TAOE BDC Expert OPTICAL SERVICE ADAM HAT! J OKE PRICE FRANK MORGAN Popular screen and radio star Chas. Doriimeari Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Hrpairinc, Hand Engraviur. VISIT OUU BASEMENT STOKE for line China, Dinnerware, Classes Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant la HlAt M AN K M0I6AN M ( U. Jl.r f TW NilH N I CvN,il selects this jaunty, rakish snap brim for Spring. Its lightweight graceful lines mate it a favorite with discerning dressers. ADAM Sold in Prince Rupert Exclusively By Rupert Men's & Boys' Store 217 SIXTH ST Across From Ilelgerson Real Estate THE STOKE FOR DAD AM) LAD Are You Prepared? Organization Bombs Fires Air Raids Gas First Aid General Hints PRACTICAL CIVILIAN DEFENCE A worthwhile handbook Tor everyone interested in their community welfare Price--25 cents Join the A. R. P. New -War Map of the Pacific and the Far East 25c eMcuMes.Md BUY... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... at Your Local Butchers. N0MVASTK HEADY TO Ci)QK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT lfi """4SII COLUMBIA i BRITISH UTILITY CLOTHES :Majr: Bring; Many ., Casualties . In Dress Industry LONDON. April 30: (I sir Thomas Barlow. director of civilian clothing, who. at a word can change the styles of men'.? or women's clothing In Britain, has explained the set-up by which ilm-olifled fashions are to help con- erve fabric and drain labor from civilian' needs into war factories. Style must be more and not less attractive because each sanr.ent uses less fabric, says Sir Thomas. For that reason thi "risloisnt t firms.' as those chosen by the 5 covprnmpnt in mitt "nillltv clothing bearlmr the government mark are called, arc such as use the most modern methods of mak- tntj up clothes. Fabrics ar "directed" by government order ps S '.ney come off the looms to such Ij 1esl?nated firms. J A Mim of M. 350.000.000 turnover in clothing every year s-liows the magnitude of the problems. Thlrtv thousand dress industry firms arc engaged in maklng-up, and of these only 1,200 hare so far been sranted the government mark, the little label of ''C.C. 4l.M but these firms can be reduced or in creased. Strictly Controlled When all the fabric needed by the services, men's and women's. ,t has been taken, two-thirds of I what is left is directed to those J; protected firms making Utility J"m ranges. They have to work to strict I government specifications: the jl: cloth must be of exactly specified I goodness, not more than so mucl ,'jmay be used, finish must b! per ;fect and firm to jnaks clothe.' well-lasting. Dyes must come from permitted groups, profits ar.d I prices are strictly laid down. will the other, the miiority, c! makers-un be able to continue against the competition ol the : government sponsored clothes? Sir Thomas Barlow says frankly that he is sorry If thpy ?o under, but under they are likely to go. One third of the fabric lett after !! service requirements, must be scrambled for by them. Theli workers may be taken a way from them by war factories. And the coupon system overrides everything. Women have a mall number of coupons to last the year and they must buy their j clothes on a budget so that each .lasts over several season or years That means that they will chop? I the best in fabric, style ?s well a I price. From time to Ume a cry rises that no expensive clothes should be permitted at all in Limits Trim Now the Board of Trade nil! limit the trimmage used by ex pensive designers as well as by utility manufacturers. They will demand from them slim