l"AOE BEX Expert OPTICAL SERVICE f"Y--vxrr Clias. Doriimcad I- I p!-' j ' Optometrist in Charee V ' Natch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR HASEMENT STORE Tur line China, Dinnerware, Classes, Itaggagc ami Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER .Jeweler Diamond Merchant' ' ij RUPERT PEOPLES STORE SA CHALLENGE LE NOW IN PROGRESS DRESSES COATS GLOVES SUITS PURSES LINGERIE SOCKEES GIRDLES MILLINERY SKIRTS RAINCOATS ULOUSES Special Values In Every Department WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S WEAR RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIKI) AVE. Next to Ilcilbroncr's Phone I5LUL' 907 Special Price for LADIES' and CENTS' NEW SPRING CLOTHING $27.50 and up. B. LAMB, Tailor I'honc lilack 787 302 Third Ave. W. TOYS and WHEEL GOODS We have just lercived a shipment of Children's Toys Automobiles, Wagons, Shoofly Kockers, JJaby Swinjs, Child's Rockers, Doll Convertible Carriages. Doll Prams, r,aby Walkers, Baby Harness, Iiaby Cribs. We have been advised from the manufacturer thai shipment of 12 FoWing ConvcrtaMe Iiaby Carriages have left the factory to us. CASIP ITUMTUIlE 24 only Folding Camp Cots, heavy 10 oz khaki duck covers h $3.75 and $7.00 24 only Foldng Camp Stools ith back rest. .... 75c and $1.50 6 only Folding Deck Chairs with full length arms, each S3 95 Dunnage Bags, Sleeping Bags, Pack Sacks, pack Boards, Tents, Blankets UNTAINTED FURNITURE Chest of Dracrs. Kitchen Table, Chairs. Medicine Cabinets Ceiling Dryers, Ironing Boards. Step Ladders, Stools. FLOOR COVERING Inlaid by the yard, 6 feet wide. Printed Linoleum, Fcltol. Uary & Stain. Rexoleum, Rugs and Carpets, Jaspe, Linoleums Con-goleuma, Feltol. Bary & stain, all sizes. We have the Goods at Elio's Furniture Store Third Avenue, next to Daily News. ' (;rcei ,,,G 5 BUY RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... at Your Local Rtilchers. NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT fa mmm CQLVymiA certainty of a vast spring offen sive by Hitler's desperate might. or power and machines in non essential production. THE DAILT NEWS WEDNESDAY APF i frl nnlnn U m f irv nl(h iim. I rtf f rnn tjtf Mnri.li A f I'll a 411111 111 it 11 IJ illlOffVl 11 i uuiuviiui vi Hlv liawv'l v w uil- iimumij 4 v w Ilnli;GnW r-lLwl l,. necessary debt. To do this, total j China, and Russia. Let us 3fe If we Continued from Page One) should depend only on -an make our best and most effective contribution. This. 'and' this lonc. should be the governing war planning requires the com plete national control of all our financial Institutions. "This Is a atopic's wr.r, and it In terms of our national Inter-' ,""1", adwua ' , . ""'"-"' e "P"1"1 est and that of our Allies in this struggle for existence and free- r f . Ptn nT' dom. It should be purely a ques- ,mmi .ion of strategy. The" in. tnlu L, now e n i 1 1 . . 1 1 j . 1 uiiutiii, Australia aim nrw now in other wotd. an, all-out effort requires the active par- consideration. If we can think In "!i",n ot alj J Z1" these terms we shall see that it is important to leave the govern iicniiriuy aim riiuiusmsiicttiiy. Industry must forego Its profits. cumulated ! must be plac- ment and Parliament free to act as the future developments of the war may demand. No one can foretell what may be the situation six months from now "The war has entered on Its most pritlc.il rwrirvl Thn oront to at uje service 01 uie nation without interest. Incomes must be restrlcted. and a national minimum standard of living assured in town and on the farms for all families. In order to maintain ef- cleiy and morale. These are es- Russian army is faced with the sential to the all-out war effort which wc insist must follow an Our brothers in Australia, New "'""""" " Aiuntwy. Zealand, and India are all In lm- "I want, to make it clsar. beyond mediate danger of invasion by tnc slighest chance of mlsunder Imperialist Japan. China is fight- standing, that we of the C.C.F. ing bravely and barely holding its wH not only continue but wll in-own. The sinkings of allied ship- tenstfy our demand for the coo- quality of their equlpmn t k . ,n mniatPrt u-Mih onM th. rinii These are. briefly, the facts of the institutions, on the same basts and nllttdt, '"d":,n - situation. If we are honest with at the same time as compulsory ourselves and