iMEMBFR of-Tilt p.kl.h,u- Mo" truhdled Uielr way to - ..i --.J TJrzyt, zb rssr ?Lr thTu ruon m the Pm bJintoi puwiahea thrtin. . ty. s tmt, 1 Lee last night by taking three Ail rufuu on rupitcMBn T ADVERTISING KATES tvi tenders, ner line, per Insertion J -.cMfinri rtvrtlmpntK npr word, ner insertion .01 UlAiUllUU JUv"'""-1 ' SUBSCRIPTION KATES Bubscrlptlon Rates In Clty-Per Year. $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month. 50c; One Week, 12c. Out-of-Town Subscribers by Mall. a Year. DAILY EDITION tory Bonds. Victory Bonds the most merchandise this fall. Tuesday. September 22. 1942 EDITORIAL Third Victory Loan . . . Trip nrinntion of the commando dagger as the symbol nf fiio TliirH Viptnrv Loan eamnaitrn. oreanization of which is about to commence, is an interesting innovation, ttvnrpcsinns nf nride in the country through ceremonials and public appearances of war heroes rather than by exclusive national economic appeals mav do much to provide the right atmosphere for a suece&lul loan. (N , Meanwhile, it, might ,aot be too early to suggest Vol the public, especially those people who are earning, good money today, and the most of people probably are earning more money than they were before the war, incomes taxes and such imposts notwithstanding, that they would do well to plan to put a substantial portion of that money into Victory Bonds, as a sound investment, a good savings plan and, to lesser degree, a duty to their country. People of Canada are indeed fortunate to still have the nriviWe of deciding for themselves how they shall - . Canada's Naval Losses . . . popular ami BtyHsh shin losses. Bv and large, we might say that, so far, we loved ones have made the supreme sacrifice there can be no replacement. In time, there may be comfort-in. the fact'that thy died nobly and gallantly but that is not, replacement. fi-P Each Ottawa, each Fraser, each Macgafcee, the deeper the rest of us feel we are in this fight Chlorination of Water . . . Prince Rupert, like Vancouver, is to have chlorina- and the Dry Dock AM Stars .neck and iwtk only one same behind the leaders, there promises to be ) a real oatcie next aionaay. Cy Kellett ot the hlgh-rolllng Sav Mors was the individual star of the evening when he boomed out a great 845. Cy had strings of 328 and 300 to ahnost single-handedly win for his team. Game results were as follows Chinese Youth. S; -Boom Defence. 0. Ordnance Corps. 2; Woods, 1 Bums. 3; Dry Dock Painters, 0. Sav Mar, 3; Stones, 0. Air Fwte. 3: Signals, fl. Dry Dock AH Stars, 2; Monarchs, Individual Jaccbsan sosres were as fol lows: Chinese Yeuth 1 Kaai Lee IM Ben Lee 156 Jone Lee 200 Bob Lew 213 Frank Fwu 256 Totals 9:9 Boom Defence 1 Flowers 167 Smart' 170 Mathers 161 Makow 1 Lejordevtn 125 Total " "66 Ordnance 1 Keegan 223 spend their own money. In the most 01 countries loaaypicnara the people do not have any money to spend, much less the JJ--"-- rlgni VO spemi ll as Uiey line, mm m vniiuun t of time that people will still have that right will be determined by the measure of support they give to such things as Victory Bonds and in other ways voluntarily assisting the war effort and its financing. There is no valid arerument against every Canadian buying Victory Bonds to the utmost of his ability. Those who do not realize that now may be convinced of it to their sorrow at a later day. 103 H2 240 128 Handicap 131 Total 961 Woods 1 Parker 237 Amandm 121 Fumell Ml Chayko 147 Woods 284 Handicap v 71 Total IflOl Burns 1 Victor' Bonds do not need to be recommended from 1, 229 a patriotic or a senumeniai