l(.tsDAY, MAY 12, mi. UN KM I r J1.20 A30 Jm rn:,si: savi: tih: ijotti.i: Help Canada win the War filas h sorely needed. Save all bodies and (lastwarr ami have your Sal-n;e Committee collect. Thank you! cuvcrtisetnenl u not pub-r disi)layd by the Ll-t .'ml Board or by the " of IJrltUh Columbia I Fresh Ical Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 037 rt i.p i ito.M iu.cokds u i . .ndrcd tons of valuable lip have come out of 'i.iusoort records some fc R0 viars YOU It OWN A NtW 60AT AFTR A COAT Of ANCH0R' MARINE MMT) 1Z. 4 4 In nil nt w.i.. I.-..'. BH 1 Int Paint that cn tttt It lor mora lhn ont itoon, A boil tepljr p!nld with B-H pn li incmd In preltctlen from Int tltmenti r t It only tqutlltd by tSt ihttf Uitlnf uty of lb color. A jtllon covtti lOOut 600 iquitt (lit fiOUDON'S HARDWARE I'hone 311 .McBtlde Street TILLIE THE TOILER LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mr.v A. Lly sailed thLi afternoon n the CaUIa for Vancouver. Mra. O. Jensen waa a passenger on the Cataia thl atternoon for Vancouver. Rev J A. Donnell Sailed on the CuLaia thi afternoon Tor Vancouver to attend United Church Dr. Roland, from Terrace, wai a passenger leaving there on. lart nlghfg train, going east a far at Jasper. Tonlght'a train, due to arrive 'from the east at. 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be on time. - i W. Gray, labor representative for the Pacific Milta at Ocean Falls, was a passenger on last night's train for Prince George af ter spending several days here. Pat Xfazzel has appealed to the city commission against the recent cancellation of his' chauffeur's per. rail followin, a liquor selling con-urtion. A hearing of the appeal w:M be arranged. Mr. Mary Macfle returned to the city on tfee OaUls Sunday Light from VatMMvtr. Nick KUlas, who U with the ar-; tillery at Vancouver, arrived in ! the city on the Catala Sunday to i MX-nd leave visiting with his pr-' nits. Mr. and Mrs. James Kllku. Lieut George Drbhavn, new brief visit here with hit parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Dybhavn, in im.XS .MAKY Contract Bridge Partnership Tournament IN All) OP WAR FUND Entry fee 50c each player. Oood Prises Names must be entered not later than May 22 Leave names and entry fee at Dollar Store and obtain rules. . Ladies: THIS WEEK ONLY Clearance Sale of Silver Foxes 25", OI F I GOLDBLOOM -The Old Reliable" iBata a ;aiaiai"3 FOR SALE Complete with Furniture--I small Rooming House I modern 4 room living house 1 three room semi-modern living house. All In good condition. This choice property located at Prince George, B.C., 14 blk. from shopping centre and theatre. 90' front and about 300 from R. R- Station. Ideal place for hotel. Undersigned selling out owing to death breaking up home. Terms Cash. Phone Oreen 438. Write. MR R HOLD EN, c-o P. O. Box C00, Prince uupcit. EXCUSE Mt I'LL have u vvaw. Mrs. Jens Larsen, after a brief visit to the city, sailed by the Cat-ala Sunday night on her return to her home at Alice Arm. Flying Officer J. B. Feaney, ad jutant of the Royal Canadlln Air Force here, returned 16 the city on the Catala Sunday night frm Vancouver. Ole Evlndsen, pioneer Alice Arm hotel proprietor, after spending a few days in the city on butlncM, sailed by the Catala Sunday night on hi return north. Mort Drown, of Vancouver, sub contractor for the E. J. Ryan Con trading Co., arrived in the city on the Catala Sunday night from Port Hardy. . Gunner J. P. Garlfek arrived In newing acquaintance. Harry Jones, son of Con Jones of Vancouver, arrived In the city on the Catala Sunday