u SPAY ArniL 30, 1942. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREB ;()TIIM IS READY FOR SPRING THREAT 1 I III III II II II II 1 I I lai 11 M r- t,f t m m wtm i . j . 'i ' . 4 4 .cvh aaaaaaaaaaaaa ; : . 0 g. 'Tu.:d '.he ram."., of tac !!. r i.v . !,.... A'....i,." nuke 4 condition Ax:s :n: ..p .r ...... and if- a :iOt impossible bt- mack to i. i pa New York with 4 bomb or .i beliiR taken There are plenty of anti-aircraft KITKATLA Norma O. . d $MthAxka. 'nklng fifty-KttkAtla for a invtval mission. for many years. Many young men are taking a full share in the or ganisation and 1U avwndant re-UfkMH work. vrvtoea of the Ing nothing but flint, which for he Cou ch rrrriy i-T.y th m States sATiM FINISH VICTORIA Iducitit fV 1YJLJUL.1 Ut PLEBISCITE Count To Dale In Skrrna Is 6020 To 2117 n various paru of the metropolitan area, ready smith Ac.com 10 wouta-De-Mitwn. 1 For Wails, Floors, It Is announced that the ballot box could not be delivered In time for voting to Telegraph Crrck. WILL BUILD NEW HOUSES Bros, and Wilson of Van couver Are Entering Local Contracting Field Smith Bros, and Wilson, contractln: firm, Is about to' ,enter the local construction field.1 ' It is to erect further dwelling and ClU'UNKItS ORGAN 1 7. : tame from the United Farm butlermnkrs of SOuln At Oermany or Switzerland, rlca hare formed a labor union. Furniture.. .Everything. GLOWWORMS WIN MATCH I Defeated Strong Signals Tram By Hiding 4Scoie of 29 to 23 In Basketball Last Night One hundred AM cltfu buVof, aJluU,tl min . 'Wr'u ? "Hht ' top o the. inW-8ervlccs plebiscite In Skcena glw a result r WR;j'i,lBa.. -A ?i C "rrnktlVe-ln ! baXtbaU atnede. .... k.. t i rr- Jck Port when they toppled the ft J IVV VUI 1 1 All), Vltlt 1 . Brown. .mighty Signal team by a score of 29 to 23. Although at. half time the Sig-nalmen were leading 16 to 14. the Glow Worms came-back strong to Owing to an error In tel-graphlc ... hVof. frnm afw! ,:,h transmission, the result from . tn B , . . 0.UWit HVtlVt V Villi W J44ba KlHLCf"?,Lfa"eIUiihU with 14 points and to he ten to twelve affirmative . negative. The result there was. In stead. 10 affirmative and two ne gatlvc Further poll to report their re ults arc as follows: Kitlmat 5" 0 Lowe Jnlet 2 0 Little Canyon " 10' 2 Skecna Crossing - 5 4 Advance Ppll Smltherf, 6, 0 Ouelpa of Signals with 8 points The: razzle-dazzle play of Houston of Searchlichts accounted fof an additional twelve points. There was a big; crowd that was thrilled from the first whistle to the end of the-same. Cpl. Haase of the Edmonton Futollcrs and Sgt. Dougherty of. the' 102nd Heavy Battery were referees, with Jack Morse of the- YAf C.A. score-keeper. ' .' The line-ups were ft follows: Signals BalUic, Taylor 6 Ouel pa 8, Lawford' 4, Lanskall b Searchlights King 3, OTJclll, Smith 14. Houston 12.' Aiken, Canada at War 25 Years Ago ! staff houses for Wartime Housing j 'By The Canadian Press) JOHN BULL'S FLINTS j to accommodate local war Industry! April 30, tfll7 British force In LONDON. April 30 British-. workers. So, far the E. J. Ryan ; Mesopotamia defeated 13th Turk- fllnu soon will be available Construction Co. has been carry-! ish Army Corps at the Oorge of it Bartk7 Bay, lor itwehanlcal lighters. To make ing on th' work but It now has 'Satt-el-Adhalm. Attacks on Brt-H ::a and re- Britain independent of foreign .other projects in hand. .ttsh positions between Monchy-le- wek to Aprt. supplies, two factories are produc- - - , -' Prcux and the River Scarpc in Vlmy area repulsed. Unidentified airplane homed Zlerlkzee In the Netherlands. Three Varieties Cover Every Interior Decorating Requirement ENAMEL High-gloss 2naml of txee'ptionil durability. And because it dries with a hard, porcel&in-like finish it is ideally suitable for furnitute, woodwork, floors and linoleum: Ttil colors are brilliant. A finish that flows evenly from the brush and dries quickly. VARNISH A quick-drying dusl-pnrp.it Vir-nish. Use it for table tops, link drainboardi, etc., and tht snrfaei will not Affected by hot disbei or boiling water. Use it for floor! ind linoleums and it will stand the haxdest wear. Available in clear or stain color. SATIN FINISH ".