HAJS t. HAJG, ITD EDINBURGH HH Thii aJvmiicment is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. "BIRMINGHAM" Finest range in Men's Dress Shoes at their price on the market If you have not had the pleasure of wearing ''Birmingham" Shoes you are missing one of the beat bets possible. Solid leather throughout. Finest fitting lasts and styled to the minute. Priced $6.50 to $8.50 Family shoe store lt! DAILY EDITION 'The Home of Good Shoes" EDITORIAL THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT. BRITISH COLUMBU Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited. Third Avenue. H. F PULLEN, PRESIDENT G. A. HUNTER. MANAGING EDITOR rRTDAY JULY 24 92 Give Us The True Words . . . A typogTanhical trade ionrnnl nnhKainui United States which has iust I t In the ss a mm con was - w w cise slant on some of the things we are really figfctinff for in this war PacciKIv it mo.. r rT j? THE DAILY NEWS FRIDAY. JULY ';. YANKS' WIN 1 f Mil UICI SIGNALS r BOOM OVER IN LEAD Lost Close Decision to Cleveland Idians in Yesterday's American Lea cue Play NEW YORK. July 34 9 The Cleveland sneUsns scored a 3 to 2 veetsay over the New York Yankees yesterday to nip off the Yankees' winning streak at eleven Brooklyn St. Lotas New York The second place Boston rai Sttc m over the Chicaro Sox 3Mt if ia the Yank- margin of leadership to eleven The Waahinatan Senators Cincinnati . Chicago Pittsburg -Boston - Philadelphia Mail Tsoteo and the Philadelphia Athletk. losing to IS4. Louts Browns, ware Ml in the Yesterday's Big League scores American League New York J. Ctewataad 3. Boston 5. Chsraaw 4. Washington 5. Detroit 3. Philadelphia 1 St. Louis 9. National League Ptitabaiaih 4. New York -at Louis 3. PhOadehihia 4. National Lea sue W. 4 M 4t 4? 45 41 38 35 L. 37 34 43 4 47 57 95 The league standings to date American League New York U Boston 51 Cleveland S3 St- Louis 4 Detroit 47 Chicago - 38 Washington 36 Philadelphia 38 29 39 42 45 49 52 57 61 SPORT CHAT Scattered throughout Pet .703 for fflrMms some w who n,, k be inclined 7."7''7cSraamg Racing is represented by such may to lose sight of ral HSttesjisonee. a. Mns Marsh, trainer .i. niC nicr 01 uiscussion arjout tilings of less Here it is: So far we are fightinc becansp wimpWii- afakwi 0 - wo " v w v aa us, for fear that someone might invade our shores because we want to get it over with. That is what the papers tell us, about what our leaders tell us, is what many of us even tell ourselves. x It still remains for somebody to tell us the truth. That truth, boiled down, has snmpthfno- tn nrM, herent . be lief m mankind that there is something higher than Ufa Tt.4. t.:l n . xu.. luai inner someming concerns decency mercv and hooe. lt can be attained onlv through liberty. ine woras m the message should say something :awu) uje "Km oi a new-oorn infant to have protection and food until he can grow strong enough to take some nimseir it should mention the right of a mother to st hold i j that infant in her arms unmolested bv brutal men who walk in uninvited through her door. The worrk should talk of a world in which a man can woo hi sweetheart, provide for his family, enjoy some security lin 3 Ieell"g tnat his life in his own. mi. There should be something about freedom to come and go as long as no harm is being done to others. What a man earns bv his work, he should be allowed to enjov. is important, and so is the right to worship according to one's own belief. You would have to mention a moral code in which the strong would want to protect the weak. Domination by anv man or eroup would be.out. The right of trial would have to be guaranteed and so would free expression of ideas as long as they were not lewd or licentious or harmful to peace-loving people. The words would want to describe a world where truth 'prevailed and -agreements once marie were agreements to be kept. The words could not end without some reference to the forefathers of everyone of us. Thev believed in those things, fought for them and passed them on to us. We are fighting because of that heritage in our blood, a heritage that mak us believe in decencv, mercy and iwaitrau ui cxmiiuntrss, crueuv ana uespair. It IS; for these things that weiare willing to lay down our lives. Those who complain about having to walk instead of ride would have more to complain about if they suddenly became unable to walk Then the privilege of being able to come and go by foot would be deemed a real blessing. Just ask any'invalid. of the 1035 Derby winner. Windsor Lad; Lt.