w catching staff and :hers. So the ttiX several a4 ?ur.i mt-1 nie ne As, A a , good v:"7' eighth last - go year rar. BKITISII FOOD WAREHOUSE i.wo food warehouse scattered Include InSl10- f8ure does not public warehouse, or nrl-vate holdings in retail shops rtn.u. At. ...... ""b me ingnt a pilot was singled out for attack nnrt rinrtu,, ynt.to his aid. The two British ajjmdn, separated from the rest of thj squadron. ttm i5M;t5i?l chmifts in a rurtfilniflBt sifJ. rnay snot one down. Once before, the hurdW ii.ff.hi. - n ground Job for operational flying. i. was m me early days of the battle of Britain when, although he often had flown Oladiators, hli experience with Spitfires was llm. lted to one or two flights. He was hot down but when he recovered from hU Injures was given command of a Spitfire squadron. hftr :i II PAOK TWO THE DAILY NEWS THimapAY, ApRir, """"" " "G'lANELLE" STYLE CREATIONS HY GAGNON & LACHAPELLE Snappiest lines, styled by New York Style Show in biege, brown, blue and black. Step In Pumps in crushed kid, gaberdine and suede. Finest line in its price field in Canada. Most styles, priced $5.85 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes" THE DAILY NEWS. PKIXCE RUPERT. BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. PULL EN, PRESIDENT O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR DAILY EDITION THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1912. EDITORIAL Plebiscite Justified . . . The result of the federal manpower plebiscite may in a measure be construed as having vindicated Prime Minister Mackenzie King and his government in having caused it to be held. Many of us might have been impatient at the government in failing to exercise its authority and peremptorarily take the action for which it sbught a mandate namely the conscription of manpower for military service anywhere. Possibly some of us may have misjudged the volume of public opinion that was not in favor of such a course.:The vote in the plebiscite showed it was very substantial. Even here in Prince Rupert many undoubtedly expected the affirmative vote would have been larger than it was. Of course, the "no" vote was to a large extent silent and difficult to guage. Evidently, the Prime Minister discerned that there was a larp-e neirnrivp foul. ing, minority though it might have been. In any case, the people have now spoken and there need be no further hesitancy. The command of the nation has been given. The line of duty for Ottawa is clearly defined. The die has been cast along strictly democratic lines. When conscription comes, and it will no doubt be soon now, there can be no criticism of Parliament or the government. Even Quebec cannot say that anything has been foisted upon it by the government. The constitutional situation in regard to conscription is different in this war than it was last. In the last war a government imposed conscription upon the country without directly consulting the people. This time the people by their vote have asked for conscription and r 1 government which has never indicated that it is strongly in favor of it must act accordingly. Criticism in