FRIDAY. JAKL'ATtV li, 1842, LOCAL MEWS NOTES Mrs. -M. C Madlll sailed last 8. o. tf. meeting tonight 8 pjn !v!ra.nL"nW-.r "iW 'owea by social. All members wr a !fyrr. " auena. Mrs. II. S. Parker was a pas-senger on the Prjncjc .George last .ut'.hi (or a trip to Vancouver. AA.R-P Wardensl Meeting to-mght, Canadian Uglon,. 8 ItPixrts from district wardens; papers by J J. Little and Dr. C. II iiankiuson. GET BETTER FASTER FROM HEADACHES, HEAD COLDS far itlitl wMituI Uly liaf wtthvi ' cttM ! tUVa Clltifflat4 Cplu., th pi4m pratcripliM lhl fivat yv NOT ONE BUT COLD-Dispelling PAIN-Relieving flUS Oil of Cinnamon INGREDIENTS 1 to ffctlv for hed coldj, rtpp, tic 1. Th ftit Injrtdltni rllvi poln fair. 2. Th itcond itimulotfi pn irihir S. Th rhirj rtlgxti h ritrvci. Combiotd lhy (i lh rlif yew wont hta you wanf ifor eiif twpllowttl diol auickyr jut f gtttr. 5 4omi U only 33 unft. MADE BY IHf makers Of eucmrs mixture. M in al) sizes. B. C. Clothiers Ltd. Third Avenue. won washer, running order $18, mirrui front wardrobe $6, radio, dimes etc. Suite 1, Wallace Blc.-Jc Phone Blue 637. (13) fruit QUICK. SALE27-ft. launch. Ownei leavlrig town. Phone Black 510 and ask for Mr. Douglas 1 17) FOR SALE" Before Monday noon, January 19, 1942, complete new furnishings and utensils for 4 room suite, $25 cash and assume baiance on contract. Apply C. Hatch at Rupert Motors between 8 a m and 6 p.m. or Phone 566. (14) iv Tin: si i'iti:u: cm ut or IHCITISII rOU'MIU.l In Pruliiitr In th? Muirr f tlir "Administration Aif nml n Hie Matter of Hip Waif of John. l-)P, llcii-ii( Intpslnlp TAKE NOTICE Uiat by order cS Ills Maiar W E. Fluhor, made on Uip lath w-J Jammry, AD. JD42, I np-lf -iitfd AdmlntsitKitor of he ffAate of J tin Lyp depraved, ontt ttn partle "xUi uvmj ogalivit Uie eaUl ekUiU p liwiby required to Xunilrii une, PfxTly varied. o nie on or betore lp l.1i Hay of "jVbjmury, A.D. 1942, re ruqulrrd to pay Uje amount id ' j"wll)UdiMs to me forthrith. DATED af Prince nupm. B.C Oih - li day of January, A.D. 19-12. NORMAN A. WATT, Official AdmlnJutnitW, Prime Ruprrt, PC. Gorge Tallman sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Olof Hansen, Mj. for Skeena, sailed last nkht on fhA d-i George for Vancouver enroute to uuawa, , Terrv Grlmhlp mHoh m. ling on the Princess tforah for Vic- ww wurie ne win ennst m the navy, Pf-rcy Knutson of the staff of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association sailed this morning on the Princess Norah for a holiday trln to Van couver. H, F. Pullen was the winner of the war savjngs certificate In the weekly raffle at yesterday's luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club for the Queen's Fund for British air raid victims. John Pybhavn and Al Small are to be the program committee of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club lor the second half of the Rotary year, it was announced yesterday by P. If, Linzey, president of the club. 198. Classified ads. get results. Phone Classified Ads. FOR SALE JUST Received, a large stock of men s work pants and fine dress pants at very reasonable prices, i 805. FOU RENT ROOM FOR RENT For men wishing to share. Phone Blue HELP WANTED WANTED S m a ft girl. Macey's Confectionery. lf WANTED WANTED Housekeeper at once by man and three children. Apply Box 198, Daily News, or call at 14C3 Sixth Ave. East. 11) WANTED for newspaper shop, apprentice, preferably with some experience. Apply Dairy News. (If) DRY DOCK Worker wants housekeeping room by Feb. 1. Apply Box 197, Daily News. WANTED Janitor with engineer 4th class certificate. Phone 11. (17) WANTED Marine engine, 6 to 8 h.p.; In good condition. Apply Box 200, Dally News. is WANTED Six Gibbers for scotch curing. Apply Box 199, Dally News. (14) JLOST LOST Wrist watch. Initialled on back D. to C. Sentimental value. Reward. Phone Blue 325. LOST Black and gold compact, Initials R. I. O. Reward. Phone Blue 604; (14) SPECIAL NOTICE As Cas Will lie Rationed on April 1 As Tires Will Not He Obtainable . . . the firms, whose names appear below feel it necessary in order (q give continuous delivery service lo the public to put Into effect the following- schedule on January 19: 1. Orders under $2.00 delivery charge 10c. 2. Orders under $3.00 delivery charge Sc. 3. Orders $3.00 and over delivery free. (No deliveries under $1.00) Canada Needs Your Co-Operatio jpr Great War Effoit MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION SUNRISE COMPANY LTD. TOM LEE & SON LINZEY & INGRAM