FRIDAY. FEBRUARY PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS SHOES FOR WOMEN PLIO I'EDIC AND JULIA ARTHUR Hartt Shoes for Men Jack and Jill Shoes for Children Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published" Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING -EDITOR Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau -of Circulations SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates In City Per Year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; One Week, 12c. Out-of-Town Subscribers by Mail, $3.00 a Year. MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN' PRESS The Canadian Press la exclusively entitled to use lor publication of all new despatches credited to It or to the Associated Press In this paper and also the local news puoiisnea uierem. All rights ol republication of special despatches therein are also reeerred DAILY EDITION Buying Victory Bonds FRIDAY. FEB. 6, 1942 If anybody thinks he will be giving anything away, doing any one else a greater favor than himself or per forming any great patriotic duty in buying Victory Bonds when the forthcoming loan goes on the market he would do well to get such ideas out of his head immediately. Much the opposite of giving anything away in purchasing Victory Bonds, the buyer is changing one form of security his dollar bills into another even better and more profitable and practically as liquid. Rather than doing some one else a favor, he is doing a practical thing on his own behalf in helping to provide the wherewithal whereby his home, his family, his way of living and possibly his own life may be saved. Contrary to performing any patriotic duty, he is doing something in his own best interests saving himself and saving his future security, monetarily as well as physically. Getting the forthcoming Victory Loan to the public, as we see it, should not be a matter of salesmanship but a problem of equitable distribution. There should not have to be any begging people to buy Victory Bonds. Sales resistance should be at a minimum this time although, of course, some fifth column propaganda and good old red herrings may, as usual, be encountered. To of investing, even though it might involve some financial readjustments, Victory Bonds should be something to ibe sought after rather than to be sold on. When the time comes to put the Victory Bonds out. we would suggest that those who propagandize and nlace them consider themselves more .as distributors of something that is good and necessary for the people rather than straight high pressure salesmen out to make a showing. Certainly we expect Prince Rupert will make a great and spontaneous response to the Second Victory Loan a response that will be .actuated by a sense of common sense and good business and personal wellbeing rather than from any particular motive of great patriotism ,or national duty. Xhe thought also occurs to us again that, if we do not lend our money to win the war, the government can and most certainly will find ways of getting our money from us without any undertaking of return with a .good rate of interest. He who fails to do all he possibly can in this matter of Victory Bonds is. an enemy to himself and his country the fifth columnry and the red herrings notwithstanding. If there are things that we do not like about the .way the war is being run, making it more difficult yet to run it, as failure to lend our money on Victory Bonds would be, is neither the appropriate or the effective ,wav of showing our disapproval. When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable Iff PHONE 13 24-Hour Service at Regular Rates Letter Box CEILING .PRICES Editor, Daily News: Ronald Kenvyn, our Held representative, under which office all publicity Is handled, has referred , to us a copy of your editorial or January 20. We believe that you will appreciate having your attention' directed to a point in the -editorial referred to on which we believe there may be some misunderstanding. We refer to the second paragraph of your editorial, in which you say: The government, acting supT posedly on behalf of the customer, nas pegged prices for many groceries but has not set the price at which the goods can be purchased rom the wholesalers, nor