PAOE BIX 1 . Expert OPTICAL SERVICE rV" cnAs. dodimead nX V""V'- srr "Y" Optometrist in Charge P J ' Watch, Clock, Jewelry x. J S Repairing, Hand EntraTinx Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND .MERCHANT THEY'RE THE JOPS! PEOPLES STORE Glamorous Spring Millinery And why wouldn't they be? Over 500 new Spring Hats Just received direct from the eastern factories All the new colors combined with the leading New York models. SPECIAL SALE 50 HATS REG. $3. - $5 j Buv our Easter Hat . ... at once. rw Manv Of these Hats u-prp Inst unrviplrarf ill (. I UW are reduced only for this sale r ?J j Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night ! RUPERT PEOPLES STORE j ' "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbioner's PHONE BLUE 907 FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE 3- Piece Chesterfield Suite reg. $145. Sale price S 11 7.00 ' 4- Piece Bedroom Suite Sale price i 4-Piece Bedroom Suite Sale price 85.00 4-Piece Bedroom Suite Sale price 7l)!oo All-Enamel Enterprise Range Sale price 1 1 o.00 6-Piece Dinette Suite Sale price 70.00 Better Quality Seamless Axmlnster Rug, 9x12 Sale price 72.'.0 Better Quality Seamless Axmlnster Rug. 9x10 li Sale pr. 07ir0 Better Quality Seamless Axmlnster Rug, 9x9 Sale price 10.00 Better Quality Seamless Axmlnster Rug, W'x9' Sale pr. :10.00 BUV NOW SAVE MONEY AT Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE PHONE GREEN 919 Canadian National Railways Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. for Ketchikan and Stewart. Thursdays at 11:15 p.m. for Ocean Falls. Powell River and Vancouver. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. Alr-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full information, reservations, etc, call or write R. S. GREIC. CITY PASSENGER AGENT, 528 Third Avenue Phone 260 Price Rupert Agents for Trans. -Canada Air Lines P-iMW Victory Loan Campaign Come On Prince Rupert $600,000 FROM 1800 SUBSCRIBERS Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT CO. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA If you lose anything, advertise for it. SCOTTISH INJLEAD Scottish No. 1, althouch defeat- dian Engineers twft fames to one, retaiH'lhble&Jersrifp' WWe fnttfr Services Bowling League '"With a one-point margbvpvqr Navy which blanked Seal Cove No. 2 three games to nil. Seal Cove No. 1. winning two games to one over Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps, is In third place with the Engineers in fourth place. Only lone point separates each of the first four ranking teams. In other games last night Dry Dock took a ; three-game default victory from ! the place of the Royal Canadian I Scottish No. 3 which has taken Corps of Signals in the league, while Scottish No. 2 won two games to one over Area Headquarters. Individual scoring was as follows: Seal Cove No. 112 3 White 84 147 248 Handley Learn Crapper Copp landlcap Totals Medicals lichard Robinson ".lbson Buckley Weston Handicap Totals Area Headquarters Wick Scottish No. 2 Spencer Clark Battcrsby t Sheridan Laltinen Handicap Totals .... 192 191 132 .... 223 190 239 .... 184 166 166 ... 127 193 251 ... 74 74 74 ... 884 961 1110 Engineeis Ricketts 110 Rebfern 132 Johnston 127 Fuller 215 , MacLean 163 . Handicap 54 . Totals 1001 ' Seal Cove No. 2 Beatty 144 , Brown 198 English 105 I Benton 143 I Stevens 203 Handicap 100 Totals 893 151 179 169 105 99 12? 185 104 144 192 255 170 126 158 183 135 135 135 894 930 927 Dry Dock Stromdahl 125 178 172 Carr 185 220 270 Cherrey 220 165 97 Bach 250 204 229 Handicap 69 69 69 Totals 999 990 961 Scottish No. 3 defaulted. 193 254 210 Tully 81 220 213 Purdon Hoiley King Handicap 53 Totals 141 101 119 141 101 119 247 157 159 j Prior 190 Taylor 258, Handicap 135 Totals 952 Scottish No. 1 Dawson 169 Share 143 Terry 243 Stiles 91 Reld ni Handicap 20 Totals 837 Navy-Cymbal 224 Underwood 107 Noble 238 53 53 970 967 942 ... 153 216 141 ... 166 187 241 ... 131 169 223 ... 192 133 253 .. 205 259 142 .. 78 78 78 ... 925 1042 1061 123 119 145 C3 128 169 208 201 219 163 135 135 958 875 203 171 148 135 228 268 145 1D0 243 197 20 20 992 931 224 283 141 139 215 191 : 194 144 231 163 54 54 1059 979; I 173 152 207 166, 143 II3! 226 125 173 163 100 100 1022 839 THE DAILY NEWS FRIDAY, FEDRT-apy SCHEDULE FILM LIST ISJNDED FOR MONTH Cowboys' Win Second Half of Interring Pictures Hooked For Biidge League and Will Meet . March at Capitol Theatre Grotto for Johnson Cu . T I Cowboys 69150 61660 Grotto 68270 66560 Ramblers ... 62040 66960 Dry Dock 61560 51150 CXRA. 61360 61620 P. R. Dairy .... 60090 53410 Belmont Hotel 59180 64190 Pipe Fitters 50220 66910 Scottish No. 1 12 3 Navy 11 4 Seal Cove No. 1 10 5 Engineers ...! 9 6 Medicals 7 8 Dry Dock 7 8 Seal Cove No. 2 7 8 Area Headquarters 6 9 Scottish No. 2 5 10 68150 Blues.' '58270 62440 61(00 61340 G0090 59180 INTERSERVICE STANDINGS The league standing: Won Lost Pts. Whifflets From The Waterfront 12 11 10 9 7 7 7 6 3 The whole f fisheries District No. 2 will be closed to herring fish- ' .Here. t 'Cowboys are winners oi Wiec-li lne foftowing interesting I tat of ond half of the Prince' i Rupert" movtwr picture bookings ror the Bridge League and will meet Grot- coming month at the Capitol The-to. winners of the first half, for atre is announced by Manager D. the Johnson Cup, emblematic of o. Borland: league championship. Feb. 27 and 38-Errol Flynn and Results last night of final sec- oilvta dellavilland in "They Died ond half were as follows: with Their BooU On." Dry Dock. 8050; Ramblers.' 84). March 2 and 3 Oreer Oarson P. R. Dairy. 9770; Belmont Hotel. 6990. Pipe Fitters. 10670; Canadian National Recreation Assn.. 7450. Cowboys, 10040; Grotto. 10180. Final table for the second half: For Against Pis. and Walter PWgeun in "BkMaoms in the Dust." March 4 and 5 Betty Ornble and Victor Mature in "I Wake Up Screaming." March 6 and 7 Blng Crosby and Mary Martin In "Birth of the March 9 and 1ft Ann Sothern in "Ringside Mtlate." March 11 and IS-Wendy HUUer and Robert Morley in "Major Bar-ban." March IS and 14 Madeleine 50220 Carroll and Stirling Harden In "Bahama PM&te" March 16 and 17 Edgar Bergen. Charlie McCarthy, Fibber McOee and Molly In "Look Wno'a Laughing." March 18 and 19 Marty Martin and Don Ameche In "Klsi the Boy Goodbye." Mireh 20 and 31 Bob Hope and Paulette Ooddard In "Nothing But the Truth." March 23 and 34 Robert Montgomery and Ingnd Bergman in "Rage in Heaven." March 39 and 36 Hnry Fonda and Joan Bennett in "Wild Oeeac Calling." March 27 and 38 Humphrey Bogart in "Wagons Roll at Night " March 30 and 31 Jimmy Durante and Jane Wyman In "You're In the Army Now." mg on March 10. it Is announced. This will mark the end of herring M P e (,JvAn ftshintr all alone thp rnaxt tnr h 111 10 VJIYC11 season. The only circumstance ' hlch could reopen It would be a shortage of bait and bait require-; :nents have already been met. ' Meantime, a good run of herring Lieut. Alan Lrnnox-noyd of Ifcd at Laredo Inlet on the west coast ford Takes Over Torpedo Boat of Princess Royal Island Is keep ing trie herring canneries at Prince Rupert. Butedale and Namu well supplied. C.P.R. steamer Prince Adelaide. Capt. John Williams, service after having been oJf i Naval Command SOMEWHERE IN ENGLAND. Feb. 27: O Lt. Alan Lennox-Boyd Member of Parliament for Bedford, has been glvn command of a torpedo boat. Former parliamen tary secretary to the minis of for annual overhaul. Is due In port labor and food. Lannox-Boyd Joln- at 5:15 thw afternoon from Van- ed the R.N.VJl 20 months ago and couver and will sail at 10 p.m. on served on a torpedo boat for the her return south. last year U0ER fJMM&m, Awunlril two Firt Prize at Brilili Kmpirr ltreer EiMition . . . Ijimlori, Knplaml, 1936. TU;r ........ . . ..... -.MiiBmcni s nor puoiished or displayed by H, Licir' Control Board or by the Government of British Coiumb.a Specializing In AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS !?ijT Moijr Overhaul, Tune-Up, Clutch Rebuilding, Hrake Relininir and Rear Axle Repairs, Steerinir ftear mrl Fmnt m i i .rwnt Rupert Motors PIIONK 566 Distributors of Chrysler Products FOR EMERGENCY NIGHT -CALLS PHONE RED 811 i I COME AH NEVE HISTORY UNEQUALED FOR GIORY! mamwm De A KIFW WABNF9 KBfK "UlfVm us win URREHDERi lilt FLYNN Aim HAYILIAND TheyDicd withTheif Boots On with ARTHUR KENNEDY CHARIEY GRAPEWIN GENE tOCKHAIJ J EXTRA! OM tAMI MOOtLM LA I EST WOKI.ll AM WAR NEWS Feature at 1 43 4 18 6 53 9 . Comi:cte ST.- w- i i1 ' MP D t -T:- CAPITAL I 1 anaraMBMaMWMnBuria REMINDING YOU.... , . . that a Complete and l lrt-CU AirrOMOMIi: MAtxni ANCi: AM) RKPAIK SHIVICE N available to all it ttij .Motor Service. The shop is well equipped u handle all rlav . s , personally condurted by CoUn" Miller, who hiu lifetime of service to the motoring public National Motor Service PHONE RED OU .v I I First Aid Supplies j Have Them on Hand When Needed! Gauze Bandage 1" to 1" Gauze1 yard Gauze 5 yardg . Absorbent Cotton 1 oz. ..... 1 lb Adhesive Tape Jx2 yardg l"xu yards Absorbent Lint 1 oz , Hand-Aids Plain or Mcrcurochrome Tannic Acid Jolly for Hums ........ iodine 1 oz 2 oze. l()c ' Cdc I Mercurochromo i oz, Hydrogen Peroxide 1 ozs 10 ozs FIRST AID KITS SSc - $1.00 - $6.50 - $21.50 Ormes lit Jim Pioneer Druqpjfj THE ICKXAI.L STOHK THONES 81 AND , Open Dally from 8 .m. till 10 p.m. Sundsys and Holidays from 12 - t p.m. and 7 I P ! THINK THIS OVER .it 13c SI.00 13c 25c 3(V 13c 2oc 25c 25c 50c z& If the Nazis or Japs ever occupied Canada do you imagine you'd be given the honour and privilege of buying any hhul of llonds? l ou would not! Then go all out to defeat i VHKmjr im your money and Buy the new VICTORY BONDS I Albert & McCaffery Ltd. I PHONES 118 nit in WSWm i - When You Want . luiiahi. .. H.hlt ! PHONE 13 2-Hnur Sfrvlce at Krcular Kalfi