kr tl Uquot Control Bcfd cy Ox GfrwMit J Biil CJAu HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert K. B. Carruthers. Port Barrett; R. Lowen, city; Mrs. Maude Hamlin and Mrs. Dean Hamlin, Juneau; V. H. Donaldson, SaatUe; Cpl. and Mrs. G. J. Fagan aud George Little. Terrace; Ross A. Barons. Vancouver; R. . poiroii Petterson, Winnipeg; Mrs. J. A. LaBrfche. Hazelton; C. V. Syrnes. Smithers; Mrs. J. Bugyinka, pacific; A. S. Rodseth. Central Dr. O. Fiddes. Port Simpson M. Johnson, Ocean Falls; V. Long. Smithers; II. Nicholson, N. Pearson, A. Cook and R. Douglas. Vancouver; J. Rosson. Red Deer: F. Taylor and A. Bendicksen, city; H. W. Hazel Prince Albert. tfhHcuncemeh tJ All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Anglican Jumble Sale, Marcn 12. S.O.N. Dance March 13. St. Patrick's Tea, Catholic Hal), March 17. . Presbyterian,. Tea, -Mrs. Lakle's. March 19. Little Norway Ted," Mrs. Munthe's. March 19. S.O.N. Dance March 27. Queen Mary Tea, Mrs. Parkin, April 6. L.O.B.A. Spring Sale, April 8. St. Peter's Spring Sale. April 23. REFUND Sons of Norway Meeting, Social Organiier C Borhaven Present at Gathering of Loral Lodge Last Evening. a. - chair and Organizer C. Bor- rl:e ; charge g?.t.UiH:H Don't Worry Over KIDDIES' Use BUCKlEY'SStainless WHITE RUB . Wk.. I LI J a dieit cold don't get pankfcy, (& Do a tfcovsondi of mortwff fVif J-T- l. ftiV with Juck'.y't SlolnUu WM tub. This mow . whit. iiaMtM, non-groiy Rub- 1. tumtraHt 9utfm. 1 ClMfeln K.OI m4 vorit.l qvcfcOf. Kn.lons tit boj rcii Covg mi T.OllMr. MfM Uidwc votrivl vw, OrwHmf lack two S7it lie a4 Sit. WCKUT'S SIAINUU WMIU RUIIS WC (I Ht HAKtli Of lUCdEVS MIXTUlf CANADA'S I ' -r,(SJ SOUNG COUCH AND COlD HMID1. IX THE M I'lsr.MK f (U'KT Or IIK1TIMI cot.t.Mim ix risnimt: In thr Matter of thr "AdmlniMratlon .Ul tra! In Ihf Mailer of thr IMatr ofi TAKE NOTICE Uukt toy Letters of AdmtnMraUon iMUed out of the Supreme Oour of British Columbia on tfcp 2&Wi day of FNnry A. D. IW. I cp!K4iU(! AtlmiqUitrtor of tfce p--. Uie amount of their IndebtediuM to me forthwith and aU penions harln claim aefUnst th Eatait are required to 1 Vm vtUx me Fmperjy verified oo or before tfe I5i day of April 1942. DATED at Ffince Rupert. BC. Uil 27 Oi day of FetjruAry 19-U. 5.0HUA.X A WATT QTflcUl AdtnlnUtratar Prince Rupert, B.C. The Government of The Province of British Columbia Mr. T. V. Medforth, whose husband U In the military service here, sailed on the Prince Rupert last night for Vancouver. Following a business meetln? , ..... , . wth Prudent Nels Ounderson In Ltlll" tPll AiiS flirt uuouicn itiu .nv clty. having arrived on last, nights tra,n from the ,nterior- tendance, members of the local of Norway Lodge enjoyed tlbWoal Jhn Haldane. Indian refreshments were served and aj drunkenness, was fined $15. Timely Recipes CUP CUSTAKD for with in P,ice court icstor The prize winners in whist were:' laule." lirst, Mrs. Husoy; iecontl.i J Mrs. Jerstad; third. Mrs. C. Dah-, . ,, The residence cMll of Capt. E. Sandl-m c,., lie; men's first. S. Bazeley; sec-j pio. Anp- thirri t'im. s0". fnnerly of this city and nw delde. Nels Ounderson was master ofj option of seven days' lmprlson- k( of. Vancouver, has been purchased by Mrs. John McQrelsh. ceremonies and the