PAGE FOUR r Expert OPTICAL SERVICE fine materials leather lining $1.45 Chas. Dodimcnd Optometrist In Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT (HIK MASHMKNT STOKE for Fine China. Dlnnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant IT PAYS TO PLAY SAFE i WITH CHILDREN'S' SHOES 1 GENUINE ECONOMY You can buy no finer Children .1 Shoes At thene prices oak ole in all 'arger nits cm nr and un J)ItJ and uo for babies sizes for misses' sites Children's feet deserVe the protection of correct footwear to avoid future troubles. You'll get the proper shoes at the Cut Rate. SHU-CONOMY SHOES BY 1VKAOGE SHOE CO. ARE SOLD IN ULTLKT BY Cut Rate Shoe Store OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT jl Mail orders Promptly Filled 506 THIRD AVE. W. Across From Orme's Drue- MEN'S WORK BOOTS Solid Leather Lines ARCH KING in 8" and 10" STERLING in Leather and Panco Soles TILSONIiURG, Solid Leathers throughout VALENTINE MARTIN'S Arch Support Work Roots Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" rai'iir in nxi ra rm im ebjbib tm rata ri ra in itiu ri emim sa I J J i here's a chance for you r 5! 5 JUUUICS this week 2 25 off all Furs New shipments twice a week. Prices from $10 to $1,100 a Your Credit is Good 5 W. G0LDBL00M THE OLD RELIABLE j SBsm& mmammwstmxmmi B't UWU1 Wl mi at mi mtmt wtm - Canadian National Railways TRAINS FOR THE EAST WILL LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT: MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 7 p.m., stopping at all stations. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 10:30 a.m., stopping at principal points. TERRACE LOCAL Dally except Sunday, 4:15 p.m. INCOMING TRAINS WILL ARRIVE PRINCE RUPERT TUESDAY, FRIDAY and SUNDAY, 10:30 p.m. THURSDAY and SATURDAY, 7 p.m. TERRACE LOCAL 11:20 a.m. Dally except Sunday. . AIR CONDITIONED SLEEPING AND DININQ CARS ON ALL TRAINS REGULAR STEAMER SAILINGS TO KETCHIKAN, OCEAN FALLS AND VANCOUVER For full information, etc., call or write R. S. fiREIG, City Passenger Agent 528 Third Avenue, Phone 260, Prince Rupert, Agents for Traas-Canada Air Lines For Shaving Speed tmJ luxury... Try Gillette SHAVING CREAM t New Gillette Lather Cream combines three fine oil ingredients . . . quickly produces a luxurious, tiny, bubble lather that stays moist on your face, softens beard like magic and assures quicker, smoother, more comfortable and refreshing shaves. Ask your dealer for Gillene Sharing Cream comes in a big, thrifty n n a 3 -ounce tube for only J j V Mado in Canada at lh torn phnl at Gillttt Razors and tiadtu fnoy the Luxury of an ALL GILLETTE SHAVE Hockey Standings W. D. L. F. A. P. Detroit 4 1 1 28 16 9 Toronto 3 0 2 22 14 6 Canadiens 3 0 4 25 24 el Boston 3 0 4 17 21 6 Chicago 3 1 2 21 22 5 ' New York' 2 0 5 26 41 4 FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A NSWS WANT ADD For Free Home Delivery Phone 654 THE DAILY NEWS ""HI JUUK3DAY, HOY-. . wi ij DRY DOCK NOW LEADS Midlands Lost Basketball Thriller 43-10 Dry Dock basketeers are the league loaders after a thrilling i-une with Scholars, the final score being 30 to 17 for the shipbuilders. Paced by MacPhee. who scored 15 points, the Dry Docks pi oved to be a shade too expert- n od for the High School squad. I was speed, speed, all during the me with the Scholars trying : a:d to chalk up baskets. As a re-mi'.i ihfj rushed a lot of their Araey was outstanding on i' -ch id team. The win puts the Dry Do k In front In the YJkLOA. is i vice League with five win In -tarts. The Midlands - United State-il .uiquirttn game wm a thrlllet r v art u Hnl with th wiv. am In dmrtt nth; up n f: 3l hktle. Th MidUrrt K' i like a diiferwu team .atchd the (lathy U. s i tskst for baiket. But out t as too much "Lefty f.-:iTn :tu y Lathy flicked in point', is a new high In scoirlni it. Tor the Canadian Army v- l1. nit and Watson were tht - irers with 13 antUll-prtnu 1 .tpec lively. 