h 1 r Or; 'is thf Up of North ' Mirrhil Brwln Axu forces from the ni the forces U in : in Tunlala. i it, r ported u. . . lor a Uat bae the Allied advance . part of North Af- pred.ct that e : Anglo American tram Alterta and ivcred around Dials imminent. The r 10 miles from Bli- arr entertm both Tnpolitanla. sh troops havtn --vrral points while ..: romlnt up across Lake Tchad to-under the British h Anderson and American and Drl- Several thousand ldlr have alau inrnnrrvn KHI III S-C RESIGNS " M t MIc Throws I'p Pol- It'a t.T (hartr of Nstlonal r rlfrtlvf Service ' aissoit NAMr.ii OTTAWA, Nov 19 (CP) La- kf Mir.Mrr Mitchell announced Wit ,hat Arthur MacNamara. '"srlcle drputy minister of la-i!l take over immediate Prrv:::loii of national helectlve "ic? lie wni ittaln his preset t;:if .. Niv 19 -It was olfl-m:-d last night that : of EUlott M. Little "f national selective oren accepted by the of Labor. . in a statement, i.: he had encountered fl obstruction which i in paralysing the sel- '! organization. There '"i clear direction from writ to achieve the full 4turcd. He was being to accept responsibility ip neccesary authority, iirry Mitchell, the had refused to ind co-operate. Hi ll, In a statement, 'he relations between id Mr Little had always nordlal and the rcalg-Mi Little had been "due misconceptions.'' Che FORTY DIE OF POISON Tratedy After rjitlnt Defective f'j:rt in Orrcon Aiylum SALflM. Oreton. Nov. 19 CP More than forty Insane inmates of the Oreton State Hospital here are dead from unidentified poison and doctors are fctructlinr to save the lives of more than four hundred men and women. The poison, possibly contained In fioien est, struck swiftly and within an hour of the dinner last nitht st which the etes were served, the first death occurred. Eagle Mistakes Coat For Bird Odd Incident Occurs in Hills Of Tennev.ee CAUMSKWOOD. Tenn.. Nov. 19 9 Mountaineer game warden Mark Tipton lives way back in the Bast Tennessee hills me ouier day. so he told a f-llow game warden, be pUvced his coat on a rati fence lh order to chase a ear out of Ms back yard to save his cow. And before he could return o in fn alant eagle swooped down oiu .irvrnrkrted a way with his coat, thinking it was a chicken. NORWAY TO GIBRALTAR Axis Warships Being Transferred To Prey Upon Allied Shipping LONDON, Nov. 19 - German warships which have been com paratively ldlo In the Norwei area are being moved to Gibraltar to prey on Allied shipping In that region, thus hoping to aaverreu affect the campaign In North CHRISTMAS TRAINS CAPE TOWN, Npv. 19 AVflrvr f!iti.'i.'ir xnrvlal trnlnt will lip run for elVll' I !v us an lmnortant lans of South Africa in Uir 4ih Century B.C. December and January holidays The funeral of the late Henry F. Pullen takes place this after noon from the chapel of B.C. On- j dertakers at Orenville Court to Falrview Cemetery. Prince Rupert lays away a respected and promin ent citujen. The Daily News oflKe is closed this afternoon during the time of the final sad rites for its lamented chief. Very Rev. James B. Otbson is officiating at funeral service both In chapel and at the graveside. The organist is Miss M. A. Way and the hymns are "Rock of Ages" and "Abide With Me." The honorary pallbear are Dr. J. T. Mandy. J. G. Johns, R. L. Mcintosh. John R. Mitchell, D. C. Me-Rae antl Norman A. Watt. Active pallbearers are Theo CoUart, Thomas Fraser, D. J. Matheson, E. C. Wilding. W. M. Watta and R. E. Mortimer. . Numerous beautiful offerings have been sent Surf Inlet Closes For the Duration Situation is "Hopeful- and Treasury "In Good Condition" ' The nrooerty of Surf Inlet Con- laolidated Gold Mine Ltd. has been closed for the duration, u is an nounced. The ore situation "hopeful." and the treasury "in good condition," u was muiuauru. IS THIS A RECORD? ! LONDON. Nov. 19 -NJ5 V.C . . 