The’ Daily News —— GCE — = = - Baseball Lesson No. 4.—Scoop is Given a Tryout on First Base ig Roe Mg RS ae ea —Drawn for the Daily News by “Hop” 0 DAY SCOOP-Your, Now NOURE THE. BISS—YOU PLAY First BASE BALL LESSON Witt Kirst Baseman AWHILEL—AND TUL OF FirRsT BaseEMaN— SUP You @ WILD : =I CAN MAKE A THE TOUGHEST Bag THROW WHICH OF ON THE CIRCUIT — iaaa este -# Best Bargains in “The News” Classified Ads. Bunert Real ==(Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== ss — = —THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES’’ HERE— —3 a 40 LOTS FOR SALE ; 14 Double Corners Lots 15 and 16, bleck 9, section ies all - e s ¢ iB | ‘00 ie 5, $2800 pair. “ey Pa ihe 9 ek Seer er Lot 20, block 43, section 7, $400 Take a Stroll and ie iy a | ” i {i —S —= | £20 per month, Hh i PRINCE RUPERT Wanted Lots 9 and 40, block 29, seetion|Anspect These Me ti $100.00 Cash will buy a Double Corner 7, 8900 pair. | hig! $50.00 Cash will buy a Single Lot ON SCHEDULE ee wre seco ad help oe —— ae Stock 89’ 100 Serge Five ? . y from . State what expecte “ ock 22, lots 21-22, § $1 ash fy Balance on Terms to suit Purchaser Address X 15, News ae a ca ort eee CMeie ° RS { ection i- it All Lots are guaranteed Level and Clear | Block 28, lot 34, 1 ; 4 Bes : Six Big Ships Tied Up at the Miscell ; —ALL MONEY MAKERS— Section Seven iscellaneous Mew ES, sont Blotk 10, lot 90, $8 a Lot No. Block. | Lot No. Block. Docks Upon Arrival of Orr hea, ie Zz 12, 7% Grand Trunk Coast Liner. | Aer OT Block 30, lot 10. $43 ast ce 31-32 38 20-24 42 The waterfront presented al required. Albert Block, 2nd Ave | eae ‘s home, “He ans his money | Third Street Phone 100 Nia WA Mn aes. 84 So 1-2 39 42 busy scene up the arrival of . easy, he was here in the | cash, 6 and 12 month : , i ‘ 4 % ra ; | NO more 0 i fi 1 a5 25-26, $1 ‘ a 8-9 39 aa the Prince Rupert this morning. } further Mnotice, The’ Granby PConsoli- | | . with. ‘ shin. 10 39 52 The Prineess Mav had just tied} ated M. 8S. & P Co. 1O1-tf | EARLY DAYS” FOR S A | E Block $0. lote 90-81. 3 ca 84 42-43 39 =e i9 up to the dock en route south|camMBRIDGE M. A. wishes to take adult | DONA EROS now marie sinte cash, bal. arranged rom Skagway when the siren of pupils; Kives lessons in mathematics, TILLABLE TRACTS AT TERRACE 53-54 39 18-19 i? | ° 92 07 2 elementary and advanced; French, Ger . Lot. 3. BI 1.2 40 26-27-30 iv | the Rupert sounded and as the man and English Moderate charges ; ; . al | “40, Section 8, 4400; 9880 a 13-14 41 18-19 51 a ld parte Camosun was pull-| APPIY Dox E. " ars I ; a Block 100, Section 9, $1,050 ° 23-24 af 20-24 54 Gling out. The William Jolifte, ' | $475 cash, bal. G.’T. P : Jeremiah H. Kugler, Ltd. . : . he One of the old and great financiers of | i ic oquitiam, Princess May, Camo- ’ Lot 38, Block 27, Section 5, $750; $15( > jsun and Aloe et and Prinée Ru- For Rent the East in addressing a class of | cash, bal. 6-12-18 PHONE 317 , ' | Bis <5? ities | | 20, Bk 23, Section ¢ 750, with Prince Rupert Agencies Pattullo & Radford &):",°°"5,:04,00" gece’ Ieee tor taal ae TS Ba jat ek aes ing iN Sere ee ae of tomorrow will be far greater than| {3 4.' Sen . orate e room Nat: with path. 725) in the past, fortunes will be made| . e cabin passengers on the Ruper Fraser street 135-140 : , : 53 Lots 75-76, Block 3, Section 7, $1,201 Silver Standard Mines, 2nd Ave. Phone No. 121 2nd Ave. Phone No. 83 g/Ca0in | ipert with greater certainty and rapidity! 