if nf brave : b.iiui ;.U!i.i; TIDE OF WAR HAS NOW ; lit-M- .1:1- ; the TURNED IN FAVOR OF ALLIES SAYS PREMIER Wiibt(.i ( hurrttilt Says United Nations Air Mastery Has Ilecomc Determining Factor HNHURGH. Scotland. Oct. 13 (CP)-In a sncech o t i rlay, Prime Minister Winston Churchill pic- Hie liriusn fcmpire, tne unicea cnaies, nutwm mm inovlnr steadily onward irom sirenn i.ill ilcrlared. Tiip.ie factors to ,t.a1tisn1 4-1 ww a a ; i. He said: timer t prospects nyeuairicni-" i n i iranie qerrree. 1 f! Nations air nutm over and a consciousness of guilt," Mr v. Italy and Japan U defln- Churchill said The Prime Minister gave assur- i - inc. u-rat ion of merchant nc 411111 "no i shown" shown" to to the the is still i un.uii .., hla address. Pour beaten, the Prtjne Minister had marked the turn of the 1Uer a'I WM hU :i v.jr cf the Allies. Mr. unsaid, slow .weakness will oe Qermans In Hie dls- maicatrd in and ' August 1... !,,,,. r ,nv -her. the e-.ntlnued sart at- H-" WeBk"e8. J. J 2 . . kind.tfiwftni such a man as Hitler I PROVINCIAL FIRST CANADIANS P U ATKOOPERS Tomorrow sT ides (Standard Time) High 3:55 ajn. 19.6 feet 15:50 p.m. 21.1 feet Low 9:55 pjn. 6.7 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 22:37 pin. 3.7 feet VOL. XXXI No. 237 PRINCE RUPERT, B.0 TUESDAY." OCTOBER 137 1942 PRICE FIVE CENT8 Torpedoeing Off Oregon WAR NEWS NAZIS RESUME ASSAULT MOSCOW After a three day lull, the Nazis have resumed their frontal assault on Stalingrad. A Kusslan communique yesterday said that the Red Atmy had gained ground northwest of Stalingrad and In the Caucasus. The German assault within Stalingrad had been confined to artillery and mortar attacks until yesterday When the full assault was resumed. This is the fiftieth day of the siege of Stalingrad. While fighting at the city itself had slackened for a time, the battle around the northern industrial section of Stalingrad continue without let-up. Upwards of 2,000 air attacks have so far been made by the enemy upon Stalingrad and seVenty-fire planes come over daily. Marshal Timushenko has been consolidating positions menacing the flank or the Nazis to the northwest between the Don and Volga Rivers, while the German infantiy attack on Stalingrad had lowed down arid the Itussian artillery toll on the enemy forces wa; increasing. The lesumed German offensive changed the picture. NORTH armies AFRICA Wp lAIKu Allied are preparing fori the inevitable show- t!o tattle with the German Africa corps. Attacks are being made n enemy supply routes and depots by day and night. There have l.ern further heavy air attacks on Tobruk and Bengasi. A renewal c. bombing of .Malta suggests attempts to reinforce the North Afr'ca army. (iRIOUN MOV ALE iw.TF.M.in atfs I ON I) ON Antoine Delfosse, Belgian minister of justice and in-f-rttion. who recently escaped to Great Britain, said theie is a rradnal deterioration of the morale of the German occupational fore in Belgium, lie also declared that Germany Is on the verge of " rollap't on the military and home fronts. RATTLE OFF NORWAY COAST LONDON The Swedish radio reportedUoday that British sub- rrar'ne had fought a lively engagement merchant ships off the Norwegian coast. ate not.bcundyrhere. Is, tlft CiriaiSfin army'-geis wjih four armed German FETTER I NH PRISORS OTTAWA The number of German prisoners of war In Canada who have been shackled does not exceed liJol. All prisoners being fettered must be physically fit. Chaplains, doctors, wonded and sick ramp near Sudbury. Ontario. RAR AIT!. IIRAVIf.V H't MFLBOLRNi; For the second night United Nations bombing irwe itaged a mass attack on Rabaul, New Britain. Forty tons of bombs were dropped. Within 18 hours sixty- tons of bombs were dropped (mi New Guinea. ARDUOUS EXPERIENCE LONDON Sixty-fourNetherlands seamen who went through arduous experiences after having been cast ashore on a barren Arctic island to the north of Norway when their ship was sunk while can-vine supplies to Russia have reached England. One of their number lost his legs from frostbite. Details as to how they were finally rescued have not been revealed. DUCHESS OF ATHOL SUNK? LONDON There is no confirmation in Admiralty quarters of claims by the German and Italian radio that the 20,000 ton Canadian liner Duchess nf Athol has been sunk in the Atlantic. NAZI SURS HIT kii LONDON Four Nail submarines were damaerd and nrobablv probably sunk recently In an attack on an Allied convoy, it is announced. HERMAN TRANSPORTS SUNK