1 FAOE TWO THE DAILY NEW9 SHOES FOR WOMEN SPORT NEWS PLIO-PEDIC AND JULIA ARTHUR Ladies' League PUSHOVERS Bowling Scores KEEP LEAD DAILY EDITION Hartt Shoes for Men Jack and Jill Shoes (or Children Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes" THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULL EN, MANAGING-EDITOR .... i A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" JANUARY LINOLEUM SALE Printed Linoleum Short Pieces and Kitchen Quality, sq. yd. Inlaid Linoleum, Moire SI. 110 Inlaid Linoleum, Moulded S1.:L" These prices are while this stock lasts. PHONE 775 327 THIRD AVE. i THURSDAY, JAN. 22, 1P42. Danger to Country . . . The front page photograph published yesterday in The Daily News showing the Japanese fishing fleet at Steveston indicates to what an extent the Japanese had penetrated the fishing industry in British Columbia where they might prove a danger to the country in case of invasion. Many of these Japanese citizens of Canada may be friendly to Canada but it is difficult to know who may be trusted, so the general opinion seems to be that it is not safe to trust any. Japan's Finances Up to that fateful day when Japanese bombers dropped death and destruction on Pearl Harbor, many newspapers on this continent were publishing articles proving conclusively that if the Nippon militarists started anything they could not hope to finish it, says the Ottawa Citizen. The conviction of the writers was that Japan was nearing financial bankruptcy. In one crudity masquerading as economic thinking has received a death blow in this war it is the notion that money or the lack of it makes any fundamental difference in the prosecution of war bv a modern natinn. Individual Results of Play on Tuesday Night. The league standing: you, "COLIN- Won Lost Pts. Rangers 19 5 19 Savoy Swingers 17 7 17 Annette's 14 10 14 Big Sisters 13 11 13 Lucky Strikes 12 12 12 Blue Birds 11 13 11 Knox Hotel 10 14 10 Optimists 8 16 8 Stylet tes 8 16 8 Pioneers 7 17 7 Individual scores in the Ladies' Bowling Tuesday night were as follows: Rangers 1 2 Peterson 185 122 Robins 222 172 1 Kellett 301 195 ' j James 118 249 Ballinger ::: 192 202 Handicap 12 12 Totals 1030 952 Lucky Strikes Menzles 135 Hague 138 j Warren 116 I Peacock 150 Cameron 164 Handicap 27 Totals 730 Annette's Selig 185 Reaugh '. 169 Owen . 115 Nickerson 153 Dickens 165 Handicap 9 Totals 796 Pioneers McKeown Gunn Yager McKeown Scharff . Optimists Hmmermeister 126 Bourgon '85 Danzanac Ill Postuk 145 Eastment 87 Handicap 85 Totals 669 Blue Birds-Pierce 172 Boulter 146 Jennings 204 Hartwig 139 Keron 198 MacDonald Handicap 16 Lack of goods and manpower would soon reduce a nation! Totak Savoy Swingei 107 182 109 153 177 Handicap 100 Totals ..... 828 to impotence, but never the lack of money, which is a styiettes-comparatively costless convenience. In Germany ' and Ca'lderoni Japan it is adapted by the state to national nurnoses. ;Erikson 875 ... 124 'l44 One of the last articles printed on the subject of i J2 "Japan's financial straits nointed out that thp venent Tni- yo budget called for expenditures of $3,500,000,000, "well over half of the national income," and tha,t the Japanese national debt has tripled in the last 10 years. The conclusion is reached: "Experience shows that a government can claim as much as two-thirds of the national income, but only for a limited time. So it is apparent that Japan is already close to the maximum on war production." Nothing could be more foolish and dangerous than to imagine that Japanese war production is limited by figures of