EE Thit fldvC i rt-crf r, not Dtil',,"', Corr . L jnl uf by tv ITS MOTH AGAIN I NOW IS THE TIME- ouvi vayd by thip Liquor, "'i'fh Columbia TIME MOTH CRYSTALS (Parndichlorbonzine), 1-lb. tin 50c (May be used in your vacuum cleaner) MOTH HALLS, 1 lb 23c NAPTH ALINE FLAKES, 1 lb. FLY-KILliodomcjl. nkrflvs: iiius, Moths, Mowuiitoos, 8-ois. 30c; 10-one 50c LAKVEX SPRAY, 10 oag $1.00 SPRAYERS, complote, oach 25c Ormes Lid. Jia Pioneer Druqgtats i in: iti:..u.i. stoki: phonics i and 2 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sunday, and Holiday (im IS 5 p.m. and 7 - 9 p.m. 8 HLACK LEAF. 40 for your garden 10c V, IT IS PATRIOTIC TO HOARD COAL It full will help avoid a It, (illlnn jour bin and kcrpln you You and your bin represent a vital part of the storage je. i;nlM for the duration by antlflpatinR your requirements and Keeping your Wn storing all It ran. All unities of Foothills Alberta Coal now on hand-also Hulklcy Valley and Comox Coals PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. right away for the amount of coal you order Give us an cxpec? to need next season. This will enable us to meet vour requirements now or as supplies arrive. U ls important that you should lay In your coa supply certain that the dealer will this summer ns It Is almost satisfactorily with the demand next not be able to cope winter. HOARDING TO BUY YOUK COAL EARLY IT IS NOT order a day ahead of to place your (It is alio necessary Delivery) Albert & McCaffery Ltd. nioNi.s no ok i LOCAL NEWS NOTES Robert Morris left this afternoon Rev. and Mrs. T. C Cplwell and for Namu. family arrived in the city this Mrs. C. Berg left this afternoon for Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. T. 11. Power left this afternoon for a trip to Van couver. Capt Paul Armour left this afternoon on his return to Vancouver. Mrs. N. IL Hutton and two children were passengers on last night's train for Alberta where they will spend the summer. Mrs. Copley Bennett and daughter. Sheila, left this afternoon for a trip to Vancouver. James Turner, Post Office inspector, returned to the city this morning after a trip to Stewart on official business. George Lee, superintendent of Anyox Metals, returned to Anyox Sunday night after spending a few days In the city on business. Tonight's train, due to .arrive from the East at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be on time. k NOTICE Is given that Artillery dun Practice will be carried out from a KAIBN ISLAND BATTERY on Thursday 2 July 42 between '.he hours of 8 a in. and 6 pm Firing will be seaward. Residents of Section 2 are warned to open windows of their homes to prevent breakage from concussion. WEEK-END MARRIAGE -Mivs .Muriel Jean Injram Incomes llride of George Alfred Charlton The marriage of Miss Muriel Jean Ingram, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ingram of Vancouver, ' to " George Alfred Charlton, also of Vancouver, took place quieUy Saturday evening at the parsonage of First United Church. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. C. D. Clarke. The bride was given In marriage by her father and the groom was attended by the bride's brother Ross Ingram. The bridesmaid was the bride's niece. Miss Fay Lois Ingram. The bride wore a flowered silk suit with rose bolero and match ing hat. Her corsage was of pink roses. The bridesmaid wore a rose chiffon dress with pink carna Hons. The mother of the bride wore a navy blue chiffon dress trimmed In white. Her corsage was of red carna Hons. A reccDtlon was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. In gram, 350 Biggar Place. In addition to the geperal fell citations of friends, the couple received a telegram of congratulations from the groom's mother. Mrs. N. Charlton of Vancouver. Many beautiful gifts were on display. Mrs. Bud Barxl?n0Mi8S' Tona Bburgon "presided at the urns and Mrs. Floyd Smith ana miss Mae Peacock were servlteurs. The groomsman proposed the toast to the couple, this being fit tingly responded to by the groom. A lovely two-tier wedding cake centred the table which was adorned with flowers and pink tapers. The couple will reside at Big gar Place. IN TIIH SITHKMK COt'KT UK IIHIT1MI OU Mill V IX riM)U.TK I lie Muttrr of tlif "AilmlnWrntlon