Toddy's War Summary j mmln Tomorrow sT Ides (By Canadian Press) High 1:45 a.m. 21.3 ft. (Australians Have Success in-Malaya Hronzcd jungle-trained Australian troops were officially credited today with smashing a column of Japanese tanks and infantry in their first engagement with the Mikadp's invasion hordes and Hritons in Singapore thrilled to the hope that the Malayan retreat was now finally ended. British Far East headquarters said that heavy casualties were inflicted on the Japanese advance and described the situation as unchanged, indicating that the Japanese had been checked at least temporarily. Evidence that Singapore's aerial defences had been strongly reinforced was reflected in a British communique's report that large forces of aircraft were slashing at the invaders. ussians are )masnmg un Masses of Russian tanks were reported smash ing today at the gates of (Icrman-held Taganrog, forty miles west of Kostov-on-Don, as Marshal Tim-oshenko's Hed armies pressed a general counter- offensive through the Ukraine and tightened the trap on 100,000 Germans and Rumanians in the Cri-imea. Russian troops were reported fighting the invaders also a few miles from Simferopol, the German capital, forty miles north of Sebastapol on the railroad to the Russian mainland. On the basis of previous reports from the Soviet, German forces at Taganrog had long since been isolated by Russian columns which bypassed the city in pursuit of the main Axis :;rmies retreating along the Sea of Azov toward Mariupol. In the northeast Ukraine Red Army troops were reported heavily assaulting Ger man forces at Kharkov while on the central front IJted Army spearheads threatened half a dozen an- Ichor points in Chancellor Adolf Hitler's winter dc- fence line. ee French Help itish in Libya Free French forces have arrived to support Rrit- Ssh troops in the at flick on 'Axis' liold-out posffumTin If he rocky highlands of Halfaya on the Libyan-Egyptian border, it was disclosed today at Cairo. lamburg and Emden ire Attacked Again . . . London reports that the German ports of Ham burg and Emden were attacked last night by the Royal Air Force for the second night in a row. OMPENSATE CANADIAN provinces; acedead tails of Arrangement With 01- i Italians Confirm Wing Command- Jawa for Surrender of Income (Tax Rights. TTAWA, Jan. 16: It is cost- w federal covernment $100.- 9.000 annuallv to rnmnmsiitP nine provinces for takinc over p personal Income and corpor al taxes fnr thn rinrtiMnn nf wai It is believed that everv pvincn will sign the agreements Pwing approval by their lesis- ur An indefinite period is Jcred bv the nrrrppmpllt- -thfi tatton of the war and one year or followlne are the amounts in nrovlnpfi i" for the Bmp and corporation tax riuhts; UMJ Columbia .12 (14R (11V1 r"a 4 or.n nnn rkaichcwan 5.830.0C0 Inltoba s'fisnnnn y,ar'o 28.9G0OUO fber on ir.n nnn Brunswick 3.650XM0 va Scotia 2.000.000 Biii'e Edwarri TsianH 7nn nnn Saxkatrhn tPnswlck, Nova Scotia and Prince iard Island will also receive Jcial subsidies. Fell 500 Feet; I Is Uninjured Ire. ine. awosa, Jan. 16: - Eric pe. student pilot from York- '(. fell 500 feet from IIP ImJ 1 t SrpH u tu ieu aoout it. Lta u he suffered no serious in- cr Mark Henry Brown Killed in Action. CAIRO, Jan. 16: A message dropped from an Italian plane over British-held territory in Lib ya , confirms the death in action of one of Canada's most distin guished airmen, Wing Command er Henry Brown of Manitoba, who had been reported missing. Tne message says Brown was killed In a crash while fighting. He was burled bv the Italians with full military honors. Brown went from Canada to England In 1936 and joined the will receive In re- Royal Air Force. Early in the war surrender of their ,he distinguished himself with ex ploits in righting over western Europe and in the Battle of REICH IS CONCERNED Shortage of Workers is causing Some Anxiety in Iteich, Berne Reports BERNE, Switzerland, Jan. 16: A labor shortage is causing grave concern in Germany, according to reDorts here. Workers from occupied countries are showing more and more re luctanc to co to Germany. Thi crpatest shortage is in highly skilled labor. There are twenty-four million war workers employed in the Reich outside of war prisoners.. Germany expects to benefit somewhat Irom the use of Rus slan prisoners. She VOL. XXI, NO. 13. region towards Tripolitania. WELLES IS OUTSPOKEN Urges AH Western Hemisphere to Cast Off Shibboleth of Illusory Neutrality. RIO DE JANEIRO, Jan. 18:-At the opening of the conference of Pan - American foreign ministers here yesterday Under Secretary of State Sumner Welles of the Unit- ( ea states urgca an nations oi me western hemisphere to cast aside the shibboleth the Illusory flc-. i tion of neutrality and to unite against the Axis nations. It was an issue, Welles declared, of the power of evil against the rights and independence of free peoples. Neutrality only meant suicide. It was not necessary, Welles said, to engage in actual warfare but certainly steps should be taken to drive outAxls.aeenta.who. were carrying'bn under the gms'e of diplomatic activity. There was not a Japanese or Oerman consul or one of the puppet nations of the Axis who was not reporting to his superiors all ships that left port, the Object being to sink them. Ten Pan-American nations nave already broken with the Axis and of the ten remaining but one Argentina shows any disposition to retain a position of neutrality. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver Orandvlew 17 Bralorne 8.60 Cariboo Quartz 1.70 .Hedley Mascot 34 Pend Oreille 1-60 Pioneer 2.00 Premier 58 Privateer 42 Reno 14 Sheep Creek 79 Oils Calmont 16 C. & E 1.15 Home 2.61 Royal Canadian .03 Toronto Beattie 90 Central Pat .1.21 Cons. Smelters 38 Hardrock 48 Kerr Addison 4.00 Little Long Lac 1.30 McLeod' Cockshutt 1.60 Madsen Red Lake 45 McKenzie Red Lake 95 Moneta 25 Vs Pickle Crow 2.25 Preston East Dome 3.10 ' San Antonio 1.92 Sherrltt Gordon .93 r I Five Japanese Ships Go Down Before Yanks UV1V1V A UtlliU J, WASHINGTON, D.C., Jan. is 0)The Asiatic fleet, has sunk three enemy transports and two large Japanese cargo vessels In the Far East, it was announced today. The sink- lngs announced today by the Navy brought to twenty-four the number of Japanese war- ships and non - combatant vessels sunk by United States Navy and marine forces. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1942 Two natives of Malaya, ratings in the British, navy, are shown manning 'an anti-aircraft machine-gun aboard a minesweeper near vital Cingapore. This great British fortress and naval base at the cross roads of&he world is now menacpn hv tho .iamni ririr. ----- J - -V w u-fnvu Ui k A A fog, down thf .peflijasfj9rn,.ThaUanc3t . .,. , WAR IS CLOSER Another Tanker Is Sunk Off Long Island Only 23 Miles Off Shore. WASHINGTON, Jan. .16: 0 The United States Navy confirmed today that another merchant vessel had been sunk yesterday off the south shore of Long Island. First word of the sinking came from the United States coastguard which said that an unidentified tanker had been sunk by enemy warcraft 23 miles off Long Island and seventy-five miles east of New York. At first the Navy Department said it had no information but later it confirmed the sinking. This attack brings the Battle of the Atlantic fifty miles closer to the east coast of the United States than the sinking the day previous of the Panamanian tanker Nor- ness. Capt. Harold Hanson, reporting on tne sinning or nis snip, ine Norness, said It was struck by without warning SUBS WILL BE BEATEN British Convoys Will Continue To Sail Atlantic, Says Canadian Minister of Navy OTTAWA, Jan. 16: Hon. Angus MacDonald, minister of the navy, says that convoys will keep on sailing the Atlantic supply route to Great Britain in spite of enemy submarines. There might be several u-boats off the Atlantic coast of Canada and the United States now, MacDonald admitted. The minister reiterated the nec essity of holding back , informa tion In regard to successes against enemy submarines, the final de feat of which by the Canadian navy he was firmly convinced of. L. Hoist, manager of a summer resort at Mlnakl in Ontario, av rived In the city on the Princess Adelaide this afternoon in the course of a trip to the Pacific Coast and will proceed cast on the evening train. REDS MAKE ADVANCES Further Progress Being Made Russian Forces in Crimea, Ukraine and West of Moscow. three torpedoes which were fired lobject being once and for all by MOSCOW, Jan. 16: The Red Army Is making further advances on three fronts Crimea, Ukraine and the central sector west of Moscow. The Russians have driven their deepest wedge yet into the Nazi lines by capturing an important town 175 miles northwest of Mos cow. ffn the Ukraine, Soviet forces have taken a number of towns just outside of Important Karkov. Additional landings of Russian forces have been made from the Sea of Azov on both sides of Per-lkop Isthmus, thus threatening to trap Germans and Rumanians in the Crimea. Little Finland Is now being buffeted by a new Russian offensive from the Karelian Isthmus, the knock the Finns out of the war. to BULLETINS EXPECTS LONG WAR HALIFAX Speaking to a service club here, M. J. Coldweil, C.C.F. leader, said leading British public men expected the war would last from two to five years longer. He suggested that Canada restrict its consumption of concentrated goods so that more might be sent to Britain. LANDINGS IN PHILIPPINES TOKYO The Japanese fleet is reported to have been in action off Batan Peninsula of the Philippine Islands where fresh Japanese troops are said to have been landed. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hagen, who operate a sawmill at Copper River near Terrace, arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide this afternoon following a trip to Vancouver and will proceed ,tp the interior by the evening train, BLAME PUT ON LONDON Military Leaders at Home Responsible For Lack of Air Power in Far East, Menzies Asserts. CANBERRA, Jan. 16: Former Premier R. O. Menzies of Australia holds London military leaders responsible for present lack of air ower in the Far East theatre of war. Menzies says that Air Marshal Sir Robert Brooke-Popham, since removed as commander-in-ihief at Singapore, a year ago pointed out to the London authorities the need of more air power here. CONNAUGHT PASSES AT GREAT AGE Former Governor General Of Canada and Last Son Of Queen Victoria Dies