nn Baseball Lesson No. 8.--The Left Fielder Should Resp His Eye Pe The Daily News eled —Drawn for the Daily News by “Hop © LAD PLAYING LEFT FIELD MUST BE ABLE Yo STUDGE DISTANCE ON @ LONG FLY — @ND GET UNDER 1 \F HE HAS TO RUN 4 Mite — Now Your& A LEFT FIELDER, AND IM GOING To Bat You OUT A REGULAR. SKY scRAPER— ———— a hn be : A Public Meeting | —— = in support of the Money Bylaws will be held in the Empress Theatre Tonight Meeting at 8 o’clock sharp : Discussion invited GOD SAVE THE KING | __W| = | KING GEORGE’S SECOND SON PROPOSED PRINCE OF IRELAND PRINCIPLE EY WHICH WALES’ ‘THREE PLUMED PRINCE WAS CREATED FROM THE ROYAL FIRST BORN MAY BE APPLIED TO EMERALD iSLE WHEN HOME RIJLE BECOMES FACT. Dublin, June 42.—Dublin hopes] most excellent bargain, and no soon to welcome the young Prince] title in the roll of British nobility of Wales. It is expected that his} blazens with more brilliant asso- younger brother will come with] ciation than those of “Ich Dien” him, Thereby hangs a tale which] (I serve), the motto plucked by is tearing Trish society into|the warlike Edward with the three shreds. It is understood that] plumes from his Poitiers’ captive, King George is discussing with}, John, the bling King of Belgium some members of the cabinet the} Would Not Please All. question whether it would not be} : ; } If the idea is carried out, it is oe. COTES Rereat. 4m. ihe lhardly likely to please ey rybods y by creating a Prince of] The eee ae ‘a é : Ireland, the title to be borne by te ‘vice regal dignity would, 0 the second son. of each-sueceed-|°OUTS®: Be In some degree tes- ing monarch. and to be held bv/ 5°! ed and to that extent removed Se ct te ane 1akmeras Ent oilers from the ambitions of many noble until the next in line attains ajPeers and peeresses. And *s apy aA would be a loss hard to bear now that the new Dublin is attracting Standard of Real Royalty. so maany high hope’ and when ths The Gea is to signalize the} Trish ord lieutenant and his passing of the Home Rule billjlady will be people of the most and the giving of the royal assent| potential intportance, if the of- by s< act which shall show] fices are not abolished. the persona! interest of the sov- So society, among the -“‘elig- ereigt his Irish subjects andj ibles,” is hostile to the propos bring the court at Cork Hill up to} tien, while the lesser nobility an: the standard of real royalty. The! commoners are delighted with if Welsh got their own) special) Both sides have to be considered pringe as a sop to Cerberus for|of course, vet if the King decides the extinetion of Owen Glen-jthat that would be a politic move dower. It was England’s prin-jand likely to receive popular sup- cipal pledge of peace between! port the intrigue is nat caleu- ihe hiii Ceiis of Wales and thejiaied io move him from his pur- border warriors. It proved a/ pose. ss i OUR PRICK Vo ALL CHARGES, BOTd DUTY AND POSTAGE PEO moneda TT HAIR CO su $3.0 mouated enaigh trav mg TRANSFORMATIONS “2255S t - Made lity Hair, 13.00 f He H mcte ircumiterence ot bead rly om A STYLISH TOUPET ONLY $5.00 Entir: Trans!ormation $9.50 or 813.00 TWIST OF PURE LONG HAIR (as sketch ) to complete this eficctive dressing Price according to length and $8.00 thickness required, from Ali Orders delivered di eet to vour home, 8 corely packed Send tor LATEST CATALOGUE No 13%o: STYLISH POMPADOUR. CLOUGHER SYNDICATE, mete SETS FOMPAROUD, on 449 Spadina Ave., TORONTO. Toupet only, $2.25 or $3 56. Address all B84. FOXBERRVY ROADO ENGLAND. ORDERS eress BROCKLEY, Lonoon;S.E re A Read The Daily News And Get All the News “The News” Classified Ads. rm omer ts I RAILWAY KING and westward to the Pacific coast for Canadian through survey routing the ranges are of the already every province his charters are His associates at Fort William have purcbased a large section of} waterfront and he is laying his plans to get there from the heart of the prairie. In British Co- lumbia he is building westward inder the name ae the Victoria, Vancouver & Eastern, and has almost pierced the Rockies, whence charters he holds will carry him through the great wheat plateau into Winnipeg. Other charters furnish him ave- nue into the Peace River coun- try, the very last west and a direct route to Fort Churchill on Hud- son's Bay.” Best meal in town at Savoy. Panama Canal. working west, grain in and secured. NEWSPAPERS PROSPERING Over 100 New Papers Started in Canada in 1911. We have just received from the publishers, A. McKim, Limited, Montreal and Toronto, a copy of the 1912 Supplement to their Canadian Newspaper Directory. within the new This work shows that last year over one hundred papers have started to publish in the Dominion. In fact, ly is Canadian our so quick- newspaper field spreading out that A. McKim, The who are easily advertising Canada, firm of A. MeKim, the ageneys leade “rs Business in the} in upon the splendid