PACK FOUR $50.00 REWARD For information leading: to the recovery of two wooden totem poles taken from the front of my store, and for information that will lead to the conviction of the parties who took them. MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER WAViViViViViViWiViVi The Greatest Sales Of The Year Continue At RUPERT PEOPLES STORE I AND Cut Rate Shoe Store ALL SALES FINAL For Achievement of AIR SUPREMACY in Radio its 7mMe&t with Radio Reception Round the World Model A 20 $54.95 Si Hundreds of Unusual Values That Cant Be Duplicated! HURRY DOWN TODAY See the outstanding values to be had in RCA Victor Radio at Radio Headquarters. BUY . . . RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets NO WASTE at Your Local Butchers. READY TO COOK Canadian Fish &Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT Co. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA MRS. DIXON PRESIDENT i More Interest in Parent-Teachers' Association Urged Talks on AJLP. The Parent - Teachers' Associa-1 tion held its nineteenth reguiarj j I nnnual meetine Wednesday nicht 1 among the four city schools during the past year and that this had been used to purchase much needed sport equipment and supplementary reading. The meeting warmly endorsed a hearty vote of thanks to the executive, especially to the pres- an early date. The officers for the year, all who were elected by acclamation, are as follows: Past-President Mrs. George A. Hill. President Mrs. T. Dixon. First Vice-President Mrs. G. R. S. Blackaby. Memorial High School, Mrs. J. W Eastwood; Borden Street School, ' ANNOUNCEMENT We are glad to announce that we are now adding a SHOE REPAIRING DEPARTMENT at our shop, with Mr. Charlie W. Yatt in full charge. As Charlie has many years' experience in the trade he knows how to rebuild your shoe right. Let him do it for you. WE ALSO CARRY DRESS SHOES AND WORKING BOOTS. LING - TAILOR Sixth Street Phone 619 Suits Pressed by Steam While You Walt. THE DAILY NEWS 1 v, si 1 5 at the Borden Street School. The tor dessert" it is easy to, .make, year's activities were reviewed by Follow the directions and the f am- the retiring president. Mrs. George Hy will say "it's great!" A ITI11 In m-wra r)ofo 11 Kr. Via I!oll (SpIVP ft) Whifflets From The Waterfront A large run of herring continues ident, for the unstinted devotion at Union Bay in me Warke Canal given to the affairs of the associ- area and boat are taking a ation. bountiful harvest. The canning In order to keep in closer touch Plant Nelson Bros. Fisheries ! with the work of the other asso- Ltd. is running to capacity on the cla'tions of the province the meet- fish, and packers are also taking lag decided to join the Parent- Union Bay herring to Namu and Teachers' Federation. Aiert Bay canneries. There is also ! The association decided to hold ai ample supply for cold storage l its annual membership drive at as halibut bait with some to spare for the Port Edward and Tucks comin" Inlet reduction plants. Northland Transportation Co.'s steamer North Sea. Capt. A. W. Nickerson, arrived in port at 11 o'clock yesterday morning from Alaska and, after discharging Ketchikan fish for transshipment East Second Vice-President Mrs. An- over Canadian National Railways drew Thompson. Secretary Mrs. W. Bussey. Treasurer Mrs. E. W. Becker. Social convener for Booth Memorial High School Mrs. M. Brown. Social convener for Borden Street School Mrs. E. Haines, sailed early In the afternoon for Seattle. The volunteer elioit, he thought, admirable as it was, would be quite inadequate in real emergency. He felt that, being a defence area, the defence program shotuld f1, and include aU Membership conveners - Booth civilian essentials, tie mucn preferred a compulsory program H.U1.U 1 1 41. U- ' Mrs. R. Webber; King Edward "u iU CJtdCU was re quired of civilians and supplied School, Mrs. C. Gllker; press cor- respondent, S. A. Cheeseman. thTe f"8 l do U- A.R.P. Discussed ln evenlng the m'-m At the close of the business w bfrs' over "freshmente, spent a pleasant social hour. Mrs. T. I mtina Fir i-hipf t h Trt ,nH 3 S. Wilson, chief warden, gavel the audience some definite details' jf the organization and work of the local AJLP. A high point of their talk was the statement that most of the citizens, especially home owners, either through apathy or lack of realizing the great damage an unprepared-for air raid could do the city, weie slow in coming forward. Up to the present the city's protection, to a great extent depended upon a mere handful of citizens. Mr. Lock deplored the fact that, because of the present set-up, it became necessary for responsible AJRP. officials to beg, borrow or appeal for the necessary omissions of equipment in order to round out. a workable program. I J.H. BULGER I Optometrist (OPPOSITE POST OFFICE) Boulter, the .social convener, was assisted by Mrs. E. Haines. BARNUM AS POLITICIAN Phlneas T. Barnum. the showman who introduced Tom Thumb and Jenny Lind to America was mayor of Bridgeport, Connecticut, four times, also he was a member of the Connecticut legislature. 98. Classified ads. get results. Phone STANLEY W.COLTON D.O, Ph.C. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 610 G O L S E A L THE SEAL OF QUALITY 0313 HE Hi Sockeye Salmon Fancy Red Herring in Tomato Sauce Sandwich Spreads Spiced Salmon Smoked Salmon Bloater MUSIC IN FUN FILM "Pot o' Gold," With James Stew- art and Paulette Goddard, Here This Week-end With James Stewart and Paul- TH1NK you wi gei a real Etirili ette Goddard in the stellar roles from this something different 'of a picture that is replete with music, merriment and romance "Pot o' Gold," also featuring Horace Heidt and his famous radio orchestra, comes to the Capitol secretary and treasurer. Mrs. W. 4 eggs. 4 tablespoons u"ec in Bussey and Mrs. D. R. Barclay re- Cocoa. 4 tablespoons fruit or icing urday. The su pporUng : cast in-spectively. es such favorites as Charles In her address Mis., sugar. (Clud Gordon and Jed Hill deplored the apparent lack of: Beat the egg whites stiff. Add Winninger, Mary the members as shown by the very sugar. Beat the yolks until lemon , small attendance at the monthly 1 colour. Add cocoa, mix quickly meetings. Although, about two ' with first mixture. Spread in a hundred and forty had paid their ' JeUy roU Pan Uned with a well fees and signed up as members, j buttered sheet of brown paper and yet the greater number had not bake 8 to 10 minutes in a 400 de-attended a single meeting. Thejgree F. oven. Whip one cup of association wanted the members' cream with 4 teaspoons of sugar attendance and interest, rather and '3 teaspoon almond extract, than their fees. She hoped that Roll like a jelly roll. Spread re-the incoming executive would find mainder of cream; on top. tric millionaire whose food products are Doorly advertised, his impecunious nephew and an equally poverty-stricken band of musicians. The millionaire is played by Winninger while Stewart appears as the nephew. Miss Goddard meets Stewart when he gets mixed up with the band and its troubles. Their romance causes hilarious some means of impressing upon Po write" and tell me how you probiems for all concerned, pro- . me memoers mat u was to meir st vidlng much mirth and melody. 5 advantage to interest themselves of my favourites. The address, is: Among tne hit tunes 5ung and K ,-.nn ji .TphariA Pa'tphaiidp Prv - Cadhurv ...... . . -, Huat wt w4uuu uuuie - aancea are wnen jonnny ioow and could do, if given greater sup- Lta- Montreal. And u you wisn, Hjs Horn." "Knife, Fork and port, for the children of the com- I'M send you a Free copy or our Spoon" -peter the Piper," "Broad- munlty. latest Recipe Booklet. "Chocolate way Cabalerro" and "Do You Be- The treasurer's report showed Around the Clock," it's full of lieve in Falry Tales?- that $210 had been disbursed modern cnocoiaie noveuies. The story concerns an eccen Election By Brotherhood Silas Johnson Named Head Of Native Organization At Hazelton KISPIOX, Jan. 22: The Kis- piox branch of the Native Bro therhood of British Columbia has elected officers as follows: Honorary President, Robert Wil son. President, Silas Johnson. First Vice-President, Peter Wil son. Second Vice-President, Peter Angus. Third Vice-President, Moses Morrison. Business Agent, Jack Wright Treasurer, Joshua Johnson. Financial Secretary, William Jef frey. Social Committee James Angus, Jacob Johnson, Jonathan Johnson and James Black water. Messenger Boys Walter Black- water and Hubert Brown. INDUSTRIAL SPAIN Barcelona is the best known manufacturing city in Spain. RELIEVE YOUR . COLD HOWl With last-acting Millions now use if WARNING! Every Atpirln Ublet is marked with this cross. Look for it Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PnONE 657 SPECIALS IN HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS 8 Camp Cots sizes 2-6, 3-3. 75 Mattresses, from .... $12 and up 8 Reconditioned Kitchen Ranges. 6 Remington Typewriters. 6 Large Mirrors. 7 Chesterfield Beds in the latest styles and patterns. B. C. Furniture Co. PHONE BLACK 321 CAPITOL A lMOU PIATIII THUm , 1 -R 3 28. 5:30, 7.36. 0 41 COUX CLEANER Engineers clean delicate instruments on the control boards of the Grand Coulee dam with corn pith. ov BRIT5 . ENDS TONIGHT Complete Show 7:C0 m -BACK STREET" aft 7 30, 9 30 BEGINNING FRIDAY LIKE IT COLD Many migratory birn Tlus LOIUS-RAKR FIGHT The Greatest Short Fight on Ketnrj I :n tiki m tik in i:nnnni rti . , niehts in sub-zero wrar nr- m n. north woods. BURI0li w i ... MM V I Wfjf ALES y V This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liauor Control Boid or by the Government of British C jmbia. , . MORE PER IAS! THAN BEER J. W. Rogerson W ishes to Announce That the New Store, the MIDWAY GROCERY at the Lower Corner of Sixth Ave. and Ambrose, is Niiw Pnmnlofpfl nnrl Will Onon fur TtiKinps; on MONDAY, JANUARY 19. Our prices are right, our service unequalled. Visit our store and settle your Grocery problem. PHONE I1LUE 285. Wanted -Raw Furs iiiGiu;sr MARKET PRICES PAID Representing HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Ship to J. E. ORMHEIM, Cow Hay, Prince Rupert, B.C It is Really Keep in a Good Stock of TELKWA OR ALBERTA The Best Quality Coal is Needed at a Time Like This Albert & McCaffery Ltd. PHONES 116 OR 117 : j.xw Canadian National Railways Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. for Ketchikan and Stewart Thursdays at 11:15 p.m. for Ocean Falls, Powell River m Vancouver. Winter Excursion Fare, Vancouver and Return HO Tlckets on sale Nov. I5th, 1941, to Feb MWUiVU 1942. Final return limit March IStb. U Plus Tax Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. Alr-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full Information, reservations, etc., call or write R. S. GREIG, CITY PASSENGER AGENT, 528 Third Avenue ri,one 2G0 Prince Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines