THURSDAY. JANUARY 22, 194Z LOCAL NEWS NOTES A S.O.N. Dance. 10 c'cloc, Jan. 23, Oddfellows Hall. Refreshment. Admission 50c. Tonight's tran, due&to .sarrlye from ihe East at 11 locfcjj' Was1 reported this morning to be on j e Matheson, assistant district forester, was a passenger on last oighr s train for Smlthets on offl-.:ia duties, I l Morris arrived In the city ot. he Prince George yesterday imn. Vancouver to join the staff ,,t w H Malkin Co. Ltd. Kenneth Matheson of the Canadian National Railways Investigation department with headquart er. ai Prince George Is a visitor ,i m- iity on official duties. He as wo from the Interior onTues-o;. . imrit ' train and will be re-ii ! to Prince George tomor- : in -vi'ning. Don Wilson returned to the city on the Prince George yesterday from a brief trip to Vancouver. L Harry Harcua, business agent of me rnnce Ktipert Labor Council, returned to the city on the Prince George vesterdav from n hw ri to Vancouver. J. McPhall has arrlvpri In tii city -from. Edmonton in nsstimn duties as uniformed constable for tne Canadian National Railways. It Is some time since there rm been such an officer here. William D. Smith, who has been spending a week in the city following his arrival from RfetL'orf sails tonight on the Prince George ior Vancouver where he will enlist in the ordnance day night Dr. H. N. Brocklesby was a host at his home on Fourth Avenue East in Smith, Mrs. H. B. Rochester en tertained for him last night. FULL-BODIED k SB5ii M0RE MELL0W H liiK! ORDER THE BEER THAT li KMpkGIVES YOU MORE 11 CAPILANO BREWING CO ITO. VANCOUVER. B.C For Fire Deliver' Phone ." Th acvertement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Steamer leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: Catala every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thursday p.m. Cardena every Friday 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Monday ajn. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving Jan. 13, 27 Feb. 10 and 24. Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Afent Third Ave. - Phone 568 Sealed tenders will be received at the undersigned address for the sale of either or both of the following properties: 1) Lots 11 and 12, Block 22. Section 1 (known as Boston Cafe building); (2) Lots 21 and 25. Block 26, Section 1, (on Second Avenue Easterly across street from Rupert Motors and Including stucco residence). Terms at least one-half cash or Victory Bonds, baN ance to be arranged. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All tenders will be opsned 5 pjn. February 3rd, 1942. TERMINAL INVESTMENT SYNDICATE LIMITED, O. Box 658,. Prince" Rupert; B.C 2f Chesterfield Suites GKEATLY REDUCED Watch Our Windows! Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. HEAT WAVES ROLL FROM FOOTHILLS COAL For complete year-round satisfaction burn the one and only FOOTHILLS COAL HULKLEY VALLEY LUMP AND SLACK COMOX PEA AND NUT DUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. I'HONE G5l PHONE 052 Ann Byrne and Art Murray Wed Well Known Local Couple Married In Vancouver Yesterday The marriaee of Miss Ann Bvrne. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Byrne, and Arthur Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Murray, took place yesterday mornlne at Vancouver. Father Donald Camp bell, a former Stewart boy, performed the nuptial rites. Johnny Peter, member of a well known Chllcotln native family, has arrived in the city from, Wil liams Lake to enlist in the 102nd Battery. He Is twenty-one years of age. Johnny expects to be making a trip to Vancouver before his attestation is complete. Frank Carlisle, organizer of the Plumbers and Steamfltters Union, American Federation ,of La bor, arrived on the Prince George from Vancouver Wednesday and will be followed in a few days by an international representative of the Painters' Union. In addition to authorizing the sale of the Clapp Block on Second Avenue to L. C. Eby for $4750. City Commissioner D. J. Matheson. sitting in his capacity as a city council yesterday, disposed of tax sale certificate rights in .lot 18, block 28, section 8 to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry Lowing. Larry Sefton. recording secretary of the Mine. Mill and Smelter Workers Union of Klrkland Lake. Ont.. arrived in the city on the Prince George yesterday in the course of a western speaking tour. He will be leaving tomor row night on Ills return to Vancouver. W. R. McAfee, dealing with Red Cross matters in his capacity as local president, was the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club today with President P. H. Linzey in the chair over a fair attendance of members with a few guests. Ti W. Mcpherson, who several years ago was manager here for Home Oil Distributors Ltd. and Is now identified with the wartime merchant shipping organization, arrived In the city on the Prince George yesterday from Victoria to