f PROVINCIAL I 'is 1 Hocal Temperature Tomorrow (Standard Time) sT ides 'V High 5:15 ajn. 17.2 feet 17:39 pjrr. 19.1 feet Low ' 11:26 a.m. 6.2 feet Mlr.-TSU.T NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1942 PRICE- FIVE CENTS Russ-British Alliance Confirmed 3 smut! Ei5 l4i 3 111 MP1 Pr IfV Speaks- HEALS OF .C.F. ARE PUT FORTH 3( amrron t rges Deve lopment War Incentive and Ural Post-War Man h of the social at rue -!.f re might be a bet-V,r the winning of I establishment of i while for those .'turn to alter the :: uld be principal dv tared Colin Cam-..n. Co-operative Fed-: r of the Legislative! BMish Columbia for ,) f In Print Rup-.ht during a brief o'i his way back I.wnd after having' n j' national con-1 mo Mr. Cameron Oddfellow' Hall be-which numbered rrd peraom. O. W. i d gs chairman. . .: said Mr. Cam-, . today ww bck-hr war. 8oclallaia : was evil and that ' M be made from, irarly paid for In i i'F and its mem-. rritued tor atate--) the war which rouple of year : hesc atatemenU . deemed almost ' time awl things a then wilted wVre . by all. One in--hange of attitude P w.a. travelled. Mr h-rc was heard th- i! graft and inef-pioAecittion of the u . . deplomble waste Mitertal. It was all ' ty waste, graft, ln-: vci, dishonesty but . nuelves were rea-e system which : u:ii on dlshoitesty. us an -:r. and apathy ;;me 1 think we win the war." said was Just as brave .111 The Canadian as efficient and 'i he difference I urces and manpower of failure and resource CONVOY C.ETS THROUGH LONDON An Important British convoy has jot through to Malta after a hfavy assault by the Asls. The aircraft carrier Eagle and the heavy cruiser Manchester were lost but there Is no confirmation of Als claim that twenty British ships were unk. DOOLITTLE IN LONDON LONDON Brigadier General James Doolittle. who led the sen sational United States air raid on Japanese cities a few months ago, is Timing ixnuon on a special mission. JAPANESE CLAIMS TOKYO It is claimed here that Japanese submarines. sunk. ten Allied ships off the north coast of Australia. PRISONERS ESCAPE LONDON The London-St. Thomas area is being searched for one of two German prisoners who escaped from a camp. One has already been recapturrd. .MANPOWER STATEMENT OTTAWA Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King will be going on the air shortly to make important announcements regarding measures to deal with the manpower crisis in view of demands of both industry and the armed forces. MORE RATIONING OTTAWA Unless farmers can increase their production, butter rationing may be necessary at a later date. Barbed wire is to be made in only one Instead of four sixes hereafter. TARS ARRIVE OTTAWA A large number of British sailors, who had been rescued from torpedoed vessels, have arrived In Canada to be assigned to new ships. KILLED IN VANCOUVER VANCOUVER Mrs. J. S. Ross was fatally injured yesterday when struck by an Intrrurban enr near Xanalmo Strret station ln Iturnaby. .-... ENLARGING SITUATION SHIP PLANT IN AFRICA West Coast Shipbuilding Firm Some Action In Air Itut Little on Plans Enlargement of Eslst- I Ground Signs of Another ing Facilities ! Axis Offensive eni maCllHlv uiiu u ..vn tia meat a, ai ab auiij uaoca boiler house, necessitated by ex-(the North African coast, three be-tenslon to the machine shop to ing sent to the bottom. va. accommodate one more boiler to an soldier and the take care 01 knew that all the M by 60 ioov- Baaiuun iD.s counuy were be- built to an uns hwmi . u If Canada should be extension of a gantry, are to be aid not be because of undertaken to use!.. s-v cfnci- Vacancies Un Kclurn To Depression umi-nt was doing cer- ; inable things almpiy f( i"1 nubile was too ana- ? o imaalne it would. Un- hc?? was building for the fut- : the quel of the war I cc nothing but a return to ' 3n The thing now was to fe mrthods so there might be cffectlvn i" and the building of a y post-war society. a:; impossible to (be patriotic 1 the same time derive pro rom the war. There was lfy for equality of sacrifice r Thn CfiP. nrnniiM n um income abore which nil e confiscated. Luxuries 11111 obtainable ln this coun- J i'vi,ii- niiit turn Road Project Mr. nallah DOiniea out, 1 . . k from now until after the harvest, farmers and farm laborers wouio. bo refused employment on w Job. luxury which was .out .qt, reach of the "ordinary people. If such conditions were rectified It would lead to an Improvement In general morale. Meanwhile tho attitude., of men In thi nrmcH forces was In All un- heaifhv rnnriition, There was too mnph rvnlrlsm. too little faith In rpirnrrt in i.hn iipne'flts of dcmOC- Contlnucd u TAQfi rouF, Joe Scott Buys Carter House Well Known IlesiilentLii Property On Fourth Avenue West Has Changed Hands Dr. Neal M. Carter, director of the Pacific Fisheries Experimental 'Station, which has been moved i ut a stop to them. Not to the release of a number of men., p'rince Rupert to Vancouver. ' ulue was placed on the for harvest work, Bruce Ballan, Saturday night for the south, !' 'hose who were sent to who Is ln charge of the Uncm- accompanled by Mrs. Carter and : - battles or democracy, ployment Insurance Office herc 1 family, to take up future resl- ) a' balloon of Drosnerttv. I stated Inst week that there wcrC . Th h on F0urri Av- none other than Adolf a number of vacancies in varloU3Cnuc west has been purchased by nr dc manKca, couia not cLasses of work on mc ahisnu ... nci sirs w. J. Scott wno are It was Just foolish op- Way project. now taking up residence therein. I1ASE1ULL POSTPONED The baseball play-oli oetween the Edmontons and Dry Dock, scheduled for yesterday, was cancelled on account of the rain. Tills game will be played on Wednes day. Olof Hanson, M.P. for Skcena, who is still in Smlthers following his return from the Parliamentary Kission at Ottawa, is expected ln Ruucrt from the interior some time this week. SUBSARE ASSAULT Churchill and Stalin OPERATING! OF NAZIS Washington Reveals That Four Japanese Undersea Craft Are Operating From Aleutians WASHINGTON, Aug 17 Aerial reconnaissance In the Aleutians Indicates that four Japanese sub-j marines are based at the present time on Kiska Island and may be 1 operating from there. , In addition to the submarines, , ten transports and a destroyer were 1 sighted when United States planes recently raided the Japanese base at Kiska, hitting two! transports and setting shore installations afire. NAVY CL'ASH i NEAR DOVER Light German Patrol j And Three Others Severely Damaged tnwtvw inmici nt imt a and three others were severely damaged In a spirited) clash with BATTLE OF Strengthen Hold on Tulagl their hold on Tulagl, one Solomon Islands. Allied air forces have attacked Jananese held bases on Timor and TVi avUIIno faltlUp nf n Waal PA IPO Anc 17 ThArp hr hppn .1 1 nnntk nf Ae- unai unny w- COftU shipbuiWlng plant are to be gome stepping up. of air activity lrana vT A considerably enlarged, upon com- jn North Africa but land fighting sixty miles from Port Moresby .VMIJ 111. . . . . nf n . , . 1 I . 1 1 . . 