skirts, no unnecessary cuffs, faclnjs, rivers. no buttons for sheer ornament, no double breasted suits or coats or dresses or unnecessary overlaps, an almost complete reduction in embroidery, for both women's and children's clothes. A trade jianel will sit to Judge what is necessary and what is unnecessary or namentation. The dlrectc: rays he demands no more than "rcas onable restriction." Every branch of the drnsj trjdc is busy now seizing the opportun ity of these utility clothes. Up in Manchester the color, design and l i style centre of the cotton trade is k I planning and advising on coHons, h 'collecting the best of the cotton & futility clothes and drcwiM. They p i.arc keeping the creative spirit fe. 1 alive by bringing forward the V i work of textile designers, many of 'whom being In the Forces, are not able to bring forward their work for themselves. Arrives rreMi r.very week j V We believe In featuring It ! and helalw our up-river ., farsierfltnlEryyiltionqe and,wc quality Is unsurpassed. V lbIe we aiso icaiure uij-nver VEGETABLES whenever dos- 5 MUSSALLEM S : J Economy Store I "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P.O. Itox 575 Phones 18-19 THE DAILY NEWS Friday, April 54 n 1 1 - t . t-i At 12:30. 2:55, 5:20. 7:, 10:10 ALSO ".MECHANICAL .MONSTERS" NKHS FILM LIST FOR MONTH Sunday .Midnight Shows Are Innovation Interrttinr Lht of Hooking Caplto, Theatre ha, an interest- Ust "Z'tZ X? JH. ' otg Ust of feature bookings for the, today, it U the flrat mator f.u nonth of May. Among ;he out- ' Lre with L"i7. , Ending films7 to be sho'wn arc Zr th UTJLr? ELFZSSS 5ft - r "fi !' vrrnB inna-,staM aj, Raymond SU ih. tion Is the commencement of soec lal Sunday Midnight shows every week. The list for the montlj Is follows: Oliver Hardy in "Great Ouns. as Howard. Laaivnc Ottvler. fortman. Anton Walbrook uiynu rfonrw, uk latter an nractlve litUe 17-yw old London April 30 ad May 1 and 2-Li.;..T. eiuracter lie Howard. Laurence Olivier and ; ""! " . Raymond -Ma-ey in 4ath. Par-' . ,L "... F ajjej i i--wifiuiuic aiurj oj wiiai May 3 (Sunday midnight Wh 'tniui' -John Garfield In "Eai of the ilvTr" th ba.rwa of d- May 4 and 5-Adolphe Meniou IT". Uft,rJ,rlne nnd Carol Landls in "Road ShoW." L "1 ,?Jt Mav anH 7c, , , A,r Dombert and 'hey at- , - . tvw.ii "IU1V1 UI1U l.ml ( .w- ..k v '!'" "V CMn: UTO Mir mo, parallel into the " then neutral May 8 and 9 Bob Hod and .71.7 . . Madeleine Carroll "" In "My Favorite ravonw; stan, . . ?. . mo eoa' oij... actoll 0 y-. nlm TODAV FRI. - SAT - Complete Shows at 12:30, 2:33, 4:53, 7 23 . 9 43 JplL 1 Af A lAMOUf flATIII IMIA1 CANADIAN FILM NOW SHOWING "Forty-Ninth Tarallri ex-iting BrltUh - Canadian pictur.- hl?h local moviegoers have lone been nnHlnitin . .. Manager D. O. Borland of htn, ,.lr.1?. "T ,r Brk! at- TODAY'S STOCKS Cuuftqr 8 n JiHwl if OO.) Vancouver Grand view Hratorne . ijft Cariboo Quarta 1JI Medley MMSOi Jl Pend Orvllla . 1.IT Pioneer ,. MS Premier . ., M Privateer . Reno . MVi Oll Calwam .... .11 CAR . Jl Home ' a.41 Moyal Canadian M Toronto CentrmitPai. . 