PAQa TV70 TnE DAILY NTvv3 -eW . . TOH8DAY Jl "BIRMINGHAM" Fines range in Aen's Dress 5ioes of thair price on the market If you have not had the pleasure of wearing ''Bir-mingham" Shoes you are missing one of the best bets possible. Solid leather throughout. Finest fitting lasts and styled to the minute. Priced $6.50 to $8.50 Family shoe store ltD. tt The Home of Good Shoes" Spng Service At Church Is Much Enjoyed Sunday Concluding an extremely active and successful season, under the leadership of Mrs. E. J. Smith, the choir of First Presbyterian Church j led the congregation In jacrpd $ong at a service on Sunday evening that was well attended and greatly appreciated. The choir rendered four special anthems "Saviour, Breathe an Evening Blessing." "Come untn Me," "O n e s n l m n i Thought" and "The Radiant Morn." A duet by Mrs. H. N. Brocklesby and Mrs. James L. Lee and a Quartette by the same two ladies assisted by A. J Lancaster and J. A. Teng, a splendid solo by John Davey, and the hearty congregational singing of many favorite hymns, blended into a most enjoyable service. The minister. Rev. A. F. Mac-Sween, expressed to Mrs. Smith and the choir the appreciation of the congregation for faithful service throughout the year. He mentioned also the loss which was being sustained in the departure of Mrs. Brocklesby and of A. J. Lancaster and extended to them the thanks and good wishes of the congregation. FOR ARMY ONLY BERLIN, June 30: The Ger man State Railways re:ently an nounced that "all transport of goods has been stopped until further notice" meaning that only goods vital to the needs of the army would be transported. THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RITEUT. nRITISn COLUMBIA Puhilstied Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue JI. P PULL EN. PRESIDENT O. A. HUNTER. MANAGING EDITOR EDITORIAL ADVERTISING KATES Local Readers, per line, per insertion .25 classified Advertisements. De woid. per Insertion , hi v edition ttL- TUESDAY. JUNE 30, 1942 Mail and Train Service . . . Several further aspects of the local unsatisfactory train mail service have come to the fore. The poor timing of mails to and from the East due to the use of the slow freight trains rather than the fast passengers for the purpose of mail carrying has already been alluded to and a vigorous complaint made at the general inconvenience and complete ineffectiveness. Another bad feature of the present service is that there is no southern boat connection now for the mails coming in from the interior, there being a tie-up of at least 24 hours in each case. The bringing in of the mail by the passenger trains' on Thursday and Saturday evening would improve this situation somewhat but there can be no really efficient mail service until there are daily trains all carrying mails. With greatly increased population and mail traffic not only at Prince Rupert but at such points as Terrace and Prince George there must already be great difficulty for the handling of mails by the postal staffs both stationary and travelling owing to pile-ups and congestion. Until there is a steady rather than the present intermittent mail service the mail delivery service within the city, the necessity of which is demonstrated by the congestion to be seen so often at the Post Office, can hardly be expected to be inaugurated. Certainly there is every argument in favor of at least some improvement over the preposterous mail service which we are having to put up with these days. The "Midlands" are wondering if the mieht not be a better name iust now. - - -- v I, to O AH Caiimla In paying Iriluile; lo Uip zrnl mid spirit of Htn nation's Army. In )ii tlit inifjlu. iet, most rrilical cjf till wars, llion mini and women in khaki are inaiiifircnlly mainlain inf,' iheir cotmlry'rt fiIitin Iradilions. We al Canadian General Kleelrie nrv lining vv fry-thing in our pnuor o npvvtUup (lfi production of vital arms nvvdvd hy lha fighting sert res . . . Anli-lank pins, aiili-aircraft guns, eoasfal defence and anti-airiiraft fcearcliljltl for the Army . . . plane component, inarjne eiine and oilier fetipplie for llu: Air Force, anil the Navy. All our resource., all our delermiiialioii and years of experience are pledged lo lliin all-imporlant end. Niglu mid day, lliroiiglioul Army Week anil every meh llie men mid women of Canadian General K!ecrc are hlriyjng ! help arm Caiiada'tj fighling men lo Jiaflcn vielory! IS ELECTED AT STEWART W. L. Newell Suierh J. P. Ilatfjc lnvon As Coinmktiuiitr STEWART, June SO: Ai te regular meeting of the Village Commissioners last Tuesday fining, the resignation of Commissioner Jacob P. Uawkinsan was received and acepted with regret, 4ir. Hawklnson having moved to Prince Rupert. The remaining cornrnlsrtoners appointed William Leonard HipsJI to complete the unexpired portion of Mr. Hawklnson's term and Mr. Newell was duly sworn In by John Camcbell J. P. The newly appointed Commissioner has plenty of village administration experience. He wag member of the first elected Hoard of Commissioner elected in 1M and he also served continuously! through the yean 19S3 to and In- i cludlnK 1938 In which latter ytjtf he wa chairman of the board. I FUueball Standi figs NhUml Leaiue w. L nx Brooklyn 4t it Jit St Louis ST ST Jit Cincinnati St SI Jtl 1 Mew York St St J08 Chicago St ST MB I Pittsburg St St 470 Boston U 41 lU Philadelphia It 80 J75 Anetfean Iatue W. L. Pe t New York 4t 21 .687 Hoaton - S8 88 J76 Cleveland SO S8 .549 Detroit . 40 la JSSi 8t Loots Chicago 34 ST SB S8 TIWNSrOKTS .473 .483 Piilladelphu U H an Washington 80 48 JT7 1 Sweden urns gliders to transport men and war materials. Ships OU& CHALLENGE TO THE "U" BOAT Canada started this war with virtually no ctic shipbuilding induitry. To-day tin ro arc 17 major and 58 smaller yard v.hi,h, with ujdiary induttrios, employ 40,ooo men. Canada's first 10.000 tonncr, launched in October lait year, completed in GrM Atlantic voyage in February I Since then many others bate bsn launched and ih-pescnt programme calli for 1 72 new caro sJlfpi cotjing J2 5.000,000. KtU for ou r 50 have already hn laid. Heforc the yiar is out we will be launching a new lhip every few days. 0r 500 Canadian industries arc making component! for these ships. About 95 o! the material utd in their production u fHw "made in Canada." Not include! in the figures arc some 200 naval ships already launched, the large m Joffty of them convttcs and minciweeperv mmmmtm i.ThT,.,,,. , , V" S ( mt tmrnty r -- - . buatklW4brahra4 Ntrnnt(luM,T M 4Wt.l. lhr I.. pfr.,4. tmw,.n .,. ,. ,,. , Mr ut ! V nt in.,l,i ..I ) .ivmIj , mt . . , T8IE ROYAL BANIC OF CANADA W.C.T.U. Head Is Church Speaker first lUptUt Cnncrrcation Mean Mrs. James Orrjr at livening Service Sunday Un. James Ory of Vancouver. proflndal preakaent of the Women's Christian Temperance Union f,r BrltUh CoiumMa. who is vinting the city, was the sprnkrr Hu -i. v evening in Pint UaptUt Churrn. Kivtnu an Intert-v'.;-temperance ma!! - Rev. Clarence A or the (Qur. ha couver attending t venllon and aitl i: Prince Oeorge ri i will spend the n.- -. vacation. During July an-', will be Joint sento Baptist and v ' Churches with n-..r the one and rvei r the other. Caiada'sArmv BM mm .mi i IHitBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm jlH W H ffiXv BmmmmmmmmmmVamaHi wav Igmtlfl