v TUESDAY. OCTOBER 13. 1942 Thi . 'nivi -i-u-it ment Is nut published or displayed by tup "Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Mrs. Gordon Cop?land left Saturday nlRht for a t.ip to R. W. Sinclair, manager of In- j vernoss cannery, left -Saturday William Gilchrist, formerly of this city and now in the service of Pacific Mills at a South Bentlnck Arm logging camp down the coast, was in the city at the end of the week on his way to Porcher Island for a visit. Mrs. Dorothy Garbutt, local Young Women's Christian Associa tion hostess for the auxiliary war services, is leaving today for Terrace to spend a few days. Peter Haldane Funeral Held night for Victoria to apend the Manv Attend Obsequies at Village winter. i l aieuakaiia Tonight's train, due to arrive from the Bast at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be one hour late. George W. Crlpps left Monday night for Ocean Falls whence he will proceed th Vancouver on vacation. Returning li about amonth he will be acoompanied '''tajfcjMVs. Crlpps who has ben away fw several months, TO EASE MSSERY OF CHILD'S COLD RUB ON WICKS VVapoRub Harry Taylor. Joiin Morrison and Mr. Weslman from Casslar Cannery left this afternoon for Vancouver. W. K. Kyle of the local National Telegraphs staff left Saturday night for Vancouver. He has enlisted iif the Royal Canadian Air Force. Purchase by Dominic Ellofilocal furniture dealer, of another $1000 of nori-lnterest-bearing Dominion of Canada bonds is announced. METLAKATLA, Oct. 13 On Tuesday last the funeral of Peter Haldane took place. The first part of the impressive service was held in St. Paul's Church, Metla- katla. The church was filled to capacity by the home people and many visitors from Port Simpson and elsewhere. The choir sang two of the late Mr Haldane's favorite hymns, "Safe in the arms of Jesus." and "Abide with me." Mrs. St. Clair sang Psalm 12y as a solo. Miss Helen Haldane was at the organ. Rev. B. Shearman, .gave a brief address on the stalwart services of a lifetime of Mr. Haldane In upholding the cross of the Saviour in this village. Wherever Mr. Haldane had been known his unblemished character and example were highly esteemed. Afterwards the remains were conveyed to the graveyard Island where the last respectful tributes were spoken and interment took place. Many beautiful floral WTeaths and crosses were sent and the deeptst sympathy was extended to the widow, sons and daughters left to mourn the loss of a Christian husband and father. Myron Taylor Returns Home Ambassador to Vatican to Confer With President Roosevelt NEW YORK CITY. Oct. 13: Myron C. Taylor,' United States ' ambassador to the Vatican, landed yesterday at LaGuardia Field. He ! is home to confer with President j Franklin D. Roosevelt. feVICT0RY BONDS . Wjjjt I T,,e men who died on the beaches at ;S Wj I Dieppe did a job we couldn't do. They J Jj PI I gloried in their achievement but, when I imM those who lived return, let none of them Jj r" V V ,neet a man w',u reUSfl1 to do n's duty National MESSENGER SERVICE Call it . . We Haul it . . We never close PROiMPT SERVICE PHONE RED 392 Oeorge Simmons left this afternoon for Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. James McNulty will leave Hhursday for Vancouver,, J. II. Macey left Saturday night for a business trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. X, E. Macmlllan of Casslar Cannery left this afternoon for Vancouver. J. E. Amundsen of the E. J. Ryan Construction Co., left last night for Vancouver. Lieut. Wootten ts leaving today for Nanalmo for a month's training course. Miss Mary Astoria returned home Sunday night from a three weeks' vacation trip to Vancouver. Mrs. William Stuart was the winner of a box of apples raffled at the Catholic Baraar. A Will Pay Cash For Furniture. Stoves, Tools, Musical Instruments, Write or Phone Ello Furniture 8tore, Prince Rupert. (tf) t m,m ii A The- home-mailng committee, Women of the Moose, Chapter 211, are holding their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. S. Hougan, 310 Fifth Avenue