9 PAOl TWO THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS. 1'KINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMHIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, MANAQINQ-EDITOR Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Rureau of Circulations SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates In City Per Year. $3.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; One Week, 12c. Out-of-Town Subscribers by Mall, $3.00 a Year. MEMBKR OF THE CIS' .10 IAN PRKSS The Canadian Pre ts exclusively entitled to we for publication of U newi 6p.U3hf emitted to it or to the Associated Prw In Uila paper and aUo the turU newt published therein. All ribU ol republication of apooial denpntohea therein are, alo reserved DAILY EDITION Various Kinds of Work ations to make the basement of the hospital available for emergency reception units will In all probability be authorized and carried out by the civic authorities. Members of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association were present by invitation In response to their request for information regarding provision of air raid shelters. This will be taken up with authorities in the south by J. J. Little who will present requests personally when he SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1942. There are many kinds of war work being done in the city and it is difficult to give proper recognition to all. One that has proved quite effective was that of the Women's Canadian Club. This organization, in addition 'to providing a means of dissemibating patriotic sentiment, last fall undertook to gather used woolen material Be a Good Example . . . If the organizations doing war work will let us know about it we shall be glad to tell about it as an inspiration to others to do something, not perhaps along the same lines but in some way. Example is usually much better than precept. Poor Reception . . . For the past week or two radio reception has been very poor in Prince Rupert much to the disgust of the radio fans. Those who live near one of the main thoroughfares find the chief annoyance in the heavy trucks,' although the speeding cars also are a nuisance. .Many of the new cars are not provided with proper insulation and they prove as big a factor of annoyance as those that have been on the road for years. This is inexcusable. It should be in the interests of manufacturers to keep the cars they turn out as free from being a nuisance as possible. A.R;P. IN SESSION Meeting of Executive and District Wardens Held Last Night. in me Canadian Legion rooms last night a Joint meeting was held of the executive of the Civil ian Protection Committee IA.R.P.) ana tne district wardens with J. J. utile, chief protection officer, presiding. Y's Wives' Whist Scottish Women Missed But New- t Wanted -Raw Furs comers Are Welcomed The fortnightly Y's Wives' whist drive was held in the Young Women's Christian Association rooms on Friday. The Scottish wives, most of whom have gone south, were missed but a cordial welcome is being extended to the new comers to attend these drives and Minutes of previous meetings become acquainted. revealed that application for assistance had been made to the municipal, provisional and Dominion governments. Unless and until there were "some teeth- put into the effort to make the A.R.P. effective there would still be a lack of support. Selfish people must be forced. There was perhaps a large measure of latent support but the shortage of personnel, police wardens, first aid workers, fire auxiliaries, etc., made the burden of those now actively engaged too heavy. In this on-nectlon the police wardens will endeavor to conduct a house-to-house canvass and by personal solicitation endeavor to get a full measure of co-operation from the citizens. It was reported that the water holes were being covered. Alter 44C winners yesieraay were: first, Mrs. Roberts, Searchlights; second, Mrs. James, Signals: con solation, Mrs. Mulrhead. R.C.AF. New Residence For Engineer At Simpson PORT SIMPSON, March 7: A new residence Is under construction here for the engineer of the Port Simpson General Hospital. A turbine Is being Installed for use as an auxiliary to the has-pltal power plant. Water will be provided by dam overflow. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED AT ONCE-Experlenced laundry ironer. phone 341. (56) Interviews those charged wlth'the administration of the regulations. iteporis were presented by dls irici waraens Ray Allen, Percy Tinker, O. German, J. H. Mac- Glashan, J. E. Boddle, J. A. Teng and T. J. Boulter. Members of the executive taking part were H. T Lock.'F. N. Good, J. 8. Wilson, Arnold Flaten, Angus -MacDonald, 8. E. Parker and A. M. Davles, secretary. IIIOIIKST MARKET PRICES PAID Kcprcscnlini; HUDSON'S DAY COMPANY Ship to J. K. ()KMIIi;iM, Cow Bay, Prince Rupert, B.C., Phone 815 TOILERS IN 'PRESBYTERY MARRIAGE OF LEAD STILLi CONCLUDED JACKH0SK1NS Pushovers Keep Pace In Standing of .Mixed Bowling League. Tollers held solid to their substantial margin of leadership In the Mixed Bowling League In this weeks play by scoring a clean sweep three games to nil victory over stones uioiruers. rusnovers assumed exclusive possession of the runner-up position by scoring a clean sweep win over Alley Cats. Sav-Mors. who had been tied for second place with Pushovers, lost two games to .one to Rlnky pinks. ;deait wUh at the wo day meeting! . prtnce rtupert. The In in the tne fourth lourui scheduled scneauiea iixiure fixture v-.k n-A.i,t4 v,.r hu h . . . this week, Woanjas won two games to one over Peoples Store. The Individual scoring follows: Sav-Mor- 1 LaBelle 155 C. Ericksen 170 L. Ericksen 131 and nave it woven into blankets. In all 5Uo pounds were steeavie 187 sent to a factory at Winnipeg where it was turned into.Baiiinger 164 199 fiI Vilnnlrptc nnp n wnnlon trnvplHnnr mnr nnntVior n niirf' Alger - 23 262 white blanket and 63 colored blankets. These are being t.l.i l u 4.1 i. :e 4.1 1 1.1 1 Jieiu iiei e lur me present so mat, u iney snuuiu ue neeueu Kinky ninks 1 2 locally, they would be available for the use of our own -wick .: 163 251 neonle. If thev are not needed in or around Prince Ru- Nelson - 178 188 pert they will be shipped to such places as may be selected, i101- By the time they reached Europe, if sent now, the winter! a?' , would be over. The Canadian Club gave this as a tan-;McMeekin 1 .. . 135 188 gible expression of the desire to help with the war work i Totals 1029 and the ladies rnnrernpfl are rlpservinir nf rrrpnt nrnisp; Stones Clothiers 1 . . - - r f- i" for their productive effort. The cost of remanufacturing the blankets was $1.75 each. IP 1 Comadina txmaaina 162 162 Drive Is nnioyedl Handip J J Totals 1126 was. as 2 148 99 203 198 150 157 97 3 235 137 163 127 185 201 Handicap - 51 51 51 Totals 581 1165 1101 3 179 150 250, 199 206 1031 1146 2 3 Dickens 160 116 124 ! Phlllipson 108 132 1251 Reaugh 214 157 232 Husoy :. 116 154 177 N. Stone 97 140 135 B. Stone 16G 160 117 Handicap 66 66 66 Totals 927 925 976 Toilers 1 2 3 Croxford 178 250 283 T. Fraser 155 230 148 A. Kellett 238 222 132 Hall 256 275 277 C. Fraser 153 138 107 C. Kellett 219 197 178 Handicap 45 45 45 Totals 1244 1357 1170 Alley Cats 1 2 3 B. Brind 94 154 121 Carr .."..'.. : 140 178 176 Bremner 218 94 170 C. Brlnd 210 126 164 Low Score . - 120 128 109 ( Asemissen 135 232 197 Handicap . 64 64 64 Totals 981 970 1001 Pushovers . 1 2 3 R. DeJong . 125 123 141 P. DeJong 209 133 380 Madlll , 120 163 141 Franklin . 180 133 196 Wrathall 250 158 109 203 211 80 80 998 1258 Peoples Store 12 3 Campbell .. 179 125 136 Domlnato 150 270 259 Felsenthal 145 176 107 Robertson ....171 161 126 Stone 167 103 95 MacDonald 95 195 134 Handicap 104 104 104 Totals 1011 1139 961 Woanjas 12 3 H. Woodside 100 96 133 S. Woodside 155 159 106 H. Anderson 190 110 154 a. Anderson 186 174 tea Peterson . 140 128 136 Davles 196 234 204 Handicap 76 76 76 Totals 1013 977 1005 The league standing to date: Won Lost Pts. : Tollers ' 22 5 22 Pushovers 17 10 17 Sav-Mor 15 12 151 Rlnky Dinks 15 12 15' Peoples Store 13 14 13 ' Stone's 9 18 9 Alley Cats 9 18 9j Woanjas 8 19 8 Many .Matters Taken Up At Session of United Church Here This Week Ucal Anil Otherwise Rev. W. H. Pierce, Mrs. O. T. German and Mrs. Andrew Thompson of Prince Rupert. Business at the concluding sessions of the Presbytery yesterday included expression of apprecU tion of efforts of missionary teachers In native viltates, a recommendation being made to the Home Mission Board that they be given a higher rate of pay Remstitution of the granting of diplomas to native loeal preachers was recommended. i Another recommendation was that. In view of the greatly In-1 creased population and scope of; church activity In Prince Rupert i a resident Women's Missionary j Society worker be appointed. An appeal for a field matron was received sympathetically and action was promised as soon as a suitable person could be engaged. .The Presbytery approved the use of Rupert