MOSCOW Five nore German traansports have been sunk in the Baltic Sea by Russian naval action, it is announced here. TEN WARSHIPS LAUNCHED WASHINGTON Ten new warships for the United States Navy were launched Sunday in shipyards on both Atlantic and Pacific coasts. NAZI COVKKNOIt INDICTED LONDON' The Norwegian government in exile has Indicted the (Irrman military governor of occupied Norway on the charge of murder of 135 Norwegian patriots as a result of the recent wave of terror by the Gestapo. This indictment in absentia means , that the German governor must stand trial for his life after the United Nations have won the war. Anti-Axis patriotic activities in Norway are inrirasing despite accentuated repressive measures of the German authorities. Some authorities see in these repressive measures a reflection of Adolf Hitler's fears of an invasion by the United Nations. The real reason, they believe, is fear and not the sabotage attempts of the Norwegians. Famous Movie i England-Scotland Horse Is Dead' Tie In Football ilea Siaiea lOfWM in . " ,Xt - mm tn fur- Tony, Winch neioiigeu io vm,iwis, Neither Side Were .Able to' Score Tirit.i.. j nu... iVt sP1 ..- .i.iD. Was I'ortv Years 'Old,,-. . i i,. in iniraii...,.i ki.i.u i i 1 ' United Nations. Mlnta- Du, twic aur niu thor thor nTft)ftttlei rilroMtlei. .". . The Tne 1 Prime Time juiw- ... . r ... t,alll, . j , . gr,wth -or air supremacy tor sffa In rrgh while city h H0LLYWOODOct. accepted the freedom of the taken to be lamo Churchill nurcmn w was - v alt the tliroats and shouUl Rir- cf western movie star. Is dead.! LONDON, ni'my could be perceived a niniina ai a sewna nun- . n nnA nv,io tM that a tan and somore mo i ate of inltW on thr part when mpnt WIW CUHUIW wml&2 Na.i.s, an undertone ui f ar On Saturday Oct. 13 Ou England and Scotland played a scoreless tie wixtnm lilt his head, Tony was destroyed on Saturday in an " .,,,..j muet be tinpend with daring. j international 'soccer match. j : Wilikie in I Tanker Is Sunk Off Flight Home: TL;Q rn,cf. Qnaraf EDMONTON. Oct. 13 Wendell Wlllkie and his party arrived here Monday from Fairbanks. Alaska, where they had landed Sunday from China via Siberia, having trav- elled by plane. WiUkle la homeward bound from a globe-girdling trip which has inriuded visits to Egypt. Turkey. Iraq. Tran. Rimla and Chungking. He was to leave for Minneapolis today. The tri- had been one of the fas- ing to say about front. a second - . CAIRO. Oct. 13 CR British planes, fighting off a terrific Axis aerial assault on Malta yesterday, shot down at least twenty-five Axis planes and damaged about flftyw It was announced today. t UNSHACKLE PRISONERS Great Britain No Reprisals If Germany .Agrees To Remove Cuffs . I.oNDON. Oct 13 O Prime feln- From Another Affair Forty-eight Survivors Landed From One Ship Six Lost Their Lives in Another AT A UNITED STATES PACIFIC COAST PORT Forty-eight survivors of a medium-sized United States coastal tanker were brought here on October 6 by a foreign vessel flyirfg a neutral flag It had picked them ur pinatine exTeriencea of his two hours after their craft was torpedoed and set afire mc wmicie .'aid. He had noth- oil the Ureeon coast October 4 anr IntPr net uirh nnn fatality. This torpedoeing Is separ- ate from, cne announced by the Navy October 10 in which six men were killed. In both cases the ships were described only as medium sized ves sels, position oi first sinking was not given but the second was located off the Oregon coast. Survivors of the first sinking were saved by a lumber schooner which riSht into the danger zone. Sav Thr will Be ir Winston Churchill announced ship was a freighter flying neu-todav that Germany had been re- tral flag. The only fatality was a quitted to rescind its action in seaman who jumped overboard. shekltne British , and Canadian prtoiers and. If the Nazis agreed. Great Britain would Immediately cancel measures of reprisal. Mr. Churchill said that the Germans had violated the Geneva no change of rationKhlch VeJhe same axonyention when Uiey chained 1375 s. Among ihost bound are prisoners' in' the " ut vkihk uu that representations had been made to Berlin through the Swiss to desist. BLACKOUT ON RADIO Sirens Will Also Be Sounded Over Air, It Is Announced VANCOUVER, Oct 13 W. C. iMalnwaring. chairman of the Ad Engineer, third mate and four men of a navy gun crew lost their lives. In the second sinking the rescue BIG NAZI . AIR LOSS Suffered ""'Heavily of Aircraft Allies