has it set the price the wholesale grocer must Day the manufacturer. This leaves the whole situation very jnsettled." You apparently have the impres sion that the prices charged by manufacturers and the prices charged by wholesalers are not un- J der control. This is not the situ-aion. We enclose copy of P.C.8527 and would respectfully draw your attention to Section 3, l)-7). You will note that in all instances the regulations specifically, state that they cover any and all persons selling or supplying, or of fering to sell or supply, any goods or services, and we might add that the regulations definitely do apply to manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers alike. It is true that all businesses have encountered certain conditions through the natural lag that results from an upward trend of prices such as we have been ex periencing for some months. This may make it difficult In some cases for those in business to re place stocks upon which they had established their basic prices at costs which will show them a reasonable profit, because their selling prices were established on costs of merchandise bought prior to the basic period. In such instances, means are being provided to en- able those laboring undtr this amount of time, we are sure that they will be cleared up just as rapidly as possible. W. R. DOWREY. Prices and Supply Representative Age Plate, for British Columbia. SPORT CHAT conditions for the King's Toronto turf classic, were changed four years ago. The race was restricted to three and four-year old horses. Previously only two-year olds were barred. Dave Castilloux, present Canadian welterweight and lightweight boxing champion, gained a 10-round decision over Charlie. Gomer of Baltimore at Toronto two years ago. It was the Baltimore fighter's the thrifty and the thoughtful people who have the means flrst defeat in 20 nnts Frenchy Belanger, Toronto flyweight, lost his world title to Frankle Genaro in a 10-round fight at Toronto 14 years ago. BOWLING iSeal Cove No. i and Medical Corps j ,n Tie at Top of Standing. Seal Cove No. 1 scored a cirp.n sweep -mree games to rui victory last night In -Inter-Services Bowling League over Dry 'Dock and, as a .result, Ls leading with Medical Corps in the third quarter Other scores last night were as follows: Medical Corps, 2; Signals, 1. Scottish -No. 1, 2; Seal Cove No., 1. Area Headquarters, 2; Engineers, 1. Navy, 3; Scottish No. 2, 0. The individual scoring was as follows: Medical -Corps 1 Robinson 164 Richard 132 Weston 135 Glaken 207 Buckley 259 Handicap 133 Totals 1030 Signal Corps 1 Yelland 147 Bruck 180 Gilbert 154 Cote Ill Brown 164 Handicap 55 Totals 811 Scottish No. 1 1 Tisdall J215 Reid 176 Baker 126 Mclntyre 136 Glassford 189 Handicap 76 Totals 918 Seal Cove 1 Stevens 165 Smith 139 Beatty 206 Benton 172 Bilton 135 Handicap 101 Totals 918 Seal Cove -No. 1 1 Drake 177 White 174 Learn 159 Crapper 150 handicap to obtain relief, and Copp 232 while these adjustments require.' Handicap .89 considerable study and a certain 95 152 145 138 132 133 795 3 162 215 172 103 132 133 917 3 153 153 139 13P 184 184 141 141 Totals J81 .1067 1071 Dry Dock 1 2 Thompson 154 167 Cherry 141 157 LInney 145 216 Carr 121 175 Hetherington 163 98 Handicap 64 64 Totals .. .n 788 -877 Area Headquarters 1 Z Wick 177 182 Tully 122 237 .Sumner 266 178 Purdon 95 159 King 164 216 Handicap 48 48 Totals .872 1020 Engineers 1 Rucketts 155 Prior 179 Taylor :166 Redfern 119 Johnston 171 Handicap 137 Totals 927 Scottish No. 2 1 Reide .114 Clark 162 OUara 166 Sheridan .161 Low Score 124 Handicap .73 Totals 800 Navy 1 iCundy ,246 (Underwood ,124 .Cymbal .192 Noble 138 MacLean 316 'Fuller ! Handicap 98 Totals j The league 2 152 155 158 112 206 137 920 2 157 130 161 133 176 43 800 .2 .202 199 201 179 176 68 LADIES' BOWLING Schedule for Third Session of Play Announced. 