service ren- dered both to publisher and ad-| vertiser through this very com- plete directory. His} “DEAD ONES” Pesaran e rs merase Wanted re Pte. - FOR RENT—Five room fat with pee 25 Fraser street 5-149 135 TO RENT—Nicely furnished room in pri- } Wate house, with use of bath. OER | at 216 Seventh ave. > FOR RENT—4-room house, $40 8th ave. Apply Phone 313 FOR LEASE-—-MciIntyre Hall; and lighted. well heated 4 For Sale Poem ses rs ars rms sesame b etme mer eee ree PFCR SALE-—Two with a large wire rope, etc. & Son, Ltd., 99-if 9xiv logging engines, Nigger ot logging gear, Cunningham Pie ssi Port ssington, B. C. SHERIFF'S SALE. THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLDEN AT PRINCE RUPERT. HARKY SMITH & ©0O, AND OTHERS, plain- tilts. NORTHERN defendant By virtue several warrants of exe- cution, issued in this action, and to me directed, I have seized of the goods of the IN ATLIN TERMINUS MINES, LIMITED, defendant the following: Mineral claims situate about eighteen miles enst of Stewart, near American Creek, Portland Canal Mining Division, District of Cassiar Edith M., Glenora, Cobalt Fraction, Rail road Evans, Motherlode, Ayrshire, Oneda and Granby; inventory also cabins and tools as per All of which I shall offer for sale by public auction for cash on Monday, the {7th day of June, 1912, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon at the court house, Prince Rupert. Dated at Prince Rupert May 17, 1912 55-15 JOHN SHIRLEY, Sheriff of the County of Atlin TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be the undersigned for the purchase of the assets of the Exchange Grill, Second avenue, up to noon, the {8th day of June, The highest or any tender not necessarily ae- cepted, Terms cash, ji7 W. P. LYNCH, received by Trustee. —_—_—_—— Limited, have decided that it will be necessary in future to pub- LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. lish the Canadian Newspaper Di-} . | nantes: Senna ite natend f 'Skeena Land Distriet—pistrict of Coast p rector annua SEM UCEASS _ « Di-| fake notice that John M. Buchanan, of ennially as before. This Cana-![Atlin, B. ¢ ipation teamster, inlends 5 é io apply for permission to purchase the dian Newspaper Directory gives] following described lands; +} articulars o —nctia commencing at a post planted al the full particu ar f practi MUU lcctease ‘carmer of. Lor cae: Range \ every publication in Canada and} Coast District, thence 40 chains north nded a i ss , | along east line of Lot 4450, thence east is intended as a guide to adver-| 40 chains more or less to northwest post tisers in selecting ¥ Ps ye af} Of Lot 597, thence south slong west line . . pape be tor Lot 597 40 chains more or less to shore suited to their requirements. line, thence west 40 chains more or less pant + io place of commenceme nd containing The Supplement before, us] He er nemencement and — brings populations and sworn cir- J. M. BUCHANAN George M, Shirley, Agent culations up to date and taken in! pated May 30th, 1912 conjunction with the directory} PUD June 13, 1912, proper makes avery valuable | Skeena Land Digtrict-Migiriog of Coast, ‘ : } Range 5. book of reference for the general! Take notice that William Agnew of Mon- advertiser. itreal, occupation capitalist, intends to } ap ply Commencing at a post planted on the west bank of the Hocsall River, about one [mile above Browns Falls, thence west 20 chains, thence north 20 chains, thence east are to be congratulate da! 20 chains, more or iess to bank of Hocsall ‘River, thence southerly , bank to point of commencement, tain 40 acres more or less. WILLIAM AGNEW, Locator Augustus W. Agnew, Agent Datei May 25th, Pub. June 2, 191 following river to con- guy for permission to purchase the fo! Limited, | owing described. lands : One Cent A Word For Each Insertion=~ —THERE ARE NO i 14 HERE— | ' |" ide WANTED—Woman to assist in housewe irk | one day a week. Apply W. E. Williams, | 925 Borden street. 139-144 | we ANTED—-Situation after July ist by man | | and wife, both experienced cooks and} bakers, camp, hotel or boarding house i] A GREAT SEAPORT IN THE i i ini can handle large crews; references \Jim Hill Very Busy Lining Up | Apply box 25, News oMice. 138-141 MAKING! Traffic of Western Canada for WANTED Two smart girls to learn dress Time When Panama Canal) ising, Avpiy at Miss barbeas's. "| Ondy When Gade Arrives. | WANT girl attending school to help ming| | baby from 4 to 8. State what expectec s Gr | Aadheso x 4s. News tops Growin 1 Winnipeg, June 12.