this case cannot be criticized on the ground that it is being applied in an undemocratic manner. Hardest Job Is Selling ... Not making things but selling them is the worldV hardest .iob. Making things is easv for the maker has iuV control over materials. They are inanimate. They cannot say no. Selling is hard because buvers have the powei and the right to resist-to say "no." Human resistancf makes selling the hardest job in the world. People are slow to change their wavs. Most of m cling to od ways, perhaps for years and years, before surrendering to new ways. The motor car was resisted when it was first proposed as a better way of getting about. The typewriter was resisted wheri first offered tc business. Longhand writing was preferred by executives I able forks were resisted, even preached against frorr the pulpit when they were a new implement. The safetv razor was resisted at first. Men preferred the cut-throa type of razor. We are endless doubters to those makers of better mechanisms who persist, despite our long term resist ance, jn their urgements of us to change over to bettc ways ;of doing thin c?s washing clothes, roofing hou-heating fows,, cooking foods, feeding horses and rati. plowing fields, milkine cows, using our savins. -Ifehiifft our homes, factories and stores, using our leisure time So when you see advertisements in the newspapers. p them as doers of the world's hardest iob, namelv. Uk persuasion of men and women to change from old wavs tr new and better ways. Advertisements are breakers-dowr of our stubborn clinging to old wavs. Human beings need modernizing even as do house and stores. It is no compliment to science, invention, edu-cation, genius, when we stick to old ways and ideas even as does chewing gum to a bootsole. SPORT CHAT It's the Yankees aeain! Forum those sprlns exhibition game lickings. The Yanks will be ready when the chips are down. They're easily the best bet to win the American League baseball pennant. By Au gust the chief Interest may come from a possible four-wav scran down the stretch for second place. The runner-up spot may go to Boston, Chicago. Detroit or Cleve land, quite probably in the order named. It should be a tighter race. though, for the Yankees arn't as strong. Two infield replacements have weakened the defence. The pitching is uncertain. But a club that won 117 games last vear can afford to slough off a lot before it j nas to worry about a rear guard assault. Military duty has called star from all clubs and others mv im during the summer. So this year, in addition to the usual dictable factors injuries and Jlumps any writer fool-hardv en ough to select finiahins? Dnitinn for the teams bumps into the un certainties of the draft. Julv link ups may be considerably different irum mose on opening day. The Yankee outlook. Wh'Ie an. parently safe. Isn't rosy. The new comers, Gerald PrkJdy at third ind Buddy H asset t at flrt Bm, siting and Buddv isn't anv Jnh. Sturm around the bag. The vets Red Ruffing and Lefty Gome ere the pitchine 1th 15 wins each and neither is jetting younser fast rather mi.k fade. Charles Stanceau and Steve rees, awe