ill ! If1' 1 If m FRIDAY. JANUARY J PAOE TWO THE DAILY NEWS u SHOES FOK WWMEVj PLIO-PEDIC AND JULIA ARTHUR DAILY EDITION Hartt Shoes for Men Jack and Jill Shoes for Children Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Eyery Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING-EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates in City Per Year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; One Week, 12c. Out-of-Town Subscribers by Mail. $3.00 a Year. ' Advertising; and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press la exclusively entitled to use for publication of all news despatches credited to It or to the Associated Press In this paper and also the local news puoiisnwi uiierem. All rights ol republication oi, special despatches therein are also reserved FRIDAY, JAN. 16, 1942 Emergency Work , . . Prinpp Runerr. seems to be ouite well eouinned for jL, undertaking emergency work, Possibly its A.R.P. train-t Incis nrovinor helnful.1 At any rate during a recent emer- gency in taking care of American visitors all were placed without any great difficulty. The difficulty seemed to be in a few cases that the boys seemed to think it a great occasion for a spree and a fewr of those who went out after arranging for sleeping accommodation did not return. 1 Just One War . . . The war that is being fought just now between the Axis powers and the Allied powers is just one war although it is being fought in different parts of the world. Some centres have to be sacrificed under the unified com-niand in order that the forces may be so placed as to be of the greatest benefit to the whole. It became necessary to let Hong Kong go in order that the democracies might concentrate on other more important centres. Moscow had to be saved and it was-very desirable that North Africa should be given preference. It was also impossible to weaken the area of the British Isles. The Pacific is getting its turn and should soon be strong enough to resist the enemy successfully. The war seems to be handled from the one centre, possibly from Washington just now, at any rate from the outstanding group of men on both sides of the Atlan tic that has the big influence and the ability to carry on U) a successful issue. Local Japanese Situation . . . The information in regard to the intention of the Ottawa government is too meagre on which to base any I'l ill p i ml. 1 l f ? opinion wnicn mignt De oi vaiue. ine local opinion seems to be that, while there is no desire to be hard on the Japanese in this country, we canno't afford to take chances, The action of the Ottawa Government has been very glow, We have been at war with Japan for five to six weeks, yet it is only this week that any action regulating Japanese relation to ,the state has been taken. The government must have had a pretty good idea that there would be war and has haft plenty of timle to prepare a policy, We think it likely the Japanese would know what to do in a similar case in their country, Air Raid Protection , . , '" We are told that air raid protection wardens are ' needed, The executive committee is working hard trying to effect an organization that will be helpful in case it is needed. Should enemy planes appear on enemy ships show up pff the coast there would be an unorganized rush U) help and then people would then be wondering why something had not been- done: to .protect the citizens and the homes. What is needed just, now is more air raid wardens and other helpers who will be trained in just what to do in case of an ej)pVpency, Those wishing to help in ths capacity shpulget in ttyuch with J, J. kittle, H. T. Lock or one othr 0f the of&ciqls without delay. This could well be Qne at a meeting in the Canadian Legion hall tonigh . Canada's War Chiefs MAJOR GENERAL MAURICE A. POPE Vice Chief of General Staff By FRANK FLAHERTY Canadian Press Staff Writer The newly appointed Canadian vice-chief of the general staff, Maj.-Gen. Maurice A. Pope, is a professional soldier with a civil service background. He knows what makes things tick in the army and also in the widely-ramified governmental services behind the army. In a quiet way he has had a lot to do with making many imngs uck in me wanuaian War Service war effort. Gen. Pope's recent promotion, announced by Defence Minister Ralston thus brings to the fore one of the men who before and since the outbreak of war laid plans on which Canada's war machine started to function and then grew witlx1 increasing momentum. General Pope'sclvil service back ground comes from the fact that his father, the late Sir Joseph Pope, was a life-long civil servant and from the fact that as an of ficer at National Defence Head quarters he frequently served as a Jlalson between the defence and other departments of government. When Canada entered the war in September, 1939, a lot of things happened in a legal administra tive way which many people took for granted but which involved much planning ahead of time. Speedy steps were taken about censorship, internment of enemy aliens and the promulgation of the Defence of Canada Regula tions. Official's Bible Maurice Pope was the man who had things ready. For a year and a half before the outbreak of war he was practically on leave from the defence department ana serv lng as secretary to six inter derjartmental committees which worked away in secrecy. One drafted the Defence of Canada Regulations, one prepared a