CHE DAILY NEWS rs cans cman eee THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—DarLy, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, inadvance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. Contract rates HEAD OFFICE Daiiy News Buiiding, Taird Ave., Priice Rupert, B. C. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New YorK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City SEATTLE—Puget Sourd News Co. ~— ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar are. mor a2 Leiepuviie 95. SuBSCRIBERS will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. FRIDAY, JUNE 14 ee DaILy EDITION. SCIENCE AND MORALITY. Modern science has changed most things in this world cur- the the ing the past century, but heretofore it has had to do with material only. Science has not tried conclusions yet with human heart and still correspond in a re- markable way to the hearts and consciences of the men of the But science conscience, which most ancient civilizations of which there is record. having conquered the material world is beginning to turn its attention to the domaiv of the world invisible. In a most re- markable article in the June Harper's on some unsolved prob- lems in science, Professor Robert Kennedy Dunean, director of industrial research at the University of Pittsburg, points out a line of possible scientific development that may have as great an effect on the morals of man as the taming of the electric fluid has had in the world round about us. He says, in part: “We have it frequently asserted among us that thought trans- ference under certain peculiar and not understood conditions is a fact in nature, that it has become today almost accepted as The a scientific interpretation. the concensus of scientific opinion. scientific acceptance of thought transference is based on It is supposed that thought is molecular vibrations in the brain, that these molecular vibrations every correlated with certain in the brain give rise to corresponding vibrations in the ether around about us, that these ethereal vibrations proceeding from us are capable of affecting the molecules in a corresponding brain, se that the brain thinks the same thoughts, much as a tuning fork in one corner of a room will sound in sympathy with that in another But this is all theory. I may warn you, however, that the discovery of such under circumstances not understood second corner. No one has yet discovered such vibrations. vibrations might easily enough admit of mechanisms that might make thought transference generally and widely possible on a Do you not see what the result of such a dis- It would mean the elimination of lying and practical basis. covery would infer? hypocrisy among the sons and daughters of men.” A world full of wireless thought messages, a world in which everyone would tell the truth, because the man who tried to tell a lie could be shown the record of his attempt to deceive in the delicate pencilings of the Lie Detectograph! That would be a great world to live in. The millenium of which men dream, the golden age to which creation moves onward amid groaning from a scientific discovery no more wonderful than that by messages are flashed through the ether over thousands of miles. To “think with” wo commune and travailing, may come which wireless ovr friends when They are far from us, and with them without words when they are near at hand; are not these qualities that must make for clean hearts and conscienees and for nobility of soul? It may be that to the least intellectual of us there yet may be possible that high and wordless intercourse of which Tenny- son and Carlyle were conscious, and which was well illustrated on an historic occasion when the two sat a whole evening at the opposite sides of Carlyle’s fireplace without exchanging a When the door. ‘Man,’ said he in parting, ‘it has been a gran’ nicht.” —The Toronto Globe. word. Tennyson rose to go Carlyle went with him to TIN STRIKE IN ALASKA | the main Jedge. According to his report, tin ore running into mil- lions of dollars in value is in plain sight. If these reports prove true his Assayer Said to Wave Traced Ledge 3,700 Feet Long. Tacoma, June 11.