1-3 cash, bel. 6-13 . TO KRENT—Nicely furnished room in pri- j scially , shox Sect ; 750: #31¢ The mining rope g- | Houston, A Wallace, Mrs. P. vate house, with use of bath. Enquire one ” modern ponthorie, especially cash b anvenged foe ’ : ie | Mckay, W. J Wellace, Miss at 216 Seventh ave. W 3t those points in the west geographic- ing to A. L. MecHugt Angus Rice, F. A Schumaker, O. N, i > 2 e = | oriey, MW. Piva re G: tin eee heces Saeks eke dex coe ally situated to handle the commerce _ Stewart. K ‘ | ~ - i ’ a } j eh * ita “ 9 | Lokan, Carl Fleming, Mrs. | of r a th a neighborhos f $200,000 — tO} Buck,’ EB. w Hutchison, E. E | PRORR ITY eee FOR RENT Standard and « Pe in straighten out the line for the] Buck, Mrs Dunlop, J. G. ss or Pre if , Deakin, M. R Holt, O FOR LEASE—Mclntyre liall; well heated group of twelve cla 5 ea . ] : and lighted. J. H. KOGENS., i none 116. Fifth Section ¢ | | | known is | a ; purpose. Mr. Nixon asked if it] Linnell, a! Pp MeClure, H, | . i. $ r room house t ve ection aeatina ta making : : d 4 were not true that within the A i R. 17 Sears tan | mettre eee etree ral newly papered and painted, "620 se eboney . 1 tad past five years the Grand Trunk] Fisher, Mrs. M Hanning, J. K. r Sal i FOS. COOH PURE: WISER SOUS, COE ID, FED: | 3 Shat } St ? Coo! ces’ It w-Buth slde hird ‘ carmed on s - "i ; had spent vas! sums-of money to | Roopa 6 wae a: of ae pe a | Seg Saree: ener cere. ae hod nt he Ct , eo at auch. dangare oa) tare at Way, Mrs. J. P. x tha Beat ling in ' f Law-Butler Bidg., |" eee’ ey At Evia Ber ae be eliminat just uch danger a | Wils A “Miss Was? Bontell te cm ee eer eee | Where the West Meet _the — West Meets: the 1 East | Third Ave | present. depth of vidence Before Railway me} would exist at this point. are pees nsOn POR SALE—Monarch range, n arly new. For | | ined solid body of ga ey mission at Ottawa Is That Site ‘Would vou say that this w vaels sa aie | particulars phone Green 33) 1ze-tf | 1 tt « Could Be Used Despite Testi- a desirable location for a station Is Ww POR SALR-—Two. 0x0’ loseing ‘engines. | Situated on the west coast of Vancou- ‘ LAW-BUTLER CO., | 2 sed ane i slo i ; mony of G. T. P. Engineer n the main line of the ¢ r Pp. ? boua ois r ig an et a logging gens, | ver Island at the head of Alberni Phone 60 619 Third Ave a oe . . - . on ain line ot t '. > ¥ re rope, ¢ y ie : i bs . Oe Bape heegeapys Handsake r, : Thompson, S ko Som Ltd. Poke i aoe | Canal where the great ships of the | They have a modern | a - = . irimMith, F. R Chandler, Mr } 99-0 : “ 7 . chine d are ¢ 1 Ottawa, June 7.—As an offset! Mr. Walker. while admitting Gardner, H. T. Motheshaw, Mt | Pacific will bump noses with the | hinery a | : ; Bars 3s : Ross, Mrs. Duncan | @r ere ere n rere Iron Horse of the great trans- | fourteen mel to the evidence of Engineer Baird! that he would prefer a line with- , ank. Mr : ; . , . j out curves, said-he thought it was man,” Mr Lost and F d ee rr Cees eorgetown before the Railway Sumunyesion | grr ey y ten F ’ eathal, A. G “ oun ada. Alberni holds a com- eee »sterday ¢ ap » effect |a desirable location. dfrey : ad yesterday afternoon, to the effect Raid. dapat $e S| manding position not eq- e that South Hazelton site would Argument for counsel deviated Wilson, David LOST—A sum of money between Orme’ ualled by any otiersea- Sawmill Co Ltd We Have the . litila ‘ » Ira nf ae t r : old, | 5 s 1 of one pe een ne’s be most dificult for the establish- bine ‘ “oe the . nd of me rail Abbott, R. J. Rateold, Mrs ae eee Palin iomat grenue Reward port on the Pacific ” : Ch ? : eos se tl s cLells ekso if ke ews office , ment of a station, me. Walker,|dence submitted, representatives | McLellan,’ M: Jackson, FE. Coat Thensune Following eap _ an engineer of the G. T. P., gave| for each interest presenting their} yarsn,’ Mrs Lace a be but one L k ° F Ho fl evidence this morning that it|¢laims as they felt justified. ———— ALBERNI um r Properties or Ma would be quite possible to do so Messrs. Smellie, *Pringle and Children’s “Classic” shoes of F — and ° ee ~oner cures nAR § rrade.