BOTH rrTfg i'tlJOl THE COLD. M4 1 MATTER- WU M Or - FACT J Ht ' ; iwww.v;.v.w.v.,w $ Cafe Reopening J The LAI Cafe, Waterfront, u-411 rMftM fr4i 1 ' linger 52) J same management. AVW.V.V.V.V.V.V.'AV.V.V i FOR RENT OR SALE Comfort- a able four-room house at .Salt Lakes. Phone Sreen 668. itf) All Canadian Union- Amalxarnalcil BuHding Workers of (!auuda Prince Itupert, KX".. Unit No. 1 M EETI XGS Every furtb Sundajr, 2:30 p.m-, of FjutIi Month. MEl'KOrOLE HALL Phone Red 469 P.O. Box 577 For Full Line of ARTIFICIAL LOWERS! See Our Window J VAKIETV STORE ANNOUNCEMENT We are glad to announce that we are now adding a SHOE REPAIRING DEPARTMENT at our shop, with Mr. Charlie W. Yatt in full charge. As Charlie has many jears' experience in the trade he knows how to rebuild your shoe right. Let him do it for you. WE ALSO CARRY DRESS SHOES AND WORKING BOOTS. LING - TAILOR Sixth Street Phone 69 Suits. Pressed by Steam While You Wait J. H. BULGER Optometrist (OPPOSITE POST OFFICE) DRESS.MAKER Mrs. Nakataul Ladies' and Children's Alterations Phone Blk. 529, 522 Fulton St. Sat'lsfaction Guaranteed Cleaning and Pressing Trappers: Brtnz your furs to me. Prices on aU furs have gone up 20. Mink down 10S . Those same buyers from Cow Bay will pay 30 more if I am there and you will get a square deal. When shipping furs we wire money on receipt of goods. G0LDBL00M "The Old Reliable" G 0 L D S : E ! L e THE SEAL OF QUALITY Jet 'wi'flj' tiw art . -jk Sockeye Salmon Fancy Red Herring-in Tomato Sauce Sandwich Spreads Spiced Salmon Smoked Salmon Bloater aeeeeaaaeeaeeaae mm ri liirlrrn Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: Catala every Tuesdays i:20 p.m. Due Vancouver Thursday p.m. Cardena every Friday ,10:30 pjn. Due Vancouver Monday ajn. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving Feb. 10 and 24. Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 i