PSON HOSPITAL i JUBILEE .. .1 Vj.ial.kjt.ln Villi.. , v, tc: 0 an. l ef Service. 'hau passing ..tire for the n during the icbraUon on :. Jublk an-iMdins; of the ... Hospital by v the United i Flltv vears . 1 nc insuvn- m uip late ur M ir misskmary : I Rev Thomas : particular In- IVI MV ,rV - : Lame who r.;ntcndcnt at' ... .after of a cen- having come r present the Wfvtionary no-incidence U '' (j;arc Bedford. .. l. superinkn-t- General f the late Dr. f '.i'-al supertn-D r d f o r d took .nectlon with ".1: jubilee annl-W 1' Uunt. sup-rin-for the Unlt-' . ,ada In Dtltlsh rr rhurch Kmipson for the :its marked the ..:n a baby show r afternoon In Athletic Club .i.g's entcrtaln- ar baby show, at .taf.ied for the ba-" best, the atter- aded exhibits of i :k produced by i hild paUenU In there were booths ' arc and feeding 1 food preparation was also a tu-rducaUonal corner. the afternoon ,- who gave some - ''''nccs; Rev. W. T..omas Kelly of the Thomas Crosby and 'Wcii. the resident outstanding lncl-i.tng program waa t in aged Mr. TaitJ was present at the dcrcd the late Dr. : hn arrived at Tort II I I h.. A . t ... "iJ iiudijibtii uiiu Anisic ru-id acted as In 1 Mr Talt. Rev. W. P. R! 1 .11 - a - - - - o)K u WCII '- Kellv Tho nnirr i"h PI Jl'.ram Inplnrtrrl ii n u '-he hfe of pinrpiicR fUb There was also anr ll1'-: bv thn .i,nrirn 11, 01ri' Home nnrl thn rlriv Talking pictures dcallnu llllni. PfCVcntlon and rnro of E"k- unra uA 1 A collection was inker, nn Hi " ,. .. it in ih. . . . . - - ' very substantia 2 Ms be :amc an unfamiliar phrase when gasoline dfc t in Canada on April 1 For each coupon ; aUendant detaches from your book, shown here, - u .At of gasoline. If you want only half a uni: a coupon along a perforated line. When th :i;.oed It was thought a coupon would be for five oi tage is becoming more acute and no one can , it will represent. h Birthday- GAS RATION TO BE LOW Allowance Under Rationing to He Smaller Than Originally Announced. OTTAWA. Marcel 7: 0 Tlie amount of gasoline to be allowed for each coupon under the rationing system which become effective April 1 will be set at a con- man uie five gauoiu originally announced. It was learned today. Four gallons for each coupon Is considered Uie likely figure allowing drivers of passenger cars, not eligible for the preferred ration. 210 to 300 gallons instead of 300 to 390 gallons anticipated when the plan was announced. APPROVAL BY CANADA War Committee of Canadian Cabinet r.lvr Ita O.K. to ,Uka Ulihwajr Project. OTTAWA. March 7: -Reeom-mendation of the Canada-United States Defence Hoard for completion of a highway through Canada to Alaska has been approved by the war committee of the Cana dian cabinet. Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King told the House of Commons today. WATER IS DISCUSSED Junior Section of I'rlnrc Rupert Chamber of Commerce Won-ders If System Is City water service and Its adequacy or otherwise to meet demands of Increased consumption came up for some discussion last night at the dinner mceUng of the Junior Section of the Prince Ru pert Chamber of Commerce and It was finally decided to have a com mittee take the matter up wun the civic authorlUcs. There waa speculation as to whether the system was In position to adequately take care of the new normal nceas, let alone any flrc-flghtlng emer gency that might arise. George L. Rorlc informed wc meeting that steady repairs ana Improvements were being maac w the water system. He did not be lieve there was any general snort-age of water. sum of $100 bclnir contributed by nn?nnlrntlnn nnrt individuals lor the aid of the hospital. The Port Simpson Hospital is still carrying on at the same old site where it was originally cswu-llshcd on a cheery hillside over looking the village and tnc Day. Since Us Inception it has achieved a record of fine service to this part of the coast. Many Improvements have been made since the day that Dr. Bolton started up and it Is still fllllntc a valuable- function to- dav under thn direction of Dr. Flddcs nhd Miss Bedford. Offe NEW CHIEF OF HOTELS Kobert Sommervllle Becomes General Manager of ON. ft. lloteU. MONTREAL. March 7: The ap pointment of Robert Sommervllle as general manager of hotels, Ca nadian National Railways, was an nounced today by E, P. Mallory, executive assistant to the president of the Canadian National group of hotels operated by the railway The new general manager of. hotels will have his headquarters In Ottawa and will direct