TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 1912 I 1 L TKKHKH3ODOOD0oa0aCrDOaDODOnOOOOOODI?OODOOOaDOOOOaDOOOO i Exp( lert OPTICAL SERVICE Dodimead A-.v i Clias. Cltas. Dodn f& TV1 1 Optometrist in T J J? I J Watch, Clock, X.JV v Repairing, Hand ! Charge Jewelry Engraving VISIT OUK BASEMENT STOKE for Fine China. Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant Your New FALL DRESS A combination of chic and refined good taste. A selection of both crepes and wools In all sizes both large and small. Only one of a kind. :fo duplicates. PLEASINGLY PRICED Rupert Peoples Store r- --: "1 SHORT CUT TO VICTORY! LADIES! Here Is your chance to try the latest 3-INCH FEATHERBOB PERMANENT. All ends tapered with Frank Balrd's Hair Shaper. Individual styling to suit your features. V Sunrise Beauty Salon VIOLET MAU ' Cor. 6th and Fulton Above Sunrise Store Phone Blue 943 for Appointments For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE BUY PHONE 235 DAY AND NIGHT Canadian National Railways TRAINS FOR THE EAST WILL LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT: MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY 6 p.m., stopping at all local stations. Diesel Car for Terrace leaves dally ex-, cept Sunday, 4:15 p.m. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY 10:30 a.m., stopping at Terrace, Pacific, Hazelton, New Hazelton, Smlthers, Burns Lake, Vanderhoof, Prince George, Glscome and McBrlde nIy' ' INCOMING TRAINS WILL ARRIVE IMIINClImJPERT: TUESDAY, FRIDAY and SUNDAY 11 pmlP THURSDAY and SATURDAY 6:30 p.m. V' Diesel Car from Terrace 11:15 a.m. dally except Sunday. Air conditioned SLEEPING and DINING CARS on trains leaving Monday 6:p.m., Wednesday and Friday 10:30 a.m. For full information, reservations, etc., call or write t S. GREIG, City Passenger Agent 528 Third Ave., Phone 260, Prince Rupert, Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets . . . ai Your Local Butchers. NO WASTE READY TO COoi Canadian Fish & Cold Storage i'RINCE RUPERT Co. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA 1m I la ' S v 0 THE DAILY NEWS T carefully selected from every mlli-l XT I? 11 OnD lPT tary district In the Dominion par-1 YY Ul 1 ixipaung in training classes. The first provost class started; training In August. The complete course takes four weeks and at the i end of that time the C.WA.C. will have the first graduate class of women qualified to deal with the discipline of girls in the armed forces. Their authority extends to women in the naval and air ser- , vices as well as the army. Temperament Counts Qualifications for a provorft include a good physical build and a suitable temperament, defined by officers as embodying' the characteristics of leadership, tact, firmness and the ability to make quick decisions. A grade nine standing in education is preferred. Physical qualifications do not depend on height for the girls range from five feet two inches to six feet. The police branch of the service has a wide appeal. Pte. OHve Wal lace of Punnlchy. Sask.. confessed sne nas always wanted to be r policewpman. Pte. M. M. Ruddy ot Toronto, ,.ame to he, corps with prevlom.expcrlence,., gained as a police photographer with the Ontario government. For . Pte. B Schrivener of Toronto, Joining4hi provosts was a matter of keeping up family tradition as her father is with the military police. Pte. E. M. Robinson of Reglna, said she had been chosen because of her ability in chasing people oft C. W. A. C. property during her basic training days. Traffic control, psychology, pistol thooting and unarmed combat are only a few of the trainees' sub jects with the latter two the general favorites. MaJ. W. A. Jones, assistant provost marshal for M. D. No. 10, Informed his class In a lecture on arrests that "a soldier must be sober before being brought up before his commanding officer" Bracelets, Too Handcuffs which are part of the policewomen's standard equipment were passed around for examina tion. The inevitable happened when L. Cpl. Lucume Hamel of But ll-S. and Newfoundland Out put Is Down Says Report To Ottawa OTTAWA, Sept. 22 O Canadian