1 ChAiMAA TV . No in the Bimunwumi " ...i.L.fy.h u submitted as thf worl.i iurS "he'rord for the shortest headline , the war. m v-nfUxUE. British Target Become Heir - Presumptive To Prtain as Chief of State VICHY Nov 19 Marshal H-nrl Phllllpe I'eUin has mad Pier.e Laval his heir a Vichy chief of UaU. As a. nmiiXMial jOnady tc sumes dicUtortai powers and will announce laws by decree on his -wn responaJMlity He has already Itsmlssed the minister of nan ind communication. A new reian of terror may be anticipated in France as Laval will tndoubtedly endeavour to swing to nilitary co-opeiation with the Axis. IS LAID AT REST rinal Sad Rites This Afternoon for II. F. Pullcn. Publisher of Dally News i 1 LIBRARY. Local Te, Tomorrow sT ides (Standard Time) High 11:40 &m. 2L5 feet i m Low 5:30 ajn. 6.9 feet 18:11 pjn. 4.0 feet r ' NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ' ni 209 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1942 PRICE- FIVE CENTS ussians Are Assuming Initiative .w IT 1 tl f LASH IS IMMINENT rtpo'it r. a is ANo Itrinc Enterel r r V ni(J Ameil'n ioiu. v. ahead U.ON S- . IS One bund-j '' thousand AihIh-jj,if ,.- t imi are lulg-fj f Tird into YunMa to en-is;t Miff Axis force. Jimmy Pec "If bomber are active (rem th 'r sgslnst the enemy. Th Bi Eighth Army, mov-jl rf.'M'il n Libya. a re-,r!r4 ti have made contact v h h retreating rearrest ef Marshal Erwln Bom-m'r, fnr.-fv- south of Bengasi fctt O'v'1.- cre larking and It ; rot known w hether It n tbf ri" f-tand of the German in I.:' Allied plane 'hate twrr' 1 rii;aM again, dock tni in airdrome bflnt struck. u 19 Allied been floated down it border and ' in with the enemy MOVING TO N. AFRICA iOne Thousand (in man Planes With Troop (Joint South ANKARA. Nov. 19 Chancellor do!f Hitler U reported to he jtnovtng one thousand pUn-- - ; Urt number of troop.- iron, i RumIh ti 'hi- Kf(ii(rihn'i r FUNCTIONS OUTLINED Wharf New purchasing Commission in British Colombia Will Do Revealed VICTORIA. NOT. 19 0-The new independent purchasing commis sion for British Columbia, as an-; nounead by Premier John Hart. I will direct the purchase of sup-1 plis for all government instltu-1 Uons. Police stores and aecumu- lated supplies will be transferred to control of the commission. Price. ' Waterhouse tt Co.. chartered accountant, are appointed as con- and other stra- aultanU and advisers in con nee- ! Two determined !tion with the suggested change In .nr elfli: hundred: the audit system j r drlvtjiK toward r:mr. i i vrtit TncHf i;ict TfTti Canadian paratroopers HimTi aboard a big transport at Fori Brnmnjr, Ga.. on their wav 'upstair?" to try he r first actual jump. Five ar required before LAVAL NOW - lurin ;s Laiesi LONDON. rNov. 19 The Royal Air Fdjre made another raid on Northern Italy last win?? are awarded. Most of tKe group had never been up in an airplane before making their jumps. Even veterans admit phase pictured here is a shaky one. Pbolot by Harry Rout J for Wartime Information Board. CLOSING RATIONING ON BUNA OF BUTTER Eifh Japanese Destroyers Appear, No Immediate Signs of it in Can- To Reinforce or Evacuate MELBOURNE, Nor. 19 Sghl night, this time bombing the Japanese destroyers appaared ns- 4- isaportant Turin and autoi arsenal city of terday outside Buna on Kew "W0. t4OoJgea JafeoiL.- IShethjj, le works. French Ports Suffer Bombs United Stales Planes Visit Bases On I "reach Caast Yesterday i ronnrr-ion wiui a move to 7 infotce the Japanese there or to va in - e;, nat a aea" crtvin Meantime the Australian and Untied States land forces are dos-"r in en Buna which amay military ohsefvers believe cannot hold out. LAUNCH DESTROYERS STOCKHOLM. Nov. Two destroyers for the Swedish navy LONDON.- Nov. 19 LrFalice and i were launched at Gothenburg, one Lorient were tombed yesterday by a 1. 