PAGE FOUR THE DAILY Nbffa XiONDAY, AIR FORCE HAS PAPER IIou,w Organ of Flier Unit Around , East Coast Aims to be -Morale i Builder By FRANK LOWE AN EAST COAST CANADIAN AIR BASE. Oct. 26 t "Depth Charge" is the name of the newspaper published at this Royal Canadian Air Force station, and it pttks a wallop Hke its lethal namesake. Siiteen pages of explosive news. a writer wnose articles have appeared In most o f leading 'Demand for the paper exceeds the output. Every month 1,750 Issues are roHed off the presses, but the cry goes up for more. Every airman gets a free Issue. Spare ones, if any. are taken to a nearby town and sold on newsstands for a nickel a copy. ; They go like hot cakes, too, 'mainly because It Is maliciously rumored or the gossip columns that tag the doings of the men. to find out what that guy of theirs was doing the night he had to work. WAS C.IS. CAITAIX j RUTHEROLEN, Scotland, Oct. 26 0 Capt. Alexander Rennle, retired master of many Canadian Altan steamships, died ?nd month, edited. Pf1 at nls home here. His last com- kv rn r it mand wafi the CPS- ,lner MonU .Schaplro of Yarmouth, N.S., w",u SEVEN YEARS FOR COFFEE Coffee takes seven years to be the gin producing. Cana-: dian newspap ers and perlodl-j cals. But backer of the paper Is the command ing officer him CROWDED OUT Spain and Portugal, first nations to explore the South Seas, now lack a single colony there. RESTRICTED JAWS A cat's Jaw moves only up and self. Group Captain N. S. Mac- down while a dog's also moves Gregor of Hamilton, Ont., believes sideways. a station periodical Is a "morale! Builder" has believed so for' Stanley Townsend, formerly as-years. sociated with the office of the He was the man who started the resident mining engineer here and Air Force's first publication, now in the service of Premier Gold "Boom," and when that squadron Mining Co.. was here this morning moved from here, taking "Boom" 'on his way from Vancouver to with them he immediately began i Stewart. to put out "Depth Charge." The name was chosen by Sqd. Ldr. Arthur Kenyon of Ottawa, now stationed in Halifax. Wields Blue Pencil It's no unusual sight to see this busy officer wielding a blue pencil as he reads proofs, but it is Mr. Schapiro who does most of the work. So far he has put out three Issues, and Is looking forward to seeing the fourth materialize "If only something will happen that is worth writing about." His reporter at large Is Fit. Sgt. D. F. Moors while the rest of his permanent staff Is made up of Fit. Sgt Harry Shore of Hamilton, Ont advertising manager; Cpl. Jak Pettet of Yarmouth, treasurer; and PO. C. A. Cramp of Toronto, sports editor. Pictures are scattered profusely through each issue, all taken by the station photographic department, and all concerning events that have taken place on the field. cmutiainmnnun:a "Ruild H.C. Payrolls" LIKE CREAM I tr a "Pacific Milk goes further, even diluted with water. It Is still like cream In tea and coffee." One reason of this fine condition Is Its extra rich ness. Mrs. C. refers to this, but an additional factor, and a big one, is the vacuum seal which preserves all the natural purity of the milk. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated nd Vacuum Packed KBm:iriiinnriTBriiiii Brighten Your Outlook with FLOWERING SHRUBS At planting time, the season of new hope, jfc-. flowering trees and shrubs add much to ' our happiness. But did you know a wide variety oi shrubs may be chosen to give a succession oi bloom beginning with ths earliest days oi Spring, followed by bright cheerful berries which last well into the Winter? Brighten your outlook the year 'round with a wide choice of flowering and berry bearing shrubs. Plant this fall for the best results next spring. Free Garden Book A Complete Line or Nursery Stock EDDIE'S NURSERIES SARDIS, ll.C. Member American Association of Nurserymen Buy Victory Bonds Wip fc VT)?v A stamp's a bullet, a bond's a gun, Huy them both till the war is won. H. S. WALLACE LTD. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Nursing Sister E. Peatt returned to the city this morning from a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. F. O. Oldham and child returned to the city this morning 'from a trip to Vancouver. A Will Pay Cash For Furniture, Stoves, Tools, Musical Instruments, Write or Phone Eiio Furniture Store, Prince Rupert. (tf) Miss Ina Robertson is leaving tonight for a three weeks holiday trip to Vancouver. Charles Adam arrived In the city at the end of the week from Terrace and left today for a brief business visit to Stewart where he was formerly located. A The Council Chamber. City Hall, will be open from 7 to 9 pjn. from Monday to Friday and from 3 to 5 p.m. on Saturday of next week to register Householders and License Holders for the forthcoming Municipal Election. All Interested please note. (248) A The City Hall will be open evenings of next week, between the hours of 7 to 9 pjn. and Saturday, Oct. 31st, from 3 to 5 pm., for the purpose of filing declaration for the new voters' list See to it that you are on the voters' Itet today. Ratepayers and Poll Tax payers resident since Jan. 1, 1942 are el igible to vote. Prince Rupert Trades ti Labor Council. (260) Engagement Mr. and Mrs. D. Zarelll wish to announce the engagement of their second daughter, Louise, to Max-mllllan C. McGulre, son of Mrs. D. McGulre and the late D. McOulre fo Seattle, Wash. The wedding will take place on December 19. Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Nigel Sheriff Sherwood of Terrace announce the engagement of their daughter. Mtos Barbara Mary May Sherwood, ' ton Victor Herve Byng Giraud, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Olraud of Smith ers. The marriage will take place on November 13 at Terrace. Canada at War 25 Years Ago Oct 26, 1917 -Battle of Capor-etto which resulted in disastrous defeat of Italian forces on the upper Isonzo front began; Austria ns advanced between Plezzo and Tbl-mlno and took 10.000 prisoners on first day of advance. GETTING 'EM YOUNGER LONDON, Oct. 26 O Minimum age for enrolment In the Air Training Corps has been lowered from 16 years to 15. .years and three months. 1 FOR SALE, to settle Estate 15- room hotel and store doing good business. Own electric lights most of the year, water povr, gas wash machine, like new; mangle; 50-ft. lots facing water. Indefeasible title. Cottage rented to steady tenants. Particulars E. McKenzie, Queen Charlotte. B.C. (250) HOUSE FOR SALE Very good op portunity. Payment as rent, Phone 750, L. Amadlo. 253 FOR SALE Household furnishings Suite 1 Leeds Apartments. (250 ROOM AND BOARD ROOM and Board for man shar ing. 718 Fraser Street (195) LOST LOST Black leather pocketboolc, containing papers. Flri.def IgfiJC keep cash. Return to Daily News. (249) LOST Lady's white gold wrist- watch. Finder please return to Dally News. (250) PERSONAL GET "JET" HOT STOVE POLISH Cleans, polishes, "cooklng-hot" steel stoves. Won't blacken. Stores sell "Jet" Mr. and Mrs. D. Main and son, David, from Sunnyside Cannery. left Saturday night for Vancouver. L..M. Felsenthal, manager of the Rupert People's Store, left Satur day night for Vancouver whence he will fly to Montreal on a business trip. Dr. George E. Derby, medical superintendent of the Bella BcHa Hospital, returned to Bella Bella at the week-end following a brief trip tq Vancouver. Harry Wells, well tywn Vancouver lumberman, Is a visitor In the city on business, having ar rived this morning from the south. BRONCHITIS COLDS blim Mitry Witt VapoRus A Any ':.5on m Prince Rupert with relatives in forces overseas please turn in names, numbers and units to secretary so they can be sent curettes at Christmas. Name must be in this week-Canadian Legion. (260) A Canadian Legion Remembrance Day Parade and Banquet, November 11, 7:30 pjn. Only members In good standing. Additional Information from secretary. Names to stewards or secretary not later than November 3. Dont forget Poppy Day. 248 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wesley are leaving on this evening's train for their home at Skeena Crossing after spending the summer at Carlisle Cannery and the last month visit mf on Porcher Island. They were In the city over the FOUR TO A MILE New Guinea has an average of i four persons to a square mile. j nthhcuHcemehtJ All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. j I O O F. No. 63 every Tuesday, 8 !p.m.. Oddfellows' Hall. Sojourning i members Invited. Help Norway Invitation Dance. 'Oddfellows' ,HalI, October 30. I Anglican Fall Bazaar, Nov. 5. j Nurses Invitation Dance, Odd-' ImMmum' TT)1 HMunlur ft ' Presbyterian Bazaar Nov. 10. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Nov. 12. WANTED WANTED- Housekeeper for house-j hold of 6 persons. Free board but no lodging. Good wages for suit-1 able party. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission A.F. IS. (248) WANTED TO RENT 3 to 6 room house between now and January 1, permanent established resident, lease for year or more. $10 Reward. Box 380 Dally News. (255) WANTED Refined woman who would exchange light household services for room and board In pleasant home. Apply Box 379 Dally News. )250) WANTED Light housekeeping rnnm f ff ttm aontlomAn fVtintf ; Nov. 1. Box 378 Daily News. (250) WANTED Experienced woman . ,for general housework, small i. family, good wages, room and board. Phonfr Red 870 ( 250) WANTED, to rent Suite, furnished or unfurnished bv oulet relLihln business couple. Apply or Phone' Nelson's Barber Shop. (250) j WANTED Stenographer for Com- merclal firm. Apply AF 14 Unemployment Insurance Commis-i .8'on. af ) ( WANTED Housekeeper for mall rooming house. Phone 741 ' Timely Recipes APPLE UPSIDE DOWN CAKE 3 tablespoons butter 1-3 cup brown sugar. 3 apptec Melt the butter In a baking dish, add brown sugar and cook together 2-3 minutes. Pare and core apples and cut each apple In half to make two thick rings. Anrange apple rings in the butter and sugar mixture. Vi cup butter 3 tablespoon white sugar 1 egg 1-3 cup moUsce 1 cup pastry flour 1 teaspoon baking powder yj teaspoon baking jkxIr a teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon ginger 2 teaspoon cinnamon 1-3 cup boiling water Cream butter and sugar gether. add the well beaten SIIARPFXF.D AND 3 ' OVERHAULED First Class Work to- and molasses and beat thoroughly. Sift the dry Ingredient and add to the butter mixture. Lastly add boiling water, mixing quickly. Pour over the apples JsmUu baking (Mart and bake si 381' rjsggsi bout. 4Q minute. Serves & WHAT NO MISTLETOE? LONDON. Oct M Oi -Except In areas where they grow there win be no Christinas trees, holly, mistletoe or decorative cwnirwi available this year. They arr ( ..i st ifled as foliage, for 'which. hkr flowers, there Is no rail transport after Oct 31. A JI.125 GRAPFFRt IT LONDON. Oct. 26 O A rase ,f grapefruit, brought from C'ar.;id.t by a British seaman. Mrlwd the equivalent of $1,125 at a R-d Cpjm auction here I Lawnmowers SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way-points, Stewart and North, Queen Charlotte Islands. Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Aent Third Ave. Phone 568 I ii II PHONE RF.D 881 Delivering JJ KBlBlBfBf BlBIBlBTBtBf BIBfJi Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 J. M. S. Loubser D.C, HA, CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Mock Phone 641 i.':''"b;b- rBriii NOTICE! Eastern Star Dance, Nov. 20. ' The Wartime Prices and Lutheran Circles Bazaar Nov. 21, CWdfetfcW Hall. Classified Ads. FOR $ALE " Trade Board has issued an order prohibiting the giving ; 2 away of English Dlnnerware as premiums. We regret to announce that after Nov. 1st g this order will become ef- 5 b fectlve. j" J Please do not misinterpret g - the above order . . . It ap- g i plies only to dlnnerware . . . Ej ! no other items on the pre- g J mlum list are affected. MUSSALLEM'S ; Economy Store i "Where Dollars Have More Cents" 5 P.O. Box 575 Phones 18-19 irani ( bibi !) pittas 5S5 One. ogoin EdHon Mordo lompj Wo bse IOi'micm "duted p,ke" lody " " lM u.ii, to wt, efficient, dependable lampt, jn I ha 60 w " how mcit HAvt tun iiouao 9H 1918 1922 1928 1930 lir m;i J St -. T r" )'"' I by wC t -Jtr, go-c . WIG) BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl H I 1 ' ' l.bill.l rWMsWJl 1 liH iffiB.iiHBn?fff!nH vBaWBSMBBBBSMBBS ll'TWTTI Pioneer Canadian Dry Cleaners We ttih to draw your attention to the fact that we PICK UP AND DELIVER your wearing apparel for drycleanlng and prevJnf AS HEI'ORE We have been fottunate In adding more eiperlenced epmtei from the south to our staff AND ARE STILL MAINTAINING 3 DAY SERVICE ON ALL DRYCLEAMNfi Phone 118 or 8 GREETING CARDS For Overseas SPECIAL CARDS j r- for Father Husband Brother j Son Sweetheart j Patriotic Cards i Greetings from Canada It is impossible to describe the benuty an l Coutt'fl Canadian Christmas Card.-, l.c J j . . fr 1 N see our (Uaplay. It will nucrt tiooooooooooooooooottooooooaooooooaoaoaouvv- For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI PHONE 235 -saoo DAY AND NK1HT Hrfa CHKOMaaoa01KMKKlOoMinnnnnnaononnaOOOOBv-