censorship organization, one looked after aliens and found jout who were dangerous and who -not and had the machinery ready for dealing with them, another got the shipping situation organized for the outbreak of war, another drew up a plan pr air raid precautions .and the sixth wrote the government's "War Book." The "war book" was the gov ernment's Bible in those days. They simply turned the pages and read their instructions ana went to work accordingly. The authors had thought of everything that needed to be done' and laid down a plan for doing it. If Canada had an hereditary aristocracy Maurice Pope would be in it. His father was private secretary and biographer to Sir John A- Macdonaid, trie nrst prime minister, and later the first under secretary pf Mate for external af fairs. His paternal grandfather. William H- Pope of Charlottetown, was one of the Fathers of Con federation. IJis maternal grand father was Sir Henri T. Tascherau, chief justice of Quebec and mem ber of one of the oldest and most distinguished French - Canadian families. The general was born at Riviere du Loup In 1889 and took an en gineering course at MicGlll Unl verslty. He was commissioned in the Royal Canadian Engineers in J915 after two years prpfessional work with the Canadian Pacific Railway and went overseas. He served In France and Belgium from 1916 to the end of the First Great War and ,won the Military Cross. On his return from overseas he elected to remain Jn the permanent force and served In various capacities at headquarters and In the military districts. He went to Pngland fpr $taH courses and when the Second Great War broke out was one of the small group of highly trained army officers at headquarters on whom fell the task of converting the losely organized, lightly trained Canadian militia into an (effective fighting force. ,: One pf Pope's first Jobs in the present war was that of director of military operations and intelll gence. That made him the defence department representative1 on the censorship co-ordlhatlon commit tee, plans for which he had drawn .up In advance. His next move was overseas where he became brigadier-genera staff ot Canadian military head nuarters In London and lived through the aerial blitz. There he waa the principal llason between CONNAUGIIT PASSES (Continued from Page One) pre-war days and Connaught's jaunt attra:ted wide attenUon. j Primarily the duke was a soldier. He entered the military academy at Woolwkh when only 16 and served " in virtually every branch of Briton's land forces As i a, junior officer he had a share In the skirmishes which accompanied the 1870 Fenian raid from United States soil into Canada, but his real baptism of fire came in the Egyptian- war of 1882. At the decisive battle, the storming of Tel-el Kebir, he commanded the guards' brigade and Sir Garnet Wolseley, a general who was sparing of praise, reported: "The Duke of Connaught is well and behaved admirably, leading his brigade to the attack." Missed Highest Command The next year he was sent as a major general to India. Later he became lieutenant governor pf Bombay and remained in the east ranean area. But he found this post "not active enough" and quit It n 1909 over the objections of King Edward, who recorded that he was "much annoyed at his brother's persistent obstinacy." The duke returned to England after his years In Canada to plunge Into activities connected with the World War. He Inspected replacements, visited the western front, especially the "Princess Pats" pf the Canadian forces, and helped to establish social centres for men jn leave from the trenches. In the midst of these duties the health of his wife failed. She died March 14, J917, and observers recorded that thereafter the duke "looked weary and old with service." But he lived on. He had seen his brother crowned king In 1902 and his nephew In 1911, but when the coronation of King George VI came on May 12, 1937, the aged great-uncle of the new monarch was too Infirm to attend.. "Muscular weakness in the leg"' was the official explanation of his affliction. the Canadian army and the British war office. During Blitz A tail, baldlsh man with rugged features, he has an immense cap acity for work and lets nothing interfere with his Job, not even a blitz. He stayed at his desk In London during the height of the German attacks, even when bombs smashed the windows and strewed his papers with bits of glass. Of his overseas experience he says: "The fact that I, with many others, have served a bit overseas puts us well In the picture of the requirements of the army over seas and makes co-operation be-, tween headquarters here and the army overseas much smoother." He Is a firm believer In the policy of a constant exchange of officers between the army overseas and the army in Canada and also n the closest possible understanding between all responsible officers. When General Pope returned to Canada as assistant chief of the general staff last March Brigadier J. C. Murchle who succeeded him as director of Military Operations and Intelligence went overseas to step Into his shoes again In Lon don. That sort pf exchange of posts among men who have worked together and know each, other's Job Is what Pope considers important In securing smooth staff work. BARONS IN HOOP WIN Defeated: Dry Dock by Close Swire of 232 on Tuesday Night. Barons defeated Dry Dock by a score of 2320 Tuesday night in a keenly contested Intermediate League basketball game. Individual scoring was as m-lows: Barons Simundsen, 2; M. Holkestad. 