PAGE FOUR I $50.00 REWARD For information leading to the recovery of two wooden totem poles taken from the front of my store, and for information that will lead to the conviction of the parties who took them. MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER CUT RATE SHOE STORES Once - A - Year 2 For 1 SALE Women's Shoes 2 PAIR WOMEN'S SHOES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE! i Sale Now On - All Sales Final Cut Rate Shoe Store v.v.v.v.v, Buy the Best PORTABLE TYPEWRITER MADE AND GUARANTEED BY UNDERWOOD You save when you buy only goods of known highest quality. Buy the best, and save money, time and trouble. In Typewriters look for the name UNDERWOOD. Underwood Typemaster Portables $45 $65 $75 Underwood Sales and Service Typewriter Ribbons and Typing Supplies Typewriters overhauled and repaired. OFFICE SUPPLY HEADQUARTERS BUY RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets Your Local Butchers. NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PItlNCE UUPEKT (Jo. L(J4 I1UITISII COLUMBIA BURNS LAKE MEN LEAVE Several Prominent Residents Are Enlisting: Older Men Would Also Like to Go. BURNS LAKE, Jan. 16: Major Reginald Leake Gale, well known on the trails and back roads of central British Columbia, was greeted at Burns Lake by a number of his old-tine friends when he visited here in his capacity as recruiting officer. First Great War veterans, be-whiskered prospectors and suspicious looking trappers were seeking an opportunity to ,enlist in any capacity. Sizing the group of septuagan arians up he remarked, "The whole bunch of you would make a fine machine gun outfit for it's sure none of you could ever run away." Then he turned his attention to the group of younger locals he had been talking to on his previous visits. Between he and Major Par.cs and their own determination the following group left for medical examination yesterday: Sam Marsh, recognized to be one pf the safest car drivers in the north. Taylor Jensen, master carpen ter. Roy Jewell, mechanic. Earl Pennington and Ernest Moore, mechanics. L. Anderson and John Nelson Raushoff, both of Decker Lake, .nechanlcs, and the pride of the village. lEighteen-year-old Gordon Rush, champion ski runner and auto mechanic, with Dick O'Hara, of the Forestry Department, radio expert, will be accompanied by Dave Gerow, another safe car driver, while Tommy Smith, the local apothecary, is seeking an opportunity to join the navy. Major Gale will leave the Lakes district devastated by the loss of many of its most able men while the local girls will seek to mend a few shattered hearts. The best wishes of all residents of Burns Lake will accompany this small contingent. Whifflets From The Waterfront Running an even twelve hours late after having been delayed by stormy weather, C. P, R. steamer Princess Norah, Capt. William Palmer, arrived in port at 3:30 this morning from Skagway and other Alaska points, sailing a couple of hours later in continua-atlon of her voyge to Vancouver. Taking the place of the Car- dena which has been transferred to the run of the Catala, now withdrawn from service for annual overhaul, Union steambr Venture is due in port at 6:30 thl3 evening from the south and will sail at 10:30 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. Capt. Lome Godfrey is in command of the Venture and Norman G. Pat-tlson, regularly of the Cardena, is on board as purser. C.P.R. steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. R. C. McGeachy, arrived in port at 1 o'clock this afternoon from the south and will .sail at 10 p.m. on, her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. Steamship Sailings Vor Vancouver Tuesday S.S. Catala . 1:30 p.m. Thursday S.S. Prince George Iltl5 p.m. Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide 10 P-m. S.S. Cardena 10:30 p.m. January 15 and 29 S.S. Princess Norah pm. From Vancouver Sunday S.S. Catala . p.m. Wednesday S.S. Prince George 10:00 a.m. Friday S.S. Princess t Adelaide P-m. S.S. Cardena , pjiw January 11 and 25 SB. Princess Norah a.m. For Stewart and Premier Sunday B.S. Catala 8 pm. Wednesday SS Prince George 3:00 p.m. From Stewart and Premier Tuesday S.S. Catala a.m. Thursday SS Prince George ''t-'- 8 p.m. Saturday SS Prince Rupert 3:00 p.m, For Naas, Ulver and Port Simpson Sunday--S S. Catala 8 p.m. From Naas Ulver and Pt. Simpson Tuesday S.S. Catala a.m. For Ocean Falls Thursday S.S. Prince 'George .' 11:15 p.m. Friday 8S. Princess Adelaide 10:00 p.m. THE DAILY NEWS FRIDAY, JANUARY R1ti( PROBLEM OF SPEED OF PLANES Otto Young Tells of Matter Affecting: Men Who Fly In Wartime At the luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club yesterday Otto Young gave an interesting talk on aircraft equipment and armament, much of the data being from an article by Lieut. Col. Lock-wood in which the latest developments in fighting aircraft were described. Here is an interesting statement made by Mr. Young: "Fighter planes travel 400 miles er hour of 587 feet per second. Speed of a bullet from a high powered rifle is in the neighborhood of 3000 feet per second which is only about five times that of the plane. "Planes travelling in opposite, directions have speed relative to .ach other of twice Conse- juently, one plane intercepting another must aim Its guns sufficiently ahead of Its op'ponents that he latter will run into its bullets for now, relatively speaking, the opposing plane Is travelling only two and a half times slower han the bullet meant to destroy t. In other Words the relative speed of these fighter planes travelling full speed in opposite directions is in the realm of that of the bullets and they merely have to run into something to destroy themselves. "You can plainly see. therefore, the advantage of fire power under such circumstances. The object seems to be to spray the atmosphere with lead and let the opposing plane run into the shower and destroy itself. This princVe has been appreciated by the Ir tish from the start and probably explains the superiority of the Allledplanes. "The discrepancy in the duration of firing ability is only serious when planes are travelling in the same direction, because it Is only when one fighter gets on the tail of another tlfat a "burst" from the guns will persist more than a second or so. "The amazing speed of these fighter planes is perhaps not fully appreciated by those of us who have never been up in one When fully understood and the time compared with that for the response of human reactions to cer- 1 tain stimuli it is not surprising , that extreme care is exercised in the selert'-m and training of per-1 sonnel of the air force." , Furs Wanted! We have a hir order for all varieties of Furs. We guarantee to pay more than other buyers. Don't sell in Cow Bay. See me uptown and get 30 percent more. GOLDRLOOM "The Old Reliable" tnmKtawnBiiva'B3iBiirBaBai i'.W.V.V.V.V.W.VAV.VAV Start the Year Right .By X Saving Our I coupons for Useful Household Items. Call lh and let us explain this nlan to vou. S MUSSALLEM'S j Economy Store "Where Dollars Havo More Cents" P.O. Box 575 Phones 18, 19 v.v.w.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v IG 10 ! L ID S E A L THE SEAL OF QUALITY Sockeye Salmon Fancy Red Herring in Tomato Sauce Sandwich Spreads Spiced Salmon Smoked Salmon Bloater Francois Lake Skating Party Enjoyable Outing Is Featuit-d By Moccasin Dance Which Many Enjoyed. FRANCOIS LAKE, Jan. 16:-An impromptu skating party was held at Lord's Bay on Tchesinkut Lake Saturday night where splendid ice and music which re-echoed I through the heavily timber -clad shoreline lured a large crowd and the event was turned into a moc - 'casin dance. 