1 1 j picvion 01 a yiuKi ul cwiiuiun quick miu uuuwi, aw u 0n New Guinea isiana mere nas iwn wnicn was mximj u- svunusuu. oeen lurmer ugnung ociwcen 'Pfinlnlv If Ufi do - un wut. umiv.Huia ...av urjUSn una Japaiifav iaiiu uii.i:a, ulwln and lntallalkn on '"P" the AxU may be preparing for a in jpite of earlier boasts of vie- -i wn not hs for want noi oe ior mcnUa total expenditure of about resumption of the offensive In ' the tory. Tokjo newspapers now wam thi. chituM. nf ot $23.7O0 Is to be made. .eastern Mediterranean. against undue optimism, in regard! h. svuli wJ!iibHr" TroJecU consist of building an( BrltUh planes hit at Marshal Ed- to acUon in the Solomons. ',Vlw,-r o. ,iv- 80 by 75 foot addition to the pres- win Rommel's lines in, the desert, j : TODAY'S' STOCKS (OourtT S D. Johnston Oo.) Vancouver , Grandvlcw -12 Bralorne - 5.80 Cariboo Quartz .80 Hedley Mascot Pend Oreille Pioneer - Premier Privateer -.. Reno Sheep Creek Oils Calmont c & a Home Royal Canadian ... Toronto Beattle Central Tat Cons. Smelters Hardrock Kerr Addison Little Long Lac .18 .87 122 . .42 -.26 Mi .76 KEEPS UPl Stalingrad and Cauracus Still Threatened Red Counter- Offensive to North IS DAMAGED PRIZE MOSCOW, August 17: (CP) In announcing the loss of Maikop in the Caucasus today, Russia Intimated that it was a dam aged prhe for the enemy with MOSCOW. Aug. 17 Masses of Nazi men and mechanized' forces contmue their full scale assault on Boat Sunk tne sown irom tne norinwest ana southwest towards the important Industrial city of Stalingrad as well as the Caucasus, eastern Black Sea " Caspian Sea. Maikop lUtM Oen 1 boat wassunk has fallen and the Russians are retreating down the Rostov Rail towards Grozny oil fields. n.h n,.., ,.,.t ltt m rv,.r y c?" .r;r:,rv.7,: 'T" ; The Oennan-controUed Vichy announced. All British craft returned although there were some casualties. permitted advances only at terrible cost to the attackers. , On the central and northern fronts the Russians are having WASHINGTON. Aug. 17 United considerable success in their, States Marines have strengthened COunter-offenslve. They have cap- oi tne ture(i positions and taken prisoners; around Bryansk. AIR SWEEP nu, United States 2.28 ' -021i ..62 .70 32.75 .33 .370 .76 McLeod Cockshutt - 1.05 Madscn Red Lake .38 McKenzie Red Lake .54 Moncta .24 Pickle Crow - L45 Frcsion East Dome 1.58 San Antonio 1.42 Shcrrltt Gordon .60 Mrs. Frawlcy, wife of Lieut, Frawley, left Saturday night for Vancouver enroutc back to her home ln Toronto after a visit here with her husband. Army Transport Plane Crashes PERU, ALissachussetts. Aug. 17. Twenty-one of twenty-four soldiers on board were killed when a large United States Army trans port plane crashed near here on Saturday. The three surviving were badly Injured, Miss Audrey Wrathall, city clerk Is expected to return to the city tomorrow nlcht from Lake Kath lyn where she has been spending a vacation. Harold Johnson of Smith Bros. & Wilson, who are engaged ln contracting work here foe Wartime Housing Limited, sailed Saturday night for a trip to Vancouver. . !ln Pari aney Considerable more equip- ment tor the local Civilian ' WORKING At Moscow Reach War Decisions Personal Representative of President of United States Was Also' in Attendance at Important Conferences In Red Capital MOSCOW, Aug. 17 (CP) Prime. Minister Winston Churchill was in Moscow from August 12 to 15 and with oil installations wasted and oil i Premier Joseph Stalin reached a number of decisions on stocks removed deeper and ithe condUct of the war, reaffirming the alliance of their TSS..'X.Sl;: .nations against the Axis it was announced today. W. ing to the Russians midnight .Averm Harnman attended the conference as the per-communique, the enemy has jsonal representative of President Franklin D. Roosevelt wedged himself anew Into Stal- Qf fjnjted States, ingrad defences southeast of J Kletskaya. j ; OF BOYS. Being Made by Calgary Trades and Labor Council tiTROIlRI.F. i ni l . -..ww- ias masKs In Rupert t IS WITH MOSLEMS . Protection AJtP. organlza- D.ffl- Development ln Indto ion has reached the city. This wth cultyBritlsh Deans , includes the first gas masks Hindus rariu ir4 that fast mntorizM T aeuverea ai rnnce KU- t , unit hart alrpadv pneireled the Pe A A meeUng meeUng Orozny oil fields