youngsters, are gone ma several rookies h iw unaell, must nmvo thir v. nviui. Tom Hendrich miaht n 4 .... " " draft. The Chicago White Sox have better pitching than the Red Sox out lack Boston's power. Cleveland iiould have more Dunrh k a-.. n't figure to get as good pitching II nctrnlt rn-i .... -"WH, v,uicago un i too strong u second or third and its outfield s nothing to brae tar ijoh; may not have as much punch as ast year for Joe Crorrin wants to x a bench pilot and young John Mum iMiiaville isn't any -ronin at bat. Jimmy Foxx's hitting may fall off an iw unm ,,?l"kSly -406 again. The sari Johnson. xtirir.v Tri. r ' j AAsuia ana Lefty Orove are gone. ...5 I a Pwerfl hitting dub, has lost iu sock but Del Baker Is optimUtic about hh oitehinThe infield Is quertU- S ,hik,e Jimn,y "itchcock it short. Two other recruits, sec- 3Utf elder Bob Patrick, may see cgular service. Cleveland's chance as a contender vanished when Bob Feller " lne S navy. Bob can't &TLnone 01 the pUcher han they lost last year and Lou Bourdean. the new younj mana- er' .TV'" SUretodo bet- Sk L fvr heIp from ockies r Lou. who has whipped up first i l?! Le r"d,ans' Z has T a ;:WKie rookie at at FOUGHT FORI BABE SIGHT; Big' Jim Wilde Punched Way To 1 Victory With His Blind Baby and Ills Wire As By ALLA'n NICKLESCCf (Canadian Press SUff Writer LONDON, April 30 O The odds were terrific but Big Jim Wilde uat had to 'win. It was the most mportant fight of his life for it meant patslbl sight for hi blind oasy. The son, James, was born blind a year ago as German bombs fell near his modest frame home of the former Welsh heavvweleht borin champion "and his voun? wtf Since then, Wilde has worked as a, dfck laborer, putting In long hour n an effort to save enough money for an opowtioa 4hat miht ofto :ne emtd to see. Then fa pepped in, Eddie -" iiRHi-neavyweigni dtaomplon of Brltoin. retired Xroni the ring recently afier valhfy attempting to get into condition for a scheduled-bout with a hard-hitting youth. Sgt. Al Robinson at Leeds. Wilde . was enaased a n substitute. The docker had UtUe chance to train for, a match and his a was against his roundtnr Intn rr. dltlon fast. Nearlng30 and alowet than when he made his ring debut 10 years ago. he was faein 23-year-old powerhouse who many nuc regaraed as a coming cham-pion. The ofaer man was a 1-8 un. derdog at fight time. Baby In Hall As Wide climbed throuah th ropes at the sports haU. his wife, fraught with anxiety, walked about their home with the child bi her arms. If her hosband was to h defeated she didn't wadt: to pit Ul juk Deiort the" belVrfngslders heard WUde say: "Jsmiui win I'm fighting for my baby's eyes." Then, employlncjiU'hls skin anH with a desperawlookToh hlj he gave Robinsoil Auch a trminein he was award&Lthe bout in thel -' 'u i Lr-ntminson. nart hit the canvas fiveliim .nn ,.,vwl beaten so bacflyjfhat hard-boMed fans clamored fKr the referee t stop the fight.hV result was' the, biggest London ring unset in I years." ; Wilde's shar&lnf the n -,.! not announced4but now he wllli ne nine Jim to every specialist in London until I find one to cure him." ATHLETE NOW