East on Wednes day, October 14, at 8 pjn. The County Court case of Bulkley Market vs. Charles Newman has been stood over for hearing. The claim is for $207.45. T. W. Brown is counsel for the plaintiff and W. O. Fulton for defendant. Settlement has been made in the! County Court case of John Meng-hello vs. John Ourvlch. The original claim was for $406.40 but this has been settled In the sum of $140. T. W. Brown was counsel for the plaintiff and W. O. Fulton for Ray O'Neill and Bill Schaeffer left last night for Vancouver en-route to Allenby. Ray is returning to his home there after SDendlne the past couDle of weeks vlsltlnz' here with hl Lfcr fr T. mills i Sixth Avenue East. Bill will spend' the next few weeks on holiday in Allenby. " E3 DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES y Miss E. M. Earl left this after-l'noon for a trip to Vancouver. J. II. Macey left Saturday night for a business trip to Vancouver. J. S. Wilson left Saturday night for a trip to Vancouver, on busl ' ness. Mrs. II. Helln and children were here Sunday night on their way home to Port Simpson after a trip to Vancouyer. The Prince Rupert Gyro 'Club will observe the Founders' Day occasion at Its regular weekly luncheon this Wednesday, the program lor the occasion being In the hands of T. W. Brown. Next week the Gyro Club will have its regular monthly business luncheon and the week after Dr. R, O. Large and Joseph Scott will describe a recent big game hunting trip to the Ootsa Lake country with moving picture illustrations. CARD OP TIIANKS Jack Preece and Miss Edith Gandy wish to express sincere thanks to those who sent flowers or in any way showed acts of kindness during the illness and at the time of the death of Mrs. Preece. These kindnesses were very much appreciated and will always be remembered. cm tinnniriti tut t arm -Build B.C. Payrolls- Try It Mixing Classified Ads. FOR SALE FOR SALE Player Piano. Box 347 Dally News. (tf) FOR SALE 440 Eighth Ave. West, five room house, in excellent condition, fully modern; vacant end of December. $2,500 cash. H. G. Helgerson Ltd. (238 FOR SALE At Dodge Cove, seven room house. Apply P.O. Box 547, City. (242) FOR SALE Five room house with garage. $2300 Cash. 1817 Seventh Avenue East. Phone Oreen 609. (239) PERSONAL GET "JET" HOT STOVE POLISH Cleans, polishes,' "cooking-hot' steel stoves. Wont blacken, Store sell "Jet." NATIONAL MESS ENOER SERVICE Call it, we haul it. We never close. Prompt service. Phone Red 392. (237) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM and Board for man shar ing. 718 Fraser Street. (195) LOST LOST Set of teeth. Reward, Find er please return to Mr. O. Hlrd, Staff House No. 3'. (237) LOST Set of upper false teeth, transparent roof. Reward. Return to Daily News. (237) C.N.R. Trains For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 7:00 p.m, Wednesdays and Fridays 10:30 a.m. From the East-Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays 10:30 p.m, Thursdays and Saturdays 7 p.m, 8! Buckwheat makes wonderful pancakes but mix the batter with Pacific Milk. A lady writing says "Pacific makes flapjacks O.K." Yet she doesn't say whether the mix is with wheat or buckwheat. Anyhow without pausing to argue if you want to eat something that tastes good going down try buckwheats. Made with this good Milk. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Varuum Packed eifi?iFiiiiinniTBiijiiBr WANTED WANTED Board and Room jv gentleman. Apply Box 364 Dally I News. xr. . i (237) YOUNO business man and family, permanent residents, non drinkers, are growing sick and tired of hotel rooms and cafe meals. We like your city, and will like it better when we can look at it through, a kitchen window. If you ; know of , anything, phone Blue 400 .. . let1 talk it over. (237) WANTED to rent, furnished suite or room by army officer and wife. Box 366 Dally News. (238) WANTED Lady to care for 3-year-old child. Board, room and salary. Box 369 Dally News. (239) WANTED Large room, or two small rooms, furnished or un furnished. Apply Box 365 Dally News. (tf) WANTED By Nov. 1 or before, two or 3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished by married couple, no children, quiet and clean. Apply Box 367 Daily News. (240) WANTED To rent, small apart ment, furnished up to $60 month, or unfurnished. Box 308, Dally News. WANTED One .large or small rooms for married couple. Box 305 Dally News. (237)" WANTED Experienced saleslady j ror reaay-to-wear store. Apply, Unemployment -Insurance Commission, AF fl ' (238) WANTED Housekeeper and a, Janitor needed urgently. Apply Unemployment Commission' A.M.C. (tf, WANTED Truck driver at once. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission. Ncf. AM 7. (tf) flnhcuhceinehtJ All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Lutheran Hour, Monday, 0:45, CFTR. I.O.O.F. No. C3 every Tuesday, 8 p.m.. Oddfellowa Hall. Sojourning members invited. Presbyterian Supper October 16. Can, Legion Fall DuaarOct. 21. Lutheran Baaaar, Oct. 24, Odd fellows' Hatt. ' Help Norway Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, October 30. Anglican Fall Baaaar, Nov. 5. Nurses' Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall November 6. St. Peter's Fall Bautar, Nov. 12 now Buy Victory Bond 51. T. I.KF, Merchant Tailor iBiatBzaiajBiKfHBtHiitm "A; 1 SHWa&i n 5 Here's a reminder-Christmas h SS is only 2 months away Send JJ that oversea parcel or card I " at (he ! fi VARIETY STORE - - Where your dimes are little " : dollars jjasgaaiBua tatst, a - ;w ta" ' NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, PROP. "A Home Away From Home" Kate 75c up M) Rooms Hot tt Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way-points, Stewart and North, Queen Charlotte Islands. Full Information, Tlrketi and Iteservatloni FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Aitent Third Ave, Phone 568 !)!' "MISS.... TAKE A LETTFp FOR HIS MAJESTY Stenographers! You are Needed Urgentl (o Kill a Vital Cap in Canada's ' . War Effort! 200 TYPISTS tttuat be obtained! the Canadian Women's r Corps also needed are clerks, bookkeepers, telephone ooeratn technicians, deptol nuraea, driven and mechanics, cookY reates, storeraen and many others. ' Otrlaf Now yotl can take your place In Canada's Army to ,,if, men for Ihe combat force. You are eligible U single or mirrZ without dependents, between 18 and 45, and a British suw,7l: w Wrth or naturalteaUon. lor full information retarding pay, uniform, prlvlleiM enlii ment, send the coupon below, or apply to the Recruitlnr ' ntn at Prince Rupert. "Hirer ire look before you buy!jB iflf iJjvA B. urt IMs B,r cro A "X, Tv? I en tttry Ubl.t .... -j Vt? savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Mux St I FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT -JL The C.W.A.C. Recruiting Party, nnder 1.1. Ruby V. Illncks, will vUIt Prince R. pert on Vedneday and Thursdar. u w ffc. tober 14 and 15. Or see the Recruiting Serjeant at p,Mt T.forie. Or consult the Chairman of , local Civilian Recruitlnr Committee mmmJLmJmJLJr JmmX K District Riyrulting Offf Cv l a Women's Army Corpa, Vaixcuv.r r.'-. racki, vtneotm. B.C. Name . Addreu Special Qualifications WW , SAVE KAIEN HARDWARE a I lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCrOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMCJ g For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE f PHONE 235 g OAY AM) MOHT rwooooaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo8ifl ? ! A 8 I HOUSEHOLD NEEDS 1 CASTOR OIL CAMPHORATED OIL EPSOM SALTS, .AidL f ' in ijil nj&r SEIDLITZ POWDERS, tins .. . . 1 oz. 15c 2 oz, 25c . . 1 oz. 20c 2 oz. 35c 1 oz. 25c 2 oz, 43c -1 02. 25c 8 oz. 50c . . 3 oz. 25c . . 2. oz. 25c 8 oz, 90c . . 1 oz. 15c 2 oz. 25c . . 8 oz. 35c 1G oz. 50c . . .1 oz. 10c 10 oz. 25c . . 2 oz. 15c .1 oz. 2.5c 10c RUY YOUR DRUGS PROM THE DRUG STORK Ormes Ltd. T7iiA Pioneer Druzff fats THE ItEXAM. STOKE PHONES 81 AM' : Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 - 2 p.m. and 7 JB' EE L It's interesting to know when reading the Daily that tho people of the whole district are doing the ' ... ................... '''