Mauuijuuu. mcj oic maiwi , ioore zui of good sound business and realistic thrift. orn - 261 That does not. of course, mean that the fifth column-lo00"" f!l I). I). Painters 1 Lsrwrenoce 230 Hudson 103 I Boyd MJtaney 173 Strickland 206 Bayzand 192 Handicap 99 fW A a AA4 Canada within the space of one week has received. Sav MoTZ 1 the news of the loss of three of her naval vessels a 'Bach . ,125 destroyer, a corvette and a small patrol ship-by enemy, Alger 133 nMi'nn Wo An Tint nonrl tn fool sn harllv nhoilt the actual Steavl8 -218 loss of the ships themselves. It is obvious to everyone Sa...ZZ. 32I that Canada's warship production is far in excess of her' Handicap 46 HMtwoed 170 Handicap 133 Total 958 K. C. A. F- 1 Johnston 159 Ogren 205 Adrian 215 jLacrolx 213 Campbell 134 j I Handicap 49 Total 973 It. 'CCS- 1. I Sargtnson 149 Akkerman 130 Gilbert . 145 tfiu.. hie tipn of her water supply. There may be certain unpleas-'Lanjj "ZZZ- 133 ant features about it, to be sure. There might even be Total ZZZZZZZ. 772 grounds for protest, although such protest will be in face i"y i'k ah stars 1 of the latest scientific opinion in the field of public health , s.tromahl " i5? and sanitation. . I111 Water chlorination has been accepted today as a Downs ZZZZZZ. 157 guarantee of purity in water supply, an effective anti-! Handicap cs dote against the effects of contamination. The authori- 2 156 213 131 191 189 880 2 133 99 141 191 72 36 176 110 179 243 124 131 Dry Dock All Stars 5 Burns ,. 5 Monarchs ( Chinese Youth Boom Defence , 3 Air Force .. 3 It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News Dry Painters 2 2 2 that the people of the whole district are doing the same , signals ZZZZZIZ". o jMMYTf Stone's Clothiers ........ 0 2 171 278 206 ists and enemy propagandists will not be around again' up 'Z' Z' 242 promoting arguments as to why we should not buy Vic-i Totals , - losi-im 2 216 160 164 281 88 131 2 148 157 151 156 113 133 858 2 222 .158 205 221 87 49 2 319 113 130 100 205 927 2 310 193 305 276 68 Totals 1 718 1152 ties have decided that it must be carried out at all cen- n!!arc 1H1 tres where there are concentrations of armed forces. ! Anderson" ZZZZZ.. 241 We may object to chlorination. We' most certainly 'Hansen .-.ZZZ.. m will not relish the change it will bring about from our , Bauigge i"8 "pure" tasteless mountain water of which we have long! TowiCaP f " -si' been so proud. iButllik'fitJornot, there is probably little t fftS standing: we can accomplish, by protesting. ; '' ?r ' w . sav Mor ., 6 We may not like the doctor's medicine but, as far as chlorination is concerned, we will not have the chance .to refuse to take it. I 167 165 136 221 216 90S S 2 219 201 156 184 11 771 206 118 143 184 112 770 3 189 133 233 237 234 131 963 1157 2 150 101 148 220 261 71 952 3 163 150 134 254 199 71 991 3 205 165 210 179 49 1089 3 139 168 195 131 976 1021 Total 10J6 1052 1030 have been singularly fortunate in that regard. Far more serious to us and much more regrettable JJ JJ is the loss of men that has been involved. Canada can re-H)lutim ZZZZZ. 145 nlace shins and she can to a lesser degree replace men.; Bourne .... 153 That is from a national standpoint. But for thoso'hose 2 198 199 139 173 300 46 3 271 183 13d 177 217 46 3 145 101 132 104 115 133 730 3 219 205 195 199 272 49 912 1139 3 164 77 135 169 215 760 3 270 125 225 213 203 L Pts. 