refuse to be lulled mobilization of human power. To ?ly.L .ItTTlt,,' .rn ., V ', by false optimism, we will realize us the value of the plebiscite H'Jttl. TJ J ully the grave dangers which lie only in the opportunity it give r.X We hVC. " V '" immediately ahead. In such a sit- our people of clearing away the tedly as Canadians, proud of the the path to a total and Ju&t war s maximum pruuucuun an u iKiumn ui inc wnscnpiion Ol equality of sacrifice, which can manpower." (end quote, only be secured by conscription of , , . , rart ' rrob,cm vealth and war Industries." , "Unfortunately, thp majority of AH-Out Effort the members In Parliament voted "A complete all-out war effort against this amendment, and the essential to victory. This in- plebiscite therefore cover nnlv a volvcs a comprehensive planning small part of the vast problem of our economic life. Not only facing our country at th present must wc have the power to control time. But we shall continue to de-war Industries but such control mand the all-out war effort con-must be taken out of the hands talned in the amendment Just of dollar-a-year men who repres- quoted. I believe that In time ?nt monopoly Interests and placed events will force the authorities, in the hands or men and boards no matter how unwilling they may ttrV rv rnnrncnrtf iV nr-nnln nnrf a TP W n n n iu can find reason for this, ami fiom that learn the lesson whl-h miRht help us to appreciate the needs of the moment and Ue corrct Mlicies which could meet those needs. I reeat tonight what, in substance. I stated to Parliament on January M on this point. "In North Africa we have held our own because, so Mr. Churchill told us. we have concentrated most of our equipment there, and so at last a DritUh army meets in Axis force on nearly equal terms. The reason for the stubborn resistance of the Chinese Is that they fight for a China that had begun to make nrogrr towards a greater measure of economic security, more than old imperial China ever knew. "This. too. Is the secret of .Run ilan courage and Russian succi-s Whatever criticism we mUtht huve of their methods of fovemmeiu. (he Russian people believe flrm'y that they are fifth tins; to prcM rv' and extend those economic md ioclal advances which th-v ih r selves have made during '-he 1,1-1 twenty yean. That these advance-. have been real and nurw!'. i nefficient, the effectives- of th vide the tools to get on with an biasing our war error'., and i, ..,. ... . .. . . u i 4 vutic ui uui imhwu nwn.i u.iLiiiii .111 ill i, uii,-vrr 1 1. 1 r miuviuiuau iri iiiiiiTaui uiku cestry or language, must act unl- ment. Once that is cleaied away. ft I Iihi. C..... . i ... measure of freedom which our policy will be open. Wc shall ac- " Mi ' rrench and British forbears won cept an overwhelming and u-iited b",U reanl ,w" tadluf" for us and determined to preserve "Yes" vote next Monday as an- "r BuJ " wa j Dl'; ; .. . . ... ... v,. iit...M.i .w. lil- build new cities, new hor-.e.s. nnv ii ana cxicna u lor uie grcaicr uiujaura iuai. uic in-upic happiness of future Canadians, of Canada are anxious for a war Paplneau, McKenzie and Cana- policy which places all of the na- dlan pioneers of self-government tlons resources at the service of :f riiftrlo1 unltorl (nr frxv1rim l thl nntinn'S R1I1U uHthfllll nrn universities, new standard , . of life, while we did neither th: one n : the other. When the test came, there were century ago. Let us today prove fits, without special privilege, and no P1, mon)olle8' no, tT",il vested interests, contractors worthy of their pioneer efforts without the evils of monopoly I no Iv'and build an even greater unity control. I 1TT. and win an even greater freedom "This Is important not only for V" ""T: "7" "T "71(, -a freedom securely based on ec-! victory In the war but for the rc- VSfL TJZ T jnomlc security and social equal- construction problems which ,T , ln!'ort and bring her to the brink of Ity. (face us afterwards. The way ' .u. w. u ! ...ui.u i defeat. In a few weeks Russia was uue uie picoi&ciic lute uvtrii ""v uui cjiuiv uu uvtrii ur- dL?posed o:. the true Issues of ; gantzed today Is freezing and in-maxlmum production and equal i tensifylng the control of our na-sacrlflcc should be faced by Par- tional economy by the same small llamcnt. Thus far we have opcr-' group which was