Art" mill In the Matter of the Ktte of Jmr MrNmiKlitoii Miinnl. Deceased. TAKE NOTICE tluvt by Ordeir ot 111 s morning from Port Simpson and will leaye by train tomorrow for Terrace to which point Mr. Col-well has been transferred as United Church pastor. Passengers leaving this afternoon Included T. James, C. A. Moloney, Miss M. Dudoward, J. Cameron, Earl Height, R. Mayhew, Miss Yvonne Morln, Lief Karsten, B. Lipscomb, E. Lucas, R. E. Knight, A. Carlsen, Miss E. Ochs, J. McCue, A. Llndecker and W. ereshaeln. NO paper -Tomorrow," being Dominion Day and a public holiday, the Daily News will not be published. The next regular Issue will appcaf Thursday afternoon. TpBACCOKSTS "Take, pcwtrojf "1 WHS MNKt roii Officii CIMtTMINT JTOII! DIUOIJIJTJ epOCfft . lOpACCONIJI IOOK STC4D axatW IITM. tTOtU In thp Kkpen River follou-iner the opening of the season Sunday night Indicate quite satisfactory catches, boats avering about 21 fish. Only about half of the usual number of some 850 fishermen on the Skeena are so far out. Canneries started packing today. The price has not yet been settled but It will be a jrdnlmunvpt .l.Jc per. pound for sockeye In Int.' round. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT The City Is offering for sale the property known as the Washington Block, Second Ave., situate on Lots 3 and 4, Block 23, Section 1. Bids will be received up to 12 o'clock noon Saturday, July 4th, 1942. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Presbyterian Tea, Mitchell. July 8. City Clerk. June 30, 1942. (153) Mr. and Mrs. William J. Nelson announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Ruth Winona, to James J. Donaldson, son of Mrs. A. J. Brown of this city. The mar riage to take place July 17th. rfhhcuhcetnentJ All advertisements In this fekrolumn will be charged. for a full month at 25c a word. Mrs. J. R. Legion Tea, August 5. ' Presbyterian rummage sale. Aug. ust 22. Catholic Bazaar, October 7 and 8. in jin: sitkkmk roriiT ok huitwi rUl.t'MIIIA IN I'KOHATK In the Mattrr ot I he "Administration Art" mul In thf Matter ot the K-tntr of Kmlrrlrk Mi I ran, otlirrlr known Hml Mr Lean. TAKE NOTICE that tor Order of IBs Honour Judge Fisher. Ural Judge of 'L f . ,,rf OJiSnblL the Supreme Court of British OoTumblo. of Brlt the Supmne Court JWumbU, nth d of Jun A.D. ,ml "urtJJlttm Rod Mdin formerlr ot of Prnce Rivpert. Munnla I tcNauliton Rvuxrt, DrlUiUi Columtoia, de- on or about the 19Ui day of April 1942. All persona Indebted ILrJ to pnj w lIS ' loV ert .reared fo ,T required the amomvt of Uietr indeibtedneeB to me 'of their lnieweune, idebtedneHs to ine ine iiy forthwith - - . JT, n, nmCBM ivlnf .. juima clalma and m persona navmjj n against Vh7 the aaW saM &taa Eatarte are are mitred w,? to ih Mid Estate are ni vuwtl to rue thetn with me pruawly verified on or Utfore the 18th dJ of Jily A D. 1942 falling which dtotrlbuWon iwlU be made having regard only to aiKih clalnia of of which I dial! le been notfled. DATED at Prlivce Kupert, B. O. th1a Ilth day of June AD. i42. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Pilnca Bujptrt, b . Din FPR SALE fOI SLE Central Ngf s Agency. (153) FDR SALE 5 room bungalow, fully modern, excellept condition, terms cash. Phone Oreen 450. (156) FOR SALE New 2-room house, furnished or unfurnished. 1063 Hays Cove Ayenue. Green 639. (If) FOR SALE Bungalow beds, complete, practically new. Phone Green 693. 345 West Mnth. (154) FOR SALE 10 acres farm land on highway y2 miles south of South Hazelton; 2-room cottage, chicken pen, bam; V2 acre In berries; 1 acre garden, 1 acre wheat, 1 acre oats, balance bay; plenty running water. Apply J. R. Stanyer, South Hazelton, B.C. (151) SALE Float house and boat. IFOR Cheap for Cash. Apply Barton, Jew Floats. 151 IFOR SALE 3 Sisters Cafe. If In I terested call or write II. A. Nel son, P. O. Box 957, Prince Rup ert, (tf) FQR RET FOR RENT Bright, comfortable bedroom. Apply 1501 Second Ave. West. Phone Blue 754'. 