ACE Olympic Hurdler Gets Hit Merry"j ith .New Zealand Squadron ; SOMEWHERE IN ENGLAND. April 30 K-Wing CmdK bohald" tM.1 . . . . runny, wiusn Olympic hurdler and former European champion, has Joined the ranks of non-op--rational airmen who have had the thrill of shooting down an enemy airplane. Flnlay, barrel-chested technical jfflcer who once commanded a station from which a Canndinn night fighter "Kter squadron squaaron operates, operates, Is Is Fim NashviiiP 7 Vlu " 111 -114 ror' en8'neenng spcctaiut attached from JShtn? f rls "wkrtt.to a New Zealand squadron. He m Ccdar PW I" the outfield, man. but his duties keep him on the ground. 1- n nfle'd wkh'rH6 vPretty falr R1ently' however hU s'luadron PheL fll? I?kie Vernon ste- was going out on a weep and x rttSfin. t' suf,clent Pnch and .Portant to know In practice as eKfn Wh'Ch ihouId be llailnlheoryhow the RAM Wash ZVZ- . n.st B .P-rtonn, got per- " ' .au ii rAn ... in i.Minn in ri n,iu u nree-fourth nt if. . ,.. w' ,w uiueia (In- ZZK" TraVl5' '"nner-upfor he ne battinir j.v.it'e r.J mrdfe f JUfl.jnutiftW Baseball Scores American Leaxue St Louis 11. New York 8. Detroit 4. Boston 2. Cleveland ,11,. ehllqde Iplliatiifiiii : Chicago..., ;Wsl,lnfis Iflj (n l: t, !' ,.imi.' in National, Icaru , Philadelphia 6, Pittsburgh 7. Boston 8, Chicago 3. Brooklyn 5, Cincinnati X. New York 4. St. Louis 3. SWEDEN'S GAS TESTS Since outbreak of war In '1939. more than 500 Swedish ciUtem have .voluntarily exposed . it For Distinctive Service SALADA TEA BAGS .MATHER-JACKSON DEAD thm. PAnniFP Anrll kc . ti.... selves to mustard gas. aiding the Mather-Jackson, 87. Lord Lieu-Swedish Army Chemical Warfare tenant of Monmouthshire, since Corps In making experiments with ; '34 ond )fa4inT South Wales tn-antldotes. u r.y.ir:, dud hre COLOGNE W.ith BERNE. A'.r.. watar it sttli b-:, . In Oermoiiy ti-. , mand for ajr.,t .... other war u-, LIGHTING AND BLACK-OUT REGULATIONS J IIERFAS the Mlniurr of IVmiont nd N'jtionjl llnlih ui.Jcr ,tl.lf M cf iU ivr 1 1. Wemerf Canada Rrgulaiiom ha, onff,trU rntain auibo.iu on mr: NOW. TIILRLfORE. I, (lie undmiRnrd, Prrtnirr of il.f IWirur of Rml.K ' h r,i Co,uW i pursuant lo tudi auihotiiy brtthj Older: THAT in the Prounje o( Htiiivli CoIuihIju lh folloHlng protitioni all l in tBc , 2. 3. Preliminary Provisions 1 t iirrr ire Nu ijf 'rm. uc t.i . .in 4Mftt UaM tm fck w ..4tr nifwrtt a n Wn W t una tytkm r- IrJ. l ua titmt ail la aw4 lat la.inmiji I k. lmaw m' mtf W. .i.ai.i I .ntMial I la HMMWHiMll iTl I 1111.1 , IHwkaal- A ' l'rr..t., HLakW m -T iii lajn Klk m' r tkk. m mail m a.aaj aalk a '...i u W .iaajhr4 m naaafciri) aait lSr Sef . . i:.t .1.... w I,....,.,. I ajiaji MiKkaaL aarthrr I., I., 1 ..,1. .a ..aaalw ittiia: na iaJ ak k,li .inJa .i ta I Mia I wl ardntrwa. aaa( aa? MaVa ..(, " Jm I Unali in, WUA aat" Hlactr. !. .l Va-,M. aw f"Unar k ajna faal m qlain win an lal aaa aiaMnaat an aamuala. 5w aiia4 aro. a. Talaa I 5 .