kttack On Ruhr Is Fourth Raid So Far In July .DON Julr l: 9 The at i strong force of Hoyai bombers on Industrial . in the Ruhr Valley mmht. concentraUnt on was the fourth raid on Mus month, the Air Mln- "iliicrd. an Quarters1 Will Be Used Be Taken Over In Vancouver I'or Occupancy of War Indus trial Workers OUVER. July 15: In order Kir much needed living ac-"iv.u.n for war industrial Jauanaae nremlses In iw r are to be taken over fall it U expected all Jap will have been removed Vancouver. i Ouaud of Smlthers, Is spnul- a hort holiday at Terrace os fjf-st of Mr. and Mrs. Bhcr I BASEBALL TONIGHT 6 p.m. Searchlinlils vs. Americans N p.m. Medicals Watts & NIcUcrson (Mayor Of Crete of LONDON. July 15: r Oliver Lyttelton. minister of alate In charge of production, told the, House oi Commons In opening a (debate on prediction yesterday, that O real Britain still maintains IU "lead tn the air. particularly in quality- . I In obvious reply to repeated 1W. There have July UUwpnU br crtUc, Br1Ush tlvr withdrawals by the I d nd of guns along u on oena oi. laf8e, hlnd the Ger River as the Oermans (heir drive down the t river. my have now advanced v mllea beyond we joa-1 v railway towards BUl-i !.irh u betu described a ,un solar piaxtM." . . itng the need for the opening of a second the west In order to re-nroasure on Russia. Xtos- ..rsties nave reierrea w pri orl , on the eastern for London and front man. Lytlelton said that in field artilierv there wa no reason "to be frightened of our equipment compared with the Oermans." TAKEN BY JAPANESE of Wenrhow in Chekianc Province Is Captured by Enemy, Chungking Announces CHUNOKINO. July 15: Cap ture by the Japanese of Wen rhow. important southern Che- klan Province port, last Saturday was announced by the Chinese today and an army spokesman said Town Executed rut To Death Because H Mippncn fArtmjTo Anti-Naxl Cucrlllai ANKARA. July 15:-The mayor a town In Crete has been exe cuted by the Nasta lor supplying arms to guerillas. Lome Kenney of Smlthers Is HEROIC its reports showed the invaders Tl 1 i took the city because of fear it former I resident might be used as an Aineo. air or naval base Of Argentina Dies In Buenos Aires BUENOS AIRES. July 15. Dr. Roberto M. Ortli. 'former president of ArgenUna. died today. He was elected president in September, 1937, assumed office February, 1B38. and relinquished office In July, 1940, on account of 111 health, nrtiz later resumed office but re PROVINCIAL 4 LIBRARY red army : : RESORT TO FIRE AT BACKS UP : t mQunt : CONVOYING MIDLAND Further Withdrawal Aluuc Don llltrr Described "IUllle Of tanclon and New York" STOITII) AT VORONEZH MOSCOW, July 15. (CP) The Hermans, stopped by latt ditch drfrnce at the outskirts of Vor-ontili, attempted to encircle the rlty but Mere repuUed In the nnrlli and hurled bark on the mulh to a point where they had rrosted the Don Hirer, ItuUa dUpatrhei reported today. The ItimUn said the break-through arromplhhed by large numbers of freh (ierman troop and hundred of tanks supported by i heavy artillery barrace, had carried the invaders almost to the edse of the town before they ere checked by spirited Itus-lan Mand, In forcing the Nail back, the Itustlans recaptured a email railroad trowing and in another MUr applied such tmng pressure that the (Jer-mini fell back across a small bridle and destroyed it. The (rrman loe are described as terrific The Midland fire department was unable to cope vrtth Uie conflagration and eqaJpmjent was sent from Darrie. Orttttai Penetang, Etmwood and Co Id water Col Drew Challenges Duff Report On Hong Kong Not In Accord With Evidence? OTTAWA, July 15 (CP) Lieut. Col. George Drew, Ontario Conservative leader, in a "82-page letter tabled in the House of Commons today, informed Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie Knj that undisclosed evidence at the Hong Konsr inquiry leaves no doubt that findings of the Royal Commissioner, Chief Justice Sir Lyman Duff, "are directly contrary to the evidence as a whole." Col Drew demiujdod that the chief i4stce who conducted 'a secret investigation into the sending of the Canadian' expedition to Hong Kong last autumn-with including in his report only such evidence as would support his findings and keeping secret evidence which showed his findings