—An even-} ing paper has published what it} rent ee Cease to claims is reliable information on] Miscellaneous the plans of James J. Hili for Make Money on Land eapturing a big share of the|NO more men needed at Goose Bay until further notice. The Granby Consoli- : , transportation of the Canadian dated M., S. & P Co. - } Do you think Canada is going rp ' wn? < prairie west. “He calculates,” it to stop growing soon! No, says, “to ge rossessik the course not. She has only fair ivs, “lo Ain posse m of the For Rent es carrier traffic eastward to Hud- ! : : son’s Bay and the Great Lakes, | Stree ermermernerer errs And as Canada grows so muat| ; new centres of Ponniaiiens de velop The place for the investor make big profits is in some town or city where development is evitable. J, H. ROGERS, Phone 116. Take Alberni for Instance) Alberni is as certain to beco | WESTHOLME ..OPERA HOUSE... Amateur Vaudeville Friday Eve., June 14 New Songs j New Sketches New Pictures a O con pri NS We Have Clients..., Seeking the Best Props Sections One, I s Owners Desiring Immedia Ss Would Do Well to 8 Us at Ones We Have Garden Tra | race nd Haz Farm Lands in the Bu Kispiox Valleys Two Shows, 7:30 and 9 Prices: Entire downstairs 25 cts.; balcony 15 ets. Children 10c. is We Have the | Following Cheap | Properties For | Sale Exclusively a large shipping centre as was} Vaneouver, Situated on the wes coast of Vaneouvér Island—some} eight to twenty-four hours nearer the east than is Van- couver——Alberni will shortly see the largest boats of the Pacific docking at her waterfront. Rail- Can- With the Canadian Pacifie way already there, and the Northern Railway rushing its tracks toward the city fast adian as as possible, Alberni will develop within the next year in a way that will sur- prise you all, Your chance to buy a lot in Alberni is something which you cannot afford to overlook. We do not ask you to buy be- cause of the few reasons we have wiven above. But we do want you to get our new booklet about Alberni. It is handsomely illustrated and will tell you about Alberni in a way that is convincing, Get if today Lots can now be bought for $150 on easy terms? See us and talk it over, Frank A. Ellis Real Estate Agent Prince Rupert - - - B.C. Look at Thi Lois 9 and 10, Bleck 10, Section 4 for $20,000.00 The best location in the city for hotel or rooming house, with an unobstructed view of harbor. Lots Fraded nine feet below basement, |Apply direct to owner— Samuel Harrison & Company Brokers and Financial Agents Second Ave. Prince Rupert Silversides Bros. The up-to-date House Decora- tors of Prince Rupert sign Writing.. Paper-Hanging Our Speciaities WE ORIGINATE, OTHERS IMI- TATE Phone 156 Green 2nd Street NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. Notice is hereby given pursuant provisions of Chapter 115 of the >latutes of Canada and that the Ocean Falls Co,, corporated company incorporated under the laws of the Provinee e7 British Co lumbia and having its head oMece in the city of vancouver in the said Province, has filed with the Minister of Public Works of the Dominion of Canada @ plan of a certain wharf’ and other works proposed to be constructed by the company and a de- scription of the site chosen by the com pany for the said wharf at Cousins Inlet, Coast District, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, and that the said company has to the Revised Amending Acts Limited, an in aiso fled at the oMee of the Registrar of Deeds at Victoria, British Columbia, being the proper registry in that behall, a du Plicate of the Said plan and déscription and will apply to the Governor General in ouncil for approval thereof Dated this 28th day of May, A. D. 1042, Section 6. Lots 29-30, Block 22, $1,850; 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12 months, Section 7. Lots 15-16-17-18, Block 29, $500 each; 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12. Section 8. Lots 18-19-20, Block 20, $400; each; 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12. Lots 1-2, Block 16, $900 pair; 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12. Lots 12-13, Block 18, $950 pair; {1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12 Lot 32, Block 3, $450; 1-3 cash, bail, 6 and 12. Jeremiah H. Kugler, Ltd. PHONE 317 Prince : Rupert Do you know that there better inestment in the world id Our elty is growing The | son is blind indeed who can a population here twe thousand ten years hence: ka year’s increase in populal inerease the value of Prince | property proportionate! means dividends if you rents; profiis if you t An investment in Prince ! really is one that will nol | i fected by financial “panics to headquarters fi you are k for a good Investment lw to show you these, ! Lots 20-21, Block 21 5 with i-room house $4 $2,000 cash, bal. 6, 12 4 ri months, George Leek 618 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert PEOPLE You must call and see Keeley! Refreshing CREAM Delicious, Ick KEELEY’S PHARMACY Gth St. and Srd Ave. SEE THESE eee Lots 6 and 7, Block 3, secth | Fine Harbor View $15,500.00, Will Give Terms G. R. Naden Co., Ltd. ‘P.O. Box 113, City at Vancouver, B, C TUPPER & GRIFFIN, Solleitors for the Said Company Pub, June 3, 1012 SBCOND AVENUE