2: H. Holkestad, 14; Mentenko, 3; Pettenuzo, 2. To tal. 23. Dry Dock Knutsen. 5: Pavlikls. 3; Sheddon, 6: Bill. 4: GrimbUi. 2; Montesano. Total, 20. The Dry Dock has now lost the seryices of Knutson and Grlmble who left last night for the south to join the navy. Henceforth Vuckovlch will Play centre for the shipbuilders. BRIDGE IS UNDER WAY Se,cind Half or Season Last Night. until 1890. For the next ten years ! gamblers 7090 9980 he held Important military posts , pjpe Fitters 6130 88J0 at home. He was aiming to become ! commander-in-chief of the army but was passed over twice. Lord Wolseley getting the post in 1895 and Lord Roberts taking it in 1901. The duke succeeded "Bobs" as commander of the forces in Ireland and was in Dublin frdm 1900 to 1904. Created a field marshal in J902, he became first inspector general of the armed fortes in 1904 and in 1907 went to Malta as chief pf the Started Opening second half results last night in the Prince Rupert Bridge League were as follows: C.N.R.A. 9350; Cow Boys 10810. Grotto, 8810; Pipe Fitters, 0130. Prince Rupert Dairy, 9980; Ramblers, 7090. Belmont Hotel, 8900; Dry Dock, 8790. For Against PUs. Cov Boys 10810 9350 10310 IP. Rup. Dairy 9980 7090 ON.R.A 9350 10810 Belmont Hotel 8900 8790 Grotto 8810 6130 Drv nnrlc 8790 8900 Rotary Bowling Tournament Is 9980 9350 8900 8C10 8790 7090 GJ30 To Be Staged The Prince Rupert Rotary Club yesterday decided to run a bowl ing tournament toward the end of the bowling .season and a com- troops stationed in the Mediter-j mittee consisting of Peter Lakie, George Mitchell and w. Shear-down was appointed to have charge. The decision was arrived at after hearing a detailed report of the negotiations with Max Ase-missen, manager of Max's Bowling Club. He stated it was expected to raise at least one hundred dollars for the Queen's Fund for Air Raid Victims. Special Offer In . . . MEN'S SUITS with extra pair of Pants Free for every order. January onlv. M, T. LEE - Tailor P.O. Box 975 Phone Or. 9(J0 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 NOTICE The ANNUAL MEETING f the Prince Rupert Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society MONDAY, JANUARY 19 at 8 p.m., City Hall. AH persons giving one dollar or over are fully xjuallf;ed members and invited to CENTRAL HOTEL First Class Accommodations EUROPEAN OR AMERICAN PLAN Baths By Appointment C. E. BLACK. Prop. DRESSMAKER Mrs. Nakatani Ladles' and Children's Alterations Phone BUc. 529, 522 Fulton St. Satisfaction Guaranteed -Cleaning and Pressing All Canadian Union Amalgamated liuildfng Workers of Canada Prjnce Rupert, B.C., Unit No. I M E E T I N 0 S Every fourth Sunday, 3:30 p.m., of Each Month. 'METROPOLIS HALL Phone Red 409 P.O, Box 577 MONTREAL. Jan. 16: Q -Nosing out the Canadiens by a score' of three to two here last night, the Toronto Maple Leafs crept back up to within a game of the leadership of the National Hockey League for which the Boston Bruins and New York Rangers, both idle last night, are tied. In the second scheduled league fixture last night Chicago Black Hawks won 7 to 4 over Brooklyn Americans. Week-end games are scheduled as follows: Saturday New York at Montreal, Chicago at Toronto. Sunday Montreal at New York Brooklyn at Detroit. Bo.ston at Chicago. The league standliiE to date W D L F A PU Boston New York Toronto Chicago Detroit Brooklyn Montreal for common crdinry tort I throat tiB OH 16 3 5 77 17 35 17 1 7 85 67 35 16 1 8 81 54 33 11 3 11 70 75 25 9 2 16 73 9 7 I 81 ?0 1 29 76 110 19 1 18 56 94 15 STANLEY W.COLTON D.C., Fh.C. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 610 Permanents THE MODERN BEAUTY SHOP has purchased a" new Ulreless Pernialox Permanent Wave Machine, the very latest in pre-heat machines. For that tight oil permanent you desire, phone IM7. ELSIE KLOHN Mil w BESURE TO ASK FOR LEAFS ARE NEAR LEAD Creep Up In National Hockey League Standing As Reult Of Victory Latt Night Thisadvertisement is not published or displayed by the Lkfi Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia . A. R. P. NOTICE Weather permitting 11 under direction of City hi einrer. volunteers are id uuircd to assist in neinJ ine water holes on Sondrf afternoon, January 18th. t 2 o'clock. The following locatiomi District "E": 4 tli Avenue and Ebnt Ktlt Avniif nl llotnitll 5th Avenue at Rowstr Sti IK ii-aiitiji it Vfliin. I -tit Avenue al Han t Circle 8th Avenue al (iretn 8lh Avenue at Young WEAR RUBBER COOTS' BRING A SHOVll Dig For Fire Protection ! Adyertlse In The Daily m Phone 88 1 J. H. BULGES 'I Optometrist 'X .(opposite post onttij J. Boiizek, TAIL! LADIES' and GENT? Best Materials, Virkmar-H Second Ave-, two doon H Broadcasting Station ANNOUNCEMENT We are Rlad to annoi that we are now ttm SHOE REPAIRING nrPAHTMENT at our shop, with Mr, Ctj W, Yatt In full arj Charlie has many jra" 1 nrin In thf it' knows how to rebuild. shoe right. Lft nimu- VOIl. 24-Hour Service at Regular .Kate r A If It Y SHOES AND W0I BOOTS, IJNP. - TAILOR Rlvft, RtrM. PtH"1?' Suits Pressed by Sl While You a- When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI ni 11- A4) Servi ice . J ENTERPRISE FRUIT and PRODUCE C THIRD AVENUE AND FIRST STIIKET Specializing in Fruit and Vegetables You nre cordially wclcnmn tn Insert our store. m xvi11 'W'nstrate our new produce- J "inii f ivuii 111111 1 -