153i WANTED WANTED Two chambermaids. Prince Rupert HoteL" (153) WANTED Woman for general housework. Prince Rupert Hotel WANTED 12-foot 306, Dally News. rowboat. LOST and (153) WANTED Girl wanted for gen eral house work. Phone 543. (152) WANTED Housekeeping rooms by two ypung men. Box ?02, Dally Npws. (151) Box (152) MAN and 9-year old daughter would like board and room together or housekeeping room or small house. H. SpoX ford, General Hospital. (152 BOY wants sleeping accomodation. Apply Box 304 Dally News. (151 EXPERIENCED Stenographer competent in shorthand and typing. State full particulars in first letter. City. Box 305, Daily News. (151) WANTED Immediately to rent house or apartment; permanent. Red 271. (154) WANTED to Rent Immediately, 2 or 3 room house. Planning to buy within 3 months If possible. Good prospect Box 301, Dally News. (151 WANTED to rent rurnlshed rooms or small house for year possible Immediate possession by civil en gineer. Apply Box 297 Dally 1 News. (154) WANTED Disnwasner ress. 3 Sisters Cafe. LOST Route book on Seventh Ave. "East: Finder- please return to Mr. Mendalls, 318 Sixth St. Phone Red 873. (151) LOST-Black key case on Fourth Street. Initialled M. K. E. Green 883.. H56) "Mrs. R. K.Farrls Is arriving In the city tomorrow morning from Vancouver to take up residence with Mr. Farrls who Is Identified with the E. J. Ryan Contracting Co. D. O. Borland, manager of the Capitol Theatre, who has been spending the past three weeks In the south, will be returning to the city tomorrow. lNI Kt'.msTKY ACT SOTU'E te: Certificate of Title No. SJI9LI to Lot 20, Itlork Hi, Seel ton a. 1 11 of ITlme ltliert. .Ma 9J3. WHEREAS natUTantory proof of lew ot the above OrUflonte of Title Issued In ,the mow of Oliver Pwloquln has been fUed In thU office, notice to hereby given that I shall, at the ex piratlon of oiie month Xrom the date verified on file Uiom with nve oroiwly or before the l&Ui day of July A. D. 1842' falling which distribution will be made having regard only to such olaJihs of VMcih I shall have been notified. " , PATEP at Prince Rtvpert, B. O. thda UUl day of June AD. 1942. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator mac Rupart, B.C. of the tlnst pubUcauon tuaxal, lasue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of Bald lost CeetCTtoaite, unlet In the nutuVUme valid objection be made to nve In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office, Pruwe Rupert, B.C.. ithla 34th day of June. 1B42. Andrew Thompaon DXPUTY REGISTRAR Or XTIUS, Notice To Our Customers CHANGE IN STORE HOURS I Under present circumstances, wherein we find the obtaining of competent help a serious problem, we are forced to change our Saturday Closing Hour. Effective next Saturday, June 27, the hour of Closing will be 6:00 p.m. We regret that this change is necessary and ask that you, our customers, assist us to meet changed conditions by shopping In the morning hours whenever possible, particularly on Saturdays. We shall do our utmost to render the best service possible. WATTS & NICKERSON 533 THIRD Ave. I RAILWAY I UNES 1 iAt iy a rfiM JKr PHONE 315 Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific REGULAR SERVICES TO Vancouver, Ocean Falls and Way-points, Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway Direct connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Qbtain Information, Tickets and ReservaUons from W. L. COATES, General Acent, Prince Rupert, 15.C. The Hyde Transfer WOOD Get Your Winter Supply Now HYDE TRANSFER Second Avenue Phone 580 . i S s AMALGAMATED BUILQIXP WORKERS QF CANADA Prince Rupert, B.C. SIETROPOLE HALL Meetings every fourth Sunday In the month at 2 pin. Unit No. 1: Shipwrights, Joiners, Boat Builders and Caulkers. Unit No. 2: Painters, Paper-hangers and Decorators. Secretary: Phone Blue 113, P.O. Box 1415 A. MacKeijzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY! Bedroom Spites, Odd Dressers, Dinette Suites, Carpets (all sizes), Linoleum and Congoleum, Chesterfield Suites. See us for your requirements. rilONE MURESCO 327 3rd AVENUE MURESCO FQU WALL AXI) CEILING DECORATION Lovely Soft Finish Economical, Easy and Practical Eighteen Beautiful Tints At the Old Prices Pkg 75c 1-2 Pkg 40c GORDON'S HARDWARE PHONE 311 ' ' McBllIDE STREET u Taper PICNIC NEEDS Plates, Heaiy Crock- H J ery, Bathing Caps, Sun Glasses and Visor g at the 2" VARIETY STORE I Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized SULK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 6S7