THE DAILY NEWS. : a fastes acquired long, long ago Ww. L. BARKER THE DAILY NEWS in Calathumpia, ARCHITECT It is a great pity that Gulliver iff, hoi erent sizes of wood sts. THE LEADING Tn Sadie Del Sl Waa BRITISH COLUMBIA didn’t visit Calathumpia while he pes 7 Phone 89 THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO LTD. Paatc Cc ee mer OUN NEVE /-been | Block Second Ave 2 a E RUPERT, B.C. delightful to know more about Alberts Bloc o9 - Ey — . our ancestral land. I would have —_—_—_— Se gtr eh ae ee ee TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates |The Khan” in the Toronto Star) |iked {. know if they opened|Canned Daylight Is atest I!°um=| x. Gordon Munro W. Nicholson Lailey on application. ; Enlarges Eloquently on the! Parliament the way we do. and inant—Pittsburg Man Invents MUNRO & LAILEY SUBSCRIPTION RATES—T» Canada, United States and Mexico—DalLy, 60 Subject Which Will be Upper-/calathumped at the Legislature, New Liquid Gas from Residue cpiveola per month, or $5.00 per year, inadvance, WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All| most in Prince Rupert Minds/too, Were their funeral proces-| of Oi! Wells. B on ns Avenue Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly Shortly. sions calathumpian parades? nee Stork Building, . in advance. a roneae Did they open the ball season Washington, June 6—‘‘Canned - we HEAD OFFICE or e oe a meee: to kane with a Calathumpian procession?| daylight ~ i Weihe'G. suelts STUART & STEWART Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. WHERS: URE NOTE merican i=) Tt would be interesting to know]vention of Prof, Walter O. > ACCOUNTANTS -!- AUDITORS BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES dian came from, be he Apache,|] ali this. ing, of Pittsburg, former expert Law-Butler Building Phone No. 280 : ig a za : Mohawk, or Siwash; but I think Wherever Calathumpia was, it/of the Department of Agriculture, ; rt P.O. Box 351 oe eer touaen nen Tne, Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City there can be no doubt as tolwas a gay and festive land—al]He is startling Washington Prince Rupe FOR S L Lonnon, BiataND—T Clou h Syndicate, G d T k Buildi Trafal where our own ancestors came land of regalia and brass bands,| scientists and gas manufacturing |——— ee ee A E. " Bquare De ee Ce ee ees Troms Tt wile te country walled rams’ horns, cow bells, shee iron,|experts with demonstrations Of| ALFRED apne C. Ve BG. Ontad i — sg = r ‘ ” o! ey Supscrisers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of |C@!athumpia. You will look if}hazoos, plug hats and horses,|his new “sunshine” maker, car- of Piantoba Bare. Katchewen and Ale ‘ Bction 4 non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. vain for it on the map, but it was] golden chariots, paint, feathers|ried in a small suit case. berta ; Oa te ante $8,000; % cash, 6, 49 ii a A ar eu te 4 _ | there once, and it has peopled] and rags. The world was young Liquid gas is Prof. Snelling’s B CAS A ata, tie Section 2 SEAS Var at aemiag et — rea i more nations than the Brilish}and buoyant and the peopie were} invention It is manufactured ARRIE ’ : i Two lots, Morsby ave., 81.5: , : aah , a \ Avenue. hea tots y ave, $1,500; terms DAILY EDITION. ose SATURDAY, JUNE 8 Isles, old Rome, or Gaul, easily pleased, from wasted gases and vapors of Office— Albert Block, Second Avenue. Two ie rg Attia ave, $1,800; tern I = = ———— — = = = = = There is a great big red pos- There will be a great crowd go] oil wells, cheap to produce, easily 0.8 Section 5. r t z e ost-oflice | ta : ‘ Ys ‘ “ 0 nsed ¢ ‘“ansported, The 3. , L.D.8., D. . 