LTD. OVERWAITEA LTD. RANGE & HARDY THRIFT CASH AND CARRY TALKS ON FIRST AID Speed and Simplicity Advocated !y r. JIanklhsAn As Prime Requisites In Handling Air Raid Casualties t wc au v loauuibjr ui girt". ting started without delay on "Honest to Ood Dreriaratlon for disaster should It befal us," Dr. o. ii, Hankinson gave an Instructive lecture to a large gathering of local Xlrst aid workers of the' Air Raid Protection and other or-! ganizations In the Canadian Legion Hall last night. His discourse was' based on the experiences of auth-' oritles In handling air raid casu alties in Great Britain and contained many concise and useful suggestions as to organization and' methods of handling casualties should air raids come to Prince Rupert. Angus Macdonald, local instructor and leader In first ald organization, was in the chair. It was by far the largest turn-out of Xlrst aid workers that has ever gathered in this city, once again Indicating an Increasing response to the local A. R. p. movement now that Prince Rupert has been brought more directlv Into the vortex of world war and beca'me more liable to attack. Dr. Hankinson stated that progress was always made at the expense of mistakes. Air raid precautions were a matter of great importance and It would be well to gain such profit as was possible from the experiences of those who had already suffered. Should air raids come to Prince Rupert soon, ur. Hankinson believed thev would doubtless come In the daytime. If the facts were analyzed there was little reason to anticipate that they would come at night. Discussing methods of organiza tion and treatment for air raid casualties, Dr. Hankinson stated that It had been found In Britain that, according to the number of oomos qroppea, casualties were proportionately larger from day 1 man from night raiding. Casual-I ties were greatest In the streets ' stores, factories and schools. The : percentage of mortality from air raia. casualties was 25- percent in tne day as compared with ten per cent at night. Casualties were due in the main to primary Injuries direct from missiles, falling mas. onry and secondary missiles such as flying glass. The value of shelters was emphasized by the speaker who said they would have been in much more general use In England had It not been for the effectiveness of the Royal Air Force and anti-aircraft measures in fighting off the enemy. Had defences not been so adequate there, the people would have been much more appreciative of the shelters. Simple and Direct First aid work in London, Dr. Hankinson said, had been splendid. Simplicity and directness In first aid work were emphasized by the speaker. The first essential was to clear all casualties as rapidly as practicable, in other words, get them into hospital as quickly as possible. Usually straightforward and simple use of bandages and dressings would suffice as far as the first alder was concerned. Only absolutely essential first aid should be resorted to, keeping always In mind the Importance of getting .the casualty into capable rfhheuHcetneHtJ All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Orange Bridge and Dance Jan, 16, 8 sharp. Cathedral Evening Branch Tea, Legloii Hall, Jan. 17. Proceeds for war work. Presbyterian Burns' Banquet, Jan. 23. Vardens' Tea, Metropole Hall, Jan. 24. Oddfellows Fortnightly Seotch Dance, January 24. Admission 50c, Anglican Tea Mrs. Johns, Jan. 29. Queen Mary Tea January 31. St. Peter's Evening Branch Handkerchief Tea, Parish Hall, Feb. 12. United Church Valentine Tea. Mrs. W. L. Armstrong's, Feb. 12, Valhalla Dance, Metropole Hall, February 13. Catholic Shrove Tuesday Tea, Mrs. J. Zarelll, Feb. 17. Cathedral Easter Salt, April 9. D ' THE DAILY NEWS HAMBURG AND EMDEN AGAIN Follow-Up Raids by Royal Air LONDON, Jan. 16: The Royal Air Force staged heavy follow-up raids last night on Hamburg and Emden. Large fires were lrft burning. There were also attacks on northwest Germany and occupied France. Six planes were lost. and trained hands for treatment. The doctor warned against the excessive use of the tourniquet and elaborate bandaging. Efficient splinting was often important and there should be night practising of first aid. Hot water bottles were also of considerable - Importance. Primary objects were to save life, prevent septls and avoid deformities. Dr. Hankinson discussed air raid casualties from the standpoint of medical treatment and hospitalization. On motion of W. E. Denning a hearty vote of thanks was tendered to Dr. Hankinson and, before the meeting closed, Angus Macdonald told of steps that were to be taken to further perfect the local first aid branch of the A. R. P. organization. ITCH STOPPED or Montr Biek Fur quick nliefbon Itf hinlof efnni.pinpln, tli. kt'. f,NiC, tcalM. w.biM,ra.heand uthft-MteroaUr cuietl ito trouLIrt, uv f..t.artinf, aiulitif . tuti-M,tic, liquid l. 1). I). PmiTiptiun. Crr.arkM, tainlru. NniiI. irritation and qui, kly attiti. intriwe itrhirii. 