-I aii !,. limn UbrtfM" r.,..M.r, IttwkaM .J hr tin mini V, . ..... . IM..U. . uMfar m.lllMM.. If d i nw Cm i i n Mi, I I'mMiiati Snii.. ikMngh iW mmi An IftmnaM laaair Mbah JI . w ' .l. Iltaiaal' kr J .laa aw w Vlanai la Mka arf ui. t.w ihr tarn "imi m trip.. a naa MMii ni tha ' aw aaV Naan. Ua M ik. Ik. tktnt latm 4wi 4mn Ml aal jatttli jaMj i""" . lWi "maaaar. blaa TtlEI'fKlNB CALLS U. ... ...j. .! j l-. . .7T 7 Precautionary Black-out DRTAILIlll PROVISIONS , n la U ......raaia ai . -pMaatiaMin tfrrt lll X" Jt i" AJI la Ian al 4a iki ajl U .Im ti '!'...,.., iMiVaai' WaVwnta J.. ...r. a,,-.. . ,. ,.. ,, a, anaai "" ... ii Uai n h, at km U Ef .aia fkal ra..ia-a . l r.0riMik ttf l,kl ajt tm Matrafiuar (a VaaUI aa ...- a,k .aaW MVaatrai a k. aa t(k(, rtanllaa ar (Uff to iMl x'H (a.1 ifc. kaAIUf ar kWi akkai akak lk Btkt to ia.yl.uly tmim4. k) Alirr t 4M.ainil ! ik, -r-rtcarttoaM) KUk.aaC a a.k ftnta -krrartr Hi " to aaai-HIH ara h ik. ai....r .ka.f ntrik.4. (i) Ik. -PrnaaOaawf BU.k-W fta-r-la akrf tffly I. r Vtkl fr k kvaai aar4 aa a xki.1. a Sr. iaaar aartog Tmaatiaaar. tHk. -a H Ml B(kU. a., la laalaraaty aik Ik. Kailr.ll aaj taKiai.llaa. WmmJ k Ik. Ckair aw... ..iwr vwl, l'r.la.M Cr.a PrMw llaa Caaai4lf. IV. ItriaUlat far .!. trkabt, rt. ailalf. ka.L (.) tak,M k. kaU.-k'tanM arta'H an Ma tk.a ariaf tr.rM toaaf HlaikUat'. tarrM arar t.akl. ar aw4ar .! ar a- .llat what. .1 -rtrtrr t, ,1 tr,,4 Ik.. (a aaVt 8. 1 larlt iwk,Ma nl il 9. .atkaajT) IMar4-a- aaaS t-i la rm i, iar aa-ai ia liai I aral a. nar. u. . .tak t a n titan i. aa V m it. .nn.,4 . l'rratH.sin Oar . Ml Vrai ..4h.Ihm m ani, ..... 'a law l. . .anna . i -aa4 iairr. a. i.aaama t l'rt.aali.ar MaaV iial" aa ratra.k.1 krrn.1. 4, aanalaa. aiN la araaa.ar.1 I., , 111 KiiUMri at h Ka", V ila rtdt Ho-KH l i.raa.t! Mttri. tm4 la ularr nr.n. kla. IV M rsiKI I krf HT Or TMK v Mil 10. M'" ol "" waaiti .1 kt 1 ....w K.. l.-l-L-f -1 I,. .1, rM(( lw aa. 1 a.r-uraaj raraaa ntm an f .kaal lail ..a na! i,r Ui.n iiarSa un tW i.4UaJ 4an rtaaalt k in. ....Inn.n arranil a 'frritiilaa.ii NkMk.Mt Iintnment Danrcr Hlaclcnt liRTAldji I'KOmiON ' I" il II " '"" - ia ar aViaarHi taar nn n.ra. . i , raaal vrtn nl nl fl.r HM. .imI aaalar itnliiHraM. i.a rk mm. ..i -r i W f l,raa1 ( W aram aal-i., , wiiki .-aaV. r SMlk 1 7 ' Wt T"" aaaa Mia. . . "VT 1" ,w ''"J - tt3 . abi. aim. i. - rMrat . . r"Tk - -- kaaa, , kM aaaU W.aa. I. Italal k, . -" "Maaj Akth , lO I a, aMkanai ik. i l.aira. ,l, " !'" '"" CarMa, a. --' lk kckt. iKw aw. kr Wat..'.' fc-U I ,,.,. aaa j.W .... .. U... . '"-' - l-torfcaaik ... ka- 'Nal a. aM ,.kab aa w . !., , at mm aaV.. ..k m, , , 1Q -aj iU kMaa, , .v ,s.u ma ar aM ka.. im ..-.. w .. anU. aaalr aj)n ihry b., 'a, ' - car aan k. . ., a. U , 1 ' -a I4a.k .a uk , ' im -Slalaj. kta . .k. , 4ara- lit ami Irw aa. W .r . ... kaf avariaj, ari uacraa - "aa .cli .M i kilara aakr. arr fc 1(1 ai Ian. r 51 ji.ra. .. atrn a. fi I M ar.au- ) At la aal.lj. I a. anaa tk.S k.1.