responsible for ated our war effort on the basl the years of depression and un-of business as usual. Wc have been employment before the war. producing automobiles and refrig- "It Is In this belief that on Jan- prators when we should have been I uary 20 V moved In Parliament, making tanks and guns .Only recently have serious restrictions on these commodities been imposed and even now wc 3tl!l employ too large a percentage of our lab on behalf of the C.C.P., that 'and I quote) "the forthcoming plcbli- geared for total war, with the full support of a people with a future to defend. "I say to you: Next Monday go to the polls and vote 'Yea' In the Dleblsclte. But don't atoo there. Oo forward from that first step to ward national unity to an effective compulsory mobtUsaUon o( all our resources for victory. Unitedly urn ran nhlva thim mj4 amI In ZZtt ,7 ,V! J"'""v can win on the battle front and ?,"?., ? ' conKVPR of win also on the home front We industries, accumula ed wa 1th mu4t wln var. Dut tx u wroa and finanetel instftutlons. at the . .Kn.hin. ,i . wl .. ...11 i r, 11 .In I.J . 11 j .1 i ,. ai our naitvuai ivuuiu.ii svaivu mc umc unu oh iuv same uiui make sure that we can win lasi monm, vvnai .anaaa nceas oi nacriuce as me susaesiea cx- the peace too. "Because of all this. I urge you to make every effort to get to the polls on Monday next and place your cross opposite the word Yes. BRITISH RASTER TRAVEL LONDON, April 32 Declining to authorize additional trains for Easter travel Minister of Transport Lord Leathers advised "Don't travel for pleasure at Baater have your rest but liave It where you are." CONFETTI FOR WAR LONDON, April 22 f -Under the rrcc to direct production for the posals even as they have been of conrettl on newly mariieTcoS natloial cfjrt without concern forced to Introduce measures of plea or a"Ze ebL U I m.nI for the Interests of Big 'Business, H social control which three years able offence Only In this way could every plant ago they would have shunned. . and every machine be fitted Into i have pointed out that the HE'S AN OI I) y) Its proper place in the national present situation Is most critical. Civilisation 'first 'learned of the plan of production. This must be During the past year there have gorilla through exploration of the " " "" uiiny. uie quanuiy ana uartnaglnlan Hanno In ISO DC. DON'T FAIL TO VOTE Nazi propaganda hat laid lhat Democracy it a failure, bul Democracy can work. MAKE IT WORK by voting al tht PltbitciU. ON APRIL 27th Your direct antwtr It wanted on the quetlion: "Are you in favour of releating the Government from any obligation ariting out of any patt commitment! restricting the methodi of raiting men for military service?'! . There it ample time lo'voto on thit quettionl , -ti- Polls open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Daylight Saving Time lltutd uxitr tutkurili Dipl. itki Siatvy uf Stall, (Mltw Pt . 1 "f TOPPERS BACK WITH A $W CLAMOR GHOST! TOPPlRS.SU '.R SilOOPIR with a nw eileplaunk ploy-mo? . . . wKqI hjn oi iKoy mot a mifthouol out ol a mytltry . end a modhoute out of a murdtrl j fft jK iseseses i u. J ' vbb iewr.T"-M r i HZ7 ivrrisjf JOAN BtOHDElt ROUND YOUNG BIUJE BURKE EDDIE (ROCHESTER) ANDERSON Nhr nur (.w uxwj emit oiun Wri XUCCO UnU Mm Kftctis ky JOT Da RUTH n un u'. l 4 i : 38 7 4i. 8 52 EXTRA IVming Parade prrsrnlt "main st os ran: MARCH" WORLD NEWS TODAY AND Ul ' SUU C.iii.i 4 tSMOUt tlSTIII IHUtll JUST OUT -JUST IN Read Them for 75c per Month COLUMJIU8 URIUK OF OLORY ....j ... ..." w UK1FOKM OF OLORY PIIXAR8 OP OOLD .. . r A LEAF IK TUB WOHM . . Lin rij'iwu N -niB WIND FAYE8 FOLLY FHKNCHMAN-S CHKKK TUB IVORY MISCHIEF . THE BODY IN THE LIURARY DRAOON SEED . I'IRD I'H'BR SOMBTIMI38 WRINO IS LATH SPENCER DRADB M. I). I LONELY PARADE MARION ALIVE ORIENTAL DIVISION 02 The SECRET WEAPON i du m Join Our Rental Library For InteiMlIn ltcaillnt all throuuli (lie Yc r RENTAL LIRRARY SECTION Zl-Hour Service at Regular Rstee win eMaeMvsltd When Yuii Want Reliable, Comfortable. Dependable TAXI Service PHONE 1 3 Wanted -Raw Furs Kcprcscniinir HUDSON'S KAY COMPANY Snlptcrj, K.-QUMIIHM, Cow Ray, Prince Rupert, C . rhonjM ooooooooooooaoaoooiioooaooooooooooooodooooooAoooeeofl For Quick, Safe ant! Comfortable TAXI SKKVICh PHONE 235 " AilJ illllll .irtlMI DoanoaaoaoooDoooQoooooQoanooooooooooooQOOOooooooooB-