production of newsprint has increased within the past year but T ,n 4.A -CM-,-- -I 1 lt-J This mass of junk was once a German MK 111 tank. It fell victim to the fire of a U .8. -made General Grant tank In the fighting near El Alameln, Egypt. Royal Engineers of the British forces completed the demolition to make sure that the tank would never be of any use to the Nazis even if they succeeded In recapturing It. GIRLS AS PROVOSTS They Don't .Have To Be Amazons But Strength of Body and Mind Essential for C.W.A.C. Tolici In Training By JOAIN STEEL Canadian Press Staff Writer WINNIPEG. September 22: 0 "They're not all so tal, but they're strong," a male member of the Canadian Army provost corps observed cautiously as he watched 72 potential aimy policewoman training at Fort Osborne barra:ks here. The provosts comprises the newest branch of the Canadian Women's Army Corps, with girls! Quebec City proved their efficl- irilTTI HPI "lMP 7 1 lUlNi) wfcuino vaic mi ftiii icavue with a key. Classes in Judo-wrestling or un- armed combat are conducted by Isgt. MaJ. Stock The'rjlfferent holds are carefully" deTribnstraled and practised. During their four weeks training In Winnipeg, future army women are entertained by shows-'dances, boat trips and corn roasts arranged by the Oreater Winnipeg War Services Co-ordinating Board and the Young Women's Christian Association. But the masculine character of the training leads Hons. One facing FOR WOMEN .Maintenance in Time Off for Expectant Mother, Equal I'ay For Kjiual Work and Other Concessions Urged Royal, staff officer at Fort Os- Union Conareas which opened here borne, concerns a girl provost who Sept. 7. .smokes a pipe -and enjoys It. .... w , INCREASES BLACKPOOL. Eng.. Sept. 0-Recognltkm of the part women are playing tn the war effort In the form of "equal pay for equal to compllca-1"' demanded in resolutions Capt. Daisy tabled for discussion at the Trade I KVWU VI MJ97 WWIUItU" ntty u ma kin its required contribution to th war effort. Coofreat .declares that women, wbn tuufer-' taking work similar In character and value to that of male workers, should receive the same rate of 'remuneration," says a resolution I from the Railway Clerk's Association. The resolution adds that "eon-gresa view with intense dissatisfaction the attitude of many em- 'ployers who decline to recognise the reasonable claim of women workers that when discharging the utitnu outica uu fc luuuuiauu production has slumped, D. S. Cole. ful1 ...... d"111 ., undertaken ..... by Canadian Trade Commissioner In ,OWTT w,c H"rc rale r the United States, reports to the Department of Trade ana Com-' "It emphatically declares that merce- such an attitude la inconsistent "Of the total production of news- with the view and wtabea of the orlnt In North America for the people of this country." first six- months of 1942. Canada British Motheihood contributed 1.658 000 tons or 72 percent of the total of 2.297:000 The POaMon of expectant tons." Mr. Cole said. "The United mothers in Industry 1 considered States produced 484.000 tons of ,n a resolution submitted by the the remainder. 21 percent- of the Women Public Health Officers' As-total output, and Newfoundland relation. "It la In the national produced 155,000 tons, seven per- -interest and In that of the women ;ent of the total." jconcerned," the resolution states. Mr. Cole added that whild Caha yiftil expectant and nuraingmbth-dlan production durlifg- thH'aboVtf-should be enabled to abstain nentioned period was 37.000 tons tT industrial employment for treater than In' the corresponding any period extending from six. oeriod of 1941. United States pro- Mote .until eight weeki duction was 34,000 tons less, with after birth of a child by the pro-Newfoundland showing a 20,000 vision of full maintenance In lieu ton decrease. of wages during the period of ab- Mr. Cole reports that the News- nce from work. print Service Bureau of New York .... i,. .... says that in the United States the paper business as a whole has the reduction In the use of paper In the fields of consumer goods. The greatly expanded use of imcircm