FliZ-I'AY SEPTEMBER 22, 1912 SttZ 13 D: OTHER HELP OR EMPLOYMENT WANTED Iter Vou Hate Obtained' Approval Prom the National Selec- tivc Sf me e iJoard -. Third Arenne and Sisth Street ,-:., icw Government regulations effective on and after i: 4, 1942. HELP WANTED and EMPLOYMENT WANTED v. .u. may still be Inserted in the Want Ad Columns i naper if you follow this procedure: Write out your i ni duplicate and submit both copies to the ..,' ive Service Board. After It has received approval ould be delivered to THE DAILY NEWB. Ill: NEW KECil'LATIONS DO NOT APPLY TO ADVERTISE MENTS FOR: c viJ Servants, Scientific and Technical Personnel, r::. ployed after school or on holidays other than the ; ' c.r.ir.c: vacation. : i Nurses and Probationers. i. D; ri:r -tic Help Wanted In homes where not more than z:r;.z" . employed. ; He; Ca.sual Labor, Irregular Employment or Part-time S r not the principal means of livelihood. All such c vt 'i may be published In the usual fashion without ' : - ' Mie National Selective Service Board. all Other Caes: See Your Selective Service Board Flist, Then Sliver the Approved Advertisement to THE DAILY NEWS FOK SAI.K ROOM AND HOARD r : r . Vds Black su. (336) wn Borden St able and chair; I'Him su te. large 1 s-nal buffet: 'r-d chain, mo-b.w wicker arm np. I table lamp. :i irrt er Piano. Box 347 '.rir stove. N.-w. (tf)J Apply (222) rjfffe Shop and i-ood location. D.uly News. 220) 3T' ::"'K RESULTS TRY A WANT ADD WANTED Third Avenue, Next to the Daily News voy IOTEL nrl Zarclli, Prop. P.O. Box 544 IASKU STREET I'KINCE RUPERT C AU TO LAUOIt ON C?pt 22 0-UrgIng a tar.d t-alnst Nazi tyranny, tzi? Unions." leading un- ld .lew :nnnnr In Mnt-ttw pW arc approaching the lar-' cf the Germans' and P'i'-l and gagging seizure :-.al Ubor Federation" riLLIE THE TOILER I'LL oHcVf Classified Ads. WANTED Room ia private home, 8ober and reliable. Apply Box Green 116 i new customers drop In and let us espial this gift plan j to them. jl I MUSSALLEM'S i Economy Store 5 v "Where Dollars Have More S Cents- S ' P.O. Box 575 rhones 18-19 Frch Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 i , rU C AN STIIX AIlVLKTIhE I OR SKILLED LABOR AM) LOCALS Mrs. George Lawrence and son ,and Mrs. E. Normand are leaving tonight for Vancouver. Tnlfch3$ train, dut to arrive, from tfte East at 11 o'clock, wast reponea tnu morning to be time. wree or lour weeks. 355 Daily News or Phone Oreenk usual courtesy and service. (2241 J TEACHER wanted for.Oona River SrfKwl. Salary $800.00. Married or s4nle. to batcn preferred, residence and fuel free. Mrs. B. Iverson, 6we4ry. (20) WANTED Experiocd stenographer for old established wholesale house. Apply No. AP 5 Unemployment Insurance office. (tf) WANTED Young girl or wnu to help mother of two young ehHdren in the home, mornings or full time. Phone 53. (219) 'MUST have bouse or apartment. I Permanent Phone Red 271. 224) USED FURNITURE , ttt OtMttrflfld Sulle, 4-plece Ilrdroom Suite, McCUry Klt- Itante hUIi oil burner or ran be eomerted to coal or wood, ill Pit$, Hook Case, Knd Tables. Dron Kitchen Tabli- and 4 jlr to match, Sramlcs Axmlmtrr Rug, tiie T9x9, Splrng el Matlres. -g, Slumber King Spring, size 4-C, Quebec ftr, for burning coal or wood, I'jilerprKe Oil Hester, Congo- ur, 7 x9, rtedroom I)rer, Sciwn Dowrs, Piano, Ctneral trie RadloIJIo Ued I'umHure Department. Elio's Furniture Store lotnlturr on Ool. J. w. NkshoMs, general man-I ager of the OanadJan Fish & Cold' Storage Ca, left at the end of the I week for a business trip to East-! ern Canada. He wMl be away about' ALT i: r.Kimed house In'ROOM and Board for manshar-& !f IJf '-gSSr mechanics. partly frlt, filralituH furnished. ln T1 P D . .... i"" 01 I7W RUPERT PEOPLES : ; .d 341 9th Aw. B.jc 7. 12441 (195) NOTICE HI V-Bl,liUJ 1. 1 1 1 1 If' I8TORF. uHh in iu.J U. a a. . with the Precautionary, Imminent Danger or Return to Precautionary, which are Indicated in the Blackout Regulations. (221) NOTICE CITY OP PRINCE RUPERT The City Is offering for sale Lot 44. Block 22. Section 5. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Sept. 28. 