-5: A semi glOM, satin like fii)i'h for walls, woodwork and fornitur. with a hard, durable finish that can be washed repeatedly. Colon ir r attractive pastel tints which have been specially selected as ths most of bedrooms, kitchen, etc. suitable for the decoration pantry, British America Paint Co. Ltd. VANCOUVER CALGARY EDMONTON REQINA Miss Lois Judge Shower Honoree Home of Mrs. A. K. Blackhall Scene or Delightful Affair Last evening at the home of Mrs. A. E. Blackhall Wectview,- ai delightful miscellaneous shower was held In honor of Miss LoU Judge who is to be married shortly. At midnight delicious refresh ments were served. Feature of the evening was the presentation to th bride-elect of a decorated basket containing many useful and ' beautiful gifts. Those present Included Mes-dames A. Blackhall. Judge. Thompson. Chamberlain. Varner. Clav, Taylor and the Misses Mae Peacock, Marge Joy, Lois Judge. Emily Christopher and Eileen Foster. Whifflets From The Waterfront C. P. R, steamer Princess Norah. which has been withdrawn from the Alaska route for a couple of months, will now go to the West Coast of Vancouver Island and Powell River runs for relief duty while the Princess Maqulnna and I Princess Mary respectively are , getting annual overhaul. During the summer the Prineiss Norah and Princess Louise will operate opposite each other on the Alaska run. The Jones Act, governing Inter coastal shipping of Alaska, has been amended so that Canadian! vessels may henceforth carry passengers from point to point in Alaska. The steamer Princess Norah, which was In port this Tues day afternoon. was the first boat to handle such traffic both north and southbound. IN Till: MTKIIME (Ol'KT Of Itltl-111 (Ol.l MIIIV IN TltE MATTER OP WILUAM ORI.N OLE BA1RO WOOD. DeccoMd. IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINIS- I TnATION ACT" , TAKE NOTICE that by order of We I Honour Jud;e FUixr. I wis .ppolatrd ! Admlnixntor of the Estate of h Ute WUIUm Cringle Balrd Wood. De. formerly of Uie City of Prince Rupert. Province of BriUsti Columbia. M&rlne Fitter, who died on or about the Uth day of January 1942. All per--U baring claim agaU.t the said Estate are required to fontard Uiem to me on or before May 31st 1942. proper-f rrrifled. at id al pcrscus Indebted to Uve said Esuu are required to pay to me tbe amount of tiitr Indebted ne forthwith. DATED at Prince- Rupert. B.C. that i6Ui day of April. AX). 1942. p 1 NOIMAN A WATT, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Thune 37 P.O. Bux 511 PHASER STREET PK1NCE HUPEftT l J. H. BULGER Uptometnst 1$ (Opposite rost Office) $ Announcement We arc glad to announce that wc arc now adding a SHOE REPAIRING DEPT. at our shop, with Mr. Charlie W Yatt In full charge. As Charlie has many years" experience In the trade he knows how to rebuild your shoe right. Let him do It for you. We also carry DRESS SHOES AND WORKING BOOTS LING, the Tailor Sixth Street Phone (111) Suits Pressed by Steam While You Walt I RAILWAY I I UNES I u Lome Cornell sji PAINTER AND INTERIOR DECORATOR phone Blue 112 Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific TO VANCOUVER VIA OCEAN FALLS AND WAY POUTS: SS "PRINCESS ADELAIDE" every Friday, 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT: April 6th, 16th, 28th', May 8th, 19th, June 2nd. TO KETCHIKAN. WRANOELL, JUNEAU AND SKAGWAY: April 2nd, 12th, 23rd, May 3rd, 14th, 28th. Direct connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and. Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. Wrisley's SUPERBE BATH SOAP 3 Giant Cakes $1.00 Odors: Pine, Apple Ulossom, Lilac EFFERVESCENT FRUIT SALINE The Morning Refresher 13 oz. Tin and one Glass Tumbler Both For 60c Ormes Ltd. Dtonecr Druggists THE KEXALL STOItE PHONES 81 AM) 8! Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. OUK (JUUiMKl AiU iiU3lKb UKlAiNU . . . X rnnn WQVirK It KJVJULS UJUl f IVJJ lit l We ask your co-operation. Our country requests us to conserve 1 gasoline. We are also advised that we shall not be able to replace tires for our trucks. In order to maintain our policy of prompt service we ask you to place all coal orders at least ONE DAY BEFORE DELIVERY IS EXPECTED. By doing this you will enable us to route our deliveries in the most economical manner, thereby conserving both gasoline and tires. Albert & McCaffery Ltd. S rilONES 116 OR 117 Wanted Raw Furs HKHIESr MARKET TRICES PAID Representing HUOSON'S BAY COMPANY Ship to J. E. OUMIIEIM, Cow Hay. Prince Rupert. B.C.. Phont M5 When Vim Waul a Reliable. Comfortable. Dependable TAXI PHONE 13 Service m w Zt-lli.ur Service at Regular Kale Special Price Tor LADIES' and GENTS' NEW SPUING CLOTHING $27.50 and up. B. LAMB, Tailor Phone Black 787 302 Third Ave. W. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 93 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations ,4' ' -1. t f si s