TTESDAY OCTOBER 13, 1642 THE DAILY NEWS. ntlNCi: MUI'KKT, BKM1HII .COLUMBIA rutxuhnt every AftflNMfcm Except Sunday by Prtnet Xopart Daily thma Limited. Third Avenue l ut' klMIlON March . Year. l Of TH. CASMriHH piuuur it,, i winnxmi rws m MMMTy niwwn i Qi I of ..... rwd.u w iMf it Ailmwm Mm ta i SmmIMl, KAJJIA . i nii rs. mt lute, per iiuerDpn .Lau.i . '., ,i j Ai''eriii4sniAfr- woid, par vrUoti Mry . With and Larctta Y l owing Itste 'ory," ici UU ' v.h.el. .-. ' atH J . 'rears as hi TOP Kiii:nitiun to Bossla, It Is AnnMWcai StU NEW ENVOY TO CANADA v A No Giving Dlptomaik ....... ,- i r..w. mtilt I ; I f , !;oniaUc recognition to .., ..iid a'i envoy will also be -.. ( .mada. the President an-. , a .u Saturday. Thanksgiving . il M On Airplanes ii Served Tm ranoCanada Air line . wiPtG. Dct 13 For the ,.: p,t.sengers wnom toe . war and otner business ,v from their -homes Mon-Tr in.iCanada Air Lines . hanksglvlng aloft, the - d on the planes includ- rky and cranberry sauce refaced by grapefruit eocktallt. topped iitvdiul patapk-ui pies. nisnts. celery and rad-i-.mtng and each pa-ifd a Canadian apple M iiir menu. " COMEDY ROMANCE Fradrfc and -Lorrtta ill1 " r w unmet wuJ.ifipr coi.nt.-y. art, occupied IuJy. rf & mm ad too tb w Im rcaennMt 1 uf vi,,y. October in. 1942 f -aa... i IS VASSAL TO NAZIS in Coit ...a:a , j - - n ,ri c d r ! United . ,f,iy and . .. 1r.eatt. ,i r.;:n"dy-.fii-, K'ibej" 'St Com plot. aci;T.s-wil van i retire from tV -tt, Mrch aavs ' v 5 ru:u's efforts donirsUrity are cot -' wartetl. hwever. ar i wn v.i for Rno an t . Thr - ' formaii h. rt -overs her i pi r:i ,i' tnd-f'.le too far . he even I .'.agss her honeym ;-". that a romance ends in rs are said to be at their htful dilemma ,:' rtc-ne Story." CAI flMAWC a-.1outu. a ijuay that : Stat:- M&r :;t lud s-iecce-:! ' vrtfr-S ;c ..Mm on Guadal-... I Sn-i ht :a? Sibmoni dur-.' ' days ci.' iffsns-vc lir.hi r.. : .auU Aiihounr!-3!ci ;$o jbb$v t the destructHMi : M.yn Hy t'.-r planes, 'd.r.v,-4g to uvd vh .-f lif-'h'- cni-.-.rr? and ;ss '.'f ,t Ut:!".' St is (i)atirs in ope.r ions Octtibrr 9 to 111. i Urx niht t' e Navy dts.-kfc-.-d . the !s of tji- h?ary cruisTr,1-Quirvy Vtncenn's and Astoria 'a ii v : battle Aujust lh fhu;: t( the eaj.y ph.w Solomon operations''. At the t.rne ih" A:..;- tralian ctuinaRifJanbfrra was bst. SAVE lV6 nnnnnnnwraannnnnnnWnsBnnnB . - iT". dH mar Victory Builds are the Ik. t mints. They are backed ! "i ( anada. By denying I Mining tvery possible do.. i.i ail invest-i! i l.o : 'ources , ,5 . and ' victory !oim., we are building up a aw;.; iuuu ui ho luture and helping to defeat me foe. ffiussallem's Economy- Store Support the .orthv-omint? VlCif LOAN to the otmoMgi ;ir capacity A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE Ltd. .ooi l UkCB TO BUY MAKING OF MUNITIONS Canadian National Tuts Important Official in Charge entire time to the direction of the big munitions plant operated by the National syetcm, it was announced here today by N. D. Wal ton, vice-president In charge operation, maintenance and con- ' gtruetlon. The change takes place immediately. "Mr. Roberts has been success-! fully carrying on two very bigi United stat- Assistant Seesfttary i- '- W- Walton said in making 1 Of State tiy AUied Vktory ;th announcement, "and it Is felt J Only Can Have Italy vithat arrangements should; be made . Tao that be wiU be able to devote NEW YORK, Oct. 13 A. A. Bur- IM entire Ume and energy to the ley. amts; :,t secretary of statwllJr important work of pro-speakintr to