040-ton Sundsvali," the other. Aanerkran planes, one of which is a 1.135-ton "Oothenbaig." Swed en now has 27 destroyers. THE TRAIL OF '42 Trm.utUi buahland. across muskeg and rivers, a vital ariorv u North America's network of defence is feeding weapons and supplies to the north. ada Cuttinc Milk Delivery Services OTTAWA. Nov. 19 There Is no sign of butter rationing- In Canada, certainly not for Hx wnths and possibly not for three years. It Is irtViairv stated. The system or six days a week milk deliveries may be extended Trim- art-- of th country which now have this service in effect to others. RAIL CHIEF PAYS VISIT W. R. Devenish in Trince Rupert Interesting Guest With Him On a general inspection visit to the company's local properties including the shipyard, W. R. Deven-lah. vice-president and general manager of the western region. Canadian National Railways, arrived In the city yesterday and is leaving this afternoon. Mr. Devenish was met and ac companied to the city by George Olay. local superintendent. H. B. Boreham. public represen- t five for western Canada, Is also In Mr. Devenlsh s party. With Mr. Devenish is his per- scinal friend. H. E. Se liars, presi dent of the Federal Grain Co. of Winnipeg, director of the Imperial Bniik and the Great West Life Assurance Co. He is also an honorary captain in the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve. It Is the first visit here of Mr. Sellars since the old plank road and stilt sidewalk days and he notices great changes and improvements in Prince Rupert. - Mr. Sellars was chairman of the Manitoba Victory Loan committee which raised seventy million dollars on an objective of fifty-three million dollars. He was lntereested In the fine record Prince Rupert made in the Victory' Loan cam paign. DRIVE BY JAPANESE Indications Are That Enemy May Move Into Yunnan Province Of China CHUNKKING, Nov. 19 0 A Chinese Army spokesman said today that there were Indications the Japan n were preparing to drive ' Yu:.; n. Proving, southwest China, from French' STALEMATE IN SOVIET IS ENDING Germans Making No Further Headway May Drop Back For Winter REDS OS OEKlCNsIVE NEW YORK, Nov. 19 (CP) The German High Comzsand declared today in a broadcast heard here that the resurgent Red Army has gone from defensive warfare to violent new attacks In the Caucasus, along the Don, south of Stalingrad and on Rybachi Feninsula at the northernmost end of the Russian-Finnish border. The broadcasts claimed that the attacks had been repulsed but suggested that they might be the prelude for a new winter drive by the Soviet Army. MOSCOW. Nov. 19 tD At the end of the first week of renewed thrusts Into Stalingrad, the Germans up to yesterday had gained only a few yards In persistent and costly efforts to occupy the northern factory district for winter quarters. The Army newspaper Red Star said that the Nazis had been concentrating attack on a sector less than four hundred yards wide, trying vainly to break through to the Volga. In the Caucasus the Germans have been held largely on the defensive during the last week. Today the Russians were claim- ted to have taken the initiative both at Stalingrad and in the Caucasus, regaining some Important points in various quarters. Yesterday the Germans, still on the offensive up to that time, had sent another 3,000 men against the small sector in Stalingrad but these were set back with heavy losses. The enemy was still endeavouring unsuccessfully to drive through Nalchik and Mozdok areas towards the Grozny oil fields. It was believed today that the Nazis might now fall back from Stalingrad and the Caucasus to set up In winter quarters on the Don River. SHIPS AT GIBRALTAR Vichy Has Report of Damaged Flotilla VS. Planes Over Portugal VICHY. Nov. 19 A report Issu ing from Vichy and supposedly emanating from Spain said that fifty damaged British warships and merchantmen had arrived at Gibraltar. From the same source came the report that a United States war plane had made a forced landing in Portugal and that the Portuguese government had protested to the United States at American planes flying over the territory of that neutral country. WEYGAND MISSING Has Not Been Seen For Six Days Since Visit With retain VICHY. Nov. 19 General Max-ime Weysjand has been missing since 10 p.m. last Friday when In vanished after vWting the residence of Marshal Henri Phllllpe Petaln. ASKS YOUNGER WOMEN LONDON, Nov. 19 a Younger women are needed on education, public health and housing committees. Mrs. G. Heme Peel said In her presidential addrr - at the annual meeting of the National Council of Women.