East Hall as an emergency dressing station and hospital in the event of wartime emergency here. Plans were also reported for the building of a mission house at Skldegate, Queen Charlotte Islands. Rev. J. A. Donnell ol Prince Rupert was appointed supervising pastor for the mission at Port Essington and was requested to make a quarterly visit there for the dispensing of sacraments. Applications for changes of pastorates were received from Rev. J. H. Wright of Bella Coola after four years of service there and also from Rev. D. W. More of Klspiox and Rex. J. Kabayama of Ocean Falls, all being recommended to the settlement committee a Conference. Rev. T. C. Colwell and Rev Peter Kelly werp chosen to rep. resent Prince Rupert Presbverv 'on the settlement commsM.ce 4M'! I'! Mjf 111 1 Syi I ' 1 1 1 1 il M Mm Ji ll 1 1 if Ifl Miss Jean Dockiteader of Vancouver Becomes Bride of Well Known Pioneer. A quiet wedding took place Thursday afternoon at the home w th. imm when MUs Jean O Deferring the election of anl 1 rwksteader and John Hoaklns cers until tne uniun -lun,uul proprietor of the Belmont Hotel, conference Is held In Vancouver 1 uniti in marriage. Rev. A. In May, sessions of Prince Rupert uacSween officiating. The Presbytery of the United Church , rf ...n attended by Mr. and of Canada concluded here yea-, Mrs D,Yf Zflk 0( this city, and terday afternoon. Many matters j wU1 uke Up reldenee at the Hel-affectlng the Work and activities! t nf thp church in this district were I ,,-iwi... 1. . u.h ao h'u J 1 bride recently arnvea irom cnairman OI Uie rrwuyierjr, nrv. i T. C. Colwell of Port Sfcnpson, with Rev. Everett S. Fleming of Ocean Falls acting in his capacity as secretary. Rev. W. P. Bunt of Vancouver, superintendent of mission for British Columbia, was aretent and took a prominent part in the proceeding. Others In attendance were Rev. and Mrs. Peter Kelly of the mission boat Thomas Crosby. Rev. Roy McDonald and Mrs. A. Benson of Haselton. Rev D. W. More and Mrs. Angus of Klspiox. B. W. Martin and Mrs. Wesley of Klspiox. Rev. and Mrs. B. S. S. Hartley of KittautaU Dr. Ftddes and & F. Dudoward of Port Simpson, Roy Vanatter of 162 ' Port Essington, Mrs. O. T. Sundal or Terrace, ana Kev. j. a. uonneii. van-1 . ... . . L. - I .... I couver Tney win nave me irony congratulations and best wishes of many friends. SEA CADETS , HOLD DANCE Last evening in the Oddfellows" Hall a very successful dance was held by the Captain Cook Sea Ca det Corps of Prince Rupert There were seventy-five couplas In attendance. Music was by Jean De Carlo's Orchestra, assisted by M T. Rocky i Schotstad. During the evening there wa an exhibition or Jitterbug danctm by "Rocky" Schotstad. who also . acted as Judge for a Jitterbug com-! petition. ThU was won by Betty Orelg and Alan McKeown. the prise of a box of chocolates beln donated by George J. Dawes. Raffles were won by Mrs. Harry Cal-derwood and Mrs. J. R. Murray, these prises being donated by MWi B. Cameron and Ben's Newsstand. The whole affair was In chance of the dance committee with Lieut, and Mrs. Alex. Mitchell a hosts Dancing was In progress rrom 8 o'clock I'll 12 and a suitable naval atmosvhere was supplied by the decorations of signalling flav. FOOTHILLS COAL Bulkier Valley Lump and Slatk Comox Pea and Nut Lumber and Building Supply of All KlruU Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. Phone 651 Phone 652 OLD CHUM The Tobacco of Quality CUT COAS.il toft THI HPI . CUT FINI FOR ROllINO YOUR OWN CM. SATURDAY UjyJ PIG TEX STEP INS . r LIGHT IM1GK, HE ICR, HLl'F , WINK. ;. .IU$T AKUIVKD! These Shoos are the finest 0f kind on the market . . , Hui?, v flexible oak-tnnned soles, rii-x l form soles and very soft tes lrj Family shoe store ol "The Home of Good Shoes" The New WONDER kith lb Diagonal Ski It fit run Lerautr the t.-iV Slathn t; til meet fltarf tx and rmU adjust il!f In the ma. Is Mhilr. MimTi. Annettes Ladies' m oooooooooooooooooocoooooooooooooocc:. g Tor Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI m PHONE 235 II IV AVM Vtr.HT o .nawrl joooooa ooooooooonoooooooooooooooooooo" This Is the Time (or GAMES We have just received a shipment of Somerville (Canadian) Game. TT l.. ? n iiaiuiy .Jig aaws Canada at War . Saws Charge of the Tanks Game Indian Dominoes Children's Paint Set Pop Hall London Ilridgc Game of Horse Shoes Illock Mosaic . , . Tt illirri 1 r1 cnt (Vokinole Convoy-t-a war gamo Canlhoard Soldiern set of fi Entertainment for Yoitnf! om 3 30c 5ft 5ft 2ft 2ft ft ,6ft 3 l, $I.H lft ioH