5. ree lots, S e ‘ 00D Rone. Meee a crons Ne ere rare Dae Drea na a enor. re WM © SAD Le OOTY ope eaiaieee, STs, ie a heatia. ‘ “7; €C@SsI0 ear ullockK 8 worners, ! "evo 0 © i = : y . “ Secti 6. ‘ =n ? : iat little place noi far from Bul-]} Almost all our sports were once}ination is predicted by its inven- Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. | Two lots and UE hosses a ? Se eae ee ye ii oh in Peed: alt the Ses os ae ee In Tee biggest] religious rites r ceremonies.}tor. His suit case “gas plant” local anasthetics administered for the palneas ex yh 800. ee y ime is the building of good roads, ailroads are necessary tojand boldest type is the announce! Phe CGalathumpian parade was aijcarries enough material to light traction of teeth. nsultation “ree, Ofess: : mY, ’ 7 als t are i i Helge Block, Prince Rapert. fi-12 Section 7. serve large interests, Good roads are essential for the happiness ment that there will be a Cala-|one time the ehief religious rite|a room for two weeks without ans a ee he tiie itiandeidatiiin Se lot, Cove Cirele, $750; term ¢ “OCESSIO £ ) ) . . ‘ " -n 5% . cll ae ate . e One tot, Eighth ave., 8600; ter and comfort of the settlers who are doing the work which will eae boinc she BB (as cas of anejent Galathumpia, rhe} replenishing at a cost of about $1. Alex.M.Manson p.A., W.E.Williams,p.a., 0.0.0 : Seetlon 8. er : 1is will br 2 crowd, for il] K; Toronto Star “Os 1d” gas, Prof. Sne , -M. Aes , F : a ae tell most upon the future stability and wealth of the country. itt appeal teen old: Galathutn. pantedh Por ee re “sees oui sateen Semana iactraes i WILLIAMS & MANSON ye ae Eleventh ave., 1 easy There should be a system of main highways connecting the} pian instinet of the peoplé—in- Lost..—Bunch of keys with chain|a cost per thousand feet s low — eg -— oe “aj Le se » ’ . r > ? ince thie 7 41s ‘ts 3 ug ore f ac M5 ; ae 0 0 ‘ _0 nizvane ; nae OX 2° more important settlements of the province which would be a oe a oe ine ate ‘ oon attached. ; Finder please return as Cae ( ity denise ns now pay. In Prince Rupert, B.C George I eek an be called in eins al mie to Daily News Office. tf ja single container, two thousand kept in comparatively perfect order. The telephone and good roads do more than any other convenientes to make country|@"¥ time. It is claimed that we feet, nearly a month's supply is) oo oy a PRINCE RUPERT List Your Property With me . , mm , : : are simply veneered savages. f 5 held in liquid form, to be liberated districts realiy attractive. The problem of making agriculture This ‘ pe . PRICE OF BEER ; 4 > ni : s is going too far, If you when burned as needed, The JCHN E. DAVEY 618 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert more attractive will be solved when we afford the man on the} serateh the average man you may liquid gas develope & heating and oe cahan Ti RENGIING , land some privileges which the townsman enjoys so freely. If}not find a savage, but he is al- lighting power of 2,400 British this province had a system of good roads it would proye a won-| most sure to be a Calathumpian, therma! units of ordinary illum-| PUP OF WM. FOXON, ESQ, A.R.A.M., LON. ENG derful impetus to the tourist traffic. The motor has come to which is a very different thing. inating gas. JOHN DYBHAVN stay and will increasingly divide the traffic with the railways pote OF Vannes) to one ital : ’ ; “**""T most useful people in our midst] Ultimate Consumer ‘Will Be the] The modern, high class place Real Estate — Loans and Insurance We have the forest, the streams and the mountains to make]are Calathumpians, and they are| Sufferer—Glasses to Be Smaller| for billiards and pool. Seale’s, this province one of the most attractive tourist haunts in the}always