but this was far In advance of German claims. The Hussian admission was that the Red Army was falling back to this other important oil centre. The Germans asserted that the r r T r it H AIT n entire Don River bend area euard- ' Mil .1 1 VH iPdiVnit tit-mite'tif1Fsmnar was ln German hands but Russian advices were that Marshal Simeon . , , Timoshenko had raised a wall of Tokyo Newspapers Warn Against arUllery lore Stalingrad which Undue Optimism Americans of district 1 wardens is to be held tomor- row night to go into the mat ter of distributing the equip ment. 4 NEW DELHI, Aug. 17 A new de- India situation with a statement x by the head of the Moslem League, represenung an imporiant eiguiz million people minority of India, declaring that. If the British sac- trincc-Moslem. Jntereits. making concessions to the All India Con--Igress such as a Hindu-dominated government, Moslem co-operatton with the British will be ended. NegotlaUons were opened by the Viceroy with Hindu leaders Satur- 'day with a view to bringing an Investigation Into Conditions Here end to tne trouble of the past couple of weeks. I Five Hindus were killed and at least four wounded when British 'soldiers fired on a mob in a Ben- ' CALQARY. Aug. 17 Investiga-(gal on Saturday. ,tlon Into working conditions among prairie high school boys engaged lni war work at Prince Rupert was or-, Idered by the executive of the Cal- rt rT A TiT"i gary Trades and Labor Council. l IlM P K Z I I I1 'follqwlng reading of a circular let ter from the United Brotherhood ' ,...,. I of Carpenters and Joiners. Canadians Co-operate With British . ,t M ouths Alrmen in Attack on Nail- ,had bem promlsed 60c per hour' urrun rn lrrruuiv and eight months' work but werej ., .'discharged after only thirty-two LONDON, AUg. 17-The ITnlted , hQw, loyment on grounds States and Royal Canadian Air u nQ wrfc for them j Forces co-operated with the Royal i o ,,. -haraort that the. (Air Force In a long sweep; oyer!. ald only eighteen cents Nazi-occupied France faaturaay fof the Ume they worked night and over the Ruhr .Valley . deductions, had nothing last night. . jj The Luftwaffe made small and t scattered raids over northwest j England and East Anglla Saturday night and over the Midlands and East Coast last night but there I were no casualties or damage of consequence. left. HALIBUT SALES Summary American 118.000 pounds, 15.6c and 14c and 16c' and 14c. Canadian 102,000 pounds, 16.7c and 14c to 16.9c. Yakutat, I Royal. American 45,000. 15.6c and 14c, Sanat, 55,000, 15.6c and 14c, At-, 3 lln. 1" Mermaid. 18,000, 16c arid Mc,l Storage. Canadian Parma, 31,000, 16.7c and 14c,' a Pacific. ti Ispaco II, 43,000. 16.9c and 14c,' N Storage. w Whitehope, 28,000, 16.8c and 14c, 3 Booth, , 3 STATUTORY OFFENCE Baseball Scores SATURDAY American League New York 1-5, Philadelphia 3-3. Washington 1-5, Boston 2-7. Chicago 4, Detroit 2. National League Boston 4, Brooklyn 5. Philadelphia 3-3. New York 5-4. Pittsburg 8-8, Sihcago 5-7. SUNDAY National League Chicago 5-4, Pittsburg 1-1. St. Louis 10-3, Cincinnati 5-8. Boston 2, Brooklyn 0. New York 6, Philadelphia 5. American League Chicago 3-3, Detroit 3-7. Cleveland 3-1. St. Louis 2-6. Boston 6-10. Washington 4-3. New York 11. Philadelphia 2. ki ra ti 1 . 1 ii ii ii ii im n n ii 'f CARNIVAL! 1 m Charles Haines, charged with indecent assault Involving young (g girls, pleaded guilty on appearing jjj before Magistrate W. D. Vance ln city police court ' . this morning and . ,11 lUU A)AmfUin I was rcmanaea uuiu i,cmw.. for sentenced Haines was arrested Saturday afternoon. , August 31-Scpteniber I $75 i Cash Prizes I Bathing Beauty Venus Contest GIRLS It is urgent that you j register now with Carnival B Secretary. Closing date entries, Friday, Aug. 28. for i. , 1 r 4, r-t HI