THE DAILY NEWS PAOE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Sale MEN Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engravlng for Fine China. Dinnerware. VISIT OUK BASEMENT STOKE Classes, llagjase anu jovcm. MAX HEILBRQNER . Jeweler Diamond Merchant 'S SHOES 99c Sles C, 7, 8, 0 . . . Limited quantity Just the shoc for'worinn the yard, to wear to work or any utility use you canthink of. These shoes are being sold way below cost. Offered without limitation. No exchanges. Cash only. SHOES FOR ALL THE FAMILY Cut Rate Shoe Store OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT Mail orders Promptly Filled 506 THIRD AVE. W. Across From Orme's Drug CARPET DEPT. STOCK LIST, JULY 20, 1912 8M Square Yards REXFELT, per square yaid lOf 500 Square Yards INLAID LINOLEUM, per square yard 81.5U 400 Square Yards PRINTED LINOLEUM, per square yard $1.00 48 only CONGOLEUM RUGS: sires 9x15, 9x12, 9xl0',i, 9x9, 7!ix9, Cx9. 12 only JASPE RUGS: 9x12, 9x10 7'x9, Gx9. 21 only SEAMLESS AXMINSTER RUGS: sizes 9x12, 9xl0i. 9x9, G'9x9, 4'6x7'6. 80 only RUGS: sizes 30xG0, 27x51, 27x15, 25x18, 19x39. Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE, Next to Daily News White, Red, Beige and Brown BUY . . . Green 916 Just Arrived A jjrand assortment of Spectator Pumps and Ties. White with Blue, Hlack and Drown trim. HARACHUS Fashion Footwear Next to Dollar Store Phone Bed 321 RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... at Your Local Butchers, NO WASTE HEADY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT Co. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA COMEDY IS ROMANTIC "Ball of Fire," With Gary Cooper And Barbara Stanwyck At Capitol Theatre A group of serious college professors, a night club queen and a mob moD oi of gangster, gangsters, are arc combined cumuuicu to iu - . , . , v.vAw.v.v.v..v.v.v.v.v. piovide spectacular hilarity and ! aa venture In "Ball of Fire," a CUT RATE SHOE STORE J is 5 51" Of romantic comedy starring Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck, hlch U the offering lor ihu ursday, Friday and Saturday at the Capitol Theatre. CooDer Dlavs the part of Profes- sor Potts, the head of a group of jl, experts who are compiling an en-( ! cveloDodia and no out to get ln- lormauon to write an article on 1 dam HI rpsrarch leads him l6 I a night club entertainer by whom j I;' he becomes Intrigued, Inviting her1 'to visit his headquarters. She has- j I tlly takes refuge with the college I; professors until a case in which . she is wanted for questioning dies m till, lUiHlllH TODAYS STOCKS (Ouurtnjj B. D. Johiurton CX.) Vancouver Grandvicw Bralorne 6 00 Cariboo Quarts 93 Hedley Mascot 25 Pcnd Oreille 1-0 Pioneer , K" Premier' 42 Prlvatier 28 Reno -3Vi Sheep Creek 69 oi,s Calmont lJ C. Si E2J.: 03 Home 22& Royal Canadian -03 Toronto Beattie 60 Central Pat -75 Cons. Smelters 34.15 Hardrock .33 Kerr Addison 4 00 Little Long Lac 80 McLeod Cockshutt U6 Madsen Red Lke 10, McKenzie Red Lake .55 Moneta ' .2 Pickle Crow - 1-60 Preston East Dome 1-60 San Antonio 1-52 Sherrltt Oorflon 61 S down, :Not only does she complete- ... J I J C ly disrupt the experts and their ; WaVWcirU LdiU I' mode of life but she finds herself, J falling in love with the professor. I There is a side-splitting culmination. M The cast also Includes Lana An-C drews, a new "find" of the screen, 5 Allen Jenkins, Oscar Homolka, 5 Henry Travers, Tully Marshall and J other favorites in Important parts. SHORTAGE OF DOCTORS 1 LONDON. July 22: 0 There 'I will be an acute shortage of traln- ed doctors in Britain shortly. " nvfclrn frnm tVio tl' rnll-llfl Of Is Naval Hero Admiral Edward Evans Ran Awaj From Home Three Times LONDON. July 22 Parents of wayward children can take heai. from this autobiographical sketch of his youth delivered by Admiral Sir Edward Evans "Evaru of the Brokei. "I ran away from home three time." he said, "and was always