PAGE FOTO HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Capt. T. D RXU.; D nu sure touches the spot cold days! and wow! is it good! The 102nd Auxiliary wish to announce that their DANCE on Feb. 27 has bfen r hanged to MARCH 2 in the ODDFELLOWS' HALL. savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Bex 5H FRASER STREET Trlnce Rupert Household Furnishings of All Descriptions! STOVES, COMPLETE ENAMEL REDS, COUCHES, CHESTERFIELDS, OIL RURNER KITCHEN RANGE just like new. B. C. Furniture Co. '; PHONE BLACK 321 Special Offer in . . . MEN'S SUITS Our Extra Pair of Pants Free continues until further notice. M. T. LEE - Tailor P.O. Box 975 Phone Or. 9K0 ANNOUNCEMENT We are glad to announce that we are now adding a SHOE REPAIRING DEPARTMENT at our shop, with Mr. Charlie W. Yatt In full charge. As Charlie has many years' experience In the trade he knows how to rebuild your shoe right. Let him do it for you. WE ALSO CARRY. DRESS SHOES AND WORKING BOOTS. LING - TAILOR Sixth Street Phone 619 Suits Pressed by Steam While You Walt. DRESSMAKER Mrs. Nakatanl Ladles' and Children's Alterations Phone Bill. 529, 522 Fulton St. Satisfaction Guaranteed Clenninc and Pressing ! Ben Valde Is Being Moved nanny. . a n. u. King. : T my -y.- ' city; Jesse R. CQfIi Ogar,. A1U.J . 1 I ft U J 11,w file ( lfrv P. D. CrocLrr. Terrccr. Mis. M.W' ViV Hansen and Mrs. R. S. Hjran West Plains, Mo.; Jean Popovitch VaWe, roadmaster for the Copper City; B. C. Mjlburn. Van- i -afcatilan National Railways at couver; George. W. G. Clark. Prince IIMT 3ums Lake, has been appointed '"ngtsevr at Prince Rupert Dry Dock. A. 1 1. Peterson, yard fore-Taw At Prince Rupert, will be icting roarimnster at Bums Lake. Tea anil Sale At St. Peter's :ic essful Affair Held by Evenin; Rranrh of Women's Auxiliary. A successful tea and sale of home cooking was. held last we cy ine Evening Branch of ;ic Women's Auxiliary of St. Peter . 1 .n;.:;can Church, Seal Cove. a ie Pfir i-i, v Maily iaaes ' a.i-j I... .4 the afternoon lo ext r-c the.r patronage to the affair. i There was opening prayer by Canon W. F. Rashbrook who gave Ian interesting talk on the significance of the veil and handker-'chifT in Biblical times, j Mrs. Wilfrid McLean, president I of the Evening Branch, was In 'general charge of the tea and also acted as cashier. In charge of the handkerchief stall, which was attractively desolated In patriotic colors of red, white and blue with a "V" for victory emblem, 'was In eharge of Mr. J. O. Allen. Mrs. Alex Barbe was in charge of t e home cooking table. M s. Eric Hart was convener of tne tea room, being assisted by Mrs. Aiex Strachan, Mrs. Henry Skinner and Mrs. G. Thomas. fitinvuticemetttA All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. , Moose Ladles' I Odd fellows' Hall, Presbyterian Tea. Mitchell. Feb. 19. Dance, Feb. 18, Mrs. George Oddfellows' Fortnightly Scotch Dance, Feb. 21. Admission 50c. 1 freshmen ts. S.O.N. Masquerade, February 20. Yrrdens' P)ay, Feb. 27. Welsh Tea, Mrs. East. Feb. 23. Armstrong 5th j 102nd Auxiliary Dance, Oddfcl-I lows' Hall, March 2. Anjlican Jumble Sale, March 12. S.O.N. Dance March 13. St. Patrick's Tea, Catholic Hall, March 17. 8.O.N. Dance March 27. L.O.B.A. Spring Sale, April 8. St. Peter's Spring Sale, April 23. AH Canadian Union Amalgamated Building Workers of Canada Prince Rupert, B.C., Unit No. 1 MEETINGS i-vcry fourth Sunday, 3:30 p.m., of Each Month. METROPOLE HALL Phone Red 169 P.O. Box 577 Mrs. G. Mitchells, 333 Fifth Ave E. tomorrow See Oordon it Anderson for February furniture specials. 10 down naiance over 12 months. Rev. C A. Wright, pastor of First Baptist Church, will be the speaker at tomorrow's weekly luncheon of the Prince RuDcri uoiary i;iud. Dr. C. II. Hanklnson of this cltv has received word that his bro ther, Delroy Hanklnson. servins with, the United States Naw. has Deen killed in action in United States waters. - Victory Loan salesmen gathered at luncheon yesterday to discuss i the progress of the campaign and exchange hints. Col. J. W. Nlch-olls, unit chairman, was In the chair. Much enthusiasm was displayed, confidence being expressed for an early accomplishment of the quota. Major John Simon, secretary of the Victoria branch of the Institute of International