it ilian-Amerlcans her faction of munitions." drritred th: t cm? Nar.s had ai- Bom at Kilmarnock; Scotland, ready rtducej luly to the position to 1811. Mr. Roberta entered the of an occupied state. Mussolini and ot the Canadian National his contemptible associates had as machinist in the motive power turned th" country over the Nazis loP at Stratford In 1MB. He been made of a-f puppet state. Pa- came charge hand there In 1907 trlntlc lul r.t raced not. however an wag m foreman of tne ma-B. aenaMJ 'he betrayal. ;ehtoe shop in 1917, becoming gen- Howevcr. on) . Urn led Maii.j eraj foreman in ino. In 1WI Mr isu2Bar itendent and later in the same IBSBBBBSY nu rflnfirmarf in hi annoint- . . aw.. . rnw. , . . , ' ed here ana a . Bu'.:t y t :rtlKrd how IUly was 'mem as supennienneni oi we being robbe-J of frx1 k feed Gr- Stmtford shops where he continued nansj h aw Mid!e-s were being, yi hU appointment as general er.t to flM Russia while Oermans aupervlsor of shop methods for the system in 1925 at which time be moved -to Montreal, in April, 1933. tan baeame chief of motive Dower r'ktflta Tia Ra 'and car equipment. During his ser- wUilla I U UC 'vtM u chief of motive Dower. Mr. If - . .Robert devoted himself to the YlCtOnUUSfrotyem of increasing the effici-encjr of the system kwomotives nM each new class has shown an NFW YORK- Oct. 1J -Speaking Improvement over the preceding at the wk-ed. Jnsew C. Otew, one. The latest 6200 class, the former Urt.tcd Slates anibassador aerie of which recently came into to Japan ablated that Chin will the service, tuu numerous improve "man-h t vWv with ihr Uri.ifA meats ineladUtt new methods :l Jiai ui'?.' altasih he iwtrdteted stasm delivery which has prove. that n would be a kng, hard war. tMCOtisrul In reducing coal o i-. .. ..i. suBd)tton and effecting economy in operation, present day Canadian NatSttal locomotives haul heavier nana aensumDtio Pwritionv Wsrhips Lost WASHING 1". N . C . 13 it Hie United diai4 ttw".nienl ol the at greater speed with n tban thost- If vS of a - COCNTR.TION It taKe- a d"zcn f-esh t' BSjti a pourul of whole v.i powder. THE DAILY NEWS PAOB VCO. 44 DELIVERY 4 'Victory Loan Two Maturities MONTREAL, Oct. 13 John j Victory Loan will be issued In Roberts, chief of motive power and car quipment, Canadian National Railway! and managing director of National Railways Munitions ..... J Ltalted, win in future devote his D2 NOTICE 4 4 4 4 OTTAWA. Oct. 13 The 4 forthcoming $750,000,000 Third 4 two maturities. One will be 4 a fourteen year issue matur- ing at 101 anddrawing' -three 4 4 percent Interest. The other will 4 be three-and-a-halt year ma- 4 4 turity at par with interest of 4 4 l3i percent The book will 4 4. open October 19 and close on 4 or about November 7. 4 MOVES TO EDMONTON Well Known Local Railway Man Tiantferrrd to Alberta Capital Hgrry Thrupp. chief clerk in the city Letter Box freight department of Canadian duct of servicemen National Kauwayg nere ana located in Prhsee Rupert in the railway servicesince 191, has been transferred to Edmonton as travelling freight agent and win be leaving for the Alberta capital this Friday. Mrs. Thrupp and son will 'i follow later. ts was appointed acting su-f ,. Mr Tpp successor here will be Maurice Irving, formerly locat- present m victoria. couW lpave hU door8 unlocked 'without fear of burglary, girls and TAX BILL I APPROVED United Slates Senate, Gives imouv O.K. to New -Impost Measure Congress Taht approved the new tax bill i'h?rh nntvirii v 'or lmrxists on in- CoiHitiencinff Wednesday, October 11th, t mr three delivery days week will bq changed (o, as follows: West of McBride Monday, AVedncsday and Friday East of McBride WHl remain same Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday All orders must be in by 1 p.m. or earlier the day before delivery, and 12 noon on Thursday. Please place your orders on Saturday for Monday Delivery. SUNRISE COMPANY LIMITED i ! jammmntu i ta & a . e : i : . i , a ,.a ' ; a . a ; . :.b.;:b ..'