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 6 6 " TUESDAY. BEPTT;bE3 FAQI TWO THE DAILY NEWS . THE DAILY NEWS. ' FIVE PIN ROMMEL WON'T GET THIS ONE PRINCE RCrERT. BRITISn COLUMBIA BOWLING KMBBBiflB Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert -siMLBnnnnnnnnBnnnnHBBCflBaKBF'' Dally News Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN, PRESIDENT Men's Fire Pin League Is Now Led O. A. HUNTER, MA7TAGING EDITOR By Sav Mon ' from fitones. With .Barns Bi.iOw cf tnwke C man, one mere Plane of he RAF i their eggs of dc ' . motor transpoj ' i " pilots of tiie pU; li' Tr and soen lie ank Letter Box : tkyw d '- p y s R fx -1 f-T :! cn her dn-'k-rr .ay be f SOMF SUGGESTIONS Editor. Dairy News: As one of those antiHiatd fossils who believe in fairy tales, such 'as democracy, etc.. I am wonder ing if we are. in danger of being taken for a buggy rWe similar the the one one HMler HMler gave gave OerrnaB?. o'ir. We are wondering Just what the difference between this conscrip tion of manoower and personal property might be and If It Is con- sUtuUonal and legal and whether . tt was done by act of Parliament or by one of those so popular or-ders-ln-councll. and why a plebiscite was not neeesMTy or why it was not Included in the last pebl I ...... T 1 213cue. win some one pice ven Now that the beer parlors are 175 running on short time and possi bly further messing wtth trial subject to come before long, the restaurants are running on suoh schedules that the public cannot get very much service any more 1 and with the matter of the mess ing with all kinds ot commodities with the worst yet to come, It seems we should go a step fur-thpr and aton at nothine what ever, considering that those now In ' operation, legally, or wisely, or otherwke have been forced upon us. We have so much talk about saving things that I would like to know what Is the idea of permit ting so many useless books, maga- rines and papers to use up pulp and supplies, employ so many men uselessly, take up so much space and time in the boats, trains and post office. There are tons of St coming Into Rupert every day. rhn iViinv nf thp time wasted In reading these things. It Is possl- ble that this might cover some of. the troubles with the local post I ofllce. Another suggestion would. be to clo3e the post office entirely j or run it on a two-hour basis dally, j It would be quite in line with the ... . j 1 1 omer mines Deinc none aim. u we seem to be like F. D. R.. trying anything at least once, why skip this experiment? We hear considerable about this gas rationing. Some have the idea that there Is a nigger in the woodpile. We Imagine there Is the mat- m. nt trnnenArtallnn 0 mllPh &.( PJI I MiH"W. vl. anything, although If we will note 'what lsTelng transported, that 3 ... could be dispensed with, we start 1 . , . - I I 1 ttf- n.. I around in another circle. We are 223 1 most Of It. ,J If the conditions are as serious 755 as we: are led to believe, we are, Jat a loss to understand Just why something has not been aone in . !...... ...VIV sjwas Invented by a man we think I 5 near Winnipeg, several years ago, 4 and which we believe was bought 4 4 by an Oil or gas company, aim jirc 3 many other similar Uilngs in 1 w f - Egypt. b-sc Ma 'a dropped -p vx-i loaded with (. : dfi-ks The t;e v.ip r.ouncWiiig h'!p:ev!y tn tne sea Davy Jones' locker. Clinic Draws Many Infants One Hundred and Fifty lUbln And ITr-Khool Children So Far rreenled Over IM babies and children of ore-school ate have so far beea to reMntM at tof weeWy cUnks .j the matter of organized labor vhhi wtth lng conducted A,.. K by th. the mlllu public health Jin mind. In particular. unit organisation here under the direction of Dr. John Maedonalfl was order, 2, that business for themselves might. 