KM tasssssssssssssw" i h jtmtr. 3 not published or displayed' by th Liquor BcanT ar b? V Oovernment of Brit wh Columbia A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. , A OOOf PLACK TO HUT Cedar Chests Beautifully flnlhrd with Walnut Inlaid Veneers with Copprr Band, protection azainut moth All at different prleei. riioxi: ::3 327 3rd at. Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific REGULAR STEAMER SERVICE To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports; also to Ketchikan, Wran-ffcn, Juneau and Skajjway IK.tct Cunnrtliotusl Viwrnmr with Can4ia TitUt Srir I f..irniati(Hi. Tickets and Reservations from W I, COATLS, Grnrral Atrnt, I'rinre Rupert, AC. FURNITURE r,c ri Suites, Dinette Suites. Bedroom Suites. Cedar T' i Wagons. Living Room TablM, Coffee Tabiea, End Radio ItebhM. Oaaaleal Chain. Smoking Stands, Clothes Mirrors, Medicine Cabinets. FLOOR COVERING 4 Llnolenm. Inlaid Linoleum, Printed Linoleum, Rexo-l rum. Congoleum Rugs an sizes, Seamleaa Axmlnster u.i jusea, Underfelt Carpets, Nonsllp Bath MaU. and T. M.its. ItKDDINa ' D'.inkels. Orey Blankets. White Blanketa, Bedthrows, Com-r h. nllle Bedspreads. SheeU. Pillows. Window- Shades. a WHITE WOOD FURNITURE T Drawers. Iiook Shelves. Ilali Tree. Mailt Tables. Step L i lcier 8tool. Folding Steps, Step Udder, Ceiling Dryers, lining Boards. Sleeve Boards. Chairs, Durtern K ?( tien Tables. Dropleaf Table. CAMP FURNITURE - Camp Ceta, Folding Chairs. 6x8 Tent. Pack Sacks. Pack 7 Yukon Htdefdewn, Steeping Robes. Mountaineer Down-3 r;ecpinR Robes, inkers' Sleeping Bags (wool fllledh WE HAVE THE GOODS Elio's Furniture Store TI1IHI) AVF.NIIi; Nest to Dally News CLEARANCE tt Broken Lines in Green 916 Spectator Pumps Tan and White, Black and White, and Blue and White. Elasticized. Regular $5.G0. To clear $3.95 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes" Miss Marie Lock, daughter of Fire Chief and Mr. H. T. Lock, sailed yesterday morning for Victoria. Rev. W. S. Cooper of Greenvttie on the Naa River tailed Saturday niht for a trip to Vancouver. L. W. Patenore K.O, after a brief txuiiMM visit to the elty, 1 sailing tonight on Ma return to Victoria. Percy Leopold, inspector tor Wartime ItoiMtac here, left at the jbuslnegg. 1 Mrs. B. Christiansen awd MIm BHt GkrisssMMen. are ALL THE TIME Members LB.OiP. No. n St ReteeKah Lodge No. n. Saelnl evening Taen at r LLPxa. Masters' Mends and sejourn-Hjng members cordially Invited. IT tm Vancouver cMy paliee have Pi I I JtrANKITt. I? "U I were to try to say how much I like Pacific Milk I probably wouldn't make myself clear. "Sd I'll just say It this way: I use Pacific Milk all the tinie."-Mlas W. P. That's very good. Thank you. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Parked ITarVTBIITITHKHTBrsl IT TU l" savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P,0. Box 511 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT OOVF.KNMKNT I.IQI'OR ACT" (Seat km 28) .Vol Ire of Apillr(ln for Conn-nt Trannfrr of lfr LH-em-e Natk 1 lwTty svn tht on tt la lOOh d of SrjrtfinUxT, A D. 1042. Ur unamHiDfti tolwKta to apply to Hit Liquor Control inira ror wmimmk to Innlrr of Bfr LJimwr n. ouu. m uk) in rnat of prrmtoo being part of th prcmtocB known ti Corn- nvprrhil Ifcutw Mte t w corner mmt AvNMle tund EWrhtii Strwt. tn mu rnr of rrwvt itinx-n. ituiiikt ui nnw.h nnluil. iwon vnf iniraa arts ,.r,iwi m Lota Thlrtwn (IS) and Puur tMi (14) la Blop Nto (9) SnrMon o,.. m Mao 938. IHtice Rujwrt Laud Rti.tnvtim Dlntriot, Irotn Alexander PrurtJwimme of Prlnee Bper. Brrtlnh iMlmnblo, to Prtnce ltatel Limited, the Tr.uii'f'e DMTCD .t Prlnfe Rivpert BO . tli , Srd diy of Auut AD. 1942. PRLNCE HOTEL LliUTED THE D'AILY NEWS lUll 7AOS TWP? E3 8 LOCAL NEWS NOTES , Mj s Robert Brasell left yesterday , n; i i.i!i? lor a trip to Vancouver. j Douglas Frizzell returad to the city yesterday morning from a trip to Wraneell and Juneau. latter part of teat week tor a trip to Vancouver. Major William Kerr of the Salvation Army Is sailing temorrox afternoon on JiU return to Vancouver after a ten day visit here. ! Mrs. J. Mather and daughter. Mlsi A. Mather, are leaving to morrow night for their home a : Sandspit, Queen Charlotte Inland J Charles Lite, who has been chif ; accountant here for the Elliott contracting concern, left Saturday night on hi return to Seattle. Mr. and Mn. O. C. Young and j farafly tailed Saturday night for Vancouver to take up residence LfoUowtng-the removal of the Pa cific Fisheries Experimental Stamen from here. Miss Nancy Bremner, after ! spending a two weeks' leave here he? parentt, Mr. and Mrs Robert St. Clair, diaUkt forester, j John Bremnee, Fifth Avenue East left at the end of the week for a leave by this evening's train to trip to Ocean Falls on official nmane her dfetses wkh the Rova! Canadian Air Force in Ottawa. SPECIAL MEETING Local 180 U.AP. is S. & Ma sine leavini tomarrow fettt for Queen Fitters, AT. of L. Carpenters' Hall. Char) Ate City. 8 pin. Monday. Aug. 17 lor the I purpose of hearing general or- Mrs. P. C. MUlei and dauabtcj. ptnteer John W. Bsuce of Tomato. M3ss Betty MOtor. left yesterday for All members of sister locate are a trip to Vanconver and Victoria, requested to attend. . Mr. MUter is afready in fee smith and will be returning wish them. R. WILSON, Secretory. 190 thhcuhcementJ All advertisements in tn f column will be charged for a full month at 25e a word ftntked the psovfcMtal pells neee to United Rummage Sale at Dollar fendeavor to get In touch with Store. August 29. Ihlm V4UteB KeMh to adte of the death In Vancouver of . Little Norway Tea. Sept. 12. his his wife. Mrs. Alice Georgia Keith, j - . visit of a few days to the city, left vsterday morning on their return n to Vancouver. Mr Slark. who was formerly In tsie tonglng lndiHtry. jjjj now represents a Vancouver rtfriip'-ment concern. a I Ray Park aeonneent Montreal net denier, said A. W. ArtlndMe. who Is Identified with the same business in -Vancouver, were visitors In the city Thursday afternoon to ttoe course of a round trip north from Vancouver. oa?Bnrr.iiiiiiiiiiiiirBii -Build H.C. Payrolls- PYKEX Ovenware and Flameware of all types at the Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY rilONE 657 1 VARIETY STORE Jj a t s i i i i m-oj n. sv su k -' iHHr I-ilms Developed and Printed 35c, any size Up to 8 exposures Enlargement Coupon with every roll Reprints 4c each Professional Work, Fast Service Enclose coin with roll and J mall to: J MEYERS STUDIOS 812 Granville St. Vancouver J. M. S. Loubser D.O. B-A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 610 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, PR01-. A Home Away From Home" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot is Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19 COUPONS are still available with each cash purchase In our store. We would appreciate to have new customers drop In and let us espial this gift plan to them. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Pan f ; r.u. iioz 073 rnonei in-is DRUG? i- GET THEM FROM YOUR DRUGGIST VAiTKI) MIS CUs S I F 1 1 0 B.C. FOR SALE FOR SALE Axmlnater Rug 4V by 1Vz' 1 dresser, armchair. Box! 332. Dally Sews. U92t j HOUSE for sale or rent. 4 rooms, 7 acres gvwnd. On main highway, I 1 mUe from post office, store ; and station. Write James Ma lien. . Hazelton, B.C. 201) FOR SALE Good Cheer heater j or coek stove. Phone Black 127. i itft ! I IFOR SALE in Hazelton, house and1 1 barn with five, lots; good well.! Apply to H. Denno, Ocean Falls, (192) FOR SALE' Secondhand cook stove. 