the operation of eight year-round hotel and three summer resorts, Including Jasper Park Lodge. Mr. Sommervllle, born at, East ference to be held probably next CaWer. Scotland, joined the Ca- wttk and It Is expected to be les!n"hn National Railways In March, 1930. at the MacDonald Hotel, Edmonton, since w hich time he has served In executive and managerial capacity at the Fort Garry. Winnipeg, the Chateau Laurier. Ottawa. Jasper Park Lodge In the Rockies, the Dctsbor- ough. Saakatoon, and the Nova Scotlan. Halifax. The new general manager possesses unusual quAUflcaUons and experiences. "Wr 1ft 1014 Intcr- , nipted hU lr Wfm for which he was readfcsf A Peebles. He enlisted AugOft 'lr 1914, in the King's own SsejpUh. Dordcrers. saw service irrarieffand In 1315 received his ffa&ff" and an appointment tT mp Indian Army from which hreWed In 1922 with the rank of captain fallowing service In Frartcralsfttec. East Africa, Egypt w INfeh After retiring from the army. Mr. Sommervllle entered the hotel business and made a study or hotel operations In England. Egypt and France. He engaged In summer reaort business In England and afterwards took a managerial post In Los Angeles, Calif., from which city he went to Toronto, serving for three years as manager of the Sclby Hotel there. In addition to a wide acquaintanceship with travellers from all parts of the world, who have been guests In Canadian National hotels, Mr. Sommervllle has a further friendship with. hotel and trintnnrLition officials through out the United States, largely through his frequent visiu 10 ;nai country when serving as manager of Jasper Park Lodge. Discussion Of Youth Congress Junior Chamber of Commerce Will Walch Organization Without (ilvlng Sponsorship al This Time. The Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, at Its regular monthly dinner meeting last night, discussed the local vnnth Congress movement at some length and finally decided to! send representatives to further organization meetings, this, however, not to be taken as Implying sponsorship of the movement In any way. . . Louis Fclscnthal reported on having attended a meeting of the local youth council and explained whrmn of organization. A number of other members of the Junior Chamber expressed their views. The general Idea was that more information ana a ociicr understanding of the movement was to be desired before any definite move was made towards support or sponsorship of the organization and Its activities. r A. Harlow. C.N.R. roadmastcr at rrlnce Ocorge, formerly located here, Is a visitor In the city today from Uie Interior. Defence Demand I th Endorsed By Junior Chamb The Junior Section Prince Rupert Chamber er Commerce, at Its regular monthly meeting last night, endorsed a resolution of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club demanding Immediate de- WILL ERECT of the of NEW HOUSES I Fifty Duplex Residences Axe Going ! I!n At fWan Falls Contract has been awarded by Pacific Mills to W. E. Galloway and Sons of Vancouver for the erection of fifty duplex houses at Ocean Falls. The houses, to he occupied by employees of the pulp and paper plant, arc to be completed within a year. The site of the new houses will be informer "Jap Town," which Is being demolished following tho evacuation from Ocean Falls of Japanese employees. New Bus On Seal Cove Service A new flag car q the Arrow Bu3 Lines fleet of Seal Cove stages Is now In operation following Its ur rival a couple of days ago from thr Phrvslpr rnmnratlnn far.torv nASOLINC lICi: Tomorrow sT ides PEHMIS JJi SSENCE COUPONS DE-DATinvc mm (Standard Time) High 4:44 ajn, 20.6 It. 17:29 pjn. 17.3 ft. Low 11:21 a.m. 45 ft. 23:29 p.m. 7.0 ft. rti):4 t,M NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXXI , NO. SO. IfltlNCK -RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY MARCH 7, VMl PRICE: FIVE CENTS nsive Being Planned NEW CHIEF OF LEAGUE Canadian National Heads Honored by West Indian Organization. Are MONTREAL. March 7: Announcement has been made here by H. C. Collier, secretary of the Canadian West Indian League, that R. C. Vaughan, president of Canadian National Railways and fence measures from the fed- ' Canadian National Steamships. Railways system. Mr. Sommer- eral eovernment in regard to has been elected to the presidency A V V , V V" vllle's appointment follows the this port. A wire- was ad- of the league. Mr. Collier also ' oiiensive against, Japan irum Australian ana inaian death of Joseph