-., r. WH kaar atiw taaaH aj iut kaar krli aarto. M ar arraa m ,fci. raaw aaiik. ar lar. I. tavaul rraw a. ktkM .rrclak, karaa ar 1-j.aM.ri.t Mlt-at a aW kaant, aaik .arar.lav raMrrvjl ar Wk k-ar aal Wf na, , ra.W4 ailkt. a aatW k.JJI.t aa. tar frwtrf .rrUM kal ml M m la mlrkl rk t-arrat, al ikto " - -, ! al.rnWn .ai .aV Jl"' Wlkar aaaa tkl. ar aal. t.J It f. , ktki. aaa ra hH aa ar at Iraai al m4ai Wa.M kaaart aarlkrr rar a. Mot tan-art a? MM.W. aa. la W.rU, .ai arra. ' ' . .' U' . arraaa tk.1 krlarra tar 'krr aaaart tM aa. kali M. W v taarlar taaai ar arraal btM. W- . .. t-arkt. ar W la rajuu Irwa Ma a ! ar raitata... aalrat a amaa to ..wla.". . rraral alt aatkarM. aaa Ika aar.ai al aaatalh iliaaajkai ar wl. ik. k,i. Tt. i itaa. aria. r rUr. Th- '-All't -Vkl at. , a, kak). . aMa aMn i.. I., i. t l: aa.aiaa. IWW, 2i ' lrS Wlatka-I r,-... 'rkia ajajw la Haw ar '- lW.ii . 1 arafa at rtua.ii .f ai iV.tja. .ah... . rr"in aai .J v. aaajr r.- ar .to- . M.i. iVa i i. i aa -a a naaM bi -k r k. .v va4 I ... - , tanaitlMi taa atb .raa-fc .. r nn. al tank anariir aa I ar iu i ,. " thai aV aaaint .. ...i. . aaa.. . . ......krtl i rrix... .,.. I-....V, t iti.i.a aW.na tar una tliall U .lull I. .1....1 j. Iln In.aiaaM.t . "at nal .H.M .laiifirr. Irra la In an. ran L... lr.. nal ...nr. il II.. 12. i2'TrSb. -fst fHj - ' -' iiai 1 .a a laamai uan i an ftoraitT I i.u.u.h. (lj rf r ll 1 "' w.n-1,,.;; al ail -nwa.al' llrrHtrtVl' (a a... 1 -.a . t ..I It r 1 a. (a) r.rr prrtaa aHk.a ra.. af Ik. tlta.l aaat rvrrt irrtaa laakararrallkaaltoaallk. Hal la (ftta k . mr.at lti.ll. ta far at llMt ... taactraral k. takkrtl I. Ik. tarn. rralallaat at art arrt.rik.il a -Prnaalian.rr ntk-aal (k) r.trir arrt.a aHkia r.ac. al Ik. tlfa.1 ar I. akarn aallrVatlaa .1 t. klak...l to tlr hf aay aa-aat ak. kat caalr ( aay ,tkltl ar t)ilr aktlkrr la ataliaa .r a.l aaaa aay Mrrtl ar klikaar. akaH rr.a H la Ik. lark Hulf.l k. .Irrrl ar Mkaa. mm4 krlnf H It 1 iwninrl. ,,p .n .K.II. mml .Ikrrato. warrrat k. a 4., kr AiUI ar '""; traarr kit atkartlr. knp i .Mjanara ilk aH U(hla f llaaiakrt) aalll In. taaaJlMf al !'"'?f ''"'"""T Sta.r. Tkla ttoaar it trail. akl. darlaf klk imy aa. .1,1,1 kal ik.N aal M. la mm pm ar lU.t .( ana.) ak. kat a frtmH frara K dm Ik. Ckalrrwa, A..I.W. .mm,.. Cr.Ual.l a.m., ,,. Wl Cwranlll,,. I r rrrtaa ak.ll IrarMirl.lrly ak.. ... ararr 1 11 1" m,, " tHlfctl anarr kit aalkarily, (O UarUt kt prrM al aay lmmln.. .., tIM. a.r aa prriM aka la allkht ran,, al Ik tlta.l ami aa arrt.a la akaat aallrValiaa al Ik. klatk-aal . . ir"r aai tlrrrl ar kl.k.ar. ,fc, ,k, i, , j,,.ik, ,V apaa lk iktoaalk. r al iraMlai .n ia Ik. aMraalk, aa rrrat afca fTKntl .Un, I k.1 .Irrrl jr klkat)n I kit iU.m to arHaakto a.rln. k.lk dty antl alikl. , STREKT CABS ano hailwavs 14. L ' '"" ' " 1. aJ-a'LT"'" '." wH-;tl. rnr.il.ii.ar. hrtwrttml jfmST"'' 15. "rT"''"'' rt rii 1I1M all I. ilnr. a..l na.fi f(rrvrifJ,, inm. ami irirrM M rnMrru.14. arraa atd al iW 1. im. ar 1 X tSkil.alsi Jllmw,.A ft a. . e iitr limiltr HalraaaM. likii Irnli rrtata.ia)rrj in ia ia tarm. a General Provisions 16. V t''' " WloTf rrrcainlonar. or i1 U " m 04 ,mf la mail ihr L"?kTi "I"4 " ;'"rv '" M tia llk ia rnn.nl, nilh llitw urik-rt . ,L in am ft.. .1 romlmrrrt Mn-r.rini.itar. w India. 1'r.antam I. Mr Hum l'm.l.) W.rdra .ki . trr oflittr of any n-mWr al a Sr fnrrr, may lata Wfrl.1K1n1l1rm.1all.mh alrt at mar I rrt.m.Mi rwr.rar, 4. a I tear.. aahl a a 1 I alt. Ml " KH 11... Itaika. . 91 IVaaaat a. aatin.a, aim. 1 aa I 7 " .'w '" ' ' ---. ' aaMaaat, a. a, a. n. .a. 1.1.1 a 1". .