743 Alfred Street 19D ! i WANTED Grocery store clerk, experience preferred. Gamg wage. Midway Grocery, Blue 265. tfi FOR SALE One Loyed Loom fold ing pram. Phone Black 257. KITCHEN 685. RANGE Cheap. Black (190) WANTED To buy used washing machine. Phone Green 880. f 192 WANTED Roam far quiet youn? couple. House-keeping room preferred. Box 332. Dally News. (192i WiVTm TV Kntr fnr nAslh nlAslR- ure launch of cabin cruiser type. Mj 2ff to 36'. Box 331 Dallv News. iSs ' 1191 WANTS Men witsi shipyard con nections to sell special sickness and accident poHey to shipyard employees, etc. All accidents and every known disease covered. Low rates, highest commission. Apply, The Maccabees, Rogers Building. Vancouver. B.C. 192 WANTED Smart salesgirl for dry goods store, experience prefer-red. Apply P.O. Box 68. 192 GIRL wanted with some store ex-perlence. Apply B.C. Clothiers. (tf 1 WANTED Experienced stenog-. rapher competent In typing. Shorthand desirable but not essential. City position and good wages. State full particulars in first letter. Box 329 Daily News. , (1901 WANTED Teacher for the Omln- eca School. Rose Lake. B.C. Salary $950.00. Apply at once to E. T. Mould, Secretary. Omineca School Board of Trustees, Rose Lake P. O., B.C. 197 WANTED Male bookkeeper, mili tary exempt, preferably with experience. Lindsay's Cartage and Storage. W WANTED Blacksmith, general 225 1st Ave. E. Phone Red 884. H90 WANTED Girl as bookkeeper, good salary. Apply J. Gurvlch. (190) YOUTH wants room, will share. Cecil Phone Blue 988. (190) GIRL wanted at Central News. Apply between 8 and 10 pjn. (tf) LOST LOST--Female malemute puppy, j approximately 4 months, brown with black rings around eyes. Phone Blue 278. (190) LOST Black leather pocketbook, containing registration card, drivers licence, and money, on Saturday night Finder please leave at Dally News. (191) THERMOS BOTTLES Due to shortages and priorities our supply of GENUINE THERMOS BOTTLES was stopped. We are pleased to say we have just received a new shipment and can now fill your requirements. Genuine Thermos Bottles, 15 oz. $1.25 Lunch Kits 90c Pass Holders (spaces for & cards) 75c Pocket Purses (with zippers) 75c & $1.50 Ormes lid. yft Jhonecr Druc&tsts THE. K EXAM. STOKE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Daily from t a.m. till 10 pjn. Sondays and Holidays from 12 - 2 p-m. and 7-9 p.m. FOR YOUR READING ENJOYMENT JOIN OUR RENTAL LIBRARY All the Latest and Best Popular .friction hj i i j. t nr..4.. u:,(. Ss and Biographical Novels rri .i D.l.n nAAnA nMll 0 inirty iew ouuiva uuucu cvcij uiuuui v Read all you want . . . One book at a time for only m 75c Per Month Change your book whenever you like No other charge JOIN NOW Rental Library Section VirsrsmmrsmrBfSjmmrsmiBmrSA MAKE YOUR EARNINGS PERMANENT Against Hazards of Bombing and Other Disabilities Through the Largest Organization of Its kind In the World .... The Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association will guarantee to pay yon from $50.00 to $200.00 monthly for as long as your earnings stop due- to- sickness or accident and will pay it continually from one day to the end of life. Bombing and war hazard disability at no extra cost. 24-hour complete coverage on or off the Job. Additional benefits for hospitalization. Age limits men 18-69, women 18-55. Find out If you can qualify to take advantage of this remarkable offer. You are not obligated. Fill out the coupon today It will bring you complete details. OVER 100 MILLIONS PAID IN CLAIMS Put In the Mall NOW This Offer for a limited time only 0X 549 c-o Dally News, Prince Rupert, B.C. Name Address- Home Occupation