LONDON, Jan. 16: The Duke of Connaught, who Was Governor General of Canada during part of the first Great War from 1911 to 1916, died this morning at his home at Bagshot Park in Surrey He passed peacefully away after Atkins, announced. The last surviving son of Queen Victoria, he was ninety-one years of age. His last official act was the inspection of two Canadian regiments In England two years ago. The career of the Duke of Con-naught and Strathearn spanned four generations of British royalty and touched five reigns. At the first of the many ceremonies of his long life his christeningthe same Duke of Wellington who conquered Napoleon Bonaporte held him in his arms as sponsor. The Infant prince was baptised "Arthur" in honor of the victor of Waterloo. The babe, born to a queen, on May 1, 1850, lived to see his elder brother become Edward VII, his nephew take the throne as George V and his great-nephews reign as Edward VIII and George VI. He was Queen Victoria's third son and the seventh of her nine children. To her he was always darling Arthur." Americans had several oppor tunities to see him at close range between October 14, 1911, and Oc tober 16, 1916 when he served as governor general of Canada, the first British prince to hold an overseas post of this calibre. 13:34 p.m. 23.7 ft. Low 7:40 am. 5.8 ft. 20:12 pjn. 0.2 ft. PRICE: ' FIVE CENTS British Open Offensive CLOSE ON HALFAYA Axis Forces Are in Danger of Being Trapped in Last Frontier Outpost. CAIRO, Jan. 16: British desert army forces are closing in on Halfaya Pass, last hold-out outpast of the Axis in the Libya -Egypt frontier area, and are threatening to entrap from 5,000 to 10,000 Axis troops. There is little change in the situation in the western Cirenaica HELPING TO HOLD SINGAPORE AUSSIES IN MALAY NOW Their Presence May Mean End of Defensive and Start of Offensive Tactics Singapore Attacked Again. NEW CONTACT MADE RANGOON, Jan. 16: W British combined headquarters announced tonight that British troops had "met" the Japanese on the Burma-Thailand frontier. SINGAPORE, Jan. 16: ..Australian troops are now in action j against the Japanese in Malay Peninsula after having been held for the past five weeks In reserve. This was made known here yesterday. The entry of the Australians will, it is hoped, mark a change from defensive rearguard fighting to offensive tactics against the enemy. The Singapore radio tells of plans for a "grand new offensive" by the Allies against the Japanese in a huge circle with Burma as the western segment. "A great concentration of nvan and air power will sweep aside all opposi tion," it is declared. Yesterday there was only light fighting due largely to weather conditions, recent rains having washed out roads and bridges to make operations and transport of equipment very difficult for both sides. Singapore was subjected again to a heavy air raid attempt but the enemy planes were driven off and UilU WrWW several were brought down. 1 ... - . . . 1 UW?4L waL -baW, rpnysiCTann-oruinary, sir JonnlKpWeen between the Celebes and Sumatra on the east of the Netherlands East Indies was subjected to a heavy enemy air attack yesterday. onoruy au ms :iiure utrBH Naturally Allies Have Been Heavier at Ottawa he made his only visit ,m Jhan Axls slnce War to tne unnea states, coming un officially and unaccredited to "see the sights of New York." He was accompanied by the duchess and their popular daughter "Princess Pat" and after several days in Manhattan went to Washington and called on President Taft. While the United States' later became accustomed to royal visitors, they were compartlvely rare In Continued on Page Two , MCARTHUR IS LAUDED Fight on Philippines "As Inspiring as Tobruk," Says Melbourne Newspaper. MELBOURNE, Jan. 16: The fight being waged on the Philip pine Islands against the Japanese Invaders is as Inspiring as To bruk," declares the Melbourne Herald newspaper. The delaying action there is proving of great value, the newspaper says. MALTA IS HEAVY HIT Never Before in History Have a Few Square Miles Taken Such Heavy Pounding. LONDON, Dec. 16: The great British naval and air base of Malta has been subjected to a pounding such as a few square miles never in history before sustained but it still survives to stand the principal stumbling block to the Axis powers In that Important theatre of war. Since the war began Malta has had 1285 air raid alarms, fourteen in the last twenty-four hours. SHIP LOSS ENORMOUS Began NEW YORK, Jan. 16: Allied shipping losses for the whole war to date have been three times those of the Axis, according to a compilation which takes into account only verified losses and not unconfirmed claims of either side. The Allies have lost nearly six million tons of naval and merch ant vessels in two and a quarter years of war and the Axis about two million tons. Of course, it should be taken into account that the Allies have a great many more ships at sea than the Axis powers which are,tp( 1, large extent bottled up. The year 1941 was the heaviest in losses owing to the destruction of several major war vessels on both sides. Sweden has been the heaviest loser among neutral nations 127 ships for a total of 300,000 tons. Local Temperature Maximum Mlninttun 19. 41. I ton IT