on parade. The hat that or Thicker—Third Increase in| Third avenue. tf world. All we need is good roads. The government is doing| Phoebe wore to church last Sun- Eight Months. —_ 819 8rd Avenue Phone 384) You must call and see Keeley! much in this direction, but they may be assured that they will|@@Y Was designed by a Calathum- — TAX ON ENTERPRISE Delicious, Refreshing i i A : . yian, and when Phoebe paraded hieag 9 Thea . ‘ry CRE receive the fullest support in the liberal expenditure of money are Bs cca ka ry a nee Chieago, June 7 The whole- 3 ‘ — ICE CREAM 3 “ee é e res oe Packie ro LoS ab att , sale price of beer has been raise monton Abolishes Business Tax for good roads.—Vancouver Province, she was in a Calathumpian pro-|> | P™® f beer has been raised aiilta. Bteased Akaut. 4 HAYNER BROS ee Even a pronouncedly Conservative paper can see the need|ecession. On May 24, ten years} 2? Cents a barrel, according to an : UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS KEELEY’S PHARMACY for encouraging its own parly along this line in which the goy-|from now, if that hat is still in}@unouncement made by the offi- Edmonton wiped out her busi- Funeral Directors 6th St. and 3rd Ave. ernment is lamentably lacking in many districts of Northern|@Xistence, he or she who is for-;eial organ of the local brewers'| ness tax this year and then won-| Mg 4 Ave. near 6th St. eyeee Ne ee ati British Columbia. Oty ba ee on it foment his is the third] dered why she had put up with ae i $6 piece de resistance fe a, a ast a eight eta the nuisance so long, seeing that es a dE MIGHT STATE e Aathumplan procession oO wreases in le price oO arleVi the revenue from it amounted to A CHALLENGE. that year. Any fashion plate ten}and malt were given as reasons.|only $30,000 anyway A year feueeeeree ee SUP sara Bo ‘tik wel oP lath st nilapeeas i é ate hae ; : Oe See ot 45, Block 1, Sectior sma pee ae years old is a picture of a Gala- Retailers say that the ultimate! from now Alberta will be a solid E. L. FISHER hous, Fourth Ave., $3;1 ssh, There is a dispute under way between the Ottawa Journal ee chit tiaaoytingaat ‘ ISR SEae be es eta be single tax province, and Sir|fJ Funeral Director and Embalmer See ce Hinata Bection 5 as . o. . Mé as a t ages © i oug 5 ‘ice Of a glass o . "1 - z " é ate : and the Toronto Globe as to the degree of proficiency with Puce nov: tHe aay eivemee. | ign the price of a glass Of/ James Whitney will be able to CHARGES REASONABLE $1,550 equity; terms : : , : : his sisters, but he makes up for beer will still be a niekel. They cast his eye on at least ae Large number lots in all s which the Canadian volunteers would shoot at a’ man at a dis- Bia Rar rh hee rit : : ; eae v1 ci } a con- THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. List Your Lots Wit it every chance he ean get. The] say that the latest increase must] siderable t of earth wher OPEN DAY AND NIGHT bat eet ve ie 2 Sn a aha ‘ ; s é spot of earth where his H. DOUGLAS tance of five hundred yards. It is the Globe’s opinion that not; ad men down in Dallas the other| be met by one of three things by Sat ° | = 1 th I ; I things by|ehecker board objection does not 313 Fulton St. P. 0. Box 606 one volunteer in five could hit a man at that distance. The}day held a lurid parade, which] saloon keepers who desire to re-lapply, Alberta's experience is ae was marshaled by the spirits of}main in business. Glasses must] {hat single tax heips all and hurt « « « ‘ = their Calathumpian ancestors,} be smaller, they must be thicker,| none, builds up cities and far fhe Shriners, the Men of thejor if the old glasses are used al fpom handicapping the town Prince Rupert Dairy