night from the south. He Is Identified with one of the contracting concerns here-. The board of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital wa in informal session yesterday to discuss certain matters in regard to the new military annex which has almost been completed by the contractors and will soon be ready for occupancy. Other matters were also taken up at the meeting. The regular monthly ses- wlth the Royal Canadian Artillery on of the board wtH probably be at Halifax, left by test evening's , " WK- train on bis return Bast after a Tune Now) House Spring Cleaning! For Years you have been .h, rru.r. ,d w. it. w throwing everything into the base for hteh have Sunday night on the Catala, hav-i1 you ujm( k mmv ni v..,.i We know hundreds of peo- ver tlMC Will) Will UUJ miiab yvu U19XfOC jof. Stoves, beds, table, chairs. doors, windows, tools and nun Idreds of articles to numerous to mention. We give you our best cash offers, or in trade for home 'requirements. It is Important to you. It Is to us. Our phone num ;ber Green 910. Ello Furniture Store Third Avenue. lm tHE DAILY NEvTS Charles Adam of Stewart arrived In the city , on the Catala this morning from the north. Mr. Adam Is a well known Stewart service station operator and will be here for a few days on business. Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Naden of Vancouver were passengers on the Catala today returning south after having made the round trip on the vessel. Dr. Naden, a pioneer Prince Rupert boy, is now one of the leading bone specialists In British Columbia. IL B. Armstrong, well known Edmonton business man, left by J last evening's train on his return j to the Alberta capital after a visit here with his brother ant. sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Don MacDonald, who has been employed at the Big Missouri mine, arrived in the city on tne Catala this morning from Stewart and Ul V w n v t a , . , . i Will UVVVU the c ty on the Catala this morn- lhe RoK rfllne ui uvm okiru wuric ux: iiua been visiting for the past week re at Hazelton. Dr. and Mrs. D. J. McDonald, formerly of KlncoMth and now living In retirement at Cloverdale in the Fraser Valley, passed through the city on the Catala Sunday night going through to Klncolith where they will visit for the next couple of weeks with their son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Joh McDonald. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert G. Waddell, A. Marshall, Hays- port: J. R. Hagelln, Montreal; C. Covernton, Vancouver; E. T. Kenney, Terrace; Dan OTtourke, Calgary; R. Mallalnc, Vancouver: Mrs. B. C. Hlgss, Victoria; J. L. Donovan, E. G. Langly, D L. Agas-stz, Vancouver. Central Pat Moloney Kelowna; R. Jack son, Vancouver; S. M. Olson, Mike Hanneson, Thomas Thompson, S. Stefanson, North Pacific; F. O-Connor, Port Esslngton; Percy Coukell. Prince George; T. F. Helkenberg. McBrlde. Royal George Alger. P. F. Groves. Surf Inlet D. C. Gray,-Vancouver. Address DR. CARL J. HAMBR0 President Norwegian Parliament and celebrated International Statesman Piano selections, Miss Frances Moore, A.T.C.M. Selections by Varden Singers FIRST PRESRYTERIAN CHURCH Friday at 8 pjn. in English Saturday at 8 psa. in Norwegian Admission 50c (Tickets at Orme's and Co-operative) Proceeds for War Services X - t OUR LOUATKY AiMJ HUMES DEM Ami . . . GOOD SERVICE We ask your co-operation. Our country requests us to conserve gasoline. We are also advised that we shall not be able to replace tires for our trucks. In order to maintain our policy of prompt sen Ice we ask you to place all coal orders at least ONE DAY BEFORE DELIVERY IS EXPECTED. By doing this you will enable u to route our deliveries in the most economical manner, thereby conserving both gasoline and tires. Albert & McCaffery Ltd. niONES 116 OR 117,4.4.4 4-M- 4-4 GOOD AND BAD NEWS o;u IF 1 COULD ONLY FjMD A WAyH tmct i&VdWr rwun itv '-j -.