wrong. In the interests of preventing the recurrence of a situation in which Canadian troops were allegedly sent into battle without proper training and equipment, he demanded a full disclosure of all evidence taken at the inquiry. Wartime Housing Head Is Visitor extensive undertakings here on behalf of local Industrial workers, arrived In the city on last night's train from Toronto. Also here with Mr. Piggott are N. B. Robinson of Vancouver, ad- signed again this June 24. He had mlnlstrator of Wartime Housing hn inactive for nearly two years i for British Columbia, and J. Y. nda shori holiday at Ukelsc because of til-health and near I McCartcr. architect from Vancou- Laic. uiiiiuiikm. Local Temperature IT, Tomorrow sT ides' (Standard Time) High 2:30 ajn. 202 feet Minimum 51 J 15:27 pjn. 19.0 feet Maximum 62 Low 9:17 ajn. 2.9 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 21:24 pjn. 6.9 feet VOL XXXI. No. 182 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1912 PRICE- FIVE CENTS Preparations For Second Front WARDHA, India. July 15 - Mohandai K. Oandhl up- plemented a new All India Con- greaa party resolution de- mandlng Drltaln's withdrawal from rule of India with an emphatic declaration today that there can be no further negotiation He conceded that violence might reault from the resolution LEAD OF BRITAIN Is Itrst in Air. Particularly Equipment. Says l.yltellon Artillery KxrtlU In Mils Method Adopted To Protect Half Million Dollar Conflagration Shipping in Caribbean in Ontario Shipbuilding Town WAflHlNOTON. D C, July 15:- t MIDLAND. Ont . July 15. - Two A convoy Ayntem u to be instl- naval vessels under construction tuted in the Caribbean Sea aa ,aid valued at $192,000 were demean of oombatting the aubmar- atroyed In a fire which swept a me menace to shipping. This la .shipbuilding plant here last night snpounced by Secretary of the The railway station was also burr.-y, K!f"k KnmL ed and damage Is 'estimated at Col. Knox aaid destroyers had more than $500,000. 6ne hundred been found the moat effective typp were employed In the ablp-of veaaelt for convoy duty but "we buiiding pUmL uHuiy, many uacs iot Destroyers." Three more Allied sinkings In .the Western Atlantic were disclosed yesterday a medlum-sised Panamanian vessel, a Norwegian vessel and a medium-steed Ameri can merchantman. This brings the crs agisted to'al s'nc Prl HirVi- ut T71 partment. ENEMY IS IWill BeiPermanent and REPULSEDNot Mere Hit and Run Axis Unable To .Make Further Headway in Egypt and Suffers At Hands of Itoyal Air Force NEW AXIS ATTACK CAIKO, July 15: (CP) An Axb attack on Tel F.I Kisa with tanks and infantry, the third successive assault on the British-held height in Egypt's corridor battle zone, was launched at dusk yesterday and lasted into the night, British headquarters annourJ ed. The Koyal Air Force took part in the fighting, destroying some Axis tanks and bambins Tobruk in force. CAIRO, July IS: Oi Axis ar- Hundreds of volunteW fire fight-nored lorcw nare been repulsed the regtfar fire de . . ... . in anomer eastward lunge on the yptian Lorrldor battlefront and the enemy has been hit hasvMy by the Royal Air Force despite desert -andslorms, British headquarters announced last night. Several fierce land attacks have een successfully headed off by GESTAPO KILLING Eleven Member of Cicrman Police CONSIDER SERVICE Loral Representations Regarding Mails Receiving Attention at Ottawa I In regard to representations which have been made for Improved mall service between Prince Rupert and the cast, the Prince Tn nav n visit of insnectlon to I Rupert Chamber of Commerce Is Housing Limited, which has quite isideratlon and that, as soon as a '"'J31- declslon Is reached, there will be, further communication WATCH TOMMY'S MAIL LONDON. July 15: F Railway porters have been Instructed not to mall letters for servicemen on their way to embarkation ports for fear these letters may give some inkling of the troops' destination. RUSSIAN NITHSK AIDS WOUNDED WHILE BATTLE RAGES AROUND HER foreground Is Red Army nurse , . i, ,rr hown atUckus'.' aeross onenground onenground In In the the Kharkov Kharkov sector. sector, In in olZXm c,uryIng 43 wunded rccnout of danRer durlne lHe Affair, London Hears Statemcnt Comes as Soviet Russia Continues Its Demand For Relief