Journal does not believe that one volunteer in fifty could hit a man at five hundred yards once in three shots. The dispute as it stands leads nowhere. It is all very well] moon. all of them like this sort] bigger “collar” must decorate|jotter enables him to make ick to deal in generalities as to the quality of shooting that would} of thing. It is in the blood, and|{the tops. a ae H FG om = Rilo s ey: FRESH MILK & CREAM DAIL) be done by our militiamen if within five hundred yards of aj it has got to break out somehow, Star. 5 Se ae Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. Guarantecd Pt foreign invader, but there is not likely to be a foreign invasion, Soe tt wen Oe a Wenlee nog and board in| Si ii ane We would suggest a practical test. In this office we have aj *®)* °° pular, atic’ the Mardi) private family by two young men.| Take home a quart of ice cream seta mee splunteer, ear ie Cie to donate a barrel of flour to any Gras, thanks to the inherited | State terms, Box Z., News office.}when you go, See Keeley. ee ae No Shipped Stuff Phone 287 charity in Ottawa the Journal likes fo name if our volunteer ree Say 5a ——_z=_z_——E——EE ——————— All nena of as order mi the | —_——_—_—e cannot hit him once in three shots at five hundred yards. The city are requested to visit offer holds good to the tenth of June. The same offer in ex- the lodge. —THE— tended to the editor of the Globe,-—Toronto Star. - a alte ken Westholme Lumber (0. —LIMITED ‘Valhalla’ of S.H. & E.F. (SCANDINANIAN Society) r Lumber and Mouldings | Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the hall at 319 3rd Ave. snlediaiiaret: All Kinds of Building Supplies SAY JOHNSON-FLYNN BOUT WILL NOT ATTRACT MUCH NOTICE CRITICS PREDICT SMALL CROWD FOR WORLD’S CHAMPION- SHIP FIGHT—SAY BOUT WAS FORCED UPON THE PUE- LIC—LAUGH AT FLYNN AS MATCH FOR JOHNSON. | SOWS OF NORWAY |Meets 4st and 3rd Thursdays at 7). z p. m., al 319 3rd ave. All Nor- First Avenue Phone 186 |wegians are welcome. San Francisco, June 7.—Thelhed at, and it might be said ee Jack Johnson-Jim Flynn heavy-| truthfully that he is still the ob- N.M.. ject of many jokes, Jim Flynn has never done any- poor rerrent ———— === | @—-@—_0—_@—_0—® — © -@ ++ 0-0 HAND LAUNDRY] FRED. STORK’S! weight bout in Las Vegas, which by courtesy is called a : : ; A ; ee : F xi thing that “would warrant his Hand cleaning and pressing. HARDWARE ° ee championship affair, seems @8-| seeking «a mateh with Johnson. | Best care of silk dresses ae s : bee e of silk 2888, : ; . Ps sured, As such it is entitled to|}He claims much beeause of his ay Just Arrived: Heavy Stock of +4 some consideration, Frankly |defeat of Al Kaufman and Carl Sint. te i Biotest e Wire Cable : sep Fine Assortment of Ice Cream speaking, that part of the publie|Morris, but oulside of that his which likes the boxing game does|record is a sorry one, He was not seem tremendously interest-jso decisively beaten in San Fran- ed in the contest, and there is no}cisco by Sam Langford that he : reason to believe that it willjeannot be seriously regarded as “ creale any national § attention.Ja heavyweight contender by men Fight fans will, in a desullory|who like to unearth faets and Freezers, Fishing Tackle, Poultry Netting, LINDSAY’ wSTORAGE SECOND - "AVENUE ! —o-t--4—-0 — @-+-¢ + +o? >-+— ¢:.