Affairs, arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert today from the south to address an open meeting tonight under the auspices of the Women's Canadian Club. Major Simon will return south on the Prince Rupert Thursday night. Mrs. Doualas Sutherland vhn has been on a trip to Vancouver,; returned to the city from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Harold Ifolkestad and Her-dis wish to express their heartfelt thanks for the many expressions of sympathy and for the many beautiful floral tributes extended to them In their recent sad bereavement. Those sending flow ers were: From your loving Mother and Sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ivarsen. Mr. and Mrs. H. Grindst.mri mH Freda, Otto Jerstad and family. Mrs. Wick, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Amer, Mr. and Mrs. Sandvar, Mr. and Mrs. N. Luth, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hansen and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. Knutson and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mork and family, Mr. and Mrs. Holkestad and family. Mrs. MJchaelson, Mr. and Mrs. Slmonsen, Ruth and Lillian, E. Peterson and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnson and Johnny, Mr. and Mrs. H. Antonsen and family. Irene, Yvonne and Susla Knutson, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Knutson, Mr. and Mrs. John Murvold, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lanerldge ahd family. Mr. and Mrs. Warren, Olga, Slgna and Irene. WHAT ALL AT ONCE? The unaided human eye can s?e about 6,000 stars. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 THE DAILY NEWS 'WEDNESDAY F LOCAL MEWS NOTES Dont forget Presbyterian tea A All painters are invited to a tend an open Meeting in Carpenters' Hall. Thursday. 8 p.m Addressed by Organizer Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. Otto Young, who have been on a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south, returned to the etty on the Prince Rupert this morning. Mrs. A. XL Dowther. who has been on a business trio to Van couver, returned to the cRy from the south on the Prince Ritpett this morning. Mr. and Mrs. E. Kenney and son arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver, where Mr. Kennev has been attending the session of the legislature in his capacity as mem ber for Skeena, and will proceed by this evening's train to thlr home at Terrace. Mrs. Frank St Amour returned to the city on the Prince Ruprt this morning from a trip to Varu couver. Also eominc north was her nephew, Jack Sargeant, Vancouver barrister, who has not been well of late and will proceed to Hazelton to pay a visit with hi.s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Sar geant. Engagement The engagement is announced of Janet Ada, daughter of Mrs. James Arthur Brown and the late James Arthur Brown, J. P. of Prince Rupert and Port Ewlngton B. C. to Mr. Carrimtton Edward tTed Blyth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carrlngton Wilson Blyth of 47W Sixth Ave. West. Vancouver. B.C The marriage will take place Saturday. February 2 in St. Helen's Anglican Church at 8 p.m. Timely Recipes RAKING POWDER BISCUITS 2 cups sifted flour 2 teaspoons double-acting bak ing powder 4 tablespoons butter or other shortening teaspoon salt 2-3 cup milk about) Sift flour once. meaurt, add baking powder and salt, and atft again. Cut In shortening; add milk gradually until soft dough to formed. Roll Vi-lnch thick on slightly floured board. Cut with floured biscuit cutter. Bake in hot oven (450 degrees F., 12 to 15 minutes. Makes 12 biscuits. Miss Mary Macfie Married Tuesday Well Known Local Girl Becomes Bride of Sergeant Fred Peacam Of The Royal Canadian Air Force The marriage took place at the deanery, Fourth Avenue East, yesterday morning of Miss Mary Cos-grave Macfie, daughter of Mrs. Helen Macfie, Thompson Street, to Sergeant Fred Redvers Pcagam R. C. A. F.,: from Sunimcrberry, Saskatchewan. The bridesmaid was Miss Lorna K. Richmond R. N. and the groomsman, Flight Sergeant Larry Hardy of Toronto. Following the ceremony a recep tion was held at the bride's home. The couple will reside In Prince Rupert. SAVE GAS SAVE TIRES TUNE-UP for peak motor Do not race or motor needlessly. idle Align wheels . . . Equalize brakes . . . Keep tjres