| Legislative Librar “ y x | _ gays | t° myself, gays |i The News ip the paper to buy says! ee —————— yOL. 111, NO. 140 _ THE DAILY N Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist Prince haperts EG Bae ee PRINCE Rupe, B.C., Fripay, June 14, 112 PRICE FIVE CENTS “ARISE, SIR RICHARD!” PROUD DAY NOW FOR B.C. HOSPITAL TAG DAY TOMORROW goys, Don't Forget to Provide Yourselves with the Necessary Dollars to Gladden the Hearts of Girls oie the Hospital. hospital tag day, es of the Hospital reanized by Mrs. in? 5 \ are arranging to thorough duty of ih relly patrols will be nated antage points and bait h uhfares of the city, . accepting the flut- ering or the masculine bos be impossible to win a from them, The most ol iles are those who a tag collecting ex- assuredly there is ry marked favor ones for the man iy the most impos- ga nned on tags. Nat- Is competition idies in the race to}: { result financially il funds, so be gen- dif you want your faney among the ichieve a record you tirst tag or two suuntiet as often as ind your pocket CEMENT DUTY Rebate Arranged for by Customs Department. ig instructions have the Department of Ottawa: One he present duty on coverings thereon une 42th to Octo- {2, will be refunded i in usual course I i. Full duty is pay- f entry. LOCAL MARINE NOTES hia, en route from] Vancouver, calls at ow afternoon, Prince George Southbound. lo | lending passengers 4 | iv te vote on the sailing, the Prince veorg ol leave amtil 9:30 Among the pas- pa Morrison, Margaret oa Whitney, Cecilia Vogel, George ! Bertrand, A, M. tian bertrand, Mrs, ann ! Dorsey, John oo ! knowles, R, aes Froman, H. G, for Merrill, M, A, kennedy, W. 0. Barker, O, J, King, M. C. Barker, Mrs, Welch, Pat Dalby, J, King, Mrs, Lorimer, W, Foy, ‘ Handasyde, cu Nochester, J. Y Gatean, L. A, eld, Mrs, NOMINATION DAY IN NEW BRUNSWICK Special to Daily News. DSSS St, Johns, June 44 lo- day is nomination dav thronehes! ine province, polling to be on June 28th, The government has secured one seat by acclamation. SIR RICHARD AND HIS PEERS Other Honors Bestowed on Occa- sion of His Majesty's Birthday Besides the Knighthood for Premier McBride of B. C. Special to Daily News. London, June 144 Besides Premiers McBride and Roblin, who have been created K. CG, M. G., other Canadians honored are Mr Joseph Dubue, late Chief Justice Manitoba, who are now knight's bachelors. Minot decorations have been given several officials in the government service at Ottawa, For row boats and launches telephone 320 green. Davis boat house. VOLCANIC HAVOC WAS WIDESPREAD tation by Gases and Ash. Special to Daily News. Cordova, June 14.—No word has been received from the reve- nue cutter Manner by the naval wireless station here today, and the fate of the people of Sfognak ind Raspberry Island and on the main land in the district laid waste by the voleanic eruption 1s still unknown, Reports are reach ing here daily of the destruction of all kinds of garden truck and grasses throughout all South- eastern Alaska by volcanic gases and ash, whieh have spread over a large area during the two days of the eruption. The leaves on the trees fire turning brown and it is feared that all vegetation has been killed. Rose Football ‘Club. A meeting will be held on Sat- urday al 8 p. m, prompt in con- nection with this club, The busi- ness in hand is the proposed mateh on Dominion Day. All members and = those interested are invited, Arrangements for future matches may also be made. The question of thi Caladonian Glub’s proffered five-a-side mateh will be diseusse d. ' hole batteries of extra winning smiles being pr , lug Day tomorfow. Deadly execution assured nt Merely Mabel is wondering whether she'd b “ ee h if she had her letterheads printed ‘Mab ‘hard MeBride St, Prince Rupert.” or, Honest Sam's Soliloquy.” Uh ess Royal and the rs ae snes vreived at about 1) pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. th morning. Between Phone 4, brought about forty Bre oe ionic h, passengers, The Boy wanted to do folding. Ap- Fs \ bore evidences of ply at onee, News Office. ick some obstruetion, ; RR sie a 7 lars of whieh could Ras evar ined. The CGamosun | fairly large mail, | THE WEATHER. j cee DT St. Andrew's Society. For twenty-four hours ending . ‘ : ro ster + he lar meeting of’ the|5 a. m., June 14th Bars m " adove ly will be held to-| 29.870; maximutn LOSE Abe: eo Carpenters’ Union}]57; minimum temperature, "all at & o’clogk, precipitation, .05, _=_ fone on ne, POPOL LOL IIE ES, , Solution of thanks to Mayor Newton by wireless t a th non-voters and one voter who had forty winks ext™ ul m, ye and ; ‘ racts being signed years in advance b) Ma ; a hi for their tremendous attraction “In Supre™ : \ 1, Sul ak eee s) noon at ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY VOTED BY NOON | Progress of the Moiey By- Lae Ballot and Triple Plebiscite at the City Hall Today Was Tedious---Many Colored Ballot Papers Enlivened the Occasion in charge sand plebiscites being taken city more rainbow with a fistful of 'R. L. BORDEN this Supplied each {20 persons had voted, There ballot slips in six different colors : leasing land ere Jack to mark against selling fee of garding Mayor Talked at Length. laws like things afterward.” thal council's assert the taxation if tainment up to 2 ete arranged, should be pictures tine Boy absorbing young will be ¢ of pete eeeet en nne AGAIN ABS Empress Theatre Has night's Empress attended one. the central position of the No News Yet of