mm usw i hi i i Eim m a mmm m mi i m i v n a tmm i n v 'j r mm HI MADE IN CANADA SPECIALLY DESIGNED EDISON MAZDA LAMPS ARE BEING SUPPLIED TO ALL THE FIGHTING SERVICES The Navy, Army end Air Force oil rely on Edison Mazda lamas! Hundreds of types of NEW lamps hove been specially developed at the Edison Mazda works, for war duty. Follow the lead of the fighting services use dependable Edison Mazda lamps. Light ode quale but save power. CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. I luitrrt V i 4 TIIK TOILKH If you have not been atkril to break home Ur, to to to a far country, to face the fthock of battle and to risk jaur life, the leatt that jou can do is to MINI) your money to equip those who do the fighting for m. SMITH & ELKINS Ltd. I'lumbinc anil Heating I ie not pimlcvd w T ii,:;: LEND for Victory b.ood sweat, toil i on-.butnnt. yur ANNETTE'S LADIES' WEAR We Lead . . . Others Follow i The Experts Say . . . By ISABEL ALLAN fCaadlan Press Starr Writer) Hints for wartime living from folk who ought to know . MENDINO Little blU of re-' urcefulness will make things go 1 a ! )t farther and last a lot longer, ,-avs Byrne Hope Sanders, Mrs. Eetty's sweater embroider a flow-i- to i ever it. Are your boys Just ,at the siiiBe when they have grown ou' of everything take your hus- to use It wherever possible instead nf hutter. She tan there is a sur-1 Iplut! of lard now as a large part of It U produced jrom ine iai oi f - numnt of the Wartime Prices hogs, and the number of nogs oe- i and Trade Board. Here are some Ing raised it Increasing every day. r her suKKestloru ... If you've got' . hole m th tenel of vrair uit or PORK Don't - euv - inn ana don't buv that slogans are increas ing every day but the don't-buy- Dork theme lc considered by looa authorities as one of the most fcand'n old suit down from the Important . . .However, wura rep- closet and make it over for them, per, chief of the consumer section. Department of Agriculture, while MEXICAN RAREBIT Looking1 asking you to out out bacon, ham for a meat substitute? Paste this and fresh pork, says tenderloins, in vmir nnit MAe flnrf iuo tt for feet and knuckles are not exported dinner tomorrow. It comes straight and you can buy them with a clear .... A Am iVinf from the experimental kitchens of conscience ... one the Consumers Section of the De- .sausages and head cheese are still partement of Agriculture - . . Take available. , three tablespoons of butter, one small onion, three tablespoons COUGH DROPS Sore throats i four, two cuds grated cheese, two are cropping up again and for 'cups canned tomatoes, one tea- those who resort to cough drops spoon Worcester sauce, salt and here is good advice. The customs 'pepper . . . Cook chopped onion and excise division of the depart-skjwly in butter for five minutes, ment or national revmue says stir in flour, gradually add toma- cough drops aren't candy and toes and cook until the mixture therefore don't come under the 30 thickens. Add grated cheese and pe.cent excise. tax on candy 'seasoning fend cook gently until ;the che '' melts . . . Serve at once on toast, I WHEAT Marion Ha?low. Assistant Director of Nutrition Services, suggests taking advantage nf Canada's bumper wheat crops by using more whole wheat products ... She says It will help to overcome vitamin B deficiency that af-fectr ett'ht out ot 10 Canadians. For a delicious and nourishing breakfast cereal she suggest a combination of half rolled oats and half rolled wheat. LARD The next Ume you go to use butter in your cooking or baking, pause then ask yourself if lard wouldn't do Instead . . . Mrs Phvll's Turner, oils and fats nrtminiiitrator of the Wartime" Prices and Trade Board, asks you GOLDMINE L00KSG00D I'romUfnc Values Shown on Horn-stake Property In Alice Arm District In the city at the week-end on the Queen Charlotte Islands for a visit. Arthur F. Smith, well known Alice Arm mlnin man. reports havlne. had encouraging results lnj THANKS ARE j OFFERED UP Special Seasonal Services Held Various Clly Churches On Sunday Special Thanksgiving services were hew tn frtnee wuperi ihurches on Sunday with sub stantial sized congregations both mornlne and evening. Sermon appropriate to the occasion were delivered oy the pastors and the hu ch choirs leatureo music in keeping with the theme and sea- m. Th; c'r.urchet were oeauuiuiiy ecorattd with autumh flowen ind harvest products. Declaring that It was fitting, war conditions not withstanding, o celebrate th? Thanksgiving sea- sop. Rev. A. F. MacSeep. u nrsi Presbyterian Church In the morning, felt that thanks should not be given for the privillges VJl only 1. T ,T f - development during me pasi i mer of the well known Homestake