Staged Great Daylight Raid on Lille daylight raid of United States ny-fortresses and British fighters on the Industrial city of Little at the week-end. The list- Included 48 planes destroyed, 38 probably de- visory council, trovinciai uiviuan Stroyed and Protection Committee, announces rtnrmepd ithat. In addition to the siren net- twenty-four more work, radio stations will be offl- rj J i? dally used to give air raid warn- fllll IieSlQent S ms. in luture. radio stations will sound a siren for the duration of lone minute, followed by an an- rvmncement as to the exact nature 1 , of the warning such as "Precau- will Not Itlonary" or "Imminent," etc., but the siren system will not be su perseded by the newly , arranged radio facilities. Trip Called Off Make Proposed United States Visit to SANTIAGO. Chili, Oct. 13 Preldent Rio of Chill has cancelled It Is expected that the use of a proposed trip to the United States radio will permit an Indoor cover- to meet with President Franklin age of about 50 percent more than D. Roosevelt The action is believed was formerly held. due to recent charges that Chill Further, Mr. Malnwarlng reiter- and Argentine had been used to ated his previous statements "there convey information and assistance Is no such thing as a 'test' black- to the Axis particularly In the out unless It Is officially announced, way of helping enemy submarines All un-announced blackouts, as to attack Allied shipping. was the September 28 blackout, will be the 'real thing' " "The blackout of September 28 was the best so far but showed some defects which are speedily being remedied.' ' Twenty-Five Axis Planes Are Bagged : QUOTA IN LOAN SET Prince Rupert Being Called Upon To Subscribe $330,000 On This Occasion The objective for the city of Prince Rupert in the forthcoming Third Victory Loan campaign Is set at $530,000 $480:000 from general canvass and $50,000 In special names, it Is announced. The objective for the Second Victory Loan here was $360,000 which was substantially exceeded. Organization for the drive Is now being launched along the . usual lines, the Intensive campaign i to start with the opening of the loan lists on Monday or next week. I H ,.w,-ur.:;.saMaMaafcMii 0 New Offensiv NAZIS ARE ATTACKING STALINGRAD piaying searcnngnis on me water. Ihlrty-one were saved but Chief Resumption of Assault After Three- Day Lull Winter Coming On MOSCOW. Oct. 13 OV-Weakened but still attacking Germans struggled to get a fresh offensive going against Stalingrad today while Red Army troops were re-parted cutting into several sectors of . the Mozdok area by vigorous counter-attacks. Tne renewal of tne assault o; Stalingrad after a three day lu soldiers muffled in great I against autumnal chill. 'ASSISTING a coayfcji I The Russians said that the arc HANOVER BOMBED 01 fire nel( V tne lnvac-ers after LONDON. Oct 13-There were minor penetration of single streets resumed raids over northern yesterday with the Red soldiers and holding the Germans northwest of Germany Saturday Sunday the and suburbs, of the nights. Hanover was one objectives hit. I Russlan motorized 'infantry was I reported checking all enemy at-; LONDON. Oct. 13 One hundred ( tacks against the left ttank south'. German fighter planes were put 0f the burning city. out of action in resisting the great ; OF ALLIES To Divert Enemy From Russia and China, Says Roosevelt Youths To Be Drafted WASHINGTON, D.O, Oct.;13- President Franklin D. KooseveiU' in a nationwide radio fireside talk last night, intimated that a new Allied military offensive was being developed to divert enemies from Russia and China. Allied strength was becoming steadily greater and he had supreme confidence that the United Nations would win the war. President Roosevelt announced that legislation was being introduced to draft eighteen and nineteen year old men. Utilization of manpower would continue on a voluntary basis but rationing of labor between industry and agriculture would probably soon be necessary. YANKS ARE IN BRITAIN Another Large Convoy of Troops Successfully Crosses Atlantic LONDON, Oct. 13 After a successful crossing of the Atlantic Ocean which was disturbed only by minor alarms, a large United States troop convoy arrived In Great Britain during the weekend. It consisted of thousands of highly trained troops of nearly every branch of the service including bombers, fighters, Infantry units, signals, medicals, engineer and quartermaster corps. s UjfKiwA V 'J 1 M i" II