-«-@ G, T. P. Transfer Agents — {iad —s — pr fashion, perhaps, read some of{know what they are talking Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable, opt the gossip that will come out of/about, f OFFICE—H. B. Rochester, Centre 8t. Phone 68 fil New Mexico before the Fourth of There is but one peg on which LIPS eee Sc atin Aah Ua Dies lla lata ( O A L , ' July contest and will read’ the! Flynn’s supporters can hang an r account of the bout, but so farjargument. They will argue that TT aa as bringing it into world-wide] Johnson has been out of the ring SMITH & MALLE ; New Wellington ae Best on the A notice, such as was the case with|for two years enjoying himself, “ en ‘ onst mn ; Johnson and Jeffries, that will/and that he cannot be as good as ABSOLUTELY AT THE TOP Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Phone 116 Rogers & Black ed be impossible, he was, deffries will be pointed Sheet Metal Work : Office: 3rd Ave, Workshop . ” at ; ; ; ; Ret Particularly of reeent years|out as a proof of this line of Phone 174 2nd Ave. bet, 7th and 8th Sts im ib DAR DAE ED Dies pie 40 ADECG| FOMAOD IRR of the world’s bottled beers is the supreme position ft : |For Kitsumkalum or Lakelse upon the people a mateh they do But granted that there is some- reat not want to see or d@ not care to|thing in this theory, Johnson ied % @ eff R: fi b ‘ fF: talk about, Granted that large}ought still to be good enough occup! py Old Reliable NOW... ° ce crowds will turn out for mat-|to handle Jim Flynn just about § Y ches that have aflerwards proy-|as he pleases. @ ceenyatt Sake: mare. Sant on aed 4 ed to be one-sided, they have Aside from that phase of the te rrae Mgek of beautiful oak Turnte it done so because, in’ the first}bout, it) looks too much like a Ul we1se ourtains drapery, te, vree eds write or call on the % p place, they have demanded such] family party. Jack Gurley is not show windows, at ‘the W4e Surenere few: rm Y Jefzic f aging oF j Lamps on the 6th a card With Johnson and Jef-jecontent with managing Flynn nT Srockery ond’ kitahen merges | oteel Terrace Land Co. fries it was a match the men|{but he is promoting the fight as 2nd avenue. Entrance front. who had to pay their money into} well, Advance press notices . * : eo : PY B. C. the box office wanted to see, Jef-| from Las Vegas, which inelude Its high reputation and mild and exquisite flavor 18 the re- F. W. HART TERRACE, ad CORNER 6TH 8T. AND 2ND AVE. fries, much against his will, was|the story of CGurley’s* mariage sult of 50 years of untiring devotion to Quality and Purity, 4 forced to sign with the black.Jand his subsequent visit with his 4s - ay ne a | The result, of course, was a farce|bride to Flynn's training camp, and exacting obedience to every law known to the ancient PRINCE RUPERT FEED (0. j but that in no way interfered) would indicate the “real” news d h ° Pattullo & Radford F with the interes: that had been|will be searce. The mateh is an an onorable art of brewing. a i ren : eh unnatural and impossible one, Rettiod oni Reeond Avene Phone 88 Big stock of all kinds of ae On the other hand, the John-|no matter from what stand- only (with Corks or Crown Caps) Garden Seeds, Timothy, my Piven pe tne pas pooees Aig at it, and would at the The North British Columbia hry ashy Bieck 19 See. 8 $450 each Clover ~ Grain " opposition on all sides ana has|have been betler never made, And Anh use: ery . oh" 6 : , Seeds. 4 been practically foreed upon thelit warrants the treatment that it e r-Busch Brew Liquor Co., Limited Lots 95-96, Block 38, Sec, 8, $850 each; Mail Orders Promptly Attended to } people. When Jim Flynn was}will undoubtedly receive—just St. Louis, Mo. Distributors Prince R B ea se: Si satiate wg sual Orders Promptly 4° first suggested as a possible op-|what it may be worth for its ce Rupert, B.C, Lot $0, Block 49, me. $350; $150 . . Ft aay oss . t i ; : ® ) i ; i ponent for Johnson he was laug-|news value. Lot 10, Block 88, Sec, 8, $400; §200 cash,} ™ Agents International Stock Food: balance 6-12 months, —ALL KINDS OF FEED