THE DAILY NEWS. “~~nrs~+0| IMPERIAL MACHINE WORKS | In the World of Sport }""""0"" : Prices Hight. Engine Work 2 and General Repairing. PARA 68 Shop, Cow Bay Agents for Imperial Gasoline Motors. Double corner on lane, Lots 24-22, Block 35, Section 4, $13,500; % cash, 1.2 years, These lots are excavated. ee onlv genuine 1 ddimiited on mBiock 36. Weaser £3 as an Ginnie yy baie JOHN” A GLOCKERS’ CLUB . Phone Blue 259 - P. O. Box 957 Lot oe os | 6, eran St. $60 per month income from Hy ce to Port Simpson, Naas, Stewart, Granby Bay and Queen ls | 5. FICE $4,900, i eek! ' ’ | Som erss | ; + @ : week ' week Charlotte Islands ¢ Personal Likes and Dislikes of | a - Lot 38, Block 16, Section 1, 86,787.50. Double frontage, apt “PRINCE ALBERT” The Toronto Ball Team [They Want to See Only Genuine corner on lane, below grade s ft na River Canneries, and all way stwee ere : Records in the Annal a ey > f ar sailings fOr Suave Rupert and Vancouver Hiway points between p | bd al Ss I A B b Lots 1-2, Block 2, Section 1, First Ave., double corner on Personal characteristics of the base: | ‘ ° ° arpeau ef f A to Skeena Crossing from Prince Rupert Mondays, Wednesdays ball plavers naire Wicca xe Track aud field t for the next lane, excavated, $15,000; % eash, 1-2 vears. ' Pa and Saturdays at 14 a, m i ee ers representing the Toronto Coal 1 St ¥ ; ia club in the International Loague this | Season promises to be enlivened by Cartage, Coal and Storage These are the best buys in Section One. ha Et GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Beason t be summed up as fol-| the advent anew ockers’ club, the Reliab! : Messe er Servi . iid (The Double Track Route) he : p as fol advent ofa n eke club, the teliable essenger Service zi { nett nicago and all points East, connecting with all roads from the | ‘ ; : |} plans of which 1} ) discussed aide Bet ist, Let us prepare itinerary for your trip EAST this sunimer joe Keiley's first thought off the | the men really terested in the ain er oan paenes for all Atlantlo Steamship Lines. For all information apply to field is for a look at the Baltim ro} ae get in Phone 58 735 3rd Ave. i ' P to ‘ ‘ - te ‘ ’ ‘ | We are ) atniet ang who 1iiKe to : A. E. MoMASTER, SJeneral Agent, Centre Street $4 fs sch aehares the os 1CB ' ae | Second Ave. Phone 387 f y g ance at the racing away or more. | x rer bs] Ra 7 <= mmm an ek ESTE excellently furnished, with team, with “Little Hook” (Fitz), chief | It is said that the watches to be sanc “~~ mee ey rem a : steam heat, electric light, and all assistant | tioned by the new club will be on the ° ° _ ; aU EASTERN |f| modern conveniences, being abso- Jack Dalton is a natural mixer, and | Se : vores a ps a ath or i ublic uction es be \ if : if lutely first-class in every respect. is keen on anything the “gang” does; | [OUBG ane Geer. (owes caesar WE | : . it) rape " lg ) on rT , This is claimed se33 PLO BRO, °. : opucsae sie. 1S A i The appointment d i in fact, be is usually one of the ring Iss an 7 : a t : wit h MINING MACHINERY ype cu CO Peace ’ 4 B D ents and service leaders. eu re my ¢ OF waten Wit } : Ce ender correct time §] t He N? i Pe Excursions are equal to any hotel on the Jf} 4). shaw, known to h's confreres io ‘ Phe ; ‘Sehi: d the hes n m7 Take notice that the Grand Trunk Pa i Ce ih coast. | as “Gus,” takes satisfaction out of] pave it that the old sty le of wateh| cific Railway Company will sell by public > EASTERN PRICES PRIC FC IR —_—_——— ee 4 oa : a calabash pipe and occasional hand} with the stop and start worked from | 445" fold, wat th the 17 ay ot eee Pa tee f by the at cards. a lever was more or less of a toy] Railway Company’s wharf at ae 5 HA 38 is) = aa ' tars ' Se »shows|and got up for amateur horsemen! P » Rupert, in the province o ritish t " | a rs ays the pn oe eee a } “4 a ‘ ; or x % ) A Tt pjumbis, , “certain goods consigned to 336 ' e . e Raine: ah to $3.50 50 per ai. off the boards. Bill can spot you ten! and others of that ilk who liked to] xifred G! Garde at Prince Rupert, B.C., | and then beat you in guessing the! See thems¢ s around watch in hand | and described hereunder. 