committee in ...... ..... nnnsUtPrf nf Mrs Chi is . . - advertising offer, one 8x10 colour- I cd tone 011 regular S3.95 3 portrait, Tam Mrs. Knut Slatta. T. MrvnM Murvold and'. .... . . . . uiam Aune. Mf Ryan CommerclaI noteli after 7, at 676. Dr. Stanley Colton, accompanied , by Miss Alice Friesen. sailed last attend a session of' or. the Prince Rupert fortlon annuai J0ung people's Vancouver where they will Stay .councils In Vancouver, a naitu tne next few months on ac-1 consisting of Mrs. E. D. Brunsden. t ounT of Dr. Col'ou health. jMrs. J. Vllkle. Mis Mary Pierce n h -1 1 f I.. -llAt. OnMtH.H ..It. J - 1 x 4I.M i last night on the Prince Rupert for the pouth. Mrs. Brunsden and j Mrs. Wtlkle wlll spend three or four weeks holidaying in the south while Miss Pierce-and MUs Swn- son will be back next Friday. . 1 quart fresh rich milk 6 ounces corn syrup or honey 6 eggs Prepare as for custard pie, set I In pan of hot water and bake till tne custara is set. A variety of custards can be made by adding chocolate, nut, orange, almond or lemon extracts. Serve cold with star of whipped Aonle MorrlMMi llutf. lirrvl-r kmiHn -PT,r- cream in centre an Anna iiufr. i.mi. "Grouchy Husbands" ws. known aa Ann Duff. Orceased. antj na wlvec mav ay he SUIlerlnB suffering from lrom te -lfe of the lat Wln Duff of . pn. nuswrt. p c. An pbpi in. j aggravating bowel gas, sour stonv- t2f -' ia Ktfatc are wniiiw to i ach or headache. ran.vH hv xruvlU of constipation. Try ADLERIKA. It effectively blends 5 carminatives for relief of gas pains, and 3 laxatives for gentle, quick bowel action. Your druggist has ADLERIKA, At Your Drug Store PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA S OF YH WAGE DED UCTIONS Forms are now available at any Provincial Government Office or Chartered Bank in the Province on which to make application for refund of 1 wape deductions made by employers from the wages of their employees during the six months period from Jan-uary 1 to June 30, 1941. Application must be made on or before June 30, 1942, and filed with the Commissioner of Income Tax, Victoria, or the Pro-vincial Assessor for the District in which the applicant resides; and no refund of such 1 wage deductions will bo made in respect of applications filed after that date except to members of His Majesty's Armed Forces on Active Service. Victoria, B.C. C. B. PETERSON, Commissioner of Income Tax. THE DaTEY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES A Youth Committee whist drive. Saturday. March S pjn. Commercial Hotel. 1 5) Three new tnembeN were admitted to Queen MMf Chapter. Imperial Order Daughters of '.he Empire, at the regalar monthly meeting held at the teme of Mrs. J. R. Oarr, Burden Stmt. Mrs M M. Lamb convened a Ibower (or personal property bags for bombed-out area.s. Plans were made for the Easter sale to be 'held at the home of Mrs A. T. Parkin. Borden Street Bu.smess otherwise was of a rau':'.".o nature. Railway Manager Is Visitor Here It. Devenish in City Today in Course of Western Inspection Tour. W. R. Demdsh, general of the western region of Canadian National Railways .with headquarters in Winnipeg, arrived i In the city on the Prince Oeorje this morning from Vancouver in the course of a western