PADS FOUR f Expert OPTICAL SERVICE BUY . . . Cn.S. DODDIEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch. Clock. Jewelry X Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Stylish Stout Or Pleasingly Plump! They're not just empty words if you buy at the Peoples Store. 6 Large size or stout women lcurn by experience that it pays to shop at our store. Experienced saleswomen will assist you to select from choice stocks of sizes up to 52. Figure-Flattering Coats . . . Dresses . . . Lingerie and Accessories. Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE ",nJhe ,,eart of Prince Rupert" iiiiniJ Afc. i-r. Next to Heilbt oner's PHONE BLUE 907 Pocket Books Inc. We are pleased to announce our appointment as local agents for POCKET BOOKS Sold in Canada from Coast to Coast at This popular series will, no doubt, prove very acceptable and we invite you to come in and see the wide range of titles nationally advertised recognized everywhere for highest quality at a low price, 39c each. Latest titles will be added as soon as released by the publishersr Pocket Books, Inc. RUPERT BRAND C I OOl NO WASTE e riiiets ... at Your Local Butchers. READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT fa jjf BRITISH COLUMBIA ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. Sports Active Despite Emergencies and Other Activities. Notwithstanding emerg e n c I c s. the month of January was a good ; one for sports among the services! here. SaVS thp mnnthlv rnnrt nf C. F. Leslie. Y.M OA. war services organizer at Prince Rupert. Area boxing and basketball elimination tournaments to decide representatives to compete for district championships were a feature. During the month the second quarter of inter-services bowling was fin- r isnea with Area Headquarters tak- tog the honors. In non-athletic Barnes ping-pong was me most popular. Social events such as dances and Sunday night entertainments draw large audiences. Three religious services were also held in the hut where for two nights some 120 men were temporarily housed during an emer gency. With the ever-increasing activ ity of the Y.M.C.A. war services here, a supervisor especially for the forts Barrett. Frederick. Dun- das and Charles will be arriving nere early this month. ' In addition to the army, air I; force and navy men have also jbeen making use of the facilities jltof the Y.M.OA. hut. I ! Reporting for activities with the I air force, A. A. Shipp reports that f I it has been impossible so far to ji move into the new recreation hali J I at Seal Cove and, consequently, ! ( activity in sports there have had to be somewhat curtailed. At Allford Bay air station, six teams have been competing in a volleyball league and a schedule has been drawn up for a seven-team basketball league. Unfavorable weather conditions at three week-ends ruled out basketball invasions of Prince Rupert. Bad minton has been a most popular game at Aliford Bay( ping-pong being played as well. Sports for the Scottish detachment at All-ford have paralleled those of the air force. PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN Various Events Planned to Concentrate Public Interest on Second Victory Loan. To focus public attention on the forthcoming Second Victory Loan campaign in Prince Rupert, a number of special events and fea tures are bein clude concerts, parades, rad 1 n speeches, radio play, quiz contetts, moving picture THE DAILY NEWS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6. District News KINCOLITH Terrace Legion ELECTION "fy"5 Herbert Haldane is President Of Body Which Governs Sports And Social Activities governs social and sports activi ties to a large measure in the Naas River village, has elected officers for the year 1942 with Herbert Haldane as president and Francis Watts as vice-president. George Clayton was in the chair at the annual meeting and twenty-four members were present. The complete list of officers and committees is as follows: Honorary President, Herbert Doolan sr. Honorary Vice-President, Edward Haines. President, Herbert Haldane. Vice-President, Francis Watts. Secretary, William T. Vain. Clerk, BenjaminG. Clayton. General Managers. John Stewart and Rufus Sutto. Treasurer, Matthew