1 he Grenadiers nearly knocked vor the apple cart as they playet a far better brand of basketbal. nan in previous games, lostng out 37 to 21 to the Co-ops. The Co-ops Hiicrd itke a ship without a rud-l.-r with the Grenadiers si f tine h rough them to lead 17-13 at th pud of the first half. The second half was a different story. The storemen started to play a little lmblnatlon and at three-quarter time the score board read 28 to It :or the Co-ops The Co-ops were without the services of Veireck. Clough, and Suhnan. those inn-being on the sick list. Vuckovirh led the scoterg with 13 points. Lineups: Dry Dock Mac Phee 15. Parson Fitch. Tlppett 1. PavUkls. Sheddtn Santerbane 6, Lewis 4, Murray 4. Total. 30. High School-Arney 11. McDonald 2. Long 2. Gurvich 2, Alex ander. Postuk. Knutaen, Mills. Burnlp, Lee, Holttoy. ToUI. 17 Midlands Hunt 12. Watson 14, Tait 2. Graham 6. Cocbett 4. Wal beck. MacKenzie 2. Total. 40. U. S. Headquarters Moilne 29 Aubry 4. Swatella 2, Summetho' der, Manders 6, Martinez 2. Total. 43. Grenadiers Pouchard 2. Herman 7, Schmelnlskl, Stoskt. 8rm-mens, Perederka 2, Biggs, Kuc 6. Erickson. Oison 4, Small. Kelln Total. 21. Co-op Vukovkh 13. Huslk 5 Astoria 5. Petenuao 7, Peterson 5 Smith 2. Total. 37. The men in uniform now cat from silver spoons. To conserve stainless steel for war material, spoons and forks used by the armed forces are silver plated on a special steel base. iriiiimuiiiirnnHiriiiia WINNIPEG BIBI-l1B':BBB'flIBlBiBf Local hep-cat.', enjoyed an orgy of Jive last week-end when Fats Waller and his band played at the civic auditorium. Two officers of the Winnipeg R. C.A.F. recruiting centre have been promoted. Flying Officer L. Q Robinson becomes flight lieutenant and Pilot Officer J. J. Walsh becomes flying officer. Leading Aircraftsman Raymond Kell of the H-CAT. Is officially reported as killed on active ser vice in Canada. Four hundred and one men enlisted at the RC.AT. recruiting centre in Winnipeg during the first ten recruiting days in CHEERY WAR-TIME THOUGHTS ! Ttc had a lol of troubles in my life and most of them never happened" ' noAerS DEWAR'S OLD SCOTCH WHISKY eiSTiuip, (tiNDf o o toTTLia PHONE 657 Sf a This advertisement i not ot llshed or dLsplayed by tie Liquor Control Board or by the Government ol Urituh Columbia Frcsli Local Haw and Tastcurizcd MILK VALENTIN DAIRY This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by tho if She's the marked woman in the story that startled the whole screen world' tli T1. A'" A'.K "f I'l KHt I'Aw, is (XBURN Chnd Ro i Judr'i Andetson Naiu i ..Ic-msn r,.,,. vm;t RONALD REAGAN it imiituiU r.m FIELD I Money W CAPITOL 330 Third Avenue West kit -rr- illl iitfH XC ZJ ' mmmmr i;i SUNDAY MIDNITi: (irorr Murphr. Anne Shlrlrr In "MAYOIl Of mil TRIIT nmmtnmM A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. a (moo ruci: it) niY r.ocl eJetlfln of Clirlotmat (JlfU have artit'il h r:' o numernu farmer rar utli a Colfee Tab!' I'.rtd Tt!f Tra Wajon. Table turd for smoker, Setrrtairr Tt!f!t'.'J. Xarclinere Stand. Tra Table. Dinette Table with (Up lrf. Phone 775 - "5 Tf5' caiai BiasaiaiaiaiaiiataiBiBratBfaia i rut' 5 Announcing the Opening of the CAFE Christmas Goods NOW IN STOCK GKKKTING CAKDS WATERMAN'S PKN'S and PENCILS and SKTS YAUDLKY'S LAVKNDKU Si T JASMINE, GARDENIA, CAM! I W and ADRIENNE SETS UACHELOR SETS FOR MI -N WRITING KITS CUTEX SI-.TS SHAVING BRUSHES CHOCOLATES, PAGE & SHAW PERFUMES and COLOUNF.S CHRISTMAS CRACKERS TOILET SOAP BILLFOLDS HAIR BRUSHES We would advise an early selection as Cfirisl-mas stocks cannot be duplicated this year Onmes IM "Jim Pioneer Druqgist TIIK K i:AI.L STOUK PlltlNKS l Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 l,,u Sunday and llulMavt from 12 - t ii-nt. aud ' ' in is