p 1 f Bold property in the upper Kit- aicIUrilla ult Vally about eignt mues oe-, vond the Dolly Varden. Assays ihowed average values of $45 per, ten. This was In a new find of oi;e ( off the main Nyberg tunnel. Values . as high as $142 have been found in the past on the Homestake. Ai-atriu thorp have been some In Dim-Out Is Increased LOS ANGELES, Oct. 13 Dlm- small .mail shiDmenU shipnuirom from , this property t , out regulations for the coast or nre bf extended to mrougn u. , ? ... lh, hI " reduce rpum the Ihe volume volume, of of short short glow glow HE New Building Is Considered Auxiliary Services Officials Are Paying Visit to Prince Rupert On business ;n connection with the auxiliary war se;vices in this area Including the projected new YM.CA. building at Prnce Rupert. Col. James LtghU3dy D.S.O.. auxiliary services officer tor into-' ta:y district No. 11; Flight ilWut-enant W. H. Molson, auxiliary ser-vioc nfrur far ihp western air .m.v0 snd reoufcer enjoyed toy Canada command; George Pfeiffer. director ut alro for the type of her' people 0f voluntary and auxiliary ser- who scorned self and self-interest TiCes, Ottawa; Mrs. Neil West, in the sincerity of their purpose to director of women's voluntary ser- work and sacrifice In advancing vices, Ottawa, and Allan M. Hurst, the common cause. It was fitting area secretary for Pacific area that, in expressing thanks to God south. Young Men's Christian As- fnr btessines aiven. appreciation sociatlon auxiliary war services. should 5I1VU1U be uc shown ativwn In the way of arrived here Sunday evening, from ! (Christian conduct. Vancouver. Flight Lieutenant Molson and Mr. Hurst left this afternoon on their return to ver while the rest of the party are proceeding to Terrace this after- noon. CUT GRAIN WITH STONE Stone sickles were used in Egypt 4.000 years ago. U'ASIMVr.TON'I.W RIGHTS DIDN'T COUNT THE J .....vil-.n dvME .,,.4.1 )A jUA?. Hi1 Not until April 20. 1 WMid VlH- "-Tr F 7Pns. zens( in in the me District uisinci oi of Columbia umuama as-- as' sj it it T t r " r arr i j-.iivr i .iht u it r i x ii ' i i v iifl r n i i i rjsi i ii r mi i mjm vi ' uijv l i BETWEEN TWO FIRES r- ,. , - ..Xr, ASIIX a 'GXTit II THAT? ATnu NOT I I OONT QO I B BLG AFTER ALL. THE SAV? IM THAT CASE, LETS Ml. taUb IU HAVt A hAm-B VOO PORj VtoU'LL WAR PICTURE IS THE MOST SO TO A MOVIE r --fid: BURGER TOO-NOW. KMSSlGET ABOCn vVAAC UNIFC TMc , STrT4:! , .S5UE IfAPORTAMT DEVELOPAAEWT rT-r? J--,'' 1 JONES. IF YOU'LL LET ME a THE DllA- PLATINUM BlKTOWWT yJ(yTff. f f.fif A CiET V6u A FURLOUGH .JloUTS f AND A GOLD rTT J rH ; Y" S Ji I ' TQACT IN MV FILM, LrvfT3 BELT BUCKLE J jpCT 111 JdsJ XTlv , M3ULV. MAVE VOUR C - T V " ,u s&o 1 ! 3 ?$a ' ' I i 1 1 i l -- HELP TO BOOST The National War Finance Committee, public relations section, has provided the Daily News with a number ot attractive illustrations for use In connection with" sponsored newspaper advertising for the Third Victory Loan campaign. The co-operation of all business people in supporting the Victory Loan campaign by using newspaper space for sponsored advertisements is being enlisted. The Daily News is also In possession or suitable texts for such advertising in case business people desirous or taking part have no particular ideas or their own. We are ready to assist in suggesting both illustrations and messages but would suggest quick action. Already we have had several orders tor space during the campaign. Telephone or :all at the Dally News Office. 1 jail! ench sling word Boche." The United States never has re- imni"pvs rnr Hflrman ttn c rncml?oH fVi o .ttinf noearlnmlnntol plant, the value district .t",! Is and iSmteeT?h?rultant mtte uu? resu light have equality with citlrens of tlHrs pJp a3,jm In 1873 . but came Into v-"'"-v" state of Manchukuo. set up fn mining Industry or this law-sults? 'prominence in the First Great War 1932. . ; Cllipirl'v "J ----- RANK DISAPPOINTMENT BY WESTOVER SAV. T14AT A IT WITHOUT . tAi,n BaTHECVNOSUWbJ THlS W1LL BE "A-A ALIVE HAOPWEPARED ou-,, SMIUNQ -T PUE FLASHLIGHT BULBS r jJ 5 .'MEMCSTSUWPHXW5 Rt- F JVA ARQ r - v "IMK OH V fTT) 1 1 74 H - ...KitssKMSias: HBkS5&A Wmkl ' I f(;1 3 1 BOCHE UNCLE SAM HELD OUT v k i i i i ri rm i r r i n i tm x in i :i ri?iia t i k) :b tm THE PACIFIC CAFE A stamp's a bullet, a bond's a gun, Buv them both till the war is won. H. S. WALLACE LTD. H. ''31 Third Avenue and Sixth Street . j Wishes to Announce that It will be j OPEN FOR BUSINESS j after being closed for renovation, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, j at 4 pjn. with a Ilrst class Chinese Cook. j Specialty Chinese Dishes i The Management Invites the Public to try their Special j CHOP SUEY. j Buy Victory Bonds