PAGE POUR I X . Expert OPTICAL SERVICE (yfyl ill J OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT Mail orders Promptly Filled I RAILWAY I - LINES Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Enfravlng VISIT OUK BASEMENT STORE for Fine China, Dlnnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant 'ViViViViViViViVAViSViViViWiViViViNVASWiW FALL SHOE STYLES I For The Fair Sex All Signs Lead to . THE CUT RATE SHOE STORE i Special Purchase $2.95 From one of Canada's , Leading Manufacturers SEE OUR STEClAli,"", display window- ! Over a dozen styles never before showh in Prince Rupert. YouH admire the dressy type and youll want the well chosen "comfy' styles. These are not clearings. They have just arrived. Cut -Rate Shoe Store 506 THIRD AVE. W. 'j Across From Orme's Drug J Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific RECULAR STEAMER SERVICE To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports; also to Ketchikan, Wran-" gcl, Juneau and Skagway Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Information. Tickets and Reservations from , W. L. COATES, General Agent, Prince Kupert, B.C. FURNITURE Single lied Complete, Couch, Kitchen Tabic: UroruSirtV.TahU. UbrU s Taii,e F,at ToD I)esk' sta"d Lampsi Kitchth1 Cabinet, Small. Cook. Stove. Oil Kurner llpalrrc llmmj T-hl. IMH. trnu (1 HIV,' '.a. Sit Chair?;' lirf.' Itai Radios. Rockincr Chaiix. AY if Dresser, Mirrors, English Prams Used Dept. M PIIINCK RUPERT I ' Elio's Furniture Store Third Avenue, Prince Rupert I BUY . . . RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets . . . ai Your Local Butchers. NO WASTE READY TO COOK I Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. URITISI1 COLUMBIA ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY OARBUTT, Hostess Myu'vjfftt ?)nc$re; thanks ,o the kind but so far anonymous person who sent me the article ,on Prince Rupert which I mentioned In last Fjiday's column as having heard about but not seen. It appeared in the Vancouver .News Herald on October 3 and is by Columnist Jack Scott, who spent six hours in Prince Rupert and managed .in that time to gather and portray a very succinct picture of conditions in this town. I quote from the most revealing paragraphs: "there is. for example, one picture show. If you want to get a seat you start standing in line around five In the afternoon . . . People coming here by train or boat without making advance reservation for a room are apt to walk the streets all night and even a reservation isn't any guar- antee of a place to put your head . . .The street scene is unbelievable at night. The sidewalks are clogged with an ambling mass of men with no place to go. They move up and down the hilly streets or siana at we corners in tignt utue groups, hundreds and hundreds of rr.ateg. in uniform and out. I counted less than a dosen women in tKls grim parade and they told me that women Just don't go oh the stress at night . . This then. ;ls the boom town of 10t2. It Is !j forced to follow the laws of war ' that don't fit in here. The turn-! aver in workers needed here for a vital job Is a serious threat to efficiency . . It desperately needs a new system." We welcome the visit of Mrs, West and Mrs. Pfelffer both of , the National War Services Depart-ment in Ottawa and look forward to constructive and helpful criticism and suggestions as the result of their survey of this area. I was delighted to find that Mrs West and I had several mutual acquaintances from old Wesley College days in Winnipeg. OTTAWA, Oct 13 - The Im-nerlal Order Daughters of the Empire has purchased a speedy fighter which will be handed over to the Western Air Command at Vancouver this Friday. CASH FOR YOUR OLD RECORDS 5 fOR EACH 10" RECORD FOR EACH 12" RECORD Provided they be not laminated Rtcurdt muite of a Limlnatrd material nut uilid - cunnot, bt rruottrJ ""' ihrrrlott cannot BRING 'EM IN TODAY McRae Bros. Ltd. I I.O.D.E.'S Plane ; Gift Will Be Given R.C.A.F. THE DAILY rEWS If Nurses Would Sharpen Razors It Wouldn't Be So Bad Being Guinea Pigs for Mustard Gas , LONDON, Oct. 13: O If they'd 'only sharpen their razor up at the British Homeopathic Society's 'mustard gas research bureau every-I thing would be quite all right for their volunteer "guinea pig' Shaving the hair bff a part of the volunteer's left arm is a tougher First Aid Class Is Resumed Here A men's first aid class which will be conducted during the coming two or three months had its Initial meeting last night for organization. The classes will be held each Monday evening with Angus Macdonald again acting ai Jnstructor. A women's class will commence Wednesday night. WHERE AGATi: LIES Most uilfi occur In emotive operation than being blistered by rockl or anctent uvas. mustard gas so that reactions can j - j rrJJJrr'" be charted. ' During the past few months Ing. scantily-attired woman with some hundreds of Londoners have red Hps and a floral design em- I become voluntary mustard gas bracing the word "mother." "casualties" for this research work The blunt rasor Is more paln- whlch may eventually revolution- ful than the gas blister which ize future medical treatment for arises from one drop of liquid Mil 1 1 I . 