-Col. F. T. Williams, an owner who issued instructions iffom his prison that his horse Fairy Prince, should ran in last year's Derby, and by Pte. Gordon Rolls, a lattow with a fat bankroll in England who selected 10 horses on which his money is placed every time thsy run. Many famed ragby players axe captives, including F. D. Prentice. ; captain of the 1930 English team that visited Australia and New Zealand. Among several psonient footballers is Parachutist Reg Allen, who kept goal for Queen's Park Ranges in happier years. ; At one Oflag in Germany four officers, formerly members of the Blackheath Harriers Club, kept in shape by running around the grounds. They competed in a re cent sports day. At least on of them walks and runs about eiht miles each day. : Ab Jenkins established 21 new world's automobile speed records in a 24-hour run at Bonneville Salt Fiats, Utah, two years ago yesterday, !Hs main achievement was the mark of 1613 mp.h. fo: miles in 24 hours; Leo DiegeL Agua Caliente, and Michigan's Tommy Armour tied up the Canadian open golf championship at Hamilton, posting 277 scores. 12 years ago today. They met in a 36-hole playoff second in 4he history of the competition and Armour won. 138 to 141. vTttMkW No Spraying I IffVl No Stickinets RUB OUT TIRED ACHES Navy and Air Force Women Kesular Meetutr. Held Matters Ate Take Vi Up Dr. H. N Brorkleaby. who left Prince Rupert a tew days ago. will. after sernbttontng ha department prison u raMcowtt. to which the Frt.ee Rupert Fisheries tsuatinx iitaJ Ocaraa Stattea is being moved. wiB pro Dao4t Puts Them on Top Cewpetitfon for filth nly Cup NEWS FOR MIDLANDS The Mawjr and Air Korea Warner j 1 1 cat held their regular fortmghtly TK ,. f .v , rrJw J" vtsttd alternately. -538 The Inter-chsb ralfle -522 this week by Mrs. ayi JCanney. : Mtaabers are busy on Med Croas 4 wark they have taken from the -400 y.w.C.i hostess and should have - st Ndy to turn in shortly. .422 F 387 i 38t camps in Germany and Italy are many men whose names send a thrill through Britain's sports-loving pubbc. There must be plenty of sport discussions behind that barbed wire because scarcely a week passes but some London sports writer lecelves a card asking for racing results, football manuals or some facts to settle an ar- A bridge-whist and t far August 8 to be held in the family MS lounge at the "Y" waa arranged. 37 the meeaeers promlaing fullest eo- i -353 sfetaMan. U waa decided to gleet 55 j mi ... . I Whifflets From The Waterfront ing of other - - j of tacal ceed to Saa FraawJeto to kan the senate of Che Farrasune Co . later 3,18 mksng estaege of a new plant which LONDON h being opened up bp she easapnny afemoa wht at vtetorsa m eeawsmsei wtth the f reduction o: fish o in "Tl 1"f x ftxtawe by default on Tiessw Sight wh Navy failed to field a team. Signals vent into 'xrluats leadership of the standing for the OsTbulj Cup In senior football. Up tc Tuesday nigh' the S:?rals and Air Force had beefi tied. Already a few of the teaablesoeaf inaeeta have stade thssr appear-aace. Ferry boats frosa across Lake 1 trained is taking steps against of Japanese beetles. an one of the means of It Is believed. and sixty-fire men army units en- tor CanxMuaht Ranees Ottawa en Sanday morning to take a two weeks' period at camp- The party Is beaded by Capt Lome Anderson. Capt O. A. Dan-das. Cant. O. S. Edwards. Capt C J. Tottenham. Capt Paul 3sve. Lieut. E. IvmMA. Ueat K O. Tartar. Ueat Jack Harrison. Lieut. H. C CamebeO. Ueat J. M. Pat- Lieat Claude Fewlrr. Lieut Kldd. Lieut Cuff A'kin- Chve Thompson AIR PRISONERS Jusy U 9 British has become prisoner i 3.13. says a writ ten Parliamentary reply SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way-points, Stewart and North, Queen Charlotte Islands. Full Information, Tlrkets and Reservation FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert A(ent Third Ave. Phone 568 "Rice Krispies m a registered trade mark of KelloggCompeny of C anada Limited, for its brand of oven-poppod rice. Get some today. G 0 L D S E e e e v THE SEAL OF 1 QUALITY ! Sockeye Salmon Fancy Red HcrrinR in Tomato Sauce A Sandwich Spread Spiced Salmon T Smoked Salmon Bloater aasaaaaooaaeaaaaaaaaaaaa jtf$ft ,or doub,e"e(,9 roxors won i&SlSSy more h first year Honors Paid To Church Workers Catherine fsr Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Andrew and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lancaster to JhV,TWf lMTrA' he aoU club having drawn up a1 , i Thursday It was very . M , a,ii ; I lunar fc al Mr then any offaer economy blade. Air Raid Sirens Are Being Tested Mechanism and Synthroni; Are ftelnr. Proven and Mrs Daily ai noon this - .: we atlinaid and several now , , ? njThnaaai Andrew and Mr. and Mrs. being made of Prir.re p joined. mumdL riitmsnillnr lea U s- Lanosiitif. who have been nU atren The purp, The ladles feel eery gratified at "TJT , TTTA- 'laiwwui and llroba lead In Leatr Is to prove r having eoaapleted the curtains for .LrTOw in whsehwoee than ovte M tkmrtt tor many synchroohwOon rathr Seal Ooue Hospital which now -ymMt xM uk. years, a farewey gathering waa My pewfte hate r .t Jnmrm w up and serve to make the place 'held Monday evening at the boose atreo ajttce only the asore cfcerful and horoefllw' for DM J- B Ovhsos. the JI hu been -he mad riyg 1WJIf ffnttld csMMtiea asea. wyM- tato ,t Fourth Avenae Bast. errors have been pno HoasstiU visiting is on the weekly . 1lU fUT V, K u ' Mrs, J O Johns, president of at each of the siren schedule, the two arrvtoea being . uTT k.a St. A4eWs Wwuol Auilllary.,port legntts W: . i harvest. fprMented Met Andrew with a Royal Canadian Corp prayer book and conveyed the best , geaner Apartmenu M vjaam of all the members. Vks-kats: Beenar Block ' Dean Osason. on behalf Si the Watson: Amwy Bdm choir, presented Mr Lancaster , lets; Booth Mrsnorta: with a gift In appreciation of bis Herbert The tesU je , many years of service Isfaetory Canadian National Railways TRAINS TOR THE EAST WILL LEAVE PRISCE RfPIJtT MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. p m stopj . - i k local stattoas. arriving JASPER Wednesday Frio l Sunday. 7 am. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. 10:30 am, stopplai at 7r ' PaeJflc. ILaxclton, New ILuelton. Smlthers, Bums Lar .. derboof. Prince George. Olscooie and McBrtde or ; L JASPER Thursday and Saturday 13.24 pa INCOMING TRAINS WILL ARRI1: PRINCE RUf IJST TUESDAY. FRIDAY and SUNDAY. 11 pm. THURSDAY and SATURDAY. 6 30 pa Air Conditioned Sleeptng and Dining Cars on tri;r Monday 8 08 p m . Wednesday and Friday 18:30 a.m. ( only on other trains from Prince Rupert For Full Information. Resemtions. etc.. call or w- R. S. GRF.IG, CITY PASSENGER AGENT 12$ Tblrd Aenne Pbone 2M rriorr Rsfrt Agents for Trans-Canada Air lines SHORT CUT TO VICTORY! LADIES' - Here U your chance to try the latei FEATHER BOB PERMANENT All ends tapered W T Balrd's Hair Shaper. Individual styling to suit your !. '' Sunrise Beauty Salon VIOLET 3IAII Cor. Cth and Fallon Above SnnrHe Store Phone Blae 913 for Appointments FACIAL TI88UE. box N PAPER KAPKIN8. pkg Qf 50 M PAPER DOILIES, al sfcea, pkg S DRINKINO CUPS, dozen In a rr, t - BAKINO CUPS. 100 and 150 HEAVY WAX PAPER. 100 ft. -..-j ... CANAPAR COOKINO PARCHMENT, pkg. . SHELF PAPER, new patterns ... : 8URE-SEAL (pleasant taste) ENVELOPES, pkg. Linen finish BLUB LINED ENVELOPES, pkg AIR MAIL ENVELOPES, pkg 15c lc 15 FAST MAIL, bond, letter tablet, ruled or plain, 100 ft LOOSE LEAF RECIPE BOOK, complete SCRAP BOOKS THUMB TACKS. 30 s. 10c; 100's DENNISON OUMMED LAPELS, all siM-s, pkg. BIRTHDAY CANDLES CANDLEHOLDERS. pkgs. of 5 STATIONERY and SUIMMES for HOME and OFFICE Ise sr.J ?, for . ... It 0c awl t-j 20c wl C-'i J dot 11 Iff 9 HOUSEHOLD NEEDSi For Every Day J