—Cables from Alaska bring news of a mineral that in importance al! the placer gold After have the project of soon extending either discovery will undoubtedly an important bearing upon discovery probably exceeds the Copper River road heim) or the Alaska three years’ search, C, F, Robin-| Railroad through the son, an assayer, formerly of Ne-| Valley to the Yukon River, vada, has traced for 3,700 feet An announcement was a ledge of tin ore whieh aver-|last week that English capital ages twelve feet in width. The|had been subscribed to enable discovery was made in the Hot} William Owen, a former tin Springs district, Tanana Valley,} manufacturer of Swansea, Wales, about 200 miles from Fairbanks. mill on Puget Sound The ledge crosses the head of|to produce annually a _ million Lofty and Idaho Creeks and has| boxes of tin plate for coast sal- been crosseut in four plnces, mon and fruit canneries. Owen's Placer tin, which has always/tin supply will from the been plentiful in the creeks of] Bering Sea coast perth of Nome, Tanana Valley, is supposed to| where placer tin abounds, come from this ledge. Robinson ——— — found a piece of flat tin and has Launch Alice B., W. J. Thomas. spent three years prospecting for|Phone Green 394. Govt, Wharf. Guggen- Northern Tanana strikes yet made in Alaska. made to erect a Phone 379 606 3rd Ave. TRY US FOR Graniteware, Tinware, Crockery, Glass- ware, Chinaware Headquarters for Camping and Batching Outfits SATURDAY SPECIAL mperee Full Dinner Sets $10 Up CARRIGAN & MILLER Prices Always Right We Deliver — a a ee ane REWARD FOR PIONEERS CODICIL MEANS |" Terrien FIVE MILLIONS sent Claim to Hon. R. Rogers. Little Addition to the Document Makes All the Difference in Wallace Will—-An Old Country Romance. Winnipeg, June 13.—The pio- neers of Rupert's land waited on the Hon. Robert today and asked for government recog nition of their the early development of the country. The minister said the government Rogers services in London, June 14,—A romantic} would consider the request and story of a lost codicil, one which] that something would be. done. Fryers the Aien ey? fa fortuna of turns the disnosa: of 2 fortun { five million dollars, is contained FEAR FRENCH CONSCRIPTION Alliance With the Land Over the m an advertisement appearing in the newspapers offering a reward of ten thousand pounds for the discovery of the formally execut- ed copy. A rough draft of tne]. codicil was found among the papers of the late Sir John Mur- ray Scott, who persuaded Lady Silver Streak is Not Likely to Wallace to leave the Wallace be Popular With the Old Sod collection to the nation. He left Yet. a will bequeathing practically his ——— whole estate, of which the exact London, June 12—Assiduous value is not yet known, but is es- timated at one million pounds to Lady Sackville. If a signed and witnessed eop) en be found of the roughly draft ed codicil the result will be io divert all the estate except the income of a lezacy of twenty or efforts are being made in certain about an An- glo-Freneh alliance, but the pro- quarters to bring posal is not taken at all serious- ly in official eireles. Such an ai- liance would of course destroy at once any chance of maintaining thirty ean pounds from good relations between Britain Lady Sackvi te “ta: Sir John Mur-| ang Germany and for this reason ray Seott’s next of kin, D. Mal-| ji, js not desired by the British colm Seott, on whose behalf the reward is offered, and his three brothers and two foreign office. Liberals who are anxious to sisters. Sir) eultivate relations with closer John made his will in 1900. The Germany cannot find words question is whether he ever car-| ctrong enough to condemn the ried the draft eodicil further in-| .uggestion which really eman- to the form of a regularty at- ates from the Unionist party. tested amendment of his will.|pyer sinee the Morocco crisis Since the draft of the codicil was) there hag been a decided split be- found, a most thorough search}iqeen the two great political has been made in all Sir John’s} parties on the question of for- house. Bureaus and desks have eign relations. Liberals -now been ransacked, safes and des-| want this country to be on eq- patch boxes closely searched and ually good terms with France large masses of papers connect-| and Germany, whereas the Un- ed with the estate which were in} jgnist aim is an anti-German al- the safe keeping of testators}jjiance. This is significant in minutely inspected, but so far nol view of the possibility that the completed copy has been found next general election will bring of the few lines of manuscript)the Unionists back to power. that control the fate of a million The Libera? press, in its anx- sterling. Sir John spent