Van Wyck who had drced to Prime Minister announced that R. B. Tcakle, gen-1 bases 18 being planned in Washington and London, Hl-been In charge of the important t.v nn Marton! twiner n fnl- 4 eral manager of Canadian Nation-, formation reaching the Australian trovernment sairl in. lows: ' "Prince Rupcr Junior Chamber hcarUly ' endorses resolution of Rotary C 1 u b here relative to necessity of dealing with enemy alien quale military defences for al Steamships, has been appoint ed Mr. Vaughan's personal rcpre-scntaUvc on the council. The current Issue of the Canada West Indies Magazine stated: "It Is with pride and pleasure that we announce to members of the Canadian West Indian League that this city. Urges that gravity tt- C. Vaughan has graciously con- of sltuaUon In Pacific de- j ntca to accept ine presidency 01 mands that this matter be , the league. His high position in dealt with immediately to Canadian public life and hb In- safeguard lives of Canadian . tlmate knowledge of Canadian af- citizens here.' V LOAN DRIVE CONCLUSION IS STRONG Final Objective of '$$b.00 most Accomplished $611,690 in Trince Rupert. OTTAWA, March 7: The Second Victory Ian campaign closes tonight and thrre Is every reason to believe that the final objective of $900,000,000 will be reached by that lime. Up to the close of business yesterday, the total subscriptions for Canada were $8950,000. The British Columbia total was $77,116,000. Victory Loan subsciiptions in Trince Rupert up to last night totalled $614,600 from an aggregate of 1871 subscribers. Latest subscriptions include $1Sj0 from Mrs. Joseph T. Mandy. 1 fairs will be of inestimable value ion the executive council of the executive council of the league to ; which he brings a dynamic per-isonality and keen Interest In Ca-inadlan West Indian relations." With regard to Mr. Teakle's ap-Ipointmcnt the magazine says: "As ' t-eneral manager of the Canadian ; National Steamships, Mr. Tcakle is well known and respected In the jwest Indies and his closer and more Intimate association with L) the affairs -of the leagef-srin'.tjc as much welcomed oy our wesi 'Indian members as It Is by their IcxecuUve council." SCOTTISH HONORED Presentation by Canadian Legion This Morning at Show in Capitol Theatre. Officers, non-commissioned officers and men of the Second Battalion, Canadian Scottish, were entertained at the Capitol Theatre this morning through the courtesy of the manager. D. G. Borland. The full week-end picture program was presented and a feature of the occasion was the presentation to the battalion of a handsome slate miniature totem pole, with silver plate suitably In scribed, as the gift of the Canadian Legion. The presentation was made on behalf of the Legion by J. S. Wil son wno spokc appropriately w the occasion, wishing the unit the best of luck In the future. Mr. Wilson reminisced on his own experiences In France when the bat talion In which he served over seas occamc associaiea wun mc famous old Sixteenth Canadian Scottish a unit which had left a tradition which was something to live up to and which he was con fident this battalion would ao. Mr. Wilson referred to the work that the Canadian Legion was endeavoring to do In the way of service men both as units and individually. Major John McGregor, V.C., D.S. O., officer commanding of the Canadian Scottish, expressed appreciation for the gilt and the sentiments which had been voiced. The Scottish would always be prntrful for everything that had at Oshawa; Ontario. It Is a branji been done for them by the Cana- ncw 29-Dasscnccr all-steel Farcu machine, equipped with aU.. the, latest fittings In the Interests of safety and service. Spacious Interior features id leather scats commodlously arranged. There arc automatic signal lights and Mother modern devices. The Arrow Bus Lines fleet now consists of four busses not including one of the old timers which Is now being withdrawn from scrr vice. dlan Legion. The totem poic .would occupy a prominent place wherever the Scottish mignt De iivntpd. Malor McGregor also thanked Manager D. O. Borland for his generosity, courtesy and consideration of tho troops Mr. Borland also spoke briefly during the proceedings. Tonight's train, due from the east at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be forty minutes late, United Nations To Go AHIIOut Against Japs From Bases In Pacific Invaders Making Further Progress in Java Where Situation Is Still Critical Communications Are Cut