ftrESDAV JANUARY 20, 1041. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mi N Dan.e. January 23. and Mrs.. E. T, Gray sailed u-MiHon on; the Q&rdena for i .lurnUTs' special meeting, Uvamsduv 8 p.m. Wirpcmers uuii, ,r liuviiiAvit hrinnrtnnt. r'X'i pr;ii ii' . train, du to arrive rn Enst at 11 Vs)ock, was rd ihif! morning to be on gevtfrui new provincial election Hi'- 1 i rtonriilcRpn Rt.nn:v monm G W. Rudderham, Mr. j ana Mr Allison Ilalnes, OeorRe tfrtu-;. . nsnnn iiuwu. ivii. uiiu iviia. ;riri Mrs. Margaret Berg. BLACKHEADS go quickly iy almpU mtthoi that dl-wlns them. Ct two ouncti of proxin from your drurit. prly with a Ewdr et, srrt cloth Benllr vr th blackheads- and you t:l wgndar what t thty ha Kom. jl. a WW w), w v w 1 w-m J. H. BULGER Optometrist (OPPOSITE POST OFFICE) J. Bouzek, TAILOR LADIES' and GENTS' Best Materials, Workmanship Srconcl Ave., two doors from Mroadcastlng Station Get It At the Variety Store 330 Third Ave. West DRESSMAKER Mrs. Nakatani Ladle: ' and Children's Alterations Phone Ulk. 529, 522 Fulton St. Satisfaction Guaranteed Cleaning and Pressing CENTRAL HOTEL First Class Accommodations EUROPEAN OU AMERICAN PLAN Baths By Appointment C E. BLACK. Prop. All Canadian Union Amalgamated Ituildinpr Workers of Canada Prince Itupert, B.C., Unit No. 1 M E E TINGS Every fourth Sunday, 2:30 p.m., of Each Month. METROPOLIS HALL Phone Red 1G3 P.O. IIox 577 Start the Year Right ly Saving Our COUPONS for Useful Household Items. Call in and let us explain this plan to yon. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store 'Where Dollars Have. More Cents" P.O. Itox 575 Phones 18, 19 'V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. riione28l P.O. Uox 198 ? SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 514 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Spending a wek hre on his way from Stewart to Vancouver where he will Join the ordnance department of the army for active service, William D. Smith is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mitchell, Atlin Avenue, Westview. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell, Fifth Avenue East, entertained at u party In. his honor. Mr. Smith will leave Thursday night on the Prince George for Vancouver. Lutheran Church In Good Shape finances Dealt With at Meeting of Council Monday Night. j Principally financial matters R.:oe. ueoige iawwm, jj u v i u ; were dealt 1th at a meeting Mon-C-rocKfi Mrs J. S. Black, Mr. and day night of the council of St. Mrs E A Evans. R. E. Valpy, Of,- paui'S Lutheran Church with the La' Uu-OT A o. worse, jonn hod- pastor, Rev. J. H. Myrwang. in the i chair. The church ended the year without indebtedness on running I expenses. There is no certainty yet as to when the new church at will be ready for occupancy. New Officers For Sons of Norway Officers for the Sons of Norway for the year 1942 are as follows: President, Nels Gunderson. Vice-President. Harold Helland. Regent, Thorolf Murvold. Dommer, Knut Slatta. Secretary, Mrs, H. Helland. Financial Secretary, John Treasurer, Reynold Hundlede. Marshall, Mrs. K. Slatta. Assistant Marshall, Mrs. A. Dyb-havn. Inter Guard, Nels Vaseng. Outer Guard, Irllng Grenstrand. Trustees Claus Aune. Hans Pct-terson and John Fredheim. AUSSIES POSTAGE Australia has issued seven new stamps several of which are for increased postage resulting from war costs. ANNOUNCEMENT We are glad to announce that we are now adding a SHOE REPAIRING DEPARTMENT at our shop, with Mr. Charlie W. Yatt in full charge. As Charlie has many years' experience in the trade he knows how to rebuild your shoe right. Let him do it for .you. WE ALSO CARRY DRESS SHOES AND WORKING HOOTS. LING - TAILOR Sixth Street Phone 649 Suits Pressed by Steam While You Wait. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: Catala every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thursday p.m. Cardena every Friday 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Monday am Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving Jan. 13, 27 Feb. 10 and 24. Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. - Phone 568 United States. MRS. JOHNS PRESIDENT St. Andrew's Woman's Auxiliary Elects Officers For Coming Year Mrs. J. G. Johns president of the Woman's Auxlll Fifth Avenue and McBride Street ary of St. Andrew's .Anglican Cathedral at the annual meeting last week. She succeeds Mrs. H. S. Meadows who has retired, owing to ill health. The complete list of officers for the ensuing year is as follows: Honorary President, Mrs. G. A. Rix. Honorary Vice-President, Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh. ! President, Mrs. J. G. Johns. I First Vice-President, Mrs. C. V.1 Evltt. ' Second' Vice-President, Mrs. Thomas Andrews. Secretaries Mrs. Charles Dodimead and Mrs. A. L. Holtby. Treasurer, Mrs. George Cripps. Little Helpers' Secretary, Mrs. P. A. T. Ellis. United Thank Offering Secretary, Mrs. Charles Ellison. Living Message Secretary, Mrs. H. F. Pullen. Prayer Partners Secretary, Mrs. Priestley. Sick Visiting Committee Mrs. J. A. Hlnton, chairman, Mrs. A. L. " Holtby and Mrs. S. A. Kielback. Church Committee, Mrs. J. G. Johns. The meeting was opened by Very Rev. James B. Gibson, dean of the Cathedral, who. after prayers, gave a short address of appreciation and encouragement. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Capt. Selkirk, city: A. Reid, Port Simpson. tfhhcuHcetnehU All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Presbyterian Jan. 23. Vardens' Jan. 24. Burns' Banquet, Tea, Metropole Hall, Oddfellows Fortnightly Scotch Dance, January 24. Admission 50c Anglican Tea Mrs. Johns, Jan. 29, 102nd Auxiliary Dance, Oddfel lows Hall, January 30. 6. Queen Mary Tea January 31. Annual Masonic Ball. February St. Peter's Evening Branch Handkerchief Tea, Parish Hall, Feb. 12. United Church Valentine Tea. Mrs. W. L. Armstrong's, Feb. 12. Valhalla Dance, Metropole Hall, February 13. Catholic. Shrove Tuesday Tea, Mrs. J. Zarelli, Feb. 17. S.O.N. Masquerade, February 20. Cathedral Easter Sale, April 9. ENTERPRISE FRUIT and PRODUCE Co. THIRD AVENUE AND FIRST Specializing in Fruit and Vegetables You are 'cordially welcome to inspect our store. We will demonstrate our new produce. "DELNOU" FROZEN FRUIT and VEGETABLES FREE DELIVERY PHONE 313 THE DAILY NEWS Mr?"? rit' ECONOMIC !RF.nCRT)SS Cousin of Local Cnrdfll Hull Sees Even Closer Cooperation Between Canada And United States WASHINGTON, D.C., Jan. 20: . ' RR . ir RELATIONS WORKROOM Man at Hon? 8, No Less Than 9303 Articles Were Turned Out During Past .Year, Annual Meeting; Hears. During the past year the, local At his press conference yesterday, Red Cross workroom, under the Secretary of State Cordell Hull direction of Mrs. J. R. Low, turned said he looked forward after the 'out no less than 9303 articles, it war to a broadening and increase was reported last night in connec-of economic relations between 1 tion with the annual meeting of ' Canada and the United States and the Prince Rupert branch of the the possible extension to all the , Canadian Red Cross Society. This Americas. Mr. Hull had been asked included hospital and services if he thought it possible that tar-made from Red Cross materials iffs might be abolished like was0nly, supplies for women's auxll-being done as a war co-operation iary services, garments for wom- measure between Canada and the ! civilian defence, garments for refugees and civilians and donated garments and materials. The detailed list as presented by Mrs. Low was as follows: Hospital Supplies' 911 pairs; seamen's long stock ings. 34 pairs; mitts, 449 pairs, sweaters. 249; scarves, 80; helmets, 92; body belts, 5; face cloths, 13?; Dviamns. 41 suits; bed gowns. 2; was elected ! pillow cases. 71; towels, 52; ampu tation covers, 27; dressing gowns, 14; bed jackets, 3; pads, 714; handkerchiefs, 666. Women's Auxiliary Services Knitted knickers, 21 pairs; ankle sox, 5 pairs, laundry bags, 19; sweaters, 1. Women's Civilian Defence Fawn flannel dresses, 33; fawn flannel skirts and black flannel skirts, 41; fawn flannel slacks, 9; long sleeve sweaters, 21; pullover j sweaters. 