Stewart. Basketball Manager, Arthur Gurney. Basketball Captains Peter Stewart (seniors), Douglas Venn intermediates t, Benjamin G. Clayton and Louis Stewart (Juniors). Football Manager, William T. Vain. Football Referee, Charles Barton. Football Captains, Samuel Doolan and Ralph Clayton. Basketball Coach, Herbert Doolan. Basketball Referee, Ralph Clayton. Baseball and Softball Manager, Ralph Clayton. Baseball Captains, Christopher Trimble and Herbert S. Doolan Jr. Softball Captains, Morris Haldane and William Lincoln. Umpire, Abel Angus. Tracy Captain, Arthur Gurney. Shield Committees Christopher Trimble, Ralph Clayton, Abel Angus and Charles Barton. Hall Keepers. Moses Aksidan and Benjamin G. Clayton. Building Directors, Edward Haines, James Stewart, John Haldane and Arthur Nelson Jr. Orchestra Directors, John Moore and George Clayton. Social Committee Edward Nelson, chairman, Louis Stewart, Clarcn:e Barton. Ronald Stewart Reuben Morgan, Chester Benson, publicity committee which u-a5 in' Hector Gurney. Sidney Morrison session last night under the chair manship of W. F. Stone. The publicity procram will in Neil and Sidney Alexander. Sports Committee Cecil Barton, chairman. Arthur Stewart, Arthur ourney. James Stewart. Georse displays, church Bolton- Richard Watts. John Hal- services and. as far as nossihip demonstrations by the armed for- :es including, if it can be arran?- ed, dropping of leaflets over the city by aircraft. The first concert will be on Feb ruary 15, Sunday evening, in the Capitol Theatre, the talent, tu hp furnished entirely by the military-services. C. F. Leslie is making arrangements for the concert. There will be a bond raffle in con nection with loge seat sale. The radio play is beine arranced by Bruce Stevens. Radio speakers i evenings wih niuuae ol. J. W. Nicholis, W. R. McAfee, '. H. Linzey, G. L. Rorie, R. M. ATinslow, Alfred Rivett, J. H. Myr-wang, Mrs. J. A. Teng and othtis. I There will also be moving picture displays on appropriate sub- 1 jects for pupils of the schools. j The Victory Loan dug-out this year will be on the post office ' grounds. The Victory Loan parade Is tentatively set for the afternoon of .Saturday, Feb. 14. Other publicity will be arrang ed as the campaign proceeds dur ing the two weeks starting Feb. 16. Merchants are being asked to decorate appropriately. Those present at the publicity committee meeting were W. F. Stone, Col. J. W. Nicholis. C. F. Leslie, Mrs. J. A. Teng, G. A. Hunter, Lome Agget and C. F. Leslie. TRAINS For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 p.m. 1 From the East ! Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 11 pjn. . vviiiiaju olcvers unfirioc Morrison. Fred nest Angus. ror common ordinary tore throat Stewart and Er Burnaby Rosery Company R.R. No. 2, New Westminster Offer for Sale Through Their Agent, MRS. SMITH FLOWER SHOP Brooksbank BIk., Third Ave. Rose Rushes Perennials Ornamentals, etc. Mrs. Smith has prices and samples. All orders individually mossed and tagged. ORDER NOW! I Hnnuai meeting TERRACE. Feb. 6: The Women's Auxiliary of the Canadian KINCOUTH. Feo. 6:-The Sons dA TiL..0" nf Kinrnliih nrfrnnlTfitlrvn whtoh i - - .. tine business, the. following mem- Ders were eieciea as oiiicers ior the coming year: President. Mrs. G. J. Fagan. Vice-President, Mrs. Warner. Secretary, Mrs. Herbert. A vote of thanks to the retiring officers was carried before the meeting dispersed. Terrace Red Cross Busy Galloping Teas" Are Popular-Social at Catholic Hall TERRACE, Feb. 6: Red Cross activities are being carried on steadily in Terrace. A number of small social events have had the effect of contributing to the funds necessary for Red Cross work. me latest things lo:ally have been some "galloping teas" to which each person brings a quar ter. On Wednesday evening there was a card party and social evening at the Catholic Hall, the proceeds of which are to be turned over to the Red Cross. Terrace Legion Elects Officers M. Dubeau Is Named President For Coming Year Plan Erection Of Building TERRACE, Feb. 6: The Canadian Legion, at a well attended meeting on Wednesday, re-elected officers ,ward for the year. These are: President, M. Dubeau. Secretary, F. O. Herbert. Treasurer, J. B. Agar. Preparations for the erection of a building to serve both as a meeting place for the Terrace members and as an army hut' which may be used for the entertainment of visiting soldiers, were got under way by the aDDoIntment Lof a rommlttce to studv rnsts and other particulars. IN 1IIK M I'll KM K rOUlT nt'lllllTIMI i m i jiism i I'Hoiim; 111 llic .Matter of (lie "AilmliiMratlon Ad" And In the Matter of the KMate of Jorum .HieiHl.en Oclreuaril (Otherwise known at Joseph s. Oilplant) ileceawd. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE tihoj hni t ru. Honor. W. E. FWier. mad on the 28th day of January, A. D. 1942, I wju np-Po'.ntad AdnMntotratior nr t.h. .t,t jJoren Svnuhen Odjard fotfeerwise kn-wn as Joseph s. Odrgaard) deoenMxl and all parttw having clalma aaiiW the ald estate are hereby required to furnlxh name. nr-niiv vritiA . on or bf,rore the 29m day of February AX). 1942. and all parties Indebted to the eU-e are required to pay the amwnt rf tiidr indebtedness to me forhv h DATED at Prknce Rupert, B. C. thU 28th rin.v r.f .Umibwu a r. iajh j . . j . , iv. I NORMAN A. WATT Official Admtnlnt.ra.tor. Prince Rupert. B.C. IN IIIK M 1-ltKMK ( (M KT OF IlltlTISIl i m.l .MIIIA IX I'KOIIATi: In the Matter r the "AilmliiMratlon Art" Anil In the Matter of the IMate of John Unlit Fraser, Iteieaseil TAKE NOTICE ht by Order of HI-. Honor w. E. Pher. made In the 2flth day Of J&nuiirv A n iojo t Pointed Executor of the efltate of John Tr. dooeased, and all parties liavlnx claims azalnt ,ih m r, are hereby required to furntah same" properly verified, to me on or before tomh nay or March. A. D. 1B42 and all partite Indebted to the estate lTflllrBd to Pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. ATED Prince Rupert, B. C, thH JWU day of January, A. D. 1942 . MELVIN McKAY STEVEN8 Prince Rupert. B.C. Executor $. For Your VALENTINE CARDS f go to the I VARIETY STORE f J. H. BULGER Optometrist i (OPPf)SITP PACT niTiPrt TODAY AND SATURDAY (1:36. 3:35. 5 34. 7 36, 9:36 Added Donald Duck (Gets the Hook) in "Orphan's Benefit' NEWS - NOVELTY Complete Showj 1:05. 3 04 5 03 705, 9 05 Port Simpson Y.P.E.A. Names New Officers PORT SIMPSON, Feb. 6: The Young People's Educational Association of Port Simpson has elected officers for the year as fl-lows: Grand President, Charles Dudo- Grand Vice-President. Thomas Hir ths n(4 COLE PORTER Son Hitsl 'Since I Kiss. a u Biby Coodbvi' 0N,HAndY,t '0rem Dancing 'Shootin Th Works for Uncle Sim' 'The Wedding CiteWitk' 'Jiie Boo jit Bircirolli' WW W ' I 1 II. IB 'IS i X -V. nTTTB ' -j"T-in.r I inn Gosnell. I President. Ailre i W I First ViccPrcs.cK 0; ny. Second Virr p ,;: Sankey. Third Vicc-Prt id; : Bryant. Secretary. Henrv McKs: Treasurer, Hcrbr Bra: Curator, Charle- M R . . DAILY NEWS WANT ADS RESULTS. PHONS B REMINDING YOU.... that a Complete and First-Class AUTOMOHILE MAIXTO ANCE AND KKI'AIU SERVICE U available to all at Natiw -Motor fccrvicc. The shop is well equipped to handle all classc3 ci wsrk t: i personally conducted by Colin" MUler. who ha devote is mcume oi service to the motoring public. National Motor Service Wanted -Raw Furs ni(.iii:sr MAKKET PKICES PAID Representing -HUDSON'S RAY COMPANY .Shin in I v niMiiipiii . .. ... ili .,. w.v.Mur.i.u, tuff ay, rnnce Kupcrt, rnoni- l 1 TVT i l T" ' 1 Stcaincrs Leave Prince Rupert "lu"BU4Jr 31 Pm. for Ketchikan and Stewart. TU. . . . . .mi.Nuujs at n:i5 p.m. Vancouver. for Ocean Falls, I'owell Kiver Winter Excursion Fare, Vancouver and Return 2Q A A Tickets w on sale oan; Nov. ilvV. 15th. i!)4i IJtl.. ' 15 aii a m u m. m r Plus Tax 1042. Final return limit Marc taitt. & Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Gi'uO pm Air-Condltioned Sleeping and Dining Oars For full information, reservations, etc., call o write R. S. GREIG, CITY PASSENGER AGENT 528 Third Avenue i.hone 2G0 rrjnce RuP - Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines II FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE Outstanding Vnlnc n.u ..... ... . r,nv'Mi - -a ..a.j uur slore anij you- ue V oi xnese Uarpaias. 3-Piecc Chesterfield Suite February Sale February Sale 6-Piece Dinette Suites n February sale 69.00 ano 11. ( Elio's FurnihirA Store THIRD AVENUE ..hpfRT. KUPEBl' K PRINCE