1942. CITY CLERK. (220) tfHHcuHcetnehtJ All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Lutheran CFPR. Hour, Monday, 6:45, Oddfellows' Ball, Sept. 25 by in vltatlon., from members only. Cambral I.O.D.E. Fall Formal Can. Legion Fall Bazaar, Oct. 21. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Nov. 12. i m j i vu rut inn s. ? rm m S Lawnmowers SHARPEN!'.!) AND ovi:rhaui.i:d S First Class Work I'llONK RED 884 Delivering g rm nil i ii'ii.tH'i urnim utwm FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A NEWS WANT ADD. NORMAL REACTION! Y-J WOMEN -ARG DOtKkS j A PINE SOB HEREcss j v 7txank mm Canada's War Chiefs MAJ.-GEN. F. F. WORTHINGTON Commander of Canadian Armored Division By FRANK FLAHERTY (Canadian Press Staff Writer) A lively little man with tfreviner hair and a snarklinfr I CVO ia ftxtr kSnmtnrv tti ntn r f .1 : The Rurjert pnriA - t tank soldiers. He is devoted to a cause, the modernization ted in the Smith Block on Third of tne armv through the development of new forms of Ave. wish to announce, beginning' warfare. He is Maj.-Gen. F. F. Worthington, commander ete toftSMZ y ine 4tn 1 Armored) Division now overseas. Genera SST.LS ? 6to every sat-. Worthington was largely respon-, urday rUiht at 220)JsHle seven o'clock. for One design -of the "Ram" tank, one of Canada's contrlbu-' cooks, clerks and batmen as well Infant and nr-w, u tlwns w tn allied cause in the as sian omcers getting tneir snare .Wednesday September 23 from present war ""Patient to get into Physical training ana every 2 to 4 Din. Bast Hnd if nil jwt! ! blttle but determined to have his mn must go through the tough Avew and Donald (220 men ready- he h" wl what battle drill course where he learns PRINCE RUPERT HEALTH IINTT he CIU "spepd training" to get to 6ht with bare hands, knife or 11 them ready more quickly by ap- firearm. A Miss Margaret Sharp, for several plyln8 aemWy n methods to The general keeps himself in Known to his men as "old Fred- WtarwW A7S rinT. "Worthy" the general ladder. wear at 530 3rd. Ave. W. and win IT ' a ' lute inosel !, wy nis pnvaws, oecause ne Although he never served in the artillery he can load and lay a 25-pounder gun. gun. He He knows knows guns. A student of tank warfare long before the start of the Second Great. War, General Worthington recalls how the Germans picked the brains of forward thinkers in the armies of the United Nations sad put their best ideas to work. "God has been good to us lor a long time but if we dont wake up He will go and dy with the other fellows," he 'phHosophizes. On the wall of the general's of fice at divisional headquarters he has a chart, showing the training progress of the division. He watches it as the indicator of the progress of the division towards battle efficiency. He tries to keep the whole moving forward evenly and keeps telling his men how the safety of. the whole may depend on the individual. A Soldiers War Oinprl n't flwVi hi(Hoe in Oct. 2. Invitation by members only. only p)an Ior battles. 0nce the are still available with each cthoHc Ba CjLtno,lc IUU cash purchase In our store , and 8 We wDuld appreciate to have s I Presbyterian Supper October 16. battle starts things move so fast the general can't control them. Then ft Is the battle of the brigade commanders, the unit commanders, the troop commanders, the section commanders, and of the individual soldiers. His own personal tank is ready for Instant action. It Is identical with all the other rams if the division and he calls It "Robin" after his daughter. The general is the best-armed officer In the division. In addition I to his service revolver, he wrars a commando knife nt his holt Th HMrA-TVtlS RPER SHOVJS A. LACK OF ABIUry TO CONCEMTRnl (iurn wiin oiner neaaquarters or-. 