Off. MELBOURNE, March 7: (CP) United nations' day. It was said the government was informed that the maximum strength of the united nations is to be assem PUSHING HIGHWAY No Delay in Connection With .Military Koad From Hazellon To Prince Rupert Construction of the military highway, which it was announced earlier in the week in the Daily News is to be built from Prince Rupert to Hazel-ton, will be concentrated at first on the vital Prince Rupert-Terrace gap while work will also be pushed forward on the gap between Hazellon and Usk. r The highway wjlf be built on Hie north side of the Skeena River, from Prince Rupert to Terrace, crossing the river on the bridge already established at Terrace. Five survey parlies will start immediately to map out the ground and camps will be set up at convenient points along the route. Standard of the road and letting of contracts will be handled by the federal government with the provincial government looking after the engineering end. DEATH BY DROWNING This Is Verdict in Case of Fred Wight at Inquest by Coroner's Jury Yesterday Afternoon. Accidental death by drowning between the hours of 4 and 12 pjn. on February 27 was the verdkt of a coroner's Jury which yesterday afternoon investigated the dsath of Fred Wight from the Edward Lipsett Ltd. dock on Friday of last week. Wight Is believed to have fallen from the dock that after noon Into the harbor. His body was recovered yesterday morning as a result of diving operations. The inquest was conducted by Coroner A. J. Lancaster and the Jury consisted of Raymond Allen, Harry Norman, William Nunn, Douglas Wood, John McCrlmmon and James O'Neill. Witnesses were Jolui Moscr. Wil liam A. Colclough, John P. Wilson and Joseph Gardner. Moser told of Wight having been at his work on the afternoon in question, disappearing before eve-j ning. Colclough saw deceased many times during the day in question. He was bright and cheerful as usual. Wilson, transferrin, told of de ceased walking around his truc.t' at 4 p.m. to move a hanging wire. Witness did not sec deceased again so moved the wire himself. Gardener, diver, testified to finding the body on the bottom between two piles under the wharf. It was lying freely on the bottom toward deep water. There was no medical evidence, the fact that deceased was drowned being accepted ai obvlou3. bled In the southwest Pacific TODAY'S (Courtesy S. D. STOCKS Johnston Oo.) at the earliest possible moment for such an offensive. Meanwhile, Japanese troops havebroken through the northern defences of Bandung, Netherlands East Indies military stronghold in Java, It became known this morn ing. Aneta News Agency said the situation in the western section of Java was admittedly critical. Aneta said that a breach occurred yesterday In the defence lines on the northern slope of the famous volcano of Tangkuban Prahu which is the first line of northern defence In the Bandung area of resistance. A dispatch took thir teen hours to reach New York and the Columbia Broadcasting System was later advised that all communications from Java had ceased. So serious is the sltuaUon at Surabaja naval base regjyrdethat vital Installations are belngwTccJci"" ed. An Allied counter-offensive Is reported to have been started In southern Burma. Rangoon Is still In British hands but everything Is In readiness to completely wreck the place If necessary. The Royal Australian Air Force has successfully attacked enemy bases on northern Islands Including Timor: In Washington the use of the Aleutian Islands as a base for full-scale attack on Japan was advocated today by Chairman Robert Reynolds of the senate foreign affairs committee. Vancouver Grandvicw .' .14Vfe Bralornc - 7.20 Hedley Mascot ; 56 ft Pend Oreille U5 Pioneer i - 1.50 Premier Privateer Reno Sheep Creek Oils .41 3 .17 .77 Calmont - j -13 C. & E. a 1.02 Home - 2.40 Toronto Bcattle -7. Central Patricia - 1.12 Consolidated Smelters 38.00 Hardrock 45 Kerr Addison 3.50 tittle Long Lac 1.02 MfcLcod Cockshutt U9 Madscn Red Lake .37 McKenzle Red Lake .73 Moneta -24 i Pickle Crow 2.01 Preston East Dome 2.45 RED DRIVE CONTINUES Soviet Forces Still Pushing Germans Westward Toward Their Own Frontiers. MOSCOW, March 7: The Russian counter offensive continues with marked success with the Red Army claiming continued victories against the Nazis all along the line. A number of new polnt3 have been taken. Largo German troop units are threatened and some Important strategic military positions. ;