national monetary income. Besides, only a short time ago the Tokyo government voted another 3J billion yen for the War effort. Nobody in his right mind supposes that vote will produce that amount of cash in the form of currency. It means credit, and the usefulness of that credit depends wholly on the raw materials, the stocks of scrap and ore, oil and rubber, which Japan now holds or is able to obtain. If those stocks became exhausted, the voting of 30,000,000,000 yen would not help. Modern war economy is based on men and goods and work, not on figures in a ledger. Cet It At the Variety Store 330 Third Ave. West . j. 4, $ .j. $ TWO COTTAGES FOH SALE. Large Public Hall For Kent. CENTRAL HOTEL Lautens 148 Handicap n Totals ....... 747 Knox Hotel Aasen 116 Christiansen 120 Zelisko 104 Balaskl H5 Eyford 158 Handicap ?184 Totals 793 McLeod , 100 Basso-Bert 145 Wesch 188- Croxford 203 La Belle 261 Handicap 9 Totals 906 Big Sisters-Gomez 165 Dickens 193 Rothwell 107 Bond 120 Alexander 237' Handicap 68 Totals 890 138 226 203 175 100 27 869 163 142 219 184 141 9 858 183 145 77 165 106 100 776 170 132 118 162 102 85 769 190 133 154 82 115 16 690 109 139 238 170 139 17 1-2 109 153 150 82 158 184 836 122 195 118 287 180 9 911 153 182 100 180 130 68 813 MILLER. 3 202 121 167 198 123 166 161 175 27 855 220 260 199 152 141 9 881 100 145 150 124 100 100 71P 105 170 103 151 150 85 740 155 114 165 145 168 16 773 100 147 153 163 133 17 713 152 10C 157 181 145 202 172 211 172 9 911 175 123 Sav-Mor and Toilers In Tie For Runner-up Position in Mixed Bowling League Pushovers, who defeated Stone's Clothiers by a score of two to one games last night in regular league play, are now tops In the Mixed Bowling League. Sav-Mor, who blanked Woanjas three games to one, moved Into a tie for runner-up spot with Toilers who defeated People's Store two games to one. In the fourth fixture last night, Rinky Dinks won over Alley Cats two games to one. Individual scoring last nljht was as follows: Pushovers 1 2 R. DeJong 148 118 P. DeJong 144 207 Madlll 107 113 153 Franklin 196 183 135 Wrathall 221 105 12 Comadina 190 216 795 Handicap 96 96 Stones 1 2 P. Dickens , 169 103 Phlllipson 152 90 Stiles 169 155 Selig 238 166 H. Dickens 138 103 Hague 130 96 Handicap 59 59 Totals 1055 772 Sav-Mor 1 2 LaBelle , 216 257 Erickson 178 199 E. Stegavig 113 189 P. Stegavig 240 170 Ballinger 132 180 Alger 213 290 Handicap 68 68 Woanjas 1 H. Woodslde 122 184 S. Woodside 126 173 H. Anderson 121 158 A. Anderson 160 249 James 183 185 ' Davis- ...........: 125 200 Handicap 72 72 Totals 914 1221 Toilers l Croxford 149 T. Fxaser 224 A. Kellett 182 Hall u.A 155 C. Fraser 203 C. Kellett 255 Handicap 46 Alley Cats l McCaffery 255 B. Brind 118 C Brind 172 JT. Asemissen 186 M. Asemissen 250 m I miais 1927 1 Rinky Dinks 1 Wick , 183 Nelson ,. 189 Wesch 180 Klnslor 204 I Arlington 214 i Totals 1037 The league standings: 152 8tones 3 144 Woanjas 0 117 1 . 63 779 ;V.V.V.V.V.".V.V.V.V.V.V.V.- Thank You "COLIN" MILLER, former chief mechanic and shop supervisor of Rupert Motors, wishes to thank his many friends for their generous support In connection with his work there and especially to express his personal appreciation to all the patrons for their confidence and splendid co-operation. Thank 112 122 169 225 128 228 46 SPORT CHAT 3 138 161 112 190 172 137 96 Totals 1102 103S 1086 3 157 133 213 171 234 187 59 1154 3 203 151 160 216 173 134 68 Totals 1255 1248 1180 3 107 143 140 3 201 143 103 198 159 273 46 Totals 1214 1030 1123 Peoples Store 1 Campbell 125 Dominato 167 Jones 235 Robertson 126 I