a Con-ljety to weaken the understand- siderable part of his time abroad) jng and it is thought possible that/out that n alliance between the he filled out draft and left it for) two countries must involve con- safe keeping with a foreign ban-| scription for Great Britain, but with France keeps poiffting er or elsewhere abroad. there is no doubt that: such a eu contingency would be welcomed The Royal Hotel Cafe will be| by a great many people here who that Lord Haldane’s instead of 12 midnight, as here-j territorial scheme has been tried open until 1 p.m. after this eres} eri tufore. tf and found wanting. | NEW INDUSTRY HERE PERHAPS suo. H. Gordon Munro W. Nicholson Lailey MUNRO & LAILEY Architects, Stork Building, Second Avenue. W. L. BARKER | ARCHITECT Three different sizes of wood hoists. inns Phone 89 Extraction of Potash from Kelp or Seaweed, the Great Bulbous Growth of B. C. Coast, Is Made Profitable by Proper Care. extraction of Relative to the potash from kelp or seaweed in STUART & STEWART the United States, the British) ieee eee ‘© consul at, Rnsenada, Mexico ; Te es Mee Wy ds Heiden) bas for-{ 0p Sad Ate, < Phone We. 260 muded : ti dewspaper extract Prince Rupert P, O. Box 351 from which it appears that the| Auditors for Gity of Prinee Itupert ' € £ c growths already exploited North Pacifie coast ot kelp along the Cc. V. BENNETT, B.A. ALFRED CARSS, America can be made to yield of Brisleh Coleen of B.C. Ontacio, Bas: from two to three times as much aoe berta Bars. CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, ETc. Office— Albert Block, Second Avenue. potash as is now imported into the United States. These huge seaweeds, the ar- ticle states, from “groves” eXx- ceedingly dense, those along the Pacific coast being five miles long and two miles wide, are rooted at the bottom among their being times as much as 300 feel WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., D. 0.8. DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. All dental operations skilfully treated. Gas and local anasthetics administered for the pain'ess ex- traction of tecth. Consultation free. Offices: Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert. i-12 some of some- long, rocks, stems and bearing at their tops great air filled bulbs’ which serve as Alex.M.Manson B.A., T See floats supporting encrmous WILLIAMS Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.( fronds of streamer like leaves. From the ocean water they take up large quantities of potash) salts, the dried plants containing} from 25 to 35 per cent. of their| weight of potassium chloride, which is easily extracted. They also contain iodine, and it is thought that this and other by- products would pd¥ the cost of extracting potassium chloride. All the groves are within the three mile limit, If properly pro- ti. ced, they will yield indefinitely, renewing themselves by fresh | 319 8rd Avenue | growth each spring. Po. BOX * JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., LON., ENG PRINSE RUPERT JOHN DYBHAVN Real Estate — Loans and Insurance Phone 384 The heavi-| est growths are™ south of Point} Sur, but large ones extend far} HAYNER BROS orth. The available output of} > e rh ree " P o i : ‘ P i | UNDEHTAKERS anp EMBALMERS potassium chloride rom this Wilnach’ Tinostins source is estimated by the 2rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 86 United States Department = of Agriculture as equivalent to. a} value of $40,000,000 about | £8,222,000) per Board} of Trade Journal. annum. E. L. FISHER Fureral Director and Embalmer CHARGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Mrs. Maud Ballington Booth, “Little Mother of the Prisons,’ dedicated New Hope Hall, a home for ex-convicts in West Raven- wood Park, New York. Sn eae . iene Take home a quart of ice cream when you go. See Keeley. Shope O you shop in a brisk, store? Advertising makes bright stores. nation. Advertising brushes away cob- webs and dust, smartens shop windows, quickens. the intelli- gence of salesmen, and lets in the sunlight. Advertising makes the mer- chant think of you—of your wants and needs; makes him anxious to serve you to your liking and advantage. ter service. Advertising keeps stock from having birthdays. Advertising acquaints you with new things, and so brightens your home, your life, your person. Advertising keeps a business from growing lazy and stupid. Advertising injects good red blood into the arteries of a