1 fleers in climbing the training friend, there " tanks, trudge rpQ t mr and extend to them r,ver rpj r,irr r i 1 nun Ueut. Louis Lebourdals M. L A bronz.ed. . hl e rugged, huj Ueut. Michael Dean. Gordon Root "rect He stands with his I nt fK- i , . hands on his Wds and his head a IS CHANGED raiwuurci i-roTince ana -- -j WiUiam Herbert of the Canadian ti..i .T,011 ne , ?e . vhen . he telk,i Broadcasting Corporation, after Sa Bight for Vancouver. Knows ,lls Guns 1 j The general wants his men to bt J 4 Seal Cove sirens will be made aW to things "r11 Hfective next week, there will use of as "Fire Aterms" and these and to try to taPrve things. He he a change in the timing of some wffl consist of a steady note of 40 P6 Juit that, himself. One day a0f the trains operating on the seconds duration. A "Fire Out" signal -will be Indicated by a steady note of 20 seconds. These signals should not be confused pai.r.iob vi.uwuajjuci tiiusut, nun on j local line or the Canadian Na-his back under a truck, showing tkinai Rallwnve a sergeant how to do a certain re- The full passenger trains will continue to leave for the East on Wednesday and Friday mornings at 10:30 as at present but the in- all , comlae trains Thursday and Sat- about ranges, elevations and sights' urday evenings will arrive at 7 "Does he ever," was the answer i o'clock instead of 6:30. of a young artillery officer when Mixed trains On Mondays, Wed- If 4k. 1 . 1.1. . . . ... ii wie Kciiciiii iuicw uu nACiinve and Frinav will Ipavp 6 pm. and will arrive on Sunday. Tuesday and Friday nights at 10:30 instead of 11 o'clock. The dlesel electric train between Prince Rupert and Terrace will continue to leave at 4:15 in the afternoon as at present, arriving at 11:20 am. Timely Recipes SOUR PICKLES Onions, Cucumber, Cauliflower And Green Tomatos These vegetables may be used separately or mixed. Wash and prepare; make a brine, using two quarts oi botnng water ana iv2 cups salt; pour over vegetables and let stand for twp days. Drain and cover with more, brine-. Let stand two days and drain again. When using onions, take fresh brine and heat to boiling point; put In onions and boil 3 minutes; . drain. Cover vegetables with pickle mixture made as follows:. , 1 gallon vinegar 1 cup'sugar (optional) 4 red peppers 2 sticks cinnamon 2 tablespoons whole spice 2 tablespoons mace. Tie spice In cheesecloth bag and boll In vinegar 10 minutes; pour over vegetables; bottle. NEW INDOOR SPORT knife Is made In one piece, handle I MANHATTAN, Kas., Sept. 22: t and blade and Is about a foot In Jack Plummer, assistant chief of length. The handle Is wound with police, has an Interesting hobby. cord to provide a grip. His aim is bo good he can shoot Keen on fitness the general In- flies off the station wall using an sisis on every man In the division, air rifle loaded with matchsticks BY WESTOVER ViEUL, ttXJ VJRjOTE IT, VMH1LE -TWVT HANDSOME NORMAL 15 ANNETTE'S SHOE SALE EXTRAORDINARY To make room for our New Falf Shoes we are offering the Ladles of Prince Rupert our High Class line of Ladles' Shoes at unheard of bargains for these lines of Shoes. They include such well known brands 1 as WilmonU and Beaumonts, Styles as follows: Oxfords, Brogues, T-Straps, Pumps, Tan to Pumps, Pigtex Pumps and Lastex, In shades Black, Brown, Wine and Green. All sizes. Reg. VaJnes up to 18.50. EXTRAORDINARY SALE, r.iST $2.45 SALE -i WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Annette Ladies' Wear 530 THIRD AVENUE WEST REMEMBER Annette Leads, others follow HOUSEHOLD NEEDS TINCTURE OF IODINE 1 oz. 15c 2 oz 25c OIL OF EUCALYPTUS 1 oz.' 20c 2 oz. 35c FRIAR'S BALSAM 1 oz. 25c 2-oz. 45c CASTOR OIL 4 oz. 25c 8 oz. 50c AROMATIC CASTOR OIL 3 oz. 25c AROMATIC CASCARA... 2 oz. 25c 8 oz. 90c CAMPHORATED OIL ......... . 1 oz. 15c 2 oz 25c HYDROGEN PER05IDE 8,oz.'.35c 16 oz. 50c EPSOM SALTS, tins ............. 4 oz, 10c 16 oz. 25c BORACIC ACID, tins . 2 oz. 15c " 4 oz. 25c SEIDLITZ POWDERSj tins ... . ... 40c BUY YOUR DRUGS FROM THE DRUG STORE Ormes Ltd. "Jlip, Pioneer Druqgists THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 83 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 pjn. and 7-9 p.m. NEW ARRIVALS IN Ladies' Low Heel Lines These include: Pigtex Sabot Straps in Red, Black and Brown. Pigtex Ties, Military Oxfords and Brogues, in both Black and Brown. Fashioned for both style and comfort at Popular Prices. Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" i m BTTiTwrsTri?xiM'XB2Hi2i-jaii2sHKiriraaKiiiiiiKiKii 8 If vou have sometHIni? toTseiL fTcIassifiefi nrivprtlfie- ment in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in the city. it