| Thompson opened on behalf of]all kinds just in at Scott, Fro S ] E | | / hf _~ proper curvatures and grade, oie aa tian: ‘mamas ' . fs “ . fet Bh Froud ts are selling today from $150 to ° ale Exclusively a lere were many stations in|- AEGON | 3 a) DEO WORE 50.9 wiat 42 og Be M uld ba Fastern Canada not more favor-|00 behalf of early owners in El- $476 in “‘Rosslyn’’ the new addition 0 ings Section 6. | ably located than was Southj!!son; Hoge argued for the Price; . | to Alberni, These lots are sold on Lots 29-30, Block 22, $1,850; 1-9 Hazelton. He named Renfrew|Property; Mr. Biggar advanced Section Seven the easy payment plan; their future A large stock of dry finish- cash, bal. 6 and 42 months ! and Arnprior as instances. The|the claims of the G. T. P. |Founder of the ‘the Thriving New| is sure and certain, and their owners ng nee on hand. Boat Section 7 chief of the board’s operating} — Mr. Luca clo ed on behalf of : ‘ Blook 15, $1,100; $650 Town of Terrace to Be United| will be astonished at rapid advance. ce were. ta Lots 15-16-17-18, Block 29, $500 ‘ : department, Mr. Nixon, asked if}South Hazelton and judgment aaa 6-12-18 months, in Matrimony to Miss Cunning- a : ee as on el nd if ides sama on arte was reserved. ~— : : each; 4-3 cash, bal, 6 and } e much traflic were not diverted by eryer o ham of Seattle. —For further information address— Our prices are as low as any, (i the G. T. P. from the Canada —_— OLLART & REYNOLDS ‘ we ' 7 : Section 8. rf ‘ : ; hier oe Phone 381 | BAS wey Seems es e Call on us before ordering. : ae Atlantic, on which these towns In the west a man can rise if nh a Seattle paper of recent r 1s Lots 18-19-20, Block 20, $400 he ; were situated, on atcount ofj}he so wills it and is lucky. In ee war ” date is the announcement by Mr. | each: 4-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12. 4 ‘ heavy grade and curves. The/the good old C.P.R, days, east of APPLES and Mrs. A, R, Cunningham of|p, Real Estate Agent sa eS Lots -1-2, Block 16, $900 pall, i witness did not admit this. He} Revelstoke, Bob Green was a —_— that city of the marriag f th wate Samet ; ' ; a: ee 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 1- ei # ‘ : ila a : 4 « ; ’ 3 arriage © er | we . ’ Boe . - | maintained that without exceed-|¢ook, and now he is likely to re-|An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor! dayciher Clara Rales Marie to — —— EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. Lots 12-13, Block 18, $950 pall Shy » G. T. P. grade » road ese! ‘ootens 5 aware peso hig, are 5 - : : he Sie fe ing the G. T. P. grade the roa a pre sent Koote nay at Ottawa. Away. Mr. George Little of Terrace: Pro ramme of Events Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 1: j could be straightened out in order| Some other cooks should tear a : : . ‘ | 99 *k 3. $450; 1-3 cash ; ' k f Y ee edn Mets . were Sale of car load without re-|B. C., to take place during the ; ae .oL 32, Block 3, $450; i" © make a feasible route to South} leaf out of Bob's book. BS serve this evening, 7:30, in Hart present month, for Dominion Day bal. 6 and 12. fe : Hazelton. It would not cost over| Lowery in the Greenwood Ledge. Block, Sixth street Will t ld Mr. I | wisinmeiaiiaiteas Se Aig $20,000 more to do this nc », SIX street, 1 ve sok Mr. Little is the founder of the “Ch h S | ° & ( any Me It was adduced that Mr. Walk- Dr. Ernest Hall’s meetings a eo ea Po ae a? gt it ae ‘ " ae o has been Continued from Page a3 urc ervices - s ue Harrison omp i Ps z : . 7 ~? "RAL A. BLL, Auctioneer ocatec in -rrace or over six|-————— ies >: tae . : he er’s evidence was based on data] Saturday and Sunday, will be at- ice ie aeenet sea atas , y ae os = Brokers and Financia! Agent* ; \ ars @ > “ts ¢£ reneré “di . ‘ > ; bet supplied to him, since he had]|tended by hundreds. Don’t miss ) i £ aljurday, June 30th, 1912. Other } FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Second Ave. Prince Ruper : 4 never been at South Hazelton.