inspection tour and will proceed east by this evening's train. Coming north with bin) wasG A McMillan, manager oi the prinre Rupert dry dock, to pay one of his periodical ; visits to the local shipbu : 'ing plant Mr. Devenish had no .statement to make other than that war ac tivity was keeping t h e increasingly busy. CUisiFlEO FOR SALE FOR SALE House and furnish ings, earning good revenue. Owner's equity may be purchased for small amount of cash Enquire Phone Blue 805. i&gi FOR SALB- Furniture; 336 aixth Street ESist. '57' FOR 'SALS Doat "Dundas." length 33 ft., fully equipped halibut gear. Snap for cash. 1141 Beach Place. i56i FOR SALE A few bundles of old newspapers, cheap. Apply Dally News. tf FOR SALE 1 Chesterfield chair iSteeuiexi new; 1 Oeneral Electric radio; 1 dining room buffet; 1 clothes cabinet. Apply Annette Ladies' Wear. 530 Third Ave. W., phone 847. tf) FOR SALE Door with complete fittings; large stock ef windows and large stock of iron pipe. . extra heavy steam pipe up to . 4-inch. Phone Buck 324. B. C. Furniture, Third Ave. WANTED W ANTED Local experienced truck driver knowing delivery route. Mussallem's Economy Store. tfi HOUSEKEEPER for small family; room, board and good wages in pleasant home. Phone Red 870. worker. Appry Box 210 News. (55) 1 ROOM AND BOARD for men shar- UtoBw'Phon Blue 805 - ROOAMANOBOARD for two men, wlllrftf tb share a room. Apply: Box 218, Dally News. tf ) ! TIfNDERs7N T'rrKiT"" 1 SEALED TENDER8. marked "Ten ders for Church," will be received by the undersigned op to March 15, 1942, for the purchase of Lot 33, Block 29, Section c (the former Lutheran Church . For '.further particulars apply to John D.ybhavn, 315 Third Ave " .. '57t Oddities In Mathematics Diverting Discourse by Dr. Neal .At. Carter at (ivro Cjub Luncheon Dr. Neal M. Carter, dtafctor of the Prince Rupert FUbrn. Bn- pertanenUl Station, showed proclivities as a mathematical wisatd and gave the Prince Rupert Gyro Club .some diverting entertainment of novel character at luncheon Wednesday when he took "Probabilities" as the subject of a luncheon discourse. Using a chart, he first showed the probabilities of certain piaytng card combina tions and occurrences. Then he traced the development of the pi ratio in geometry. Some mathematical tricks proved particularly interesting Among certain strange facts Dr. Carter jevealed was one that the thirteenth of a month had been found to be more likely to fall on a Flday than on any uther day and that, if the birth days of twenty -three persons were selected at random, the ltkehhood was that those or si least two would fall on the same day of the month. Dr. Carter !. referred to certain udhirrnrrs ot Nature to, mathema lra! laws. Oeorge L Rorle. president of the club, was in t hr rhair at the luncheon and !.. : H o Kennedy Was a c ix tut: mi-ki mi: roi umr mtiTioii (OI1MIIU IX I'ltOllUK In the Mitt.r of Ihr Ailmlnilrallan Ait And In the Mallrt i.f tlie l-lule ol Jiiuli mrr. Imnwil TAKE NOTICE Uiaa bf Order of Hla ILmit J iU.