business, and keeps it healthful and active. favor will be returned to you tenfold. Where Do You active store, or in a dull vertise goes hand in hand with dullness and stag- Shop where your wants and needs are uppermost in the mind of the merchant. store which reflects you, which you dominate. your money returns to you in better goods, better values, bet- Shun the shop that is dumb and dark and dreary; keep away from the shop that never speaks to you, never smiles at you, never bothers about you. Reward by your custom the merchant who lives to serve you, and who is doing his utmost to build up this community; who takes you into his confidence by means of advertisements in your local newspapers. Smile back at the shop which smiles at you. Shake hands with it—keep company with it—your Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through any good advertising agency, or the Secretary of the Canadian Press Association, Room 503 Lumsden Building. E: involves no obligation on your parl—so write, if inter ————— Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. No. 63 Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening All members of the order in the city are requested to visit the lodge. A. DOUGLAS, N. G. W. G. BARRIE, Sec. Valhalla” of S.H. & E.F. | (SCANDINANIAN Society) | Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8 | p.m. in the hall at 319 3rd Ave. SONS OF NORWAY Meets ist and 3rd Thursdays at 7 All Nor- Failure to ad- p. m., at 319 3rd ave. |wegians are welcome. HAND LAUNDRY ' | Hand | : | Best care of silk dresses, Shop in the Sadgshie ddied Capt. Joseph Jand Shop acne | ap osep anders LINDSAY CARTAGE and STORAGE G, T. P. Transfer Agents Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable, OFFICE—H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone 6h. each. SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE. Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work Office: 38rd Ate. Phone 174 Weekstion " Qnd Ave. bet. 7th and 8th Sts NOW.... That we have more front on 2nd avenue, we are able to shapley our large stock of beautiful oa urni- ture and some of our upholstery, curtain: drapery, eto. See our show windows at the Big Furniture Btore. Linoleums, ves and Lampe on the 6th etreet side; Crockery and kitchen neods on the 2nd avenue. Entrance front. F. W. HART CORNER 6TH ST. AND 2ND AVE. APARTMENT HOUSE SITE Mobley’s new residence, Sibmit cash offer, iry il Pattullo & Radford Second Ave, | Lot 20, cleaning and pressing. ° FOR SALE Se , Block 40, Section @ ¢ cash, bal. arranged ; 2 Block 100, Section 9 $475 cash, bal. G.’T. p ie Lot 38 Block 27, Section 5. ¢> - Cash, bal, 6-12-18, Lot 20, Block 23, Section 6 $1,7 four room house 5 h. 19-18. » 81,150 cash, bay Lots 75-76, Block 3, Section 7 819 1-3 cash, bal. 6-19’ Lot 21, Block 16, Section 7, 8* eash, bal, ; arranged -«FOR RENT... Four room house on Fifth ave hewly papered and painted, g20 Three room house with toilet, close {; : OMmces in Law-Butler Bldg, Building in rear of Law-Butler pig Third Ave, ree Third Ave LAW-BUTLER Co., Phone 60 619 Third Ave, Georgetown Sawmill Co. Ltd, Lumber and Mouldings A large stock of dry finish ing lumber on hand. Boat lumber a specialty. Delivery made at short notice. Our prices are as jow as any. Call on us before ordering. OFFICE: EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. a —— 1 MIGHT STATE 1 Have Some Good Buys 5, Block 1, Section ¢ with small Fourth Ave., $2,10 1 cash, 1 12 months 53, Block 20, Section 2, S¢ 1 AV $1,550 equity; terms Large number lots in all sections List Your Lots With Me H. DOUGLAS 313 Fulton St. P. O. Box 606 Prince Rupert Dairy FRESH MILK & CREAM DAILY Guaranteed Pure No Shipped Stuff Phone 287 —THE— Westholme Lumber (Co. —LIMITED- Lumber aad Mouldings All Kinds of Building Supplies First Avenue Phone 186 —o—-o—0-0—-0 — 0-4 +40 FRED. ‘STORK’S; HARDWARE ° Just Arrived: Heavy Stock of * Wire Cable ° Fine Assertment of Ice Cream |, Freezers, Fishing Tackle, + Poultry Netting, Screen Wire ? SECOND - AVENUE + —e-2—-0-0 — 0-4 #4 @-? COAL Best on the New Wellington Coal. Coast Phone 116 Rogers & Black — For Kitsumkalum or Lakelse Fruit Lands “ write or cali on the Terrace Land Co. TERRACE, B. C. ———e PRINCE RUPERT FEED C0. Big stock of all kinds of Garden Seeds, Timothy. Clover and Grain Seeds. Mail Orders Promptly Attended © -: Agents International Stock Food:- —ALL KINDS OF FEED~ Second Ave, Phone 83| Subscribe for the Dally News