| ther Men are cordially invited to at-| Store there. He is quite well/contestants may enter on date of | Rerviees ovary Sunday in the Bi at So é ; . ; } n dé y ae EH) eT anne the oe tend Dr. Ernest Hall's meeting}known in Prinse Rupert as well] race, but it will greatly assist Empress Theatre at 130 Pn ws = " i] a * at ° at os t 2 . . . . a v opinion that it would cost*in the 3 ee eee for men only in Metnivre Hall} 45 the skeena Valley. Miss! land snorts committee to have all| Sunday School at 2.30 p. a a ss as . . % 2 r . - . . = > a3 Sold in bulk by quart or pint,|Saturday night, 8:30. Subject;|/Cunningham is one of the most/entries in by above date | REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., PasTou Ib === | delicious, refreshing hot weather} What a 20t!: Century Man Ought| Popular young ladies of Seattle. Five mile race—To commence | ee i SS... | necessity, ice cream at Keeley'’s.j/1o Know.” It is expected that the youngjsharp at 9 a. m., in front of| one ae BAPTIST CHURCH a (| Peay prragt 2 “ - . ea ce le s + | c YRE HALL, SRD AVE., NEAR OTH BT. + HOLMQUIST CHALLENGED area rercerr a arnsurseceemaussenaees people will take up their’ resi-}Campbell’s tobaces store, Third| Recvidie Dhari Mead at 2 p 4 Misses’ and children’s tan but- “lassie” shoes, the best for|dence in Terrace avenue, Entries must be handed! Sch; ong ve om. mundsy = ; — ‘ : tUSt ft anaeg Schoo! 2.4 >. ca — a J 1 hereby challenge A ton shoes just arrwed at Seott, the children, New lines now in. — ar in to Mr. Campbell not later th an | Bible Class 240 p.m. Pee eT i & Holmquist to race 400 yards Froud & Co.'s, Third Ave. it Seott, Froud & Co. it Baptist Services. noon on Saturday, June 30th | REV. W. H. McLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor f i ) . y 7 es “The Challenge of Christ to One | . tn Cash } \ « at any time on conditions as S , 1undred yard dash, 220 ower - on Sere i a | ots, Blk, Sec, Price ' f 4 Tanase Ga eiehen us. an ie Maca. the Modern City” will be the sub-} yard Gash, 440 yard dash aaa| FaR Eee SETeADIBT ORURC H ; : aki) BOB FRISCO i : | ject of Rev. Warren H. MecLeod's|yard dash. mile sae ; | Services every Sunday at 11 11.12 20 $1,500 . + SU. For tonight's little breeze with] THE WEATHER. : ‘ acai % ace, ive mile] a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Sunda IF 675 The above challenge was the Callie ‘hai Ren 1" ! sermon _ tomorrow” evening — atj rack ten mile race, two mile| Sohaol ei ott oon y {3-14 26 8 1,350 ] : we sake twee Mowe ‘gine : allies on the Second avenue 7:30. Everyone should hear this|walk, 120 yarq burdl oe 1 REV. C, R. SING, B.D. PasTor * a yoter Fr 2 . rlis oses vor » . . ule “ace, } . ‘ - today by the challenger, a h ter park the Basil h_ Rose For twenty-four hours ending| message on the solution of many] hurdles first ten yards then { .. se eae fo, aS ee Balance in 6 and 12 months ’ ~ , a ¢ arreé “ > o y' , | . ¢ . : ar. - ~ : oa 5 en - a “ ' 2A so at agg | lg wave art ange d the following line -|5 a, m., June 8th: Barometer,| modern problems, Morning|teen yards apart; running } ; THE SALVATION ARMY at 7% interest J ; aon ke nants ; up Goal, Ives; backs, Crisp] 29.942; maximum temperaiure,|service at 44. Bible school at] jun } cae ing broad Services every Sunday at grin who is booked to run and Youngman; half backs, Pey-|54; minimum temperature, 45:/2:20 9. 1 Visitors cordill 1] yo et Sp. and Jump; one 11 am, 3 Dp. m, and 8 in a ten mile event at Hazel- ton’and Golden: forwards. Holl : ' oP Matte: 4 Sale iBNOTS COPAY wel-|n elay race, Indian race. 100| p. m. Sunday school 4:30 cone Fe al hn inion Day an Olden; forwards, OMS, precipitation, .410. comed, All Baptist services he ldly irds tandin } , ° Rj m 5 Kreenigns se rvices . Garne f ‘wien: 22erves ai | . "Lahaing roa ) ondays, a B Arnel and Ww, | risp;, reserve eachaeinatearearmnd: se nets. in McIntyre HallheThird avenue | high ump, fat mer ? UIP, | Thursdays and Saturdays’ Ltd eens cs é imp, fe anta.-enana j arker, Kirk and Weston. Delicious ice cream at Keeley’ 8.jnear Sixth street. lvntds and naa a. rac 100 CAPT. KERR co a én ey . ; . eo ‘ SECOND AVENUE