1 At midnight the gathering ra- ! paired to the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lord where Miss Joyce. assisted by Mrs. J. O. Wortendyke of Nanaimo. entertained. rrommpni among the guescs were Mr. and Mrs. John R. Walker whose fifty odd years of married life did not prevent them Irom dancing the most intricate steps, moccasin-clad, on the slick ice Mr. and Mrs. John Keefe, a conv narauveiy young couple, never missed a dance while the Keef progeny were more conspicuous on skates. Other disciples qf the Lord's were Mrs. Shaffer and Jim ;my Catherine and Gerald Cooper Bill Wiley all the way from Prince I Rupert. Elsie and Laws Sugden. I Mr. and Mrs. Louis Galr. Don (Jean, Patsy, Bob and Ernie Peebles. Neil Kelly, John Nestle and ; Messrs. Gabor and Gezza of Pal) ing. Joe Hawley and all the Lord , family. FRANCOIS LAKE Mrs J. O. Wortendyke. who lef Nanaimo about the time of the first blackout of the coal city, is visiting at Tchesinkut Lake and has taken such a liking to the district and made such a number of friends that she may remain indefinitely. Mrs. Walker and Hazel, who visited Mrs. Lillian, Gair at Prince Rupert during the new year season, have returned to the home ranch. fku (dxrtiitmcm h not pgbliihcd 01 di'ipltytd by tltc Liquof Control Botro1 fcy llx Gorrunn of 8'rtit Column! NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarelli Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Watei Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 281 P.O. Ho 196 n d 1 B. C. Furniture Co. 12 Reconditioned Kitchen Ranges for coal and wood. 3 Chesterfield Reds with 0 c c a a i o n a 1 Chair. 18 Mattresses all cotton; sizes 3-3, 4-0. 4-G, at $12.00 3 Pull -Out Couches with heavy pad . . . each $18.75 1 Typewriters Remingtons, No. 1 Rhone Black 321 THIRD AVENUE CAPITOL A rAMOUS PIATUI THlAiar TODAY AND SATURDAY Complete Shows at 1;00 2:55 - 5:00 7 05 n id 0,W W0 oS NO ONE CAN MIX ROMANCE AND FINANCE LIKE ANDYI ROAR AS HE SEEKS FAME AND FORTUNE IN THE BIG CITYI WANT NAZI FIKEII Dismissal of Harry Bergqvlst. an ofifcer of the Swedish Air Raid PAY FOR SAME NUMBER aioiorisis in Florida wno nM a certain serial numocr w..; becniljcp nf his Wn?! nart.v mom. i$l for the privilege, the- rentd bership, has been demanded by Boing to the stated dependa the town's council. children Wanted -Raw Furs HIGHEST AIAKKET I'KICES PAID Representing HUDSON'S RAY COMPANY Ship to J. E. OltMHEIM, Cow Bay. I'rince Itupcrt, B.C. JUST RECEIVED A New Shipment of Luggage Wardrobes, Trunks, Gladstones, Fortnite Cases, Lady Sets, Suit Cases. Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE I It is I Really I'UINCE KUPEKT B.C. Keep in a Good Stock of TELKWA OR ALllERTA The Best Quality Coal is Needed at a Time Like This Albert & McCaffery Ltd. 1MIONES 116 Oil 117 Canadian National Railways Steamers Leave Prince Rupert SSv f 1,?E0 Pm' fr Kcl" and Stewart. Thursdays at 11:15 p.m. for Ocean Falls, I'owell Itiver and Winter Excursion Fare, Vancouver and Return !Q fifl Tickets on sale Nov. iM.h mat in vh iSta. Plus Tax 1942. Final return limit March 15th, lMt Trains leave Prince Rupert for the Eust MA0i'y' Alr-Condltloned V;r1,,esday and Friday at 0:00 Vni. Sleeping and Dining Cars For full information, reservations, etc., call or write 528 Third Avenue a ""klu, CITY PASSENGEIt AGENT, I'lionc 260 gsJoan3.Canada Alr LlnM Prince Kuper If have .i.,,.t!!?e'l .VOU snmofVim it i r tnnnf in tV,? . -u ) cl CUlSSIIieU UUVXij" ment in this paper wi snnn inf ,.A i ... :t n,n,.n s H buyer in the city. J wu ,w'uw lL 1