- -, t la.aaa.rt IW Mark .at.' a . W(kMaaiia."ari' 74 Taraj win, iH . 4 all ar..i- . " UaraaaaH run at, 1 1,-aa. I' TI 1 ktaata. R C tkta Jtlk - IOIIN HART. IS. far nl iUtak La Rf OOLVTIONS RIXATlNf. TO MfrlHS 1 ii r may nr. nisn ,r.u on MOTOR.Vr illCI.E OR TR AI1.I K III R INC. ANV I'RrCAUTIONARV BI (K OUT PERIOD WITHIN THE PROV ivr.i: or iikitish columhia BV Mrfli C ol aal . ...I. 1 a I.. . ' l I ik aal. ai ka Ik. Pratuar ai II' mat), kt If. IVtrnar nl RrHl.k I o.. '. a .- ! at Aa l 11 I k.hj raakr Ik. taMaa.... f I.m rrn ra tliaiti nl .at mraa " ' W Pi... .a1 a-n law ikaa a. aarf m -a, tkan r. .tmk karaft. .M W ara a. ani rlrVaiAla rrUiaja. V. l.rU 3. '.aj iwraat in rati at ..I an. ... ' nWlM an. Prrraatamar , II Uk am. .nail ' nr ' airltlkl aa i-.l, aa !! i Kkl ! ,. .. arth Ikr ninaf. ktlaaii iSm :irflaiw.. l .J 1.1 I..-. m .11 ikarai n an. iraik. ClMlK HL.L mi .hJll.tnll I'ihl ll i.n.. . ',.1, ,kalt 'n r a l.il ia a. . ' laatl.aa. M ikrw irgalaiitai iv- ttra-ila' " o r.ni. in ili.i.r nl u ' ' .hall k.ri. 1.1 .... I.in naba. ik.. ila,. kilr .iah inaii rrktrto ar trataVr !.' ". IWauittMari Hiatk aal r.Mi I. A Ja.kat.rtl kkl aa, k. aart la rrt.m.nalr t" Ualrtan.nl .n Ik. 4.ikkaarij , 1. Irrallnalln. r rtal ali.t maj kr aar4 M paaw.trarr)ln( raalnr.li i. I.l.rlar Hlamia.ikM m. kr aati a. I.'t ra..l". I arr 1 laf faaiamral fraiklrt Ik. WaailnaliM ma.lr. ta Ira I a. IM to ttoikl. Ir.m X'""' ' atltUaitallllr.il , . 4. Ckaran.. Ik kit mar kt aat. a. rnaltr. iralk-rt katlnf a aUlk. lathallaf IM ft i.. AH kr.dk III . nl nnaaa.karlr. ..nrl .1 " .1.1.1 i.nn.Ti n.lt IMI nal nr " i nut. auk Ikr rat. Hmi al a Itaritimial Iraiiik aaa om traartfr frf a bxh in aHh 1 1 hi .h.H W m. kicatMt llkit Ikt Ian al h " ... .. n.. rnart nl mr latnllHM f" f. I'r.ri lail lltn an an nioior . halt in n 1 rm tii' Pirraataniar. Hto.1 nui mi 1 i.latiiH aal .il, t ,,alo.i ol tn'k " ' 1 Ivttallr almh .kail nrnircl ifw lihl iti i' " noritraiial I'tonr or at irrar a h.tiiaMiitl i'la"' 7 Tarn? lr.n.lKHit tkart not rtlrnn I" " "' rraaiwl nl link .Mt.1 n..nitMMt r.i" Irmn ikrw ortlir. Iu. In.. uumA kt mr. 'mi i'1 hargr ol ant .uth laranr rrhWIr mi rmi"' It Ilk all .rat... ........ I ...,k .it 1. 1. ra.ir ,.l i.l I'W'II ai 'amr.rr. iMt Htm -U. m V' -11' ' " W. C. MAINWARINO, Ckalrman. Aa.harjr .., kUI CI.II.M Pralftll" L"'''' I. Kii.VAl 11 iii viia! 11 px xnnt at GtW rftl inn.. Ikr,.. ; ja-iialja, (j, famiyr1fkt y"'" 'T' , Uraw, ' '"iai M Ik Arra o( llrfcrPaiiniln. ik.'a'' " . , . irwarat laf,, ( , MirrKitf of Naiinmn It""' ' 7 " .,, g u Varamal . . I krfrttr ... ,tn lur X.t.l ..a.t S.rtr. hI ,., lt.1 1 .1. . i .1.. .rf.ki. 1 rl .l'"a . .".irrn. inr Air, mtani n. - . HlMkMid .... Tt . .1.1 1.1. II.H I tr I ' - -i n..w rnj 1 nr iinmn.inr ''" , Krakk C.4ianl4a. iMt ilt) ; alia I kit rrtr'tiH.i , ' a.lrfi riiall ma ipti) la airy KtjfiH ar twrirrn. SI'iNKllal K-,i.m.i, ilii. M -la. ..( Vl-' AJ' ' ' . tlllTD - a a R. O. ALt.XA.i't'M r.. o. c wi c r"'"' ". H9u1.heW.fi .nd otfi.fi .r. ufa.d to d.l.ch h. .boy. rlofe. A of.i.fr. ! eM l. iL.;. ...j... r '',fcttBWBlBWtBWtaalBtaalB wi 111. 11 uuiatrtc.