1 Cons. Smelters MM Hard rock ...... . J7 Karr Ad4t iM Uttle Long Le v M McLeod Otxkshutt I. If XUdatn Rf Ukr 48 McKenale Rd Uke M Moneta M Ptekl Crow- 1.41 Preston Boat Dome 1.M San Antonio 1.41 aberrttt Gordon Jf! KII.I.LI) BV SKNTKY DOVER. April 30 Lieut. W. O. Worthington. Klf.V.R.. 35- May 10 (Sunday mldnl-hti-f.. iae ,weeP or Dominion year-old grandson of a millionaire alnc Day and Robert Vo . ,rom wostenholm in the Burton-on-ltent brewer, was m- Trial of Mary Du"an " sub-Arctic to the UrUtfd SUtes- cidenUy shot and killed by May 11 and 12n0'bert Preston Canadian border at Niagara Fall,' sentry whose warning to halt ind Ellen Drew in "Night of Jan- inc vmrn. u Kocicy own ; near or raiiw to neea. uary Sixteenth" ! r Mountains and the Pacific Coast. Mav n nnn "in.w n "V ' Ninth Parallel ' was WOMEN MARK HUICKS ft he and Olvrnpc Bradna hi ,n -Interna- Ullerna """.i" by a PerU!l I .. . n... . exDcdltlon which crossed the At-! LONDON Anril 30 Women nuudi oquaaron. . . . . . " . ; . (iitriiii ui. oi i.Mriiii:.MKNTH Plrtoti hikI Smruli .MImm.iI ( IhIiim fitunte In ihe AJlIn Mlnuij Dlvltlon cf Cumins DlaU-lot oil (he WA tide or Pin Crnrlc 1-2 ml! nd J-4 A , rri Noth of iorr Pin Crtrk TAKE KOtlCt Owt tlCThlll. JI,C IMM Ir.r A M ' t ' tlx: Bounta M f. JSiijjferS'Si W.'.-!? (if MX17 flays from ith Ixrnf nd it htuuii c yoir. tn nDiy u tbe Mtnl:ia l cctc1t tor Crtlca1n cf ImprovommU for lie purport ft cMtlnlng Oron OranU of the ve cllm, Ani further Cuke notice ht ctltm. uwltr ecUon 85 cf the "Mineral Act," must be commenoed bnfore the Umuhco rf nuoli Orttflrti U LnprovemmU. taini thl at,h da.y of April. 1942. JAAtEa T. UNDER! 1112 Agent. 111..: day enroute to J.. will eonunence k" ahape for the ojxi.. "Wc Will oper. ': ' the annual meeti: i dlan Medical A- will hut for a w-K profeaalonal men !: Canada and th? ' The Dmitri earner, i repeated this yeur ' color photograph' : 'a again the end of 3 mrtias Instead of MONTHS IN LONDON! AND STILL BREAKING ALL RECORDS I . . . Six Niizll . . uirtHvpfi cf a fuHmjfmf roiJff sunk tht rtait el ConoJo by lit RCA.f mJUh win wiih ConaJn Man. Hunlrri In a dtpttalt Iwyltl acren CaiuJj It iht 4p:h rralfl . . (lit otiJcj unJccnJ.-J rnliff in tht unf Uf LAURENCE OLIVIER Johnmt. frciikh Canadian Utie. mht fili Noil phi. to Idvt hil IlitnJt LESLIE HOWARD at Scott, tht klnJij. eulluitJ wnlti who mtttt tht challtngt of firman titoihtry RAYMOND MASSEY at Any. tht Canadian SeUitl mht thowi the Nail "Supttman" tht mtanlng of Dtmtaatyl A COLUMBIA PICTURE with ANTON WA LB ROOK GLYNIS JOHNS and ERIC PORTMAN Vv hoductd and dittcttd In Canada and -Tvv Inalani by MICHAEL WELL 4 -v ; -r-. totulnj Tafidlr CAKOLt LVNDIS i. KOAD siioir Midnite Show Sunday at 12:13 JOHN (i.XUI M LI) in "KAST OF THE HIVI H' JASPER TO OPEN SOON .Many VhiUr, ;kr.'1(d At Mc:; Uln ltfort Altlioush Will lit turtaUrd WlMrllPNO A, Umrlat buatneui : ally a ut-vUun i WltMatnt our rrv per Parle Ldr ,. and pi that Ux or drtna will tx-this year secim on RaMiiin la planty In oar mounts: and the gtsu full leattHUton u h eod rejuon i This vis Un it. . Cuhney Park Ude sun. n.. peete for the while stopping this party from Nv' V May 15 and 1C Bob Hfne ind a"a lrlufira iroat vae soon whi oe empioyea in lactones tnc canaaian no. . Zorlna in '"Louisiana Purrh.- ra,ciy 01 uanaU 10 w,la Lon- making bricks for the rebuilding Ume and this r (technicolor). aon 10 maKe l"e ,nlywf- UrlUln's bombed cities. In he stated 1 May 17 (Sundav mldnlshti - Frank Morsan in "Hullabaloo." May 18 and ID -Randolnh Scott and acne Ticrncy in, "JJella Starr 'technicolor). ' '. May 20 and 21 Claudctte Cot bert and John Payne in "Remember the Day..' Mzy 22 and 23 Robert Taylor ind Lana Turner in "Johnny Ea- ?er." May 21 'Sunday mldnlsht) Rett Skclton In "Whlstlins in the Dark!" May 25 and 2ft Maureen OUara and John Payne In "To the Shore 'r Tripoli." May 27 and 28--MarJorle Wood-worth in "Brondway Limited." CANADIAN HANDS TAKE PART IN WARSHIP WKKK t v Klltcd Canadian pipe bands are shown parading ln llydc rark a, lhc Canadtan uniU h" part In London's warship week.