3; ankle sox, 2 pairs. Refugee-Civilian Garments Women's cloth skirts, 56; women's cloth dresses, 53; women's cloth -suits, 11; women's print dresses, 50; women's pyjamas, 3; wompn's bloomers, 83; women's nightgowns, .311; women's blouse, 1; girls' cloth dresses, 79; girls print dresses, .140; girls, sweaters, 139; girls' cloth skirts, 20; girls' cloth .Jackets, 1; girls' pyjamas. 272: eirls bloomers, 260; girls' slips, 124; girls' panties, 37; boys' sweaters, 138; boys' singlets, 100; boys' hatchways, 98; boys' pyjamas, 284; boys' scarves, "2; boys' shirts, 727; boys' suits, 4; boys' pants, 1; boys' caps, 2; children's combinations. 317; children's wool shirts, 56; children's sleepers, 129; baby Jackets, 44; diapers, 1323: crib quilts, 86: baby bonnets. 4: baby coat, 1; baby nightgowns. 440; baby soakers, 7; baby bootees, baby animal toys, 30; baby mit tens, 3; large quilts, 68: afghan, 1. children's sox. 17; men's sox, 15; men's sweaters, 2; pillow cases, 162 large quilts, 72; crib quilts. 14; afghans, 26; girls' skirts, 7; girls' sweaters, 6; girls' hood, 1; girls' aprons, 5; girls' dresses, 30; girls' blouse. 1; girls' shoes, 1; girls' hat, 1; children's sleepers, 8; children's combinations, 28; children's fur caps, 8; children's scarves, 4; children's long stockings, 5; children's helmiets, 2; boys' sweaters, 6; boys' suits, 3; boys' shirts, 3; children's house shoes, 53 pairs; baby's bootees, 18 pairs; baby's woolen vests, Kofoert A. Brass Was at Captured Asiatic Port With Winnipeg Ulfles William Brass of this city has received word that his cousin, Robert A. Brass of Punnlchy, Saskatchewan, was with the Winnipeg Rifies-in Hong Kong. No word has been received of his fate following the capture of the port by the Japanese. 17; baby's cotton vests, 11; baby's Jackets, 18; baby's bonnets, 27: baby's mitts, 2 pairs; baby's soakers, 8; baby's bibs, 6; afghans, 26: bed jackets, 3; pillow cases, 4; bed sox, 1 pair; men's sox, 16 pairs; women's cloth coats, 8; women's cloth dresses, 14; women's cloth Army, navy and air force box, -suits, 2; women's underwear, 2; baby nightgowns, 6; gloves, 7 pairs. Materials Received Amount of Red Cross materials received by the local branch at CHOCK-FULL OF NATURAL NOURISHMENT QUAKER OATS Prince Rupert .during 1941 were as just Received, a large stock of follows Woolen dress materials, 625' yards; flannelette, 45773i yards; Canton flannel, 155934 yards; pillow case tubing, 292 yards; handkerchief nainsook, 372 yards; print, 1037'4 yards; broadcloth, 14834 yards; satin, Al3A yards; elastic, 1320 yards; thread, 1334 1 spools; service wool, 856 lbs.; refugee wool, 253 lbs.; cotton string, 50; tags and labels, 11200; blue twill, 104 yards; quilt lining, 107 yards; absorbent cotton, 160 lbs.; non-absorbent cotton, 32 yards: gauze, 400 yards. For Quidcer Relief of KIDDIES' ccoidI Use BUCKLEY'SStainless WH1TERUB The mora quickly a kiddia't chast cold U cuibad tha law danger there i of lomething terioui developing. That's why more ond more molheri are wing Kkley' Slainlew While J c.,k Tkv know thai a aenlle ' ul,h (hi. fml Dn. 41-15 rating, non-greoy,itainleu rub really bring! amazingly fast relief. 1. tt Ptnatrat. faittr. 2. Goraratti tieot ond oporil qukkar. J. Sl'mulot.j ttulol,oo. bleats VP con- lion, the hard, racking cavh, helps induce reitful sleep. Or r.r Money tptk. TWO SIZES 30c end 50c. BUCMEY'S STAINLESS WHITE U IS MADE Y THE MAKERS OF SUCCIEY S MIXTURE CANADA'S LARGEST ifltING COUGH AND COID REMEDY. tiWsSBiaixjBaiiaiffliamDisiti Ladies! Big Discount Off For Cah. You are all invited to come in and look our coats over before stock - taking. Some going at half price and even less. Your credit is good. GOLDRLOOM "The Old Reliable" MmuamMMM mmmtmmmm When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable 2 PHONE 1 3 24-Hour Service at Regular Rates J. W. Rogcrson Wishes to Announce That the New Store, the MIDWAY GROCERY at the Lower Corner of Sixth Ave. and Ambrose, j is Now Completed and Will Open tor business on MONDAY, .JANUARY 19. Our prices are right, our service unequalled. Visit our store and settle your