changed around for equal wear, and check air pressure regularly. Rupert Motors PHONE mi, Distributor- of Chrysler Piotlucts EMERGENCY NIGHT SERVICE PHONE RED KM Catholic Shrove Tuesday Tea and Sale Is Enjoyed The Catholic Ladles' Aid hejd a delightful and successful Shrove Tuesday tea and sale of home cooking' at th home of Mrs. D. Zarelli. GuetU were received by Mrs. J. L. Blaln, president of the Ladies' Aid. and Mrs. Zarelli. Mrs. C. P. Balamo and Mrs. E J. Fitzpatrlck were at the tea table which was centred with lovely daffodils and white tapers. Servlteurs were Mrs. L. ColussI, Mrs. O. Vlereck, Mrs. Coverdale and Mrs. Fortune. The home eeoktnx was in charge of Mrs. L. Amadio and Mrs. L. Do iron and the refreshments were In the hands of Mrs. 11. Dolron and Mrs Dominate. Mrs. A. Smith was cashier. A cuahion. donated by Mrs 11 F. Glassey. was raffled and won by Mrs. G. Vlereck with ticket No. 83. CUssiFltD FOR SALE FOR SALE- Large stock of d jM3 In all slaes with complete Id tings; 250 windows; 3 was'i basins with fittings; two-nrh soil pip and large stock of iron pipe. Phone Black Ml. B. C Furniture. ,tf, FOR SALE A few bundfes of old newspapers, cheap. Apply Dii'v News. It(! HOUSE FOR SALE -$1000 cash: $1200 terms. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue Hast. 145, WANTED MEN WANTED Skilled and imi. skilled shipyard workers, lncludl.:? puucia, nreuen ana shipwrights, also unskilled laborers Apply Government Employment Office, Prince Rupert. i42 WANTED Capable young woman, experienced preferred, tn boarding house. Must be neat and fast worker. Apply Box 204, Dally News. WANTED CapabJc housekeeper for small family. Sleep :n. Good wages. Phone Red 879. WANTED Light baby pram In good condition. Phone Black 020. H, POSITION WANTED STENOGRAPHER, Typing and Shorthand, desires steady position. Apply Box 209, Dally News. ll) LOST LOST Sum of money between Cold Storage and Seal Cove Air Base. Reward. Phone Dally News. PERSONAL NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A GOVERNMENT JOD as Clerk, Postman, Customs clerk, Steno, etc. Six Dominion-wide exams held since the war began. Free Booklet. M. C. C. Schools, Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest in Canada. No Agent. CANADIAN MERCURY Mercury is nrodueed in n . mrui uaKP area of northern B.C J. Bouzek, TAILOR LADIES' and GENTS' Best Materials, Workmanship Second Ave., two doors from Broadcasting Station STANLEYW.COLTON D C Ph C CHIROPRACTOR WaHafe Block Phone 610 pBlBtnKa3BIISXIXiaBlSii Trappers! Bring your furs to me. Prices have gone up 15. Tho.-,o same buyers from Cow B.iy Pay 307,, more for goods if Im there and you will art a square deal, when shin-Ping furs we wire money on receipt of goods. G0LDIIL00M "The Old Reliable" I TEA Guest No. 1; Oranre Pekoe b COFFEE Koban No. 1; Vacuum Parked , PEAS Royal City; No. 5 Sieve Jj TOMATOES Royal Cltyt larte Uir 2 fr 2 PICKLES Happy Vale; Sweet .MU fl h J J HANDSLICK Hand Cle.ner JELL0 Aborted ITavors 3 for 25 PUREX Bathroom Tlnuc; iec lie 3 fcr 25 VINEGAR Helm. White; Quart l,f ea(3j) KETCHUP ..: ...nil, s, 21 TOMATO JUICE cu,t-, c., .2 DILL STRIPS 25 Ubb,'. 2 os. J,r SOUPS 3 2S1 Helm Aimrted: 10 01. tlte fcr SOAP 19 Palmollye. Giant Site f TWO DELIVERIES DAILY AT 10 30 A M, AM) T-.titt Mussallem's Economy Sin "Where Dollars Have More CcnlC V. O. BOX 575 MONKS 1113! 00000000000000000000000000000000 acoo;:: g For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI OTT O O I PHONE 235 g DAY AND NIGHT Doooooa 0000000000000000 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCIIM FEBRUARY CLEARANCE SALE RroKen lines in Ladies' Strap. Tics and Pumps. To clear $1.95 "Onyx" short and broken lines Kcx $8.50 and $J.OO values $4.95 Family shoe store li! The Home of Good Shoes" Wanted -- Raw Furs iiifiiirsi MARKET riticrs r. KeprcscntiiiB-HunsoN'S RAY COMPAQ MHP to J. E. ORMIIEIM. Cow Bay, prnce Rupert C When You Want Pep""1 a a Reliable, uruaDie, Comfortable, uomioriaDic, 1AXI Service PHONE 13 . ZMlour 8ervlee at Regular Ratei a Start the Year ftlrht it. ! Saying Our COUPONS $ for Useful Household T Items. '5 a" ihi,anl,et.u ePian this plan to you MUSSALLEM'S J Economy Si,,-. S "Who,, Do,,, , MWJ f NEW ROW HOTtL . in nrnnrltW HOME" Rates 75c 50 Rooms Hot Prince RuixJ ... ..1 r.- 4 none 401