35c trial built prmra it, iir monr. Lark. A.k four druiiiit tod.r r. 11.11.11. PHKStlrlin joN gfs cmvrfhy'' 0 ) 'fr zo mow pdceco fo . liedfsyouso. $4 HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert R. J. Barr, Oceanic; E. G. Kington and J. O'Connor, Vancouver; Mrs. Nelson Brew, Haysport; J. Dunn, Terrace; Mrs. J, H. Hayes, Wisconsin. Over the radio from London last Sunday Don Blake, formerly of the Canadian National Telegraphs here and on active service overseas for a year or more now, was heard addressing a messnero nf greeting to his parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Harry tJiane or Prince Rupert. Don also spoke on behalf of Donald Norton, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Norton of this city. Mrs. G. W. Klsslck, who .has been vlsitln-? In the city for the past week with her brother, Capt. Reg Green, sailed- last night by the Prince George on return to. her home in West Vancouver. -'JAA4.AAAA.!'..! I Get It At the ! Variety Store ! 330 Third Ave. West savoy HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 541 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert COAL! COAL! We make very sure that every ton of coal that Is sent to us from the mines has the proper heat-producing qualities. We're particular about the kind of coal we buy. In this way we make certain that our customers will be pleased. Place your order now. We'll be pleased to serve you. HEAT WAVES ROLL FROM FOOTHILLS COAL Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 051 PHONE 052 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. SPECIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FARES Including All Meals and Berth Accommodation TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN From PRINCE RUPERT CQft fifl P,us From Port Simpson $39.75 Plus TaxV''" Tax (Reduced Rates Fare and one half also apply to Vancouver from Intermediate points). (Five years of age and under twelve) Half Fare. Tickets on Sale from November 15, 1941 to February 15, 1912. Good to return up to March 15, 1942. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Ar. Vancouver S.S. CARDENA Every Friday 10:30 p.m. Monday a.m. S.S. CATALA Every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Thursday ... a.m. Tickets and Reservations from Prince Rupert Agent (FRANK J. SKINNER) Third Ave. Phone 5C8 It Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office AIR-GUNNER KNIGHT LONDON, Jan. 16: Oi Sgt. Air gunner Sir Charles Mappin has been reported "missing In action over Germany." When the war broke out, Sir Charles, a barrister, was in the South Seas. He returned to Britain immediately and Joined the RAT- LESS UNEMPLOYED LONDON, Jan. 16: O) Number of unemployed In Britain in November was 171,984, a decrease of 13,866 over the previous month. CN R. Trains For the East f. Mondays, Wednesdays and .j Fridays - p m. From the East - Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 11 n.m. EARLY BANKS Babylonia had banks in 2000 BC. This advertisement is not published' or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" BEDROOM SUITES AND PIECES Walnut round mirror; CQfl A A priced from ?OUUU (One-third cash balance monthly payments) RESTMORE SPRING-FILLED MATTRESS All sizes; CO A A A priced from tJ.t.UlFU. ($10.00 cash balance monthly payments) PHONE 775 327 THIRD AVE: FANCY SOAPS Magnum Batft Soap'English per" cake .. i)3c 3 for $1.00 Cusson's Apple Blossom Soap, per cake .... 25c Cusson's Lime Blossom Soap, per cake 25c Cusson's Cold Cream Soap,. per cake 20c Imperial Leather Soap', per cake 40c Gerrard Fancy Toilet Soap, per cake 10c Odors: Lily, Ja.rr.lne, Violet and Honeysuckle Eau de Cologne Soap, per cake 15c Lanolin Soap, per cake 10c Vinolia Boracic and Cok Cream Soap, cake 20c Yardley Lavender Bath Soap, .per ako.,.. , . 55c Castile Soap, French Formula, per cake .... 10c per bar .., 25c 0rmes Ltd. tta Pioneer Druqgiats THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 2 pjn. and 7-9 pjn. ft 2a ton