-. iw 1 77-.. rr. 1 1 MKMLAM JUl 3 heres ,. a letter! w? WATCH THIS RED CROSS THEILVOMRTRIU OKJ.'.CTIVE SlB.ftM TO MAY 11 22. jTGHBOy OO 1 CiET ANMV FROM --1 HER NOW.l'H CALLE0 TO r o $2700 )A SMITH & ELK1NS LTD. Pioneer Plumbing and Heating Contractors rlhtteuhcetnehtJ All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Whist drive, Saturday. Hotel. Prince Rupert Baseball club meeting May 12, 7 p.m. in Y. M. C. A. One member from each team entering requested to attend. Cambral I.OD.E. Rummage Sale, Toe H. rooms, May 16. Presbyterian Choir Tea. May 20. I. O. O. F. Victoria Day Ball. Mayj Little Norway Tea May 21. Mrs. Munthe, 4th Ave., West. Auxiliary Teaf Nurses' Home, May 28. Red Cross Tea. June 3. Parent Teachers' Tea. Oddfel-Jows'.Hall. June 5. Tea, Lutheran Church June 6. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, Mrs. Bremner, June 10. Anglican Tea, Mrs. J. W. June 11. Hill 60 Tea June 17. St. Peter's Tea, Mrs. J. W. Moore- house, June 18. United Strawberry Tea, Mrs. James" Clark. June J24, Anglican Fall Bazaar, Nov. 5. 44 Get Your i MOTHERS DAY CARDS I AN'll filFTS at the VARIETY STORE Advertise in The Dally News. Help Tfic Red Cross SAL AD A TEA Union Steamships Ltd. VICTORIA DAY WEEK-END CRUISE TO NAAS RIVER AND STEWART S. S. -CATALA" leaves ON.R. Dock Sunday May 24th, 10:00 pjn. Returns Tuesday May 26th 7:00 a.m. EXCURSION FARE $15.00 (Plus Tax) (Including all meals and berth accommodation). Accommodation Comfortably Limited Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5C8 A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY WHITE WOOD FURNITURE Large Office Desks with six drawers $17 50 Large Chiffoniers ' C1Q fi each, $10.50 and qxO.OU Celling Drying Racks QC Pfl complete with cord and pulleys Book Cases and other items PHONE 775 327 THIRD AVENUE CAMP FURNITURE 8 only Folding Camp Cots, each S5.75 10 only Folding Camp Cots, heavy 10 oz. khaki duck, each ..$7.40 Folding Camp Chairs from 75c. SL50. $2.93 Steel Folding Camp Cots, complete with mattresses, each $12.50 Tents, Sleeping Robes, Pack Boards, Pack Sacks, Dunnage Bags Simmons Bed Outfit, all sizes, Spring Filled Mattress In all sizes Large Stock' of Floor Covering, Congoleums, Linoleums, Carpets Unpainted Furniture, Chests of Drawers, Dropslde Tables, Meat .... Safes. Ironing Boards, Etc. We have the Goods at Elio's Furniture Store Third Avenue, next to Daily News. Green 916 BY WESTOVER 1 IjlBUT VOULL BE (SETTING j F I Wn AWAY FROM ME TOO Special Price for LADIES' and GENTS' NEW SPRING CLOTHING $27.50 and up. B. LAMB, Tailor Phone Black 787 24-Hour Service at Regular Rates 302 Third Ave. W. When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI Service PHONE 13 For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE PHONE 235 DiKJOOOa DCH30tmOOQOOOOOCH OOOOOOO OOOO 0000000000000000 If you lose anything, advertise for it. Announcement We are glad to announce that we are now adding a SHOE REPAIRING DEPT. at our shop, with Mr. Charlie W. Yatt in full charge. As Charlie has many years' experience in the trade he knows how to rebuild your shoe right. Let him do it for you. We also carry DRESS SHOES AND WORKING BCJOTS. LING, the Tailor Sixth Street Phone MID Suits Pressed by Steam While You Walt. in 1 t