2 not be ruined and profits lost. It 2 seems that this carbureter could . 0 get 120 miles to the gallon on an assMed by th unit nurses. Misses Oraham and Ochs. 80 fsr the clinic has been held, onty Tueedays at King Edward School but tomorrow afternoon w4H be started at the Bast Qnd Hall on Seventh Avenue. Nearer the downtown and west end areas one and possibly tw clinics are planned to be opened. the detcrtls. What we want to know is why same one has not thought of this and done something, long ago? 1 12 m. 'I.' 25 it. '2. 4flotMJ 40 70 05 D. T. GREENE. BURNETT'S GIN Because Durnctt's is an EXTRA DRY (unsweetened) Gin, you can add or leave out sweetness, when mixing drinks, and suit every individual taste. Be a wise host-serve Burnett's. mm PLEASE SAVE THE BOTUEI Canada ndt slant Sav all bottles. Your Salvage Committee. vill collect This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Li 0 eight cylinder car. No matter abofltl verrent V ,WcolSmbU This acivfr semen a not publlsheo or ulspuyrci t C ontrol Board or by the Government of British 1 ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. Br nOUOTIIY (iAUBiriT. Hottest A very weary and bedraggld kitten found its way into theY'; a v after two dart adrift Thus Dutch grows up. has nfcftle such a name far rreentls- U of a divided mind as ts what to call the group. Shall It be The Stlnatnc Seamen she. Chanteydfers 'very subtle that 1 the Bell Bottom Boys 'a trifle biotogteal dont you wmiti or the Mfry Matetot. My vote U fcr the hut mentioned. What do you think, chums' At the concert held In the Send . . . Pmbytertan tin. Cattekm Clay spf.,;r The CemmanKy thd V pressure he adm '.-j Included the work ' ' as well, being, a i, of the consequc! t The Jurdor H-v coming quite prof j of the Rqusrr D r bavins; aW the .4 scrum in rabv " to take on a ja that ll nlnni!' - 1 AHrwoncemeii Ed Sctyan of the Y-M,C. ta(ff the fortheorr. . t Terrace has returned there & Tier .first United C. lypending the week-end In rrtnce.tvenlng of MU- El j Rupert We enjoy these vtsrU by able, one of t. cur country cousins! : hostesses at the Y There's a show tonights-Tuesday gereant Tedlv U-at the Hut Ivan Msltett wasn't the marrtati ' quite sure what the title was at .ceptlop will be h- s the tune of wrtting but. & Uwj men's mes quality of the T shows has lm -'where the ore-. : proved greaUy since Mr. Palsson's oeleterauc. T visit reosoUy. It should be a good who U In the k one. We even had a re! Disney 144 NaUoi u. P.. short In real technicolor the other department niht. 1 of Mrs. L Venabie .3 The other day I asked Mrs. Da vies and Mrs. Lee who are war kin the canteen Just what) were bast sellers with the boys and both In one breath said coke wtth pie and tee cream. I had thought It would be coffee and doughnut but perhaps the winter wHl bring them into favor. The navr male Quartette that n St. B '-at 1 it ? f mi J rsunrira-ri a i-t 111 KWONO SAST. 1UVG HOP KTE Chop Suey House Neil to Klnx Til i: iih am: hut 5 All yot pitrtmu vAwj !! i n m. to 2 xja. Oil I m tuAm from 2 m t " ul rhone nrd III B!Biars!miil i:l I M COUTTS CANADIAN CARPI Birthdays Weddings Showers Births Sympathy For for-Gifts Going Away Convalescent Anniversary Graduation Every Occasion See Our Porsonalized Card Control Syij It's Easy to Select Just the Right Can! totnaw your Greeting really appreciated. r3JBfSI3fSIBTSfL A. MacKenzie Furniture w a noon i'lack to nuv LINOLEUM FOIt ALL YOUtf vl0QV Uattleshlp Brown Molr Inlaid, all colors; Inlaid W Printed Linoleum; Congolca..:; Pcltol; Hugs in M"1"' Linoleum, all sizes. TIIONK 775 1.7 3rd AH