3 160 167 196 180 137 61 901 Schedule for the third session of the :Ladies' Bowling League is announced as follows: iFeb. 10 Optimists vs. Annette; Big Sisters vs. Savoy Swingers; Lucky Strike vs. Pioneers; Rangers vs. Stylettes; Bluebirds vs. Knox HoteL j Feb. 17 Stylettes vs. Big fais-j ters; Bluebirds vs. Lucky Strikes; I Annette's vs. Rangers; Optimists I vs. Pioneers. Feb. 24 Rangers vs. Bluebirds: Knox Hotel vs. Annette's; Savoy 3 200 187 201 228 177 43 1041 3 141 160 235 144 142 137 1058 3 163 203 119 Swingers vs. Optimists; Big Sisters vs. Pioneers; Stylettes vs. Lucky Strikes. March 3 Lucky Strikes vs. Big Sisters; Pioneers vs. Rangers; Op timists vs. Knox Hotel; Stylettes vs. Bluebirds; Annette's vs. Savoj Swingers. March 10 Optimists vs. Bluebirds: Stylettes vs. Savoy Swing ers; Pioneers vs. Annette's; Lucky Strikes vs. Knox Hotel; Rangers 185 !vs- Big Sisters. 184 i March 17 Lucky Strikes vs. Sa-193 vy Swingers; Pioneers vs. Blue-125 ! birds; Knox Hotel vs. Big Slaters; 155 148 ; Optimists vs. Rangers; Stylettes 55 55 vs. Annette's. 897 820 March 24 Rangers vs. Knox 2 3 Hotel: Big Sisters vs. Annette's: 224 131 Optimists vs. Lucky Strikes; Sa- 176 207ivoy Swingers vs. Bluebirds; Pio- 155 158 neers vs. Stylettes. 186 121 March 31 Savoy Swingers vs. 181 112 .Pioneers; Lucky Strikes vs. Rang- 76 76ers: Knox Hotel vs. Stylettes; Big 998 803, Sisters vs. Optimists; Annette's vs. 2 3 Bluebirds. 140 167 ! 188 200 , 155 151 i 281 172 1 85 106 101 101 950 897 2 3 194 149 144 163 186 244 202 247 252 179 89 89 173 1 112 71' 816 3 112 493 305 220 217 68 1114 1025 1115 standing for the BRIDGE RESULTS C.X.K.A.. 'Ramblers and Drv Winners Iast Night. Dotk Prince Rupert Bridge League results last night were as follows: Grotto, 8940; C.N.R.A.. 10420. Belmont Hotel. 8900; Ramblers. 11760. Cowboys vs. Pipefitters, postponed. Prince Rupert Dairy, 5090; Dry Dock, 8330. For Against Pts. Grotto 39690 34630 39690 Ramblers 37520 35950 37520 ON.R.A 35000 36C30 3500C Belmont Hotel 33910 38050 33910 Dry Dock 33360 28360 33380 P. R. Dairy 31920 35090 31920 Coyboys 27970 26670 27970 Pipefitters 20770 26400 20770 third quarter to date Is as follows: Won Lost Pts. Seal Cove No. 1 5 15 Medical Corps 5 15 Navy 4 2 4 Engineers 4 2 4 Scottish No. 1 4 2 4 Area Headquarters .... 3 3 3 Signals 1 5 1 Seal Cove No. 2 15 1 Dry Dock 0 3 0 Scottish No. 2 0 3 0 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19 Notice To Motorists Rupert Motors wish to announce the appointment of Alf Dahlherg as shop foreman. Alf .is a first class automobile mechanic himself and under his careful supervision we feel sure that our mechanical services will be efficiently and promptly rendered. For Emergency JMight Service Call Red 811 Rupert Motors PHONE 566 mm ee lot ...A HP new-Fr'u m - mm mm m u u ' ' i i HbtA WW J U H fll HlBL a mmU M -mm mmC u ' T. r IH IHk M fM MM ISJ M f.Tmt iH mar X' " J Y. 'W' This advertisement is not published or displayed t Control Board or bv the Government of Br t ,b f January Weather Early Gardeners Getting Spadinf Done Although There Are Still Some Snowdrifts TERRACE. Feb. 6: Very mild weather prevailed through most of January In Terrace. Here and there might have been observed an enthusiastic gardener taking the opportunity to get his spading done. There are, however, still some old snowdrifts which will lie around until they are buried under a fall of soft spring snow ill Timely Recipes CREAM OF LIMA BEAN SOUP 1 cup dried lima beans 3 cups water 2 tablespoons minced onion 1 stalk celery 1 tablespoon butter or other fat 2 cups milk Salt pepper and any other desired seasoning. Soak lima beans In water overnight. Add onion and celery and soak until soft. This takes from to 3;4 of an hour. Heat milk in double boiler, add ibutter, at. 'and celery thro ... add to the hot m Mild At Terrace ""lrra r ' pepper and any other seasoning j desired. Force the beans, onlcns i Toronto, 3; Dctn... tie). Boston. 1: Race: Chicago. 4 C ...3 V W9M 152.30 53.50; rZMfek Dismtur co un 1 1MtN tHWCTI A. MacKenzie Furniture blackout. PHONE 77." U.A GOOD PLACE ,TO BUY 300 WINDOW BLINDS d inches by G feet; color green; perfect February Sale price, each 99c ... ,-iiiii ivrNu the X Store, the MIDWAY GROCERY at the Lower Corner nf Rivtli Avp. and AmbW is Now Completed and Open for Uusincss. Our prices are right, our service uneuualled. Visit our strf settle your Grocery problem. PHONE I5LUE 2R3. ' O ! A A A. if.AA A A A A J. j 1 . U.AAAAtTT' it is Really ttvttv r T VV V VT V'r V V V VTT - - Keep in a Good Stock of TELKWA OR ALIiERTA The Best Quality Coal is Needed at a Time LikeW I Albert & McCaffery Ltd. PiinvFR ii nn 117