From Nazi Pressure in East LONDON, July 15 (CP) "All preparations for the opening of a second front are under way and the objective is a front which will be permanent, not only a large hit and run raid," said one informant today. The informant would not allow his name to be used. The statement came as qualified London sources re- .......... ported Soviet Russia to be press- ing anew for the prompt opening 'of a second Allied European front r 1 P 1 KritlSn Sinlr .Jto dlvert Nazl armies pounding at Axis Tanker I LONDON. July 15 The that British light forces de- the British and there were at least stroyed an Axis tanker and i if teen air operations In support damaged two escorting traw- of the land action. lers in the English Channel Once again the Royal Air Force near the French port of Cher- wrought havoc with the enemy's bourg this morning. supply lines and supporting com- munications QUIET AT MALTA :i in weeks, .Malta had a free night from enemy air raids. NORTH OF AUSTRALIA MELBOURNE Allied air activities continue against enemy bases north of Australia with effect. There have been raids against the Japanese to point as far away as the Dutch East Indies. i HALIBUT SALES Summary American 158,000 pounds, and 14c to 17.2c and 14c. Canadiannone. American Traveller, 55,000, 17.2 and I TIT IT i war flews 16.8c 14c, the gates of the vital Caucasus. : MIDWAY DETAILS Results of Naval Battle Which Saved Hawaii and This Coast WASHINGTON, D.C., July 15: The Department of the Navy has issued a comprehensive statement detailing losses of either side in the great naval battle of Midway. q The Japanese casualties were .twenty ships, Including four aircraft carriers, and 275 planes. ' The United States had one alr-! craft carrier damaged and one 7' i'AI'ETTA For theJirst tlrnej destroyer .iudt LONDON. July 15: Eleven Gestapo agents have been killed In a Belgian village, according to information received here. The Japanese had 4300 men killed and a little over 300 Americans were lost 92 officers and 215 men. I The Japanese losses detailed 'were: 1 Four aircraft carriers, two 27,000 tons; two 10,000 tonners, sunk. I Three battleships damaged. Two heavy cruisers sunk- One cruiser damaged. Three destroyers sunk. Two transports destroyed. One or more transports damaged. The American aircraft carrier sunk was the 20.000 ton Yorkton. The destroyer sunk was the Hammond. Military authorities believe the Battle of Midway may well have saved Hawaii and prevented at- local project and to go into the n receipt oi viewer mm yn "tacks California and Panama ,,i,rr,n. t , fniiiM. jnr.h Hanson. M.P. for Skcena. statins: Fay 55 a:uuu' 000 17c 'c and ana 14c lK- Pacific racuic,i M. on .vsuuu v4 , - roinmhia 4nno irrk nnrt He. uanai. uri miiiinii tnis maiipr i nnv nnopr rnn- , f Ol HiiiV. . " ' - Baseball Scores National League Boston 5. St. Louis 7. Philadelphia 2. Cincinnati New York 0, Chicago 3. Brooklyn 5. Pittsburg 1. AmcriVan League St. Louis 3, Boston 2. JUNE HEAT WAVE 1. It can be told thanks to the cen sor the first week of June was 1 the warmest on record. In London LONDON. July 15: h A Yugoslav government spokes man declared yesterday . that seven hundred Croats had been killed In reprisals by tht German Gestapo following .assassination of the Gestapo chief in Zagreb, Major Helm, who was shot while crossing a street. . Commission On Shipyards To Start Monday VANCOUVER, July 15: The commission, headed by Mr. Justice F. E. Richards and consisting of i two representatives each of the companies and unions, appointed in? LONDON. July t..i n 15 n, OO-Now wn that ,ni L.,,a IH p..fi,. rvvv VU U11tgVi(IVV V. www shipyard dispute will start its deliberations next Monday. jthe temperature reached 90 de-' 'grees June 6 and policemen spent p At I most of their time chasing children VxOnCCSSlOllS ril out of the static water tanks scat itered around town. I Reprisals In Yugoslavia :i Edmonton Fair Are Destroyed EDMONTON July 15: Conces sions at the Edmonton Exhibition were destroyed by flro of uncertain origin. Damage Is estimated at $2000. OPERATION RESTORES SIGHT HOYLAND, England, July 15 DS Arthur Ellis, a iS-ycari&ld miner who was totally blind for five years, had the sight of ono rye restored by an operation an ambition now is to become an auxiliary fireman,