3 Oriental Limited wi: ldenuty of the actors Inthe "movien” | and be’ pointed oat as official times.) And cake doteg tat guch tle, 6 mage |g TUES ECTS Benn Meyer takes enjoyment in| ‘" “/OCKIng a Rae of 100 ya Railway Act, being ¢ nants r hernia ore eee va es inade the time a fit f al vise 8 es O { Fi 5, rde : 3 anything; he makes everything al ov. ei f av ne .s rth Of 1 vi ed et tolls, charges, fo? storing, savers 32 No more weary waiting while a Bi | & So — SOLID TRAINS ——-3/} G. A. Sweet, Manager. |) !*v#! for himself vhen in the hands of a beginner, and| “Sing and selling suca godds. |. agp mad Montrent enry ns daily from Vancouver | Jim McGinley would sooner sit in| ;, ‘ remain & myst es aaoated at P OD, ae B.C., this ig your money travels to Montrea Limited— ee loatt? la “game” than eat his dinner. He| nis style of watch has been give co ““'L. W. PATMORE, 2 Tote Cie ats i j : or Seathe | was christened “Richard Caufield” by | the jeast a " / ti ie wna Solicitor for the Grand ‘Trunk Railway | ges and oronto. yur mail order Jewellery Mail Order House ; Low round trip rates to all points in | | Joe Ke nS teur sprint race Si HEDULE. OF GOODS ABOVE RE- system established in our large Geo. E. Trorey : ake « e Unite > ‘¢ a oa pee Elmer Steele finds supreme en joy peecaaectiabaepaes FERRED TO e é Managing Director~ i peneas and th United States. . Call | ment writing hades saa giving ad { Crate Vertical Engine. gy Vancouver store caters to your 3 and Jet us tell you all avout it ; | nent in writing he ‘ ing ¢ Se rittinne toes nnaibe S33 Vv : B.C vice to young players 2 Sheaves — S33 wants promptly, and at Eastern SIMOUY eS we ’ Lester Bachman spends his idle | 2 ates (2) sheaves (each 4 Rogers Steamiship| moments at the piano, at which he ; Filings for Sheaves |S prices. Buy your WEDDING is a very clever performer. ef ; Mone SE atv a2 PRESENTS and GIFTS from us. Agency Dick Rudolph, in leu of six-day bi- | a Baeee Go cU tenet. iS i cycle races, and other exciting events 1 Box Paint — Way ry Silverware at manufacturers 4 ei | Cor. Fraser and 5th, Choice Wines and oi of a metro} , Will sit in at a game | ‘ are sine Ges oa | se Ww d i Pa |RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT |! ‘He stakes are big enough. ; Supiex FuRp Fame =Briods,::Varike 20m. apr Hinge ; ‘ 7 ae. Johnny Lush is an omnivorous rea- | 1 eae }€33 ed catalogue. ? i. ___.__| der and a subscriber to all the current ‘ Grindsione a 5 magazines | 1 Chain | Sesuenrepucwuczuczacs RoPacsarsyee, wR) wi $5 cP OF 1 C., Ltd) ri | tilt ews SEEazQS2ED5ES2EDSESEESEERRESRERRSREMG DOES e SENRE EEE ” i Kid Mueller is the leader of the | i Pump aoe | N Maple Leaf Harmony Quartette. He'd | 1 Sack Pipe Fitings . ars = Yr , the ytbing else | 15 Pieces Pipe | be She via I ew sooner sing than do anyt | { Reel Wire Rope The new steel Passenger Steamers Wilbur Corey cites poetry and | 2 Sc rapers.. ee 2 Si juards e plays a smart A of pool with Ted | 2 Saw Guarc 6 9 Cather and Harry Furssedon, his 3 ¢ oll. Wire Dene KAIEN Hi .RDW LRE COMP: \NY e 0 Sin | 0x nearest rivals on the green baize. | 1 Soeeee oat tes | zn Ben Speer is Lester Bachman’s assis- 2 Sacks Fish Plates | : si 2 Jackscrews | THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 tant at the piano. >» Crates Gates AND- r 2 F 16 | _ 11 Pieces Rail. 8 Crates Pate Electr Amalg. Sep- * ’ z 6“ 99 Hotel 7 CO aire r HOOts | a ROHRO LOE eS eee Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass ; 3 Boxes Anodes for Above. Plumbers’ supplies Plate Glass Mirrors amosun 1 Roll Wire Cloth, : Paints Stoves, Ranges Z = re se i Sack Wood Boiler Tube Plugs Oils Tinware |BESNER & BESNER, Proprietors 1 Reel Wire Cable Yan ishes aa 2 Dollies, s , Leave Prince Rupert for Vgneerret | ys New Koos Hotel is a o the Buropesn | 10 Kegs Galvanised Nails, : plan. irst-class service. the Lates odern 1 Roll Wire Cloth. as follows: Eaooaments. : BEDS 0c Ur | | { Pkg. Screens. The ‘‘ Stay Satisfactory ‘Chel h ” W d d 9 re 3 1 Reel Wire = Range.”’ tlonsin = ednesdays al P.M. FIRST AVENUE. PRINCE RUPER? | { Box Returt, Condensers and Molds ge. 1 Case Packing and Lamps " sun” i Crate Generator Camosun” - Saturdays at 10 am.) 0 ™ bSacgeten 1 Package Wire 1 Case Rheostat Arriving Vancouver Friday evening g@AAqj. ~ma~AmnAmrnnt { Case Electrical Instruments 1M morning, re ape ctively } Thon pupae os 1M uy ; » > ly Cor. First Ave. 1 Bdl. Track Iron Hotel Central and 7th Street | i Iron Plate ; | 2 Sacks Bolts 2k an Awa + 7 None safer on the coast than these two European and American plan, steam 5 Bdls, aa a: 606 3rd Ave. Phone 379 passenger steamers Reaiek seamern scmrontonses: ‘Tee 2 eae yreeners TRY US FOR , 1 Bdl, Links eo Peter Black . . Proprietor i oer ies hia Ti k | MY 2 Drums Calicum Carbide JH. ROGERS, Agent Phone 116 + i Bowler anitewar e, ilmware, Urockery,\j Glass- | 1 Box Boiler Fittings » a8 een | ~ > 12 Cast Iron Grate Bars Chin ink { Smoke Stack ar ar a F M. D AT DAVIS’ FURSSEDON, 1 Carload Wooden Water Pipe Wi e, aw e i “ x af “ A 1 Box Hardware : ’ ; 7 AVIS | BOAT HOUSE +f Geand Hotel... the promising Toronto twirler, who |e { Box Engine Parts Headquarters for Camping and Batching Outfits by th ( ee showing ccod form with Joe Kelley’s} 14 Quantity Lumber f! General Mac hine Shop and Ship’s Rand 1 Bdl. Windows SATURDAY SPECIAL i harpentering, Also agents for Fair- Workingman’s Home 3 CODE Full Dinner Sets $10 U mi anKs Morse and Knox Gasoline Free Labor B in C ti c Nf > : Engines, Gasoline Engines andAc- | ree r Dureau i Vonnection TH c Ml \G OL “OLYME 1A D cessorics carried in stock. Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th St, C RRIG N & MILLER i launches and Boats for Hire N.E. end of Whart | GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor: Stadium in Sweden Much Smaiter| 1836 THE BANK OF 1912 A A than the London Structure B iti h N th Am i Prices Always Right We Deliver e fiscal — , - = riuisn Nor erica | Pars hae Mpls The seating capacity in the new y NEU } PHONE 801 P.O, BOX 804 D <2 B th : Saunas leinvindoia 76 YEARS IN BUSINESS P.O, Stadium at e sweden J aq is r ’ PONY EXPRESS | ominion - a S inly 28,000, about @ quarter of, the CAPITAL AND RESERVE OVEK $7,500,000 ft for the Lon- SYSTEMATIC , . extent of the arena used for the ; STEMATIC MERCHANTS’ DELIVERY SERVICE | ‘The Most Modern Barber Shop a don games in 1908, but it, must™ be Letters of Credit “ekage, Storage and Forwarding Agents, For of Prince Rupert | p H. MARAT borve in mind that the Swedish struc- $ ’ Rigs on Me ’ 4 aes 3 aerate For our customers’ conve- Seventh = Motor Ont Gag'se Siams —— the Moose Jaw cyclist. He would like] ture is to b pe ean used par : r Lett f venth Ave. and Fulton Phone 801 to take part in the Canadian Olym-| athletic disp'ays, whereas the London mience we issue Letters o . WASHINGTON BLK. to take pé - . ; ee a ; eae et . : dissthoal ak a GROOND AVE pic bieyele trials. arena has been used only once since Credit payable in Pounds —_—— - 1908. Of the season tickets, about Sterlj fe r G t “ in 25 » reser P reign sa'e terliny or use in srea : N Ve 2.500 are reserved for foreign sa’e, in . v Little’s —O BETTING IN G:RMANY the countries competing in the games Britain and all parts of the cy THE ITROQU IS —_-— The seats. reserved for the world’s 4° ‘ 1 p M A Proposal Has Been Made to License | press reach the gigantic total of 5°0, world, and payable in dollars Aeazines :: Period! a POOL the Bookmaker of which Great Britain will be a’lotted for use-in Canada, United eriodicals :: Newspapers ° ee 40. The stadium is easily