.::;,! ..a ca II . w PVO&X' SAVE -LEAD 1 DANGEROUS SITUATION Editor, Dally News: We wish to lilgniy commend your -dltorlal of October 8 stressing the 'Dangerous Situation" which ex ists In the Prince Rupert of to day. In so doing, we know that wc voice the sentiment of all respect- ble-thlnklng, loyal and wln-the- war minded people. Anyone with eyes and ears which function normally can see and Hear for himself, day and night, scenes of drunkenness and disor-1er which prevail among both civ ilians and servicemen. Civilians do not deny that drunkenness and Tilsbehavlour are very high among their ranks but they know that the percentage of such conduct Is also high among servicemen. New vomers to our city who base au thoritative Judgment on the absur ditv of an Investigation on' one UtX IUBIlb 111 kilt: AClitatAAWtt uw I guise of "service raincoats," and on a check o: cases in me cmnan police court and gauge "the by their ibilitv to salute properly" should arry out an Intelligent and thor ough research and "make certain of the true facts" before they speak. Like the author of the editorial In the Dally News we have resided in this citv for some lyears and know that In pre-war days In prac ticallv every section df the city women could walk anywhere un molested and drunkenness and disorder did not permeate the city. Now at the Ume when Prince Rupert, as a more populous centre t" the front line of defense should Unan- have every facultv of lts mot,ey .copuiauon peritxuy iiukuuwus jan efficient unit to win the war. I we permit of a decadent influence. the fifth columnist, the WASiitMrvww nn rvt 11 -which salt of war. Financial and business nvarir-e. nonsensical smugness. come ol Irum l a to 86 percent complacency, with an adcr o.nal five percent victon tax'' br drdurled from payroll "authoritative in competence" and refusal to iace the facts can no longer be toler ated. We will never conquer thej powers of evil abroad unless we first conquer those In our midst. Civilians and servicemen who do in t walk hand In hand with this . No. 1 Axis Fffh Column's, you who do not condone this cankerous sapnin of our efficient war effort, shan we allow our once fair pity to be branded as a Sodom and Gomorrah? Are we going to sit i'Iv. blindly and stupidly by let-; g tint ourselves be swallowed in a whirlpool of degradaUon? Let us " 5 fisht this Fifth Columnist Demna." tr lires. Wl US. wan eveijr wta- on at our command, fight all these g complacent, mina ana siupiu mu-i rinnir whether they be civilians or within the ranks of the services. We must kill this thing be fore It is too late. It is a problem for all loyal citizens to face together, to solve by co-operation and stern. Just discipline, beginning at the root of the trouble the curtailment of our most active 'nd pernicious Fifth Columnist-Liquor. The courageous Dally News faces the dangerous situation, which confronts us here and now in Prince Rupert, without fear or prejudice. To commend this stand is not enough.' It must be backed y decisive action. Let your