Supposed Victims) ; in Village Close to Katmia— Wholesale Destruction of Vege- absence of the interest them and eajolement, as if made the little members of them, talked, » being, * jingo, with taxes,’ good boys i and SPECIAL SHOW Amateur Vaudeville at Westholme| Opera House Tonight, amateur tonight an especially will here, Karl Grey “Boy Scouts” Eneland » other “ Scoul,” interes, people, Says Values Are Not High. . Noble Mitchell, a prominent - of Sulphur, Oklahoma, i city. a number of pert lots at the first sale and bis first prop srhies, the Everybody K, of Seattle south tomorrow afternoon, QLUTE APATHY PERVADES BY-LAW MEETING Never Known a More Meagre House Than That Seen Last Night When the Mayor and Aldermen Ad- vocated the Money Bylaws---Audience of an Odd Hun- dred or so Dwindled Away by Tens and Twenties Leaving Many Rows of Empty Stalls disappeared, Montgomery gave one » but nol the other two. special was another » finished there » remained to listen endeavoring t do things that and do| a others, declared “emphi itically| ., * has so much “said that he had nie ipal affairs. what pictured himself| In Police Court. itius holding the] army of greedy Fanny defendin Indian of Met- assessed $25 for Rapidly Dwindling Crowd. > plebiscites | same endeavoring twenties preferred » heard tomorrow, ‘ltinetiy heard vainly protesting as Delicious ice cream at Keeley’s. | WESTHOLME | OPERA HOUSE... WILL WELCOME ROYAL ie P. R, Steamer Will Be Well Re- ceived on Trip to Tacoma. its jinto the port of Tacoma early good program having mentioned that jal this port will have arrived, ac- to officials of Amateur Vaudeville reviewing the } Association Highlanders regiment of that city > July Fourth festival events, is planned by I Friday Eve., June 14 the Parisian hats and gowns, * to the newcomer vigorous blasts of whistles as New Fore New Sketches returning to New Pictures famous pipers’ outlook of Prince not at all teo high, cifle passenger vessel to have en- Commencement Ss . ; - Hall Saturday 25 ets.; balcony 15 cts. BASEBALL SCORES American. Cleveland 3, Washington 6. Chicago 3, Boston 2. Detroit 3, Philadelphia 4. New York-St. Louis, rain, National. Piltsburg 5, Brooklyn 0. Chicago 2, New York 3, Cincinnati 10, Philadelphia 44. Boston 6, St. Louis 4. AT MONTREAL Talks of Establishing a Canadian Lloyds to Reduce Insurance Rates on St. Lawrence Boats— Naval Policy to Be Announced. Montreal, June 13.—Premier Borden arrived today and will re- main until tomorrow, when he goes to Halifax. He met a num- ber of business men at luncheon in connection with the govern- ment works here. He also stated that the governments naval pol- icy would be announced shortly after his return from England, also that he is still considering the matter of establishing a Canadian Lloyds in order to re- duce insurance on ships using the St, Lawrence route. LANCASTER BILL AND MARRIAGE Decision of the Supreme Court to Be Handed Down Today on This Important Matter.— Believed Former Condition Will Stand. (Special to Daily News.) Ottawa, June 1%4.—Judgment will be handed down today by the Supreme Court on the Lancaster marriage bill. It is believed that the decision will state that the provinces shall have jurisdiction over marriage, “confirming the opinions of the late and present Federal governments, CARS KEEP COMING Horses Relegated to the Back Streets in London, London, June 44,—The_ in- crease of motor traetion in the streets is gradually diminishing the number of horsed vehicles, and one proof of this which strikes one forcibly is that the sight of a horse down, formerly one of the commonest and most frequent incidents, is now com- paratively rare. But there is one interesting feature that remains, and that is the van dog. It is generally a rough haired active ‘litthe mongrel, whieh does sentry- go backward and forward over the load, and patrols to right and left, with an occasional profes- sional glance at the horse just to see that that subsidiary ani- mal is also doing its work prop- erly. It is impossible to conceive of a creature more absolutely >} devoted to the sense of its im- portant duties than your liltle van dog, It is an absorbing pas- sion. He is as jealous of intru- sion as a cathedral verger, as resentful of trespass as a game- keeper. The van and its contents are sacred to him, and no profane hand may even be stretehed to- ward his charge without angry protest, and to touch any part rouses his to frenzy, He knows the misehievous London — boy thoroughly well, and keeps his eye upon him as he passes, This development of the sense of guardianship in the mind of an animal whose progenitors were predatory is one of the most wonderful things in the natural world, Princess Ena, with a full cargo of freight for the West- holme Lumber Co, and with a scow in tow for the same e¢om- pany, is due, Best room in town at Savoy. Best room in town at the Savoy. AROUND WORLD TRIP TONIGHT Fortunate Winner of H. F. Mo- McRae’s Famous Free Trip Will Be Found This Evening. Tonight at 8 o’clock in the of- fice of H, F. MeRae & Co. on Second avemue there will be held the deferred drawing for the famous trip around the world, to be awarded by this enterprising firm in connection with the sale of forty-two picked lots in Prinee Rupert, It was necessary to defer the drawing until today because the sum of $150 had to be paid. on each, lot purchased. This con- dition has now been fulfilled and the winner of the delightful trip will be drawn for tonight.