Bird 134 'Low Score 149 Handicap 85 t Totals j 1021 2 167 197 133 109 133 112 3 263 171 135 103 The Toronto Leaf - Montreal Canadlens National Hockey League match scheduled for January 21 w as oraerea postponed six years ago as a mark of respect to the memory of King George V who died January 20. The Chicago-Maroon game at Montreal also was called off January 28, the date of the King's funeral. United State amateur tennis suffered a crushing blow 10 years ago when Frances T. Hunter Joined Big Bill Tllden, his famous doubles partner, In professional ranks. They made their pro debut February 18 the same year at New York before 14,000 fans. KEEP A SUPPLY OF THIS DELICIOUS REFRESHMENT ON HAND FOR STAY-AT-HOME EVENINGS This advertisement is not published or displayed or by the Government of British PASTOR IS WELCOMED Congregational Gathering of First Baptist Church Held Last Night for Rev, C. A. Wright. A congregational reception for Rev. Clarence A. Wright, the new pastor, was held In the social p?r-lors of First Baptist Church last night. Ministers of other denominations In the city were present to take part In the proceedings by extending greetings to Mr. Wright and best wishes for the success of his ministry. P. H. Llnzey war in the chair aid an acceptable program was presented. H. M. Daggett extended the Tel-come of the Baptist congregation to Mr. Wright. There was a challenge to the churches of Prince Rupert. Mr. Daggett felt, through the lack of spiritual consciousness in Prince Rupert. The Baptist ' congregation might not be as large as some In numbers but the new pastor would find therein mmy who were faithful to the carso j and assiduous in their support Rev. James A. Donnell of Firs , United Church spoke In humorous 1 vein. He was sure that Mr. I Wright's influence would be felt in the community. Interdenom- 218 lnatlonal differences such as might l' ; exist could well be minimized in 180 : the flaht for Christ, He hoped 72 for a fellowship arid congenial co-1936 operation which would be of value to the city as a whole. Rev. A. F. MacSween of First Presbyterian Church wished Mr. Wright all success in the new charge and welcomed his co-operation in the advancing of the work of Christ's Kingdom. Very Rev. James B. Gibson, dean of St. Andrew's Cathedral, felt the churches were getting closer together which was a Rood thins. After all, they were as spokes In a wheel the centre of whirh wn 223 Christ Fellowship between the w- cnurcnes ana unity of purpose were much to be desired. The new pastor, Mr. Wrieht, ' saw vvoi M ?V0S by Mrs E- K Bra"d'. Mrs. P 187 j h. Llnzey and Private Norman 9"tCaDell of the Canadian Scottish, f violin solos by Miss Phyllis Hamb- Pushovers J i ' ckaby- Accompanists were Miss 1 ' " u 1 0,Vnv Wsttnn Uric. rll ... Sav-Mor 6 Tollers 6 Rinky Dinks 5 Peoples Store 4 Allow M. . j ,U1M jiueen namcnn and Mrs. J. C. Gilker. After the serving of refresh- SCOTTISH IN LEAD Defeated Signal Corps In Army Basketball last Night Last night in the second game of th Army eliminations the Canadian Scottish won from the Canadian Corps of Signals with a score of 25 to 14. Knight, of the Canadian Scottish, was the star of the game' scoring eleven points. Both teams played fast clean ball and, in the first half which ended with a score of 13 to 9, It was anybody's game. The last half, however, proved disastrous for the Signals with Scottish scoring 12 more points and the Signals only five. The standings In the eliminations so far: , W Scottish 2 Artillery 1 Signals 0 DINNER OF FINE GAME: Speeches by Game Board