voices be heard now in righteous protest! Save your home, jour city and your country! DR. AND MRS. J. T. MANDY. v US ;K SV CHRIS MILL BAKERY . mtm ratatu nrraiarB rax. laraxa ta ibtb iBTBia'rani m zaiaxarwr n m H aisffai ai at at ai ai di a muibib t a k b kbi bb ma .a b ia,:a:'B a .iBi a i b t a i a i a i a i b tu i a i b i b i a i a i a NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A FUR COAT We received a New Shipment of 50 Coats yesterday, all styles. Big Discount for Cash G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable J Called south to attend the. funeral of his father, John OUVeill, I who died suddenly in Victoria, W. ; W. C. O-Neill, principal of Booth' Memorial High School, left the city last night. He expects to be away about a week. , The late Mr. O'Neill was eighty-. six years of age and was a native it Ireland. He came to Victoria battery. OF RIGHTS! United States Will Relinquish Its Prlviiejes in China, Roosevelt 1 Announces WASHINGTON. D.C.. Oct. 13 -5. President Franklin D. Roosevelt j announces that United States, like1? Great Britain, will give up its extraterritorial, rights in China. Your Credit is Good a 'ather Of Local BELFAST School Principal TRftllRT F Passes In South A, AW V V JrjL4Jul Irish Republican Army Makes An Attack on Anti-Aircraft ' nattery BELFAST, Oct. 13: All roads, to Belfast are being specially guarded and there Is a possibility thai martial law may be declared following an attack by the Irish Republican Army on a searchlight from Ireland twenty-five years ' ago and assumed the principalshlp , . . . of Tolmle School there, holding Prince Supert and Sergeant John the position until his retirement K O'Neill with the" Royal Ca'iia- from the profession of teaching. an Artfflery in Vlctorla-and two Predeceased by his wife eight ilafaghtets. Miss Margaret O'Neill years ago. Mr. O'Neill Is survived and Miss Sydney O'Neill, both of by two sons W. W. C. O'Neill of Vir'oria. Pioneer Canadian Dry Cleaners We wish to draw your attention to the fact that we PICK UP A$I DELIVER jour wearing apparel for drj cleaning and pressing AS BEFORE We have been foitunate in adding more experienced operators from the south to our staff r AND ARE STILL MAINTAINING . 3 DAY SERVICE ON ALL DKYCLEANING Phone 118 or 8 i KaiiiBiniaiiB,:ari Lawnmowers SIIAKPFNKI) AM) OVERHAULED First Class Work ( I DDI , I : , B i iwr-u oot i-cinrrinj; r i h j an mi KtUiMJ at ui i i i rai Tiniii i;xi:aiTr r n iMTi " KWONC. SANG II ING 5 HOP KEE Chop Suey . House Next to King Tai 612 7th AVE. WEST AH your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. are still, available with each cash purchase in our store. We would appreciate to have new customers drop in and let us espial this gift plan to them. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars' Have More Cents- P.O. Bos 575 Phones 18-19 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 637 J. M. S. Loubser U.C., B.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block I'hone 648 5 9 : i a i s : a Outside H Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. M Phone Red 247 hi k B rilBIB IB IB CB it'B VB IB r.B I IB I VmWJ'S.WS.V.VJW. ABANDONING ! 5: COUPONS G 0 L D S E L THE SEAL OF QUALITY 14311 aaj Sockcye Salmon Fancy Red Herring in Tomato Sauce Sandwich Spreads Spiced Sainton Smoked Salmon Bloater WE CARRY Everything For THE WORKING MAN It will pay you to come In and look over our large stock of Woollen Goods. B.C. Clothiers PHONE BLACK 324 Third Avenue 1 rirriify rtnsri I V :