spend a few days here on of ficial duties. L. B. Lambly, Dr. Jens Munthc and Robert Sutherland were initiated as members of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at the regular weekly luncheon yesterday, Frank Dibb acting as Initiation officer. Mr. Lambly. manager of Philpott, Evltt Ltd., gave the club an Inter esting autobiographical talk. A native of Bristol, England,, he told of experiences in the fishing and logging industries and other activities along this part of the coast, President George L. Rorle was in the chair and Russell Kennlngton of Vancouver was a luncheon guest. SLANG BY HAND Slang In Argentina Is expressed with gestures of the hands. "tfitncuhcetnehU All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Presbyterian Burns' Banquet, Jan. 23. Vardens' Tea, Metropole Hall, Jan. 24. Oddfellows Fortnightly Scotch Dance, January 24. Admission 50c. Anglican Tea Mrs. Johns, Jan, 29. 102nd Auxiliary Dance. Oddfel lows Hall, January 30. Queen Mary Tea January 31. Annual Masonic Ball, February 6. St. Peter's Evening Branch Handkerchief Tea, Parish Hall, Feb. 12. United Church Valentine Tea. Mrs. W. L. Armstrong's, Feb. 12. Valhalla Dance, Metropole Hall, February 13. Catholic Shrove Tuesday Tea, Mrs. J. Zarelll, Feb. 17. S.O.N. Masquerade, February 20. Cathedral Easter Sale, April 0. THE DAILY NEWS mi MOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert W. O. Jordan, J. B. Prosser and MaJor M. H. Jackson, Vancouver; Mr, and Mrs. M. R. Danes, Mr. and Mrs. Lucas and R. L. LeClalre. LSl$iiHrs Nelson Brew, Haysport; Mrs. K. waiKer, Hazeiton; H. T. ArMeJson, Edmonton; Mrs. WJ.S.1 Sargent, New Hazeiton; T. E. Presby, Terrace; R. Gold, Prince George; C. Holmes, A. C. McLean, J. F. Mussenden, W. A- Walker, F. R. S. .Sutler, W. D. Wray, J. Cochrane, R W. McNeill, Lloyd Morris, Nelson Blue and Peter Campbell, Vancouver; T. W. McPher-son, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. D. H. McLeod, Ocean Falls; Lieut. B. M. Lillle, Esquimalt; L. Tretheway, Seattle; F. Carlisle and Charles F. P. Faulkner. Royal Don Stacey, Seattle; Roy Smith. C. F. P. Faulkner, assistant district engineer for the federal department of public works, arrived in the city on the Prince George yesterday afternoon from Vancouver, being here on one of his periodical visits on official duties. For his third offence on a charge of drunkenness, Harry Johnson was sentenced to three months' imprisonment without op tion of fine In city police court yesterday. Martin Linden, charged with drunkenness, was fined $25. with two weeks' option. W. A. Walker, fire marshal for the province of British Columbia, is a visitor here in the course of an official Inspection tour. He arrived on the Prince Georee ves- terday afternoon from Vancouver and will be returning south on tne same vessel tonight. Timely Recipes MACARONI BEEHIVES Buy uncut macaroni and allow one long piece per person, cooking in the usual manner. When done drain and rinse in cold water. Brush inside of custard cups or other individual moulds with melted butter. Line the cups with macaroni by coiling pieces around the' inside beginning at the bottom. Fill In the centre of the ; cup with the following mixture: 2 cups cooked meat, fish or vegetables 2 tablespoons milk l tablespoon parsley 1 egg 2 tablespoons butter Va cup bread crumbs Grated onion, salt and pepper " Mix melted butter, bread crumbs, meat, beaten egg, milk and seasonings. Put this Into the lined mould and if desired cooked macaroni can be used to cover the top. lace In a pan of water and thoroughly heat in a moderate oven about 30 minutes. When ready to serve unmould and garnish with tomato sauce and suit able accompaniments such as parsley sprigs, green pepper rings. lemon slices, etc. This makes a most attractive dish and by varying the filling you can always have a surprise. TWO DARLINGS Pennsylvania has a town named Darling and so has Mississippi. Wi THE SI PRF.MF, fOt RT OF BRITISH rni.i'MniA In; the Matter of Sidney James I.nke. ' Herenwt, and In t lie Matter nf the "Administration Act" TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ills Honor Judge Fish I was appointed Administrator with the Will annexed of the Estate of the late Sidney James Luke, deceased, formerly of Ocean Falls, British Columbia, night watchman, who died on or about the ,21st day of November 1940. All persons having claims against said estate ere required to forward them (to mo on or before February 28th 1942 property verified and all persons Indebted to the said ewtate are inquired to pay to me the amount of their Indebtedness forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C. this 17Ui day of January A. D. 1942. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. IX THE SITHKME COI'KT OF lUtlTlNll roi.l'.MlUA In Probate In the .Matter of (lie "Administration Art" and In the Matter nf the Estate of John "i Deceased Intestate TAKE' NOTICE that by order of His Honor, W. E. Fisher, made on the 12th day of January, A.D. 1942, I was appointed Administrator of the estate of John Lyp, deeeeaed. and ell parties having claims against the sold estate are Jwreby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the l&Ui day of February, A.D. 1942, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 15th day of January. A.D. 1942.' NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince .Rupert, B.C. Kispiox Men, After Holiday, Cutting Poles Once Again KISPIOX, Jan. 22: Native men of the village of Kispiox are back at work In the pole camps after 'a fine Christmas and New Year holiday .week In the course of which parties, dances and other amusements were featured. Alex. McAuslane. vice-president of the Canadian Congress of Labor and regional director for British Columbia, arrived In the city from Vancouver on the Prince George yesterday afternoon and will be here until next week. GROUSE ALL OVER Some variety of grouse Is found In almost every wooded area of the United States and Canada. TO EASE MISERY OF CHILD'S COLD RUB ON WICKS VVapoRub ClMiHEO FOR SALE FOR SALE--Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until Wednesday, February 4, 1942 for the purchase of the gasboat "Vent" size 27x7x2; powered by a 6 h p. Easthope, hull and engine in first-class condition. All equipment on board included in sale. Boat may be viewed on ways at Crippen's Bay, Dlgby Island, cared for by Joseph Freestad. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Norman A. Watt, administrator of the estate of Victor Nyman, deceased. (29) CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT The City will receive bids till noon of the ,26th or January, 1942 for the sale of property-, known as the Gibson Building on Lot 8, Block 18, Section 1. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. DATED this 22nd day of January, 1942. (20) CITY CLERK. FOR SALE 25 gallon gas tank, 1 wash basin, 1 blacksmith's forge, 1 anvil, 300 windows andl a large stock of black iron pipe at very low prices. Phone Black 324. B. C. Furniture. FOR QUICK SALE Automatic electric range, $50; twenty volumes children's Book of Knowledge, like new, $15. Phone 753. (13) FOR SALE Small furnished house with lot. For information call 133 8th West or Phone Red 284. (23) FOR SALE 3-plece chesterfield, kitchen range with oil burner, brick-lined heater. Phone Black 590. (19) FOR SALE At Terrace, 4 roomed house, wood shed, chicken house and lot. Apply P. O. Box 3. (19) FOR SALE Studio Lounge. Reasonable. Phone Red 162. (19) HELP WANTED WANTED S mart girl. Macey's Confectionery. (tf) HOUSEKEEPER Wanted. Phone Black 85. GIRL Wanted for general housework.. Phone Blue 936. (20) WANTED WANTED Marine engine, 6 to 8 h.p.; In good condition. Apply Box 200, Dally News. (18) WANTED Position in store or what have you. Apply Box 201, Daily News. (17) WANTED Girl or woman for housework. Phone Blue 1G3. (18) WANTED Young man for dairy work. Valentin Dairy. (18) FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT For men wishing to share. Phone Blue 805. HOARD AND ROOM BOARD AND ROOM for man at end of month. Near Dry Dock, Apply 85T 11th Ave. East. (23) f 3 C?Ij FROM HARD STUFF One fertilizer is drawn from the slag or waste matter obtained in the production of steel. MARINES TELL THIS The United States Marine Corps has never had a mutiny of any description. KIRKLAND LAKE STRIKE MEETING Larry Sefton, secretary of the Miners' Union, and A. McAuslane, vice-president, Canadian Congress of Labor, will present the true facts of this tremendous struggle, in Oddfellows Hall, Thursday, Jan. 22 at 8 p.m. The general public Is invited to When You Want a Reliable. Comfortable, Dependable TAXI Service 24-Hour Service li' J. Bouzek, TAILOR LADIES' and GENTS' Best Materials, Workmanship Second Ave., two doors from Broadcasting Station rBi':n'i:Bxifi:ni:axBri;a:ri:ii:a:j::B Ladies! Big Discount Off For Cash. You are all Invited to come in and look our coats over before stock - taking. Some going at half price and even less. Your credit Is good. GOLDBLOOM "The Old Reliable" PHONE 13 ENTERPRISE FRUIT and PRODUCE Co. THIRD AVENUE AND FIRST STREET Specializing in Fruit and Vegetables You are cordially welcome to inspect our store. We will demonstrate our new produce. "DELNOR" FROZEN FRUIT and VEGETABLES PHONE 343 5 M HAIR BRUSHES at Regular Rates FREE DELIVERY J3 3E5 HE PROUD OF YOUR HAIR! USE A COOD BRUSH AND USE IT OFTEN ! 2 Prophylactic Hair Brush Pure Bristle; Rotator type $1.00 Keystone Hair Brush Pure Bristle $1.50 Prophylactic Hair Brush Rotator Type, Comb to match; Exton bristle, will not soften $5.00 English Wire Hair Brush 75c Clothes Brush ..... . . . 25c ALSO Shaving Brushes and Nail Brushes Qrmes Ltd. "Jim Pioneer Druggists THE REXALL STORE TIIONES 81 AND 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7 9 p.m. T i. ".It J ' .V,