Officials and Moving: Pictures Features of Gathering- Last Night. A fine meal of moosemeat and Venison, Interestlrig addresses on appropriate topics by Frank R. Butler of Vancouver, game commissioner for British Columbia, and Inspector Thomas Van Dyfc, district game warden from. Prince George, and moving pictures on game and fish subjects by Mr. Butler featured the annual dinner of the Prince Rupert Rod and Gun Club in the Commodore Cafe last evening. There was a capacity crowd of 125 local nlmrods and anglers over which B. J. Bacon, president of the Prince Rupert Rod and Gun Club, presided. In addition to the speeches and other items, the program included acceptable vocal solos by Steve Ott ot - . wv4w w uuiic ill J w. . un- ysb QIC 111 ,HS, Prince Runert. If all put their T ,agno nA accordion solos by Z 173 167 133 69 213 61 ,821 2 273 158 113 249 179 972 3 200 167 185 182 198 61 973 3 ( shoulder to the wheel and faced v'orp- "ooe" Townsend. the difficulties he was sure much Two-mjnute silence was observ-couldbe accomplished. He would ed ,n honor f the memory of twt be giad of the co-operation and '"'"5-iacK ui.erry find W J. . i A 1 , advice of the other ministers. 1 There was a duty for everyone to 1 perform in a war-torn and greed-mad world. I . Rev. J. il Myrwang, pastor of ISt. Paul's Lutheran Chnrrh n-n ; - ' .. jalso in attendance although " 1 riving too late to speak. I'll Thp ine nrnirrnfvi Drocrram lnnlj lnrinripri ar- Hinton who 'passed awav dm-in the past year. COMING AND GOING During the Russian Revolution some guns were captured and recaptured 15 times by opposing Reds and Whites. The drug qui line Is extracted from the bark of several species of South American trees. ments the gathering sang "Blest Be the Tie That Binds" and Rev (Captain) E. E. Brandt, the for-mer pastor, gave the closing pray er. Do as they do in England! "Buck up" with hot BOY R I L it touches the spot53 IhKlhTIKBHIIII'H.MU.in mM,m 1 1 1 n THURSDAY. JANUARY 22, J coast ancwcmcs lto. VUKOWtl - ( ISTHMSTII 'VKTM14 4t! by the Liquor Control Board Columbia Denatured Alcoli Being Control! New Regulations to rievrntRcl inc Provided by Federal OrJ in-Council. OTTAWA, Jan 22 -Srr trol of distribution 01 ct alcohol in Canada b . permits is provided :a v, rt Hons contained m n., oriel council yesterday Ai - frI one of the commr:JH:e e;v affected. One of the e. ;? Jects s to prevent i will be limited to u cor' half supply Don t Worry Ova H I n n I S C ) CHE mm mm 1 fa u UseBUCKlEY'SStoinlessYW WUnonj of your children $i J achtco(ddoi'rglpo- ;kt fil Do at tHovtand of r .;:! r-H Kb. A TKit tnow - whit. ,t ;: io-groty Hub 2. Gtrati Kot e 0 fcrMttli, Ma .-' Or Vmvf Monr loffc. W uours siamuss vm: MAKflS Of IUCMIY . tOfST SnilNG CO " a I All Canadian I'ninn Amalgamated Iluildii Workers of Canads Prince Rupert, ll.t I'nit M M E E T I N fiS Cverr fourth Sundae ! p.m., of Each Month. MKTKOPOI.lv HALL Phone Red 4C9 P.O. Boi" DRESSMAKER Mrs. Nakatanl Ladies' and rhMmi Alterations Phone nik. 529. 522 FultoB S Satisfaction Gur.rinl Cleaning and Pressint Special Offer in MEN'S SI ITS with extra pair or I'anum for every oider I onlv. M. T. LEE - Tailor T.O. Box 975 Phone Cr. ! SAVO HOTE Hm-l Varolii PrOft Phone 37 P.alj FRASER STREET Prince Kupert I Rates 75c np 50 Rooms Hot l n r. Prince Rupe. 4 ' ; Start the Year KiM 1 Saving Our : coitoxs for Useful :: Household Hew ! fnU In on1 It U f this plan o vox 1 MUSSALLEMS '.z F,nnnmv Store :: "Where Dollars Hi & . ..c;nir., ill. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Propriety "A HOMK AlVAY FR" HOME" m