Grocery problem. PHONE BLUE 285. HEAT WAVES ROLL FROM FOOTHILLS COAL For complete year-round satisfaction hum the one and only FOOTHILLS COAL RULKLEY VALLEY LUMP AND SLACK COMOX PEA AND NUT LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE GT1 PHONE G52 PROTEINS MINERALS VITAMINS Contain! these three important food factor! that will help rill out the kiddies and grown folks, too, with pood firm flesh and muscle. Get them in nature's own proportion! in delicious, nourishing whole-strain Quaker Oats. 136 out of 142 leading ditli-tians recently said they preferred hot cereals for the average families. Quick Quaker Oats is ready in as little as 2Vt minutes. Costs less than cent sertinK.tigire your family the nutritional benefits of delicious, tempting Quaker Oats dailj Canada's SUPER BREAKFASTtfdod Classified Ads. FOR SALE men's work pants and fine dress pants at very reasonable prices, in all sizes. B. C. Clothiers Ltd. Third Avenue. FOR QUICK SALE 27-ft. launch. Owner leaving town. Phone Black 510 and ask for Mr. Douglas. H7) FOR SALE 3-piece chesterfield, kitchen range with oil burner, brick-lined heater. Phone Black 590. (17) FOR SALE Oil pump for 45 gal. barrel. Value $5. Phone Green 817. HELP WANTED 1 WANTED S mart girl. Macey's Confectionery. (tf) WANTED Driver. Apply Chris' I Mill Bakery. (tf) WANTED WANTED Janitor with engineer 4th class certificate. Phone 11. (17) WANTED Marine engine, 6 to h.p.; in good condition. Apply Box 200, Daily News. (18) WANTED Position in store or what have you. Apply Box 201, Dally News. (17) WANTED Girl or woman for housework. Phone Blue 163. (18) WANTED Female Hotel. cook. Rupert (16) WANTED Young man for dairy work. Valentin Dairy. (18) It's wonderful what a little classified advertising may do for you. Most people read the classified ads. (tf) EE FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT wishing to share. 805. LOST For men. Phone Blue LOST Union book with registration card. Finder please phone Green 833. U6 IN TIIK MTKEME COWtT OF IlKITIMI I.IMIA In tlif Mattrr of Sidney James I.nkf. Ien-eil. anil n Hie Mailer r the "Adnilnlslrallon Act" TAKE NOTICE that by order of HU Honor Judge Fisher I was appointed Administrator with he Will annexed of the Estate cf .the lalte 61dney James Luke, deewwed. formerly of Ocean Tula, British Columbia, night -watchman, wno died on or about the 21&t day of November 1940. All persons having claims against said estate re required to forward tihem o me on or (beore February 28th 1942 properly verified and all persons Indebted to the Said estate are required ito .pay to nv the amount of thelT indebtedness forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. this ITUi day of January A. D. 1942. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. ix Tin: roritT or HKITISII (OI.lMltlY III I'roliale In Hie Matter of the "Ail m in 1st rat Ion In the Matter f the IMate or John Iiwensril Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by order of lite Honor, W. E. Fisher, made on tiie 12th rtay of January, AJ). 1942, I was appointed Administrator of the estate of John Lyp, deceased, and ell parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required tx furnish tame, properly verified, to me on or before the 15.UI day of February, A.D. 1942, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 15th day of January. AX). 1942, NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. FANCY SOAPS Magnum Bath Soap, "English'V:ieivcaK'e :v'-35c 3 for 'J'. $po Cusson's Apple Blossom Soap, per cake 25c Cusson's Lime Blossom Soap, per cake 25c Cusson's Cold Cream Soap, per cake 20c Imperial Leather Soap, per cake 40c Gerrard Fancy Toilet Soap, per cake 10c Odors: Lily, Jassilne, Violet and Honeysuckle Eau de Cologne Soap, per cake . . . 15c Lanolin Soap, per cake 10c Vinolia Boracic and Cold Cream Soap, cake 20c Yardley Lavender Bath Soap, per cake .... 55c Castile Soap, French Formula, per cake 10c. per bar 25c Ormes.Lld. "JJm Pioneer Druq&i a ts THE K EX ALL STOKE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7 9 p.m. !V" l3 ft H V