accessible Stat Mexico B rmuda iARS hee sa a ‘ 3toc 1 1e tra! states, Mexicc e £ CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS English and American Billiards here is an agitation in Germany | from all parts of Stockholm, the tram tate we ’ ’ 2nd Ave. Bel ae " . |for the licensing of the bookmaker, | journey from the center of the city Bahamas, Cuba and the * Below Kaien Island Club) pwelve Tables SECOND AVE. | \i,,ont betting it is urged, there ean | Occupying “nly fifteen minutes. The West Indies — be no racing, and without racing no officials have taken the hotelkeep rs a , ph : ' horse-breeding. The Government has} in hand and with a view to making We buy and sell Drafts on PMA nnn enn nnn Rrra decide hat » bookmaker is a | things as comfortable for foreign v si Bee de Ree ok ‘ lecided that the bookmaker, 19°61 77 cas poraible, they have preparcd France, Germany, South criminal, or at least a nuisance, and , , , : ; A ) 2 4 hile it forbids him the racecourse,|® list of rooms available in the ity Africa, Australia, New Zea- , ‘ < Mm ; ‘confine its | besides those of the principal hote’s. .: 49.8 , i “FROM HOME TO HOME.” it calls on the public to confine its | vet son on their Hst fs permitted} 8nd, India, China, Japan 1e Best an betting to the totalisater, The reny $! 1 the West Indies to this attitude is that at present th®re| to charge reaps a $3 a day, bit, and the West indies, J , f "se, the majority are loejting at . re re bookmakers in Germany | Of course, aia : EI EI | Oe ee “that they eee their | Tates muc h lower than this, PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH rocura 2 SO. ule ure YSI | trade secretly in clgar shops and The awe ces me it tnee lo et at F. B. LONG, Manages. | oe wl drinking bars; that the bettor who ee mt ae ‘ha al eal “il —=—= = : Sid. Sykes, Manager is not on the course to invest in the oo > Barn cah. Ine ee ing : The Bj ; att ter has no redress if the book e 5 , rere The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. hapa , : . 4 a ts 7 vekainn , - Def maker refuses to pay; and that racing FASTEST FLOWING RIVER Excellent Cafe, Moderate Prices. | aathoriiaes must lack the information ° = bebo _IN THE— as to improper practices on the part The fastest flowing river in the 1142 Pender Street West © e Vancouver, B.C. lof owners and trainers they would| world is the Sutlej, in India, which Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley }have if they had control over the/rises 15,200 feet above the sea, end FARM : . Phone 8500. | bookmakers and their books, But the | falls 12,000 feet in 180 miles Bulkley Valley Fort George District SONS ease #| ohief loss, it is urged, falls on the - - -IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— | State, for while only about $12,000,000 A Great Jump. A See LANDS |pass yearly through the totalisater,| George Horine of the cluss 01.19 3 +f Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on ! Can di . Li i d over $25,000,000, at @ conservative es: Stanford University broke the Wor!d's easy terms. a ian General Electric Company, mite Fey a ne ee sche’ to running high jump record in a meet rance anc Ons R On | with the University of Southern Cali . £ Hlectrig Mining and Contracting Machinery |French races 1s espectally popular tn | fornia clearing the bar at & feet 6% NORTH COAST LAND mite Electrical Apparatus of every description | Germany, since racing goes on all the |jnenes. ‘The previous record ef 6 feet 9 | Pb ae ee , | year round in France wee Oe Amounts | 5 56 inches was made by M, F. Sweeney PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000, 00 VANCOUVER, B.C || Phone 245 974 t are much larger than in Germeny, Jew York, Seplember 21, 1895. . Graham Kearney, Mgr. box | be ot New York, September 21, 1895 Oe 1 LAK * aa ay ¥ rr [ P ¥ 4 Wr m1 Chg by . ee " ha SAIN Faria PSL TINE BARI Es ee ata ae oi ee 5 y