being punished for fighting, giving trouble and for petty offences J all medical men up to the age of J which made me the despair of V 46 and affecting about half theeVery school master who had ! nation's medical men. charge of me." Sure Quick Relief from Asthma ind Hiy Fever with , KELLOGG'S ASTH n RELIEF Red Cross Is in Beneficiary Of Baseball Game Last Satu:Uy at Port B'.:tv an exciting soflball game played between the Port Sni., son gill netters and the Oe :' town Sawdust Duaten. Ttol followed In the evening by a rfu, sponsored by the native i ( peopie. As a mult of tn acuvi.. the Prince Rupert branch of n Canadian Red Croea Society t..i benefitted to the extent of $40 The local branch also acknowledge the following donations Mrs Cora E. BlaclT t25 00 Ninth Heavy Battery RCA. 103o j t nmrirv I'illPV IlirrTI'It i Arrives Fresh fcvery Week t , We believe tn laaiunng h . onH hflntiur our UD-rlter ! C farmers. Try It once and we feel sure you will want' no .; other It's freahtieaj and , . quality U unrurpaated. J .... I . . . v a itnrfaar a" Wc UKJ intuit mk-i.. ! VEGETABLES whenever po- I ilhle. ! ? MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store -Where TODAY ONir Complete Slious at 3:0G. V.0I, 9:0: "PACIFIC H1.ACKOIT' At 5:19, Ml, 9 45 05tcx&. RS v".-""-' r Rationed Goods? I 'f'. y, : V" - He helps in their fair distribution (CANADIAN manufacturers and the people of the Dominion It as a whole arc today dpcndnt on commercial travellers to see that goods arc adequately and fairly dittributed. Distribution, not selling, is the wartime function of Canadian Commercial Travellers. Many commercial travellers are technical men calling on industrial firms. Their experience and their knowledge arc in valuable to purchasing agents and engineers of wartime industries in the selection of materials, the use of substitutes and in the maintenance of difificult-to-rcplace equipment. The ranks of Canada's commercial travellers have been thinned by enlistment in the armed forces and by the drafting of men to government boards. Despite all difficulties, those that remain, arc carrying on a full time job -proud of the part they arc playing Tim ii ATI Ui A L ( 3 3 nf Canadian Commekcial Tuavklleks Member Aaociiithm COMMERCIAL TRAVHLfRS' ASSOCIATION Of CANADA ...... ,rM DOMINION COMMFRCIAL TRAVIU.IRS' ASSCM.IATIO.N Mminmt ONTARIO COMMFKUAL TKAVILirKS-ASSOCIATION Ww MARITIME COMMFRCIAL TRAVIIJ.fRS' ASSOCIATION IUHUm NORTH WEST COMMFRCIAL 1RAVFLLERI' ASSOCIATION Of CANADA ITV..,, ASSOf lATFD CANADIAN TRAVELLIRS . k blur) WEDNESDAY, JULY 22 Starts THURSDAY For 3 Days It's a riot of fun whet, professor Cooper goes on a research of double talk with a beautiful night-spot glamour gltl POPKYi: In Till: MKilll V NAVY" WOULD NEWS Complete Show IS It. 2:31. I IV 1:00, 5:11 Feature at U:I0, ::5I, fat. T.ZS. 9:37 CAPITOI SI NDAY MIDMTi; AT IJ 1$ MaeDonald Carer DR. IIROADWAY Jean I'hilipo Jl The well kiMWii iemrr Pru. cevi Adelaide U !I Uie run for ,i Dollars Dollars Have Have More More , week. oei.iK no on dry dork in f ecn : the south undergoing reair fol- P.O. mix 575 Phones 1R-I9 xtrandinB Fresh Iocal Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE (37 savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli Prop. I'hune J7 I'M. hut ill FRASKR STRFKT ritlNCF. KI PEKT For Crockery, Glassware and hteehvares i Call al the VARIBTV SIORB laiikaiinasi a NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI. PROr "A Home Away Erom Howe IUtr 75c up W Room Hot to C d V.'. rrinre Runert. HC Phone 281 P.O. a i Buy from B.C. FlRNITl KK and SAVE Hlh Grade CHESTER ' I IEI.DS. Rrcular Ptire ' llrand New. 145 NEW STOVES. Wood Coal. Regular 91G0 Now tiiid S105 STUDIO REDS, Very SpcrUL Rrand New. CM 9 1! Now Urd, 1 only CIIESTERI H ' " All kinds of other l,1, At Very Low Prices B. C. Furniture Co. PIIOK BLACK 321 miru avenue 1! DAILY NL-W8 WANT ADd BR,N HESULT8. THONE S3-