1 1 W. -1 . I - i THIRI IS NO OTHIR TOIACCO JUST UK I OLD CHUM OLD CHUM The Tobacco of Quality - CUT COSISI 101 MM CUt IINI lot I011IN0 TOUI OWN ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o a o o o 8 8 o o a a o 8 o o o a o o o o a Victor' Bonds are not a tax, not a gift, but a loan to Canada backecj by all the resources of Canada. When you invest in Victory Honds you are laying up for yourself the best of all investments, jfcfe Savage SHOES Will Last You Longer 'Cause Sandy Savage Makes Them Stronger IIURLKUT, JACK & JILL a MICKY MOUSE, VALUE LEADER LOAFERETTES All Carried in Stock Here WE HAVE "MOSCO" CORN CURE V I"' Family 9 The Exclusive Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Mrs. II. S, Parker. SHOE STORE LTD. "The Home of Good Shoes" 2! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOW EVEN IN BOWLS Burns Join Sav-Mor at Top of l ive Pin League Despite the top trundling of Dach and Savlllc. the Sav-Mor I quad Mumped enough to lose two' garnet to the Mjnarchs In Mens' Five Pin bowling last night. Bun came through with a clean sweep over Stones to tie with Sav-Mor In the top spot. In the other fixtures Chinese Youth Association ' took three games from Royal Canadian Ordnanrc Corps the while 8tgnals. Drv Dock AH Stars and Air Force each took two games from Watts and Nlckerson. Dry Dock Painters and Boom Defense. Hob Lew of the Chinese Yout;. an u.iaici ainjwru wj iui un im wiavcu i quintette nad high three games ui Before the application of gas a The doctor blows the gas gently '7M DUt Unskail of the 8lgnaU nurse shaves the hair off a part across the' skin. He explained "lfhot the hlsjh single score of tin- of the volunteer's left arm. One it stays In one spot you get a 'nlht. 31. ,man in this group presented a deeper blister." ! nrrxUne enrm- i problem. An ex-seaman, he was Then the patients were given a heavily tatooed but eventually the small phial of medicine and a rf-nurse found a square Inch or two port sheet on which to record and Sav-Mor Alter 'DeJong of undceorated skin between a sketch the various stages of the' ..J Stegavtg Bach Sljnalv "0 ; Unskail g , Akkerman 8arglnson o Ollbert g Lawford liniiuivsi o, Totals g J Stuart o J Park o 1 2 3 ... . 109 103 140 197 142 103 23 Ml 190 207 111 18; "278 101 25fi Handicap 12 12 12 Total. , 1156 811 83 Monarch Brook Davey Johnson Dttvldge Anderson Urasn Handicap TolaU Stone Ray BurneU Hague Eastwood Sparks Klnalor , Dorn ... ConuHllna orant Haodteap Total Chinese Youth K. Lee D . Lee J. Lee II. Lew ... - II. Urn Handicap Total Ordnance Keewan Jaeobson Chapman Wick Low Score Handicap 1 199 138 137 13 CM . 249 . 5 1 M.Woods '187 o 3 3 139 254 114 148 18$ 205 166 87 200 K7 210 211 120 100 If' 809 931 109 1 2 99 139 177 228 124 196 89 81 DomtnatO 130 290 Handicap TolaU Hum 13 1 2 224 319 39 391 374 308 308 238 2M 349 21 21 1:ii j nil 958 : 13') 19" 16:, I4t 21.' 34 ircrnw 901 1 1 2 3 141 330 188 230 249 272 380 272 2to 233 275 275 178 240 39 29 . 1100 10W 1191 1 2 3 38 207 197 173 148 114 3t 191 198 ! 4 m m in 141 166 310 160 100 100 Total 1005 1050 HI 1 2 3 130 209 341 120 12 102 12 184 108 116 283 189 180 113 190 110 110 110 833 1020 HOC 8 ' Watt & .Nlckerson 1 2 g C Chayko . 290 243 240 197 194 194 189 109 181 3 148 190 218 142 119 Handicap 47 47 47 Total 1059 998 787 Dry Dock All Star 12 3 Stromdahl 204 165 207 Leduc 153 133 127 Davis 191 217 170 Carr 143 199 211 Downs 149 148 219 Handicap 06 06 69 TolaU 906 DM 999 Dry Dork Painter 1 2 3 Lawrenee 199 116 184 Boyd 137 129 112 Mllanoy 125 140 161 Strlekland 140 115 195 Bqyzand 200 107 171 Handicap 117 117 117 TotaU 921 Room Defence 1 ID. Gunn 143 222 174 Jsturtrldge 172 198 1G3 Maughns 123 91 215 : Hay ward 188 'D. Hansen 175 Low Score i Handicap 85 j Totals - 883 j Air Force 1 790 910 2 3 108 163 135 156 85 85 839 936 2 3 Johnston 280 150 150 Ogren 177 187 103 Adrian .ti. 105 180 181 Lacrofx :'..U:J.'...i:!..i.... 220 131 192 Campbell " ...yj..'..'.;!.... 170 262 205 I Handicap" v...'.:..'..'.... 42 42 42 I Totals ...1030 958 933 rig.1 One ii ' 7 Kins; MAR Y01 BEDT STOS In- pert With 1 ( Mr cm m ra vni r s I W 17 1 I ( J I I . .li i ri i i! ey L IV : be' lie ; ' the h wh rail.' in w. in t! Inu. e 111 'I.-rr ; Of !' ' Riif! serf TL J VUnrt r i vinos' Slaven III .tM' Ill'IlIVI.1 IIATIIIV1 I SI' . IfWtn IIP1 used spoivgos for washing since the' . earliest times. Jm''