- Vus iUtJ Sr 4M day of rOf ...r M I appotntad Ad- ra""1sjUe MKate nl i! ; Jvi auer I tarmarty of Alice Am: B-r .ji OMun- '.a. mtwr v. ri .i , ,;. . ir mlut the Ti.M day ns Vi.ruar 1 s4i An perimM j '.auri cloinia anuuU u il atat ,.r Wore Much Slat 104 property ml-and. all ayaaane indatHod to the I ti amount oi the lodaMedixiM ftJrchwmi I DATED at PrtaAe Ilupert. B C Urn i.VM u ,4 Pnoruary A D 1S43 NORMAN A WATT OfflotaJ AdniiiiMtraUir Prtnre H(ir! B C J.H. BULGER M T T Optometrist (OPPOSITE POST OFFICE) t DRESSMAKER Mrs. Nakatanl Ladles' and Children's Alterations Phone Illk. 529, 522 Fulton SL Satisfaction Guaranteed Cleaninc and Prelnr All Canadian Union Amalgamated Iluilding Workers of Canada Prince Rupert, B.C., Unit No. 1 iM E E TINGS Every fourth Sunday, 2:J0 , p.m., of Each Month. METROPOLIS HALL Phone Red 4C9 P.O. Rox 577 TWO COTTAGES FOR SALE. Large Public Hall For Rent. CENTRAL HOTEL It For Full Line of ? 1 T . ADTinriif n niirrnn T YOUNO Couple looklr for a!t rtlUiriUAL rLUllLIYJ I hnUKi or nnartmpnt fitmlaHosI rr 1 4. (I,,- ivin.ln... T unfurnished. Willing to pay $25-1? $30 monthly. Steady Dry ANNOUNCEMENT We are glad to announce that we are now addinr a SHOE REPAIRING DEPARTMENT at our shop, with Mr. Charlie W, Vatt In full charte. As Charlie has many years ex. periencc In the trade lie knows how lo rebuild your ioe right. Let him do It for you. WE ALSO CARRY DRE8S SHOES ANO WORKINO ROOTS. LING - TAILOR Sixth Street Phone .619 Suits Pressed by Steam While You Walt, VAHIETV RTniM? 1 DoclC444, j miiy (55) HOARD AND ROOM v WHY CONTROL WAGES AND PRICES? To hemt MkftQD jr. ft tt iivtw 8 BALANCED ECONOMY J9I4- 4 tot m. iiisi , S MIX t A 1011 f alirmf c ... """ ' V9U .. . TX--, I rum in . m I n i '""w I mo b sat is IU1.NCT -i USED FURNITURE HKACll AI.L-LNAMI.l.KU KANnK-fltwv. Burner Rradv lor itse SINOI H Si:UIN(i .M.tCIUM. Like new WALNUT LIVINfi ItUO.M TAItl.t-at AXMINSTIilt Ut'C A.N.MIX STOVI fltUd with -; at MONAitcii it.N(;i-for burning OOii or waterfront included 11AHV CItllt SO. M.ULSTK j THINK THIS OVER ...... ltAl(M at O at lOl.DIMi CONVLRTlllLi: CAUKIAOI-at M'uci: ciir.sTi:itru:i.t) siiiti- r - - 3'SF.CTION HOOK. Srj;,i KITCIIl.N T.tBLt CASK t at I itriATA 'mpcvi n iv i a, : ' CONTROL IS A HARDSHIP, x INFLATION WOULD BE RUIH Mi- IJUV NOW SAVE .MONEY AT Elio's Furniture Store Tlllltl) AVENl'E if in- riio.N'c (itn?' If the Nazis or Japs ever occupied Canad do you imagine you'd Ikj Riven the honoc and privilege of buying any Kind of lloniv You would not! Then go all out todefnt the enemy with your moneyand Buy the new VICTORY BONDS Albert & McCaffery Ltd. PHONES 116 OR 111 i a na tr . v-t . li sb ww sa r mm - mm am . ii mj m aa mm mm in rii mm, m mr- m s n "A (loon rucr to ijn 15 RUPERTIA Spring-Filled MATTHM Over 400 coll springs with cotton pafidi 29 vcntlluted border; each 8 ACE Spring. Filled MATTRESSES U,. A good mattress "lO PHONE 77.". lsnlj:ijTsnBiiBnBH3 Trappers: Brine vour furs to me Trices on all furs have Rone up 20 Mink down 10-; . Those same buyers from Cow Ray will pay 30' more if j am there and you will act a square deal. When shipping furs we wire money on receipt of Roods. C.OLDBLOOM "The Old Reliable" i j i Mr. sn li i .f , a , ai mp a t i third NEW RO? HOTEL j, zar..::i IW A IIOMEAffAT HOME" ... 1 Bl 50 Room. M Prince BBptrl rboncZii When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, P'P""1 TAXI Service puhmf 11 ZMlour Service at Regular Rl" If ou ipso anything, advertise for