ytawwiewtfj mm 111:1. essary. expectant mothers em ployed In industry should be trans- not be employed in work involving weight lifting, stretching or Iong pcrlodi of tandln- paper for wartime purposes U not currently of sufficient tonnage to offset the shrinkage, his report added. NEW BRUNSWICK'S OUT wick for air raid distress. ei tuj i;i;ei r:i:nii niiniiuni tmzmim vw ri eiti ta mxm im m Mr. floldbloom Has Just Returned With 1 A. THK FINEST AND-HAUGESf STOCK OF FUR COATS Of all kinds ever presented in Prince Rupert j rr- G0LDBL00M Third Avenue Prince Rupert ft - p-1 Protective Legislation. The General Council of the con-Igress Is Instructed "to maintain I the utmost vigilance respecting ,the use of the woman power which has been and Is at present .being LONDON, Sept 22 O The Queen mobilized in order to ensure its handed to the Lord Mayor of Lon- most efficient and economic use,' don 278 ($1,251 sent by the in a resolution from the National Women's Institutes of New Bruns- Union of Ocncral Municipal Work- ers. The Tobacco Workers' Union urges that "steps be taken to ensure that women and girls should be protected byt legislation in the same wav -fli mcn. in regard to I their formerJrcmDlovnlent at the 3 'cemlbiiofhoslinlles.' 5 NAZIS UP TO KOMKTIIINd STOCKHOLM, Sept. 22 Oi With a white population of about 2,200,-000 South African claims, with an army of 200,000 men and women it has the highest percentage per population "under arms" than any allied nation. ' ENDS TONIGHT Complete Shows, 7:00, 0:00 Feature ( 41 JUDY CANOVA In "TRUE TO XHK inM' STARTS WEDNESDAY FOR 2 DAYS linmt from lk tht l.U vnU Is Irsadwsyl 1,000 1,000 NIW NIW TARZAN m k A ri THRILL5I Special! In the Newsrreh I s. fit (Jblfl .t in II 1 $ TARZAN IN NEWY0RK Jungle King With Mate and Child Have Adventure In Metropolis Taraan and his mate leave the perils of the Jungle for those in the maelstrom of civilization in their latest adventure. Taraan' New York Adventure." which comes to the Capitol Theatre here at the middle of this week Wednesday and Thursday. Johnny Weismuller. s the Jungle king. Maureen O "Sullivan, as his mate, and Johnny Sheffield, as Taraan Jr.. head the cast In the thrilling romance. The story opens in the jungle where cirrus men have arrived to capture Udru. When Tarsan and Jane are knocked out by an at tack of aavegea. the Hon hunters escape with the boy. planning to use him as a circus attraction Tanan and Jane, using money raised from their gold cave, follow to New York where many thrills occur. Taraan leaps from Brooklyn Bridge, upset a courtroom and finally wins back the boy There arc many comedy sequences. Animal players, such as Cheela. the chlmpantee. Bull, a baby elephant, and other wild beast are used. Charles Illckford plays the menace. Paul "Kelly la a friendly aviator who befriends the Jungl family. Virginia Orey plays Kelly sweetheart. Others In the cast are Chill Wills. Cyras W. Kendall and Matthew Bolton. The pews reel on the same bill la of particular interest as it brings actual scenes of the Dieppe commando raid. MIB!tlfirsi?BIXJlrIBlBI 2 NATIONAL M s Messenger Service S S Call It . . . We Haul It jjj We never cloie S Phone. Red .102 g 1 i 1 1 n flsf tain artar i J. M. S. Loubser D.O, ILA. CHIROPRACTOR WalUre Block Thonr SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way. txilnU. Ktrwart mnA Mnrlh Quern Charlotte Islands. Full Information, Tlrktti and Reservation FRANK J. SKINNER I'rince Rupert Acrnt Third Ave. Phone S6I Fca' . .- 151. 3 . v j - uu wan BKaiTlifiE VP W&n ' "wsisagr, Mar h cf Tim, Pete Smith, v,flar, Cartoon ru--B Ts CAPITA A IAMOUI MOUI tlx,.. UkUU WED. - THUR, Fill. - SAT. THIS WEEK uu? lHi Srtsn IIII PPE it, NEW ROYAI HOTEL J zarllu, rs "A Home Amtj fry, hi Rstei ?le t Print llupm, sc. rhune 211 fa 1,1 Mmi . . .ru, m f 5 4v 5 Opportune itiocb J 5 than onre ht" m C at the S VARIETY STO! S Where jour dlmn tn 5 dotlirt mxmmmw. n::t til BBauaaaaaaaoMedM wl tmx Everything F( of Wx c THE WORKIi j MAN B.C. Clotfe PHONK IHi Third I